public void TestReadData() { WriteDummyMetFile(); APSIMInputFile InputFile = new APSIMInputFile(); InputFile.Open("test.met"); DataTable MetData = InputFile.ToTable(); InputFile.Close(); int FirstRow = 0; Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[FirstRow]["Site"], "DALB"); Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[FirstRow]["radn"], (double)20.74); Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[FirstRow]["maxt"], (double)33.0); Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[FirstRow]["mint"], (double)17.4); Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[FirstRow]["rain"], (double)0.2); Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[FirstRow]["evap"], (double)7.41); int LastRow = MetData.Rows.Count - 1; Assert.AreEqual(LastRow, 3); DeleteDummyMetFile(); }
public void TestReadCSV() { const string CSVContents = "[]\r\n" + "site,Year,day,radn,maxt,mint,rain,evap\r\n" + "(),(),(),(MJ/m2),(oC),(oC),(mm),(mm)\r\n" + "DALB,1988,1,20.74,33.0,17.4,0.2,7.41\r\n" + "DALB,1988,2,23.43,33.8,23.0,0.0,7.41\r\n" + "DALB,1988,3,23.79,32.5,21.0,0.0,7.41\r\n" + "DALB,1988,4,19.14,30.8,19.7,34.0,7.41\r\n"; StreamWriter Out = new StreamWriter("test.csv"); Out.Write(CSVContents); Out.Close(); APSIMInputFile InputFile = new APSIMInputFile(); InputFile.Open("test.csv"); DataTable MetData = InputFile.ToTable(); InputFile.Close(); Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[0]["Site"], "DALB"); Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[0]["radn"], (double)20.74); Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[0]["maxt"], (double)33.0); Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[0]["mint"], (double)17.4); Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[0]["rain"], (double)0.2); Assert.AreEqual(MetData.Rows[0]["evap"], (double)7.41); File.Delete("text.csv"); }
public void OnInitialised() { // Open the file, read in all constants and data and then close the file. APSIMInputFile file = new APSIMInputFile(); if (!File.Exists(FileName)) { throw new Exception("Cannot find file: " + FileName); } try { file.Open(FileName); } catch (Exception) { } data = file.ToTable(); file.Close(); Console.WriteLine(" Reading patch data from: " + FileName); // Convert all constants found into PatchVariables. patchVariables = new List <PatchVariable>(); foreach (APSIMConstant constant in file.Constants) { ProcessConstant(constant); } }
public override void OnRefresh() { ContentsBox.Text = ""; string FullFileName = Controller.ToAbsolute(FileName); if (File.Exists(FullFileName)) { APSIMInputFile Metfile = new APSIMInputFile(); Metfile.Open(FullFileName); MetData = Metfile.ToTable(); Metfile.Close(); MetData.TableName = "Met"; // Get latitude for later on. if (Metfile.Constant("latitude") == null) { MessageBox.Show("A value for latitude was expected, but could not be found in this file.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); Latitude = Double.NaN; } else { Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(Metfile.Constant("latitude").Value, new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US")); } StartDate = DataTableUtility.GetDateFromRow(MetData.Rows[0]); EndDate = DataTableUtility.GetDateFromRow(MetData.Rows[MetData.Rows.Count - 1]); PopulateRawData(); YearStartBox.ValueChanged -= YearStartBoxChanged; NumYearsBox.ValueChanged -= NumYearsBoxChanged; YearStartBox.Value = StartDate.Year; NumYearsBox.Value = 1; if (NumYears != 0) { NumYearsBox.Value = NumYears; } if (YearStart != 0) { YearStartBox.Value = YearStart; } YearStartBox.ValueChanged += YearStartBoxChanged; NumYearsBox.ValueChanged += NumYearsBoxChanged; RefreshAllCharts(); } YearPanel.Visible = (TabControl.SelectedIndex != 0); YearPanel.Parent = this; YearPanel.Top = TabControl.SelectedTab.Top + 2; YearPanel.BringToFront(); }
public void TestReadConstants() { WriteDummyMetFile(); APSIMInputFile InputFile = new APSIMInputFile(); InputFile.Open("test.met"); DataTable MetData = InputFile.ToTable(); InputFile.Close(); ArrayList Constants = InputFile.Constants; Assert.AreEqual(Constants.Count, 4); APSIMConstant Latitude = (APSIMConstant)Constants[0]; Assert.AreEqual(Latitude.Name, "Latitude"); Assert.AreEqual(Latitude.Value, "-27.11"); Assert.AreEqual(Latitude.Units, "deg min"); Assert.AreEqual(Latitude.Comment, "my latitude"); DeleteDummyMetFile(); }
private DataTable ProcessSOI(XmlNode Node) { // ------------------------------------------------- // The XmlNode is a GDSOI so go find a // nested source DataTable, add an 'SOI Phase' column // to it and return it to caller. // ------------------------------------------------- string[] DefaultPhaseNames = { "Unknown", "Negative", "Positive", "Falling", "Rising", "Zero" }; // Go find the name of the soi phase file. string PhaseFile = XmlHelper.Value(Node, "PhaseFile"); if (PhaseFile == "") { PhaseFile = Configuration.Instance.ClimateSetting("SOIFile"); } if (PhaseFile == "" || !File.Exists(PhaseFile)) { return(null); } // Go find the SOI month we're to use for the lookup. int Month = Convert.ToInt32(XmlHelper.Value(Node, "Month")); // Work out the name of the year column. // Go find source data to work with DataTable Data = GoFindChildDataTable(Node); if (Data == null || Data.Columns.Count == 0) { return(null); } // Add new SOI Phase column to Data. Data.Columns.Add("SOI Phase", Type.GetType("System.String")); // read in soi phase data. APSIMInputFile SOI = new APSIMInputFile(); SOI.Open(PhaseFile); DataTable SOIData = SOI.ToTable(); SOI.Close(); int NumRows = Data.Rows.Count; for (int Row = 0; Row < NumRows; Row++) { string RowTitle = Data.Rows[Row]["Title"].ToString(); DateTime RowDate = DataTableUtility.GetDateFromRow(Data.Rows[Row]); DataRow[] MatchingSOIData = SOIData.Select("Year = " + RowDate.Year.ToString() + " and Month = " + Month.ToString()); string PhaseName = "Unknown"; if (MatchingSOIData.Length == 1) { if (SOIData.Columns.IndexOf("PhaseName") == -1) { int PhaseNumber = Convert.ToInt32(MatchingSOIData[0]["Phase"]); if (PhaseNumber < DefaultPhaseNames.Length) { PhaseName = DefaultPhaseNames[PhaseNumber]; } } else { PhaseName = MatchingSOIData[0]["PhaseName"].ToString(); } } Data.Rows[Row]["SOI Phase"] = PhaseName; Data.Rows[Row]["Title"] = RowTitle + ", " + PhaseName; // We also want to make a duplicate of this row and label it 'AllYears' Data.ImportRow(Data.Rows[Row]); Data.Rows[Data.Rows.Count - 1]["SOI Phase"] = "AllYears"; Data.Rows[Data.Rows.Count - 1]["Title"] = RowTitle + ", AllYears"; } return(Data); }
private DataTable ProcessApsimFileReader(XmlNode Node) { // ------------------------------------------------- // The XmlNode is a GDApsimFileReader so go read // a series of APSIM output files and return a // DataTable with all data. // ------------------------------------------------- List <string> FileNames = XmlHelper.Values(Node, "FileName"); if (FileNames.Count == 0) { FileNames.AddRange(DefaultFileNames); } DataTable Data = null; foreach (string FileSpec in FileNames) { if (FileSpec != "") { string FileSpecNoMacros = Configuration.RemoveMacros(FileSpec); string Dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileSpecNoMacros); if (Dir == "") { Dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); } foreach (string FileName in Directory.GetFiles(Dir, Path.GetFileName(FileSpecNoMacros))) { if (FileName != "" && File.Exists(FileName)) { string CheckPointFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(FileName)), "CheckPoint", Path.GetFileName(FileName)); if (File.Exists(FileName)) { APSIMInputFile InFile = new APSIMInputFile(); InFile.Open(FileName); DataTable FileData = InFile.ToTable(); InFile.Close(); InFile.AddConstantsToData(FileData); if (Data == null) { Data = FileData; } else { Merge(FileData, Data); } } if (File.Exists(CheckPointFile)) { APSIMInputFile InFile = new APSIMInputFile(); InFile.Open(CheckPointFile); DataTable FileData = InFile.ToTable(); InFile.Close(); InFile.SetConstant("title", "{Checkpoint} " + InFile.Constant("title").Value); InFile.AddConstantsToData(FileData); if (Data == null) { Data = FileData; } else { Merge(FileData, Data); } } } } } } return(Data); }