Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load API Setting Details
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FileName">File Name from which details Load</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static APISetting LoadAPISetting(string FileName = "ApiSetting.json")
            #region Load API Setting from json file
            APISetting apiSetting = new APISetting();
            //Read Settings from Json File
            if (File.Exists(FileName))
                apiSetting = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <APISetting>(File.ReadAllText(FileName));

            if (File.Exists("AspDsc.pfx"))
                apiSetting.AspDscPfx = File.ReadAllBytes("AspDsc.pfx");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiSetting.AspDscPassword))
                apiSetting.AspDscPassword = "******";

            #region Load API Setting from Database or Others or Manually
            ////API Session Consist of mainly
            ////APISetting - Common for All TaxPayer
            ////APILoginDetails - TaxPayer Specific
            ////And Other fields like ReturnPeriod,TxnID,UserIP
            ////Provide Values for API Settings - Alternatively load Settings from DB/XML config file/Json config file, etc
            //APISetting myApiSetting = new APISetting();
            //myApiSetting.ASPName = "TaxPro_Sandbox";             //Use TaxPro ASP for Production Testing
            //myApiSetting.IsActive = true;
            //myApiSetting.IsDefault = true;
            //myApiSetting.AspWebsite = "";
            //myApiSetting.AspUserId = "xxxxxxxxxx";      //Use Your 10 digit TaxPro ASP ID.
            //myApiSetting.AspPassword = "******";             //ASPSecretKey
            //myApiSetting.AspAccountPassword = "******";
            //myApiSetting.UrlAuth = "";
            //myApiSetting.UrlReturn = "";
            //myApiSetting.UrlLedger = "";
            //myApiSetting.UrlAspUtil = "";
            //    myApiSetting.AspDscPfx = File.ReadAllBytes("AspDsc.pfx");
            //myApiSetting.AspDscPassword = "******";
            //myApiSetting.AspEK = null;
            //myApiSetting.AspSessionID = null;
            //myApiSetting.AspSessionValidityMins = 0;
            //myApiSetting.AspSessionExp = null;
            //return myApiSetting;

Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id)
            if (id == null)

            APISetting = await _context.APISettings.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.APIid == id);

            if (APISetting == null)
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(int?id)
            if (id == null)

            APISetting = await _context.APISettings.FindAsync(id);

            if (APISetting != null)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

        private TContext Create(string basePath, string environmentName)
            IConfigurationRoot configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                                               .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.Local.json", optional: true)
                                               .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{environmentName}.json", optional: true)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(APISetting.DBConnection))
                APISetting config = new APISetting();
            // Console.WriteLine($"ConnectionStringName : '{AppSettings.KLSPLDatabase}'.");
            string connectionString = APISetting.DBConnection;


Esempio n. 5
        public static APISetting APILoad()
            APISetting setting = null;

            if (!Directory.Exists($"{MyWorkPath}\\stf"))
            string SettingPath = $"{MyWorkPath}\\stf\\API.json";

                if (File.Exists(SettingPath))
                    string json = File.ReadAllText(SettingPath, Encoding.UTF8);
                    setting = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <APISetting>(json);
                    APISetting Setting = new APISetting()
                        APIAddress =
                    setting = Setting;
                    string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(setting, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings());
                    File.WriteAllText(SettingPath, output);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex, " Gateway資訊設定載入錯誤");
Esempio n. 6
        public static void Initialize(IllyContext context)
            // Check if Rare Minerals has been populated.
            if (context.RareMinerals.Any())
                return; // Rare Minerals Table has been seeded.

            var rareMineralsData = new RareMinerals[]
                // Aeghris
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Aeghris", IllyCode = "[@c=202]",
                    ItemDescription = "This purple-blue gemstone is associated with the element of Air. Brittle and light-weight, it is sometimes used in jewellery, but is mostly sought out by mages.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/aeghris.png"

                // Almhurin
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Almhurin", IllyCode = "[@c=205]",
                    ItemDescription = "This green-blue gemstone has had various uses throughout history. Werzelnak Scrumptrick, the legendary Gnome Brewer of the Second Age, was said to stir his vats with a staff encrusted in Almhurin.  King Sigurd's chamberlain insists that the king's clothes be washed in a tub with an Almhurin gem set at its base.  And the leaders of the Lannigolds each drink only from cups with Almhurin-studded rims, which they say keep them safe from poison attempts.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/almhurin.png"

                // Amar Shards
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Amar Shards", IllyCode = "[@c=211]",
                    ItemDescription = "These irregular, glowing crystals were once highly prized by the Elves of the great empire of Alda Amar. Legend tells that their arch mages hoped that they could release pure Mana from the stones, but that they never perfected the technique; instead, they developed potent spells which relied upon these for their augmented force",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/amarShards.png"

                // Arterium
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Arterium", IllyCode = "[@c=193]",
                    ItemDescription = "Rarer than iron, but more durable, the Dwarves of the Second Age name this metal after the Artefores (their gods), who they say revealed its secrets to the Dwarves of the First Age.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/arterium.png"

                // Claristrine
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Claristrine", IllyCode = "[@c=199]",
                    ItemDescription = "Crystals of unusual purity, perfectly transparent yet with dots of light seeming to dance within them, Clarestrine gems are much sought after for their uses in protective magics. Common superstitions say that to carry such a crystal will protect from accidental injury at work. Illyria's foremost mages have more grandiose uses for the crystals.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/claristrine.png"

                // Daera
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Daera", IllyCode = "[@c=203]",
                    ItemDescription = "Daera is rare, but visually unremarkable. Typically occurring in nobly pellets about the size of a human fist, it is dark brown, somewhere between red-brown and black-brown, described by some as being about the colour of highly fertile soil. It is of little interest to jewellers, but considerable interest to mages.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/daera.png"

                // Deepsilver
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Deepsilver", IllyCode = "[@c=195]",
                    ItemDescription = "Drawn from the deepest mines, this rare blue-white metal is a vital component in the creation of runic inscriptions.  While many pigments and powders can be used to inscribe common, domestic runes, for wards that are expected to cover an entire settlement more specialist ingredients are required to inscribe runes, and Deepsilver is the key component.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/deepsilver.png"

                // Earthblood
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Earthblood", IllyCode = "[@c=194]",
                    ItemDescription = "Some Elven theologians tell that the land of Illyria was once a living, feeling entity upon from whom all other races drew succour. In time, they say, the abuses of these ungrateful races caused the world to grow cold and hard and dead, until, as now, it became a dull, lifeless slab of earth and stone.  These orange-red gemstones, they say, are the last traces of the blood of the earth, the living essence which once flowed through it. Other races sometimes ask if there is a mere myth, or if it is actually true; the thelogians say that the question is meangingless.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/earthblood.png"

                // Elven Tears
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Elven Tears", IllyCode = "[@c=200]",
                    ItemDescription = "In the current Age, Elven priests often conduct ceremonies of mourning - not for individual deaths or tragedies, but for the world itself, for all the ignorance and cruelty which besets the lands.  Yet these formal rituals are but shadows of the great, spontaneous mournings of ancient times, and it is said that many Elven hermits, at the end of the First and dawn of the Second Ages, mourned with such purity and passion that their tears could cure the sick, delay the effects of mortal ageing, or protect a person from injury.  Where these hermits lived, near to ancient temples, their tears often fell to the ground and, legend says, froze there. And so today, in the soil around these ancient temples, people might hope to find these opaque crystals, resembling ice but warm to the touch, which are called Elven Tears.  Some wear them as personal charms, as protection against injury or illness, but some mages have found more dramatic protective purposes for these.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/elvenTears.png"

                // Flektrine
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Flektrine", IllyCode = "[@c=204]",
                    ItemDescription = "Flektrine is a red gemstone, with tiny grains of gold naturally embedded within it.  It is not unattractive, catching the light prettily, but the superstitious say that it is unlucky to keep it in the home as it increases the chance of house fires. Mages rarely comment on such superstitions, but frequently store their Flektrin supplies submerged in cold water.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/flektrine.png"

                // Goldstone
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Goldstone", IllyCode = "[@c=208]",
                    ItemDescription = "Deep blue if viewed in dim light, transforming to a brilliant gold as sunlight falls across it, Goldstone seems to be an impossible stone: if weighed, it is heavier than gold, but if dropped it falls through air no faster than a feather; placed in a small amount of water, it causes the water to expand and grow, as if being created from nething; placed in a small fire, the flames will flare and roar at many times their previous heat.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/goldstone.png"

                // Iceheart
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Iceheart", IllyCode = "[@c=210]",
                    ItemDescription = "An iron ore runs in veins through common rock, so Iceheart runs in veins through deep layers of ice. Paler than iron, it is also lighter, and although it is too brittle to forge weapons from it directly, iron weapons can be augmented with Iceheart, often in order to make them lighter.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/iceheart.png"

                // Night Diamond
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Night Diamond", IllyCode = "[@c=209]",
                    ItemDescription = "Hard as diamond, cut and worked by gem cutters exactly like diamond, these gems are clearly diamonds. Except that they are as black as midnight.  Few wish to have Night Diamonds about their person.  Some have reported the gems talking to them; many notable owners of Night Diamond jewellery have gone mad or killed themselves.  The Blood Thorn Queen, whose cursed followers became the Dark Elves, was said to have the largest ever Night Diamond mounted atop her staff. In the far south, across the Ocean, are rumours of an Eternal Emperor whose crown is encrusted with Night Diamonds and whose empire is forever blighted.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/nightDiamond.png"

                // Obsidian
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Obsidian", IllyCode = "[@c=207]",
                    ItemDescription = "Shards of obsidian can be mined from the earth, generally for use in exotic weaponry. A deep black colour, with purple and white accents, this stone can be shaped to hold a good edge, and is popular in many cultures for ceremonial and sacrificial weaponry.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/obsidian.png"

                // Pyrestone
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Pyrestone", IllyCode = "[@c=196]",
                    ItemDescription = "In the last days of Alda Amar, a brotherhood of mages dedicated themselves to the recovery of Pyrestone for the empire's defences.  For this, they were both reviled and revered.  Their efforts allowed the empire to cast great Abjurations to shield their people from Orcish curses.  but the brotherhood could only find the stones by seeking out the funeral sites of ancient communities of mages.  The cremations of these potent magicians, imbued with magics of a strength not seen since the dawn of the Second Age, led to concentrations of magic being absorbed by these stones, the wise rulers of Alda Amar believed. It is from this that these stones, flecked in silver and gold and copper hues, are known as Pyrestones.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/pyrestone.png"

                // Rainbowstone
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Rainbowstone", IllyCode = "[@c=198]",
                    ItemDescription = "From whatever angle each Rainbowstone is viewed, it always looks the same - one colour at its centre, and others colous in concentric circles radiating out.  However the stone is turned the colours shift so that it looks the same for the viewer. If the stone is broken open (which renders it useless for magical purposes) all of the colour fades away, leaving chunks of dull, opaque crystal. As the crystal is only found in surface layers of soil at some ancient sites, it has been suggested that Rainbowstones are completely artificial, having been made by magicians around the dawn of the Second Age.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/rainbowstone.png"

                // Siversoil
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Silversoil", IllyCode = "[@c=206]",
                    ItemDescription = "In deep underground rivers, a silver scum sometimes forms upon the surface of quiet pools. It looks like algae except that it is a brilliant white and shiny.  It behaves in all ways as a metal, except that it floats on water. Scooped up from the water, it can be worked (with some difficulty) to form jewelry, but it is most sought after by mages for its magic reflecting properties.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/silversoil.png"

                // Silversteel
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Silversteel", IllyCode = "[@c=212]",
                    ItemDescription = "In the Second Age, the elite armiers of the Dwarves fought with swords forged of Silversteel.  Stronger than iron, with an edge that never dulls, weapons augmented with Silversteel tips, edges or blades are always of exceptional quality.  Resembling iron in colour, Silversteel can be polished until it reflects as well as any mirror, and legends tell of armies wearing Silversteel Plate armour whose enemies would be dazzled by the sunlight flashing on their armour.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/silversteel.png"

                // Svelaugh Sand
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Svelaugh Sand", IllyCode = "[@c=201]",
                    ItemDescription = "Svelaugh Sand can be scraped from underground seams in tiny quantities, a bright yellow powder which can be baked into solid forms. Extremely rare, some profilgate rulers have ordered robes to be made, dyed from this sand, as it can stain cloth an outstanding yellow colour.  Legend tells that in the first age, when Dwarven herdsmen guided their flocks through huge underground caverns, these herdsmen carried rods baked from this sand.  Today, its use is primarily in weaving animal-related enchantments.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/svelaughSand.png"

                // Daera
                new RareMinerals
                    ItemName        = "Trove", IllyCode = "[@c=197]",
                    ItemDescription = "The deep green gemstone is named Trove as a direct translation of its Kobold name. It is commonly sought after by these querulous greenskins, apparently for personal adornment, but for most races its value derives from its magical uses.",
                    ImageName       = "rareMinerals/trove.png"


            // Check if API Settings have been populated
            if (context.APISettings.Any())
                return; // API Settings Table has been seeded.

            var apiSettingsData = new APISetting[]
                // Notification APISettings
                new APISetting
                    APIType = "Notifications"

                // InGame Mail APISettings
                //new APISettings
                //{APIType = "InGame Mail"}


            // Check if Regions have been populated
            if (context.IllyRegions.Any())
                return; // Region Data Table has been seeded.

            var illyRegionsData = new IllyRegions[]
                // Region - The Wastes (1)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 1, RegionName = "The Wastes"

                // Region - Kal Tirikan (2)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 2, RegionName = "Kal Tirikan"

                // Region - Wolgost (3)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 3, RegionName = "Wolgost"

                // Region - Ursor (4)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 4, RegionName = "Ursor"

                // Region - Qarossian (5)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 5, RegionName = "Qarossian"

                // Region - Windlost (6)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 6, RegionName = "Windlost"

                // Region - Tamarin (7)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 7, RegionName = "Tamarin"

                // Region - Fremorn (8)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 8, RegionName = "Fremorn"

                // Region - Norweld (9)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 9, RegionName = "Norweld"

                // Region - Laoshin (10)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 10, RegionName = "Laoshin"

                // Region - Ragallon (11)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 11, RegionName = "Ragallon"

                // Region - Taomist (12)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 12, RegionName = "Taomist"

                // Region - Meilla (13)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 13, RegionName = "Meilla"

                // Region - Lucerna (14)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 14, RegionName = "Lucerna"

                // Region - Middle Kingdom (15)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 15, RegionName = "Middle Kingdom"

                // Region - Norweld (16)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 16, RegionName = "Norweld"

                // Region - Keppen (17)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 17, RegionName = "Keppen"

                // Region - Tor Carrock (18)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 18, RegionName = "Tor Carrock"

                // Region - The Western Realms (19)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 19, RegionName = "The Western Realms"

                // Region - Keshalia (20)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 20, RegionName = "Keshalia"

                // Region - Perrigor (21)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 21, RegionName = "Perrigor"

                // Region - Kul Tar (22)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 22, RegionName = "Kul Tar"

                // Region - Kumala (23)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 23, RegionName = "Kumala"

                // Region - Lan Larosh (24)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 24, RegionName = "Lan Larosh"

                // Region - Arran (25)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 25, RegionName = "Arran"

                // Region - Turalia (26)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 26, RegionName = "Turalia"

                // Region - Zanpur (27)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 27, RegionName = "Zanpur"

                // Region - Elijal (28)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 28, RegionName = "Elijal"

                // Region - Azura (29)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 29, RegionName = "Azura"

                // Region - Djebeli (30)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 30, RegionName = "Djebeli"


                // Region - Region 31 - Ocean
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 31, RegionName = "Region 31 (Ocean)"

                // Region - Tallimar (32)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 32, RegionName = "Tallimar"

                // Region - Larn (33)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 33, RegionName = "Larn"

                // Region - Kem (34)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 34, RegionName = "Kem"

                // Region - Ferra Ilse (35)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 35, RegionName = "Ferra Ilse"

                // Region - Trome (36)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 36, RegionName = "Trome"

                // Region - Rill Archipelago (37)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 37, RegionName = "Rill Archipelago"

                // Region - Stormstone Island (38)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 38, RegionName = "Stormstone Island"

                // Region - Region 39 - Not Named
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 39, RegionName = "Region 39 (Unknown)"

                // Region - Calumnex (40)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 40, RegionName = "Calumnex"

                // Region - Puchuallpa (41)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 41, RegionName = "Puchuallpa"

                // Region - Region 42 - Not Named
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 42, RegionName = "Region 42 (Unknown)"

                // Region - Pamanyallpa (43)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 43, RegionName = "Pamanyallpa"

                // Region - Huronire (44)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 44, RegionName = "Huronire"

                // Region - Clarien (45)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 45, RegionName = "Clarien"

                // Region - Pawanallpa (46)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 46, RegionName = "Pawanallpa"

                // Region - Region 47 - Not Named
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 47, RegionName = "Region 47 (Unknown)"

                // Region - The Poisoned Isle (48)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 48, RegionName = "The Poisoned Isle"

                // Region - Glanhad (49)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 49, RegionName = "Glanhad"

                // Region - Northmarch (50)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 50, RegionName = "Northmarch"

                // Region - Region 51 - Ocean
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 51, RegionName = "Region 51 (Ocean)"

                // Region - Westmarch (52)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 52, RegionName = "Westmarch"

                // Region - Region 53 - Not Named
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 53, RegionName = "Region 53 (Unknown)"

                // Region - Oarnamly (54)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 54, RegionName = "Oarnamly"

                // Region - Region 55 - Not Named
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 55, RegionName = "Region 55 (Unknown)"

                // Region - Gremont (56)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 56, RegionName = "Gremont"

                // Region - Coanhara (57)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 57, RegionName = "Coanhara"

                // Region - Lapo's Lua (58)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 58, RegionName = "Lapo's Lua"

                // Region - Newlands (59)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 59, RegionName = "Newlands"

                // Region - Region 60 - Not Named
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 60, RegionName = "Region 60 (Unknown)"

                // Region - Aindara (61)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 61, RegionName = "Aindara"

                // Region - The Pirate Isles (62)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 62, RegionName = "The Pirate Isles"

                // Region - Silbeaur (63)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 63, RegionName = "Silbeaur"

                // Region - Fellandire (64)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 64, RegionName = "Fellandire"

                // Region - Region 65 - Not Named
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 65, RegionName = "Region 65 (Unknown)"

                // Region - Vindorel (66)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 66, RegionName = "Vindorel"

                // Region - Almenly (67)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 67, RegionName = "Almenly"

                // Region - Kormandly (68)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 68, RegionName = "Kormandly"

                // Region - The Orken Coast (69)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 69, RegionName = "The Orken Coast"

                // Region - Kingslands (70)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 70, RegionName = "Kingslands"

                // Region - Farshards (71)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 71, RegionName = "Farshards"

                // Region - Shardlands (72)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 72, RegionName = "Shardlands"

                // Region - Strendur (73)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 73, RegionName = "Strendur"

                // Region - Chulbran (74)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 74, RegionName = "Chulbran"

                // Region - Jurgor (75)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 75, RegionName = "Jurgor"

                // Region - The Long White (76)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 76, RegionName = "The Long White"

                // Region - Unknown Lands (77)
                new IllyRegions
                    IllyRegionID = 77, RegionName = "Unknown Lands"


            // Check if Rare Minerals has been populated.
            if (context.RareHerbs.Any())
                return; // Rare Minerals Table has been seeded.

            var rareHerbData = new RareHerbs[]
                // Ancient Oak
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Ancient Oak", IllyCode = "[@c=246]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/ancientOak.png"

                // Baleberries
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Baleberries", IllyCode = "[@c=231]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/baleberries.png"

                // Berbane Leaves
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Berbane Leaves", IllyCode = "[@c=227]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/berbaneLeaves.png"

                // Brascan Seeds
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Brascan Seeds", IllyCode = "[@c=250]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/brascanSeeds.png"

                // Brownback Moss
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Brownback Moss", IllyCode = "[@c=243]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/brownbackMoss.png"

                // Desert Flame
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Desert Flame", IllyCode = "[@c=252]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/desertFlame.png"

                // Dyallom Gall
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Dyallom Gall", IllyCode = "[@c=233]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/dyallomGall.png"

                // Ebony Wood
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Ebony Wood", IllyCode = "[@c=232]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/ebonyWood.png"

                // Furzion Seedpod
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Furzion Seedpod", IllyCode = "[@c=239]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/furzionSeedpod.png"

                // Giant Palm Leaves
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Giant Palm Leaves", IllyCode = "[@c=251]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/giantPalmLeaves.png"

                // Ironstem Root
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Ironstem Root", IllyCode = "[@c=235]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/ironstemRoot.png"

                // Larkenwood
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Larkenwood", IllyCode = "[@c=226]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/larkenwood.png"

                // Lemonwood Bough
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Lemonwood Bough", IllyCode = "[@c=225]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/lemonwoodBough.png"

                // Mabri Fruit
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Mabri Fruit", IllyCode = "[@c=229]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/mabriFruit.png"

                // Miner's Bane
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Miner's Bane", IllyCode = "[@c=236]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/minersBane.png"

                // Pale Cedar Wood
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Pale Cedar Wood", IllyCode = "[@c=224]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/paleCedarWood.png"

                // Punfruit
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Punfruit", IllyCode = "[@c=230]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/punfruit.png"

                // Queen's Hair Leaves
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Queen's Hair Leaves", IllyCode = "[@c=248]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/queensHairLeaves.png"

                // Rahan Palm Wood
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Rahan Palm Wood", IllyCode = "[@c=247]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/rahanPalmWood.png"

                // Rockweed Root
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Rockweed Root", IllyCode = "[@c=241]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/rockweedRoot.png"

                // Sharproot
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Sharproot", IllyCode = "[@c=245]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/sharproot.png"

                // Silverthorn
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Silverthorn", IllyCode = "[@c=244]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/silverthorn.png"

                // Snowbell Flowers
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Snowbell Flowers", IllyCode = "[@c=237]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/snowbellFlowers.png"

                // Spidertree Leaves
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Spidertree Leaves", IllyCode = "[@c=249]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/spidertreeLeaves.png"

                // Suntree Haft
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Suntree Haft", IllyCode = "[@c=242]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/suntreeHaft.png"

                // Toadcap Fungus
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Toadcap Fungus", IllyCode = "[@c=238]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/toadcapFungus.png"

                // Vistrok Flower
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Vistrok Flower", IllyCode = "[@c=240]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/vistrokFlower.png"

                // Warpwood Shoot
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Warpwood Shoot", IllyCode = "[@c=234]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/warpwoodShoot.png"

                // Ysanberries
                new RareHerbs
                    ItemName        = "Ysanberries", IllyCode = "[@c=228]",
                    ItemDescription = "",
                    ImageName       = "rareHerbs/ysanberries.png"

Esempio n. 7
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> UploadDocument()
            string authorizationString = DecodeAuthorizationString();


            Guid fileId = Guid.Empty;

            if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
                HttpResponseException ex = new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType);
                throw ex;

            SharePointDocument doc = new SharePointDocument();

            string targetFolderName = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.RequestUri.Query))
                List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > list = Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs().ToList <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in list)
                    string key = kvp.Key;
                    string val = kvp.Value;
                    switch (key)
                    case "MasterId":
                        doc.MasterId = val;     //(val == "!" ? "" : val);

                    case "DocumentType":
                        doc.DocumentType = StringToLookupItem("DocumentType", val);

                    case "MasterNumber":
                        doc.MasterNumber = val;

                    case "MasterName":
                        doc.MasterName = val;

                    case "EntityName":
                        targetFolderName = SetEntityName(val);


            if (!ValidateUploadFields(doc))
                HttpResponseException ex = new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable);
                throw ex;

            MultipartMemoryStreamProvider provider = new MultipartMemoryStreamProvider();
            await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider);

            foreach (var file in provider.Contents)
                var    fileName = file.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Trim('\"');
                byte[] buffer   = await file.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();

                int maxItems = APISetting.GetInt("MAX_ITEMS_PER_FOLDER");
                if (maxItems == int.MinValue)
                    maxItems = 5000;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(doc.MasterId))
                    ListItem msaFolder = SPHelper.FindFolder(doc.MasterId);
                    if (msaFolder == null)
                        ListItem rootFolder    = SPHelper.GetRootFolderForUpload(targetFolderName, true);
                        string   rootFolderUrl = rootFolder["FileRef"].ToString();
                        int      childFolders  = SPHelper.GetChildFoldersCount(rootFolderUrl);
                        if (childFolders < maxItems)
                            msaFolder        = SPHelper.CreateFolder(rootFolder, rootFolderUrl, doc.MasterId);
                            targetFolderName = doc.MasterId;
                            // CREATE NEXT PARENT FOLDER
                            int    currentIndex      = rootFolderUrl.Substring(rootFolderUrl.LastIndexOf('_') + 1).ToInt();
                            string newRootFolderName = APISetting.GetString("CUSTOMER_FOLDER_PREFIX") + (++currentIndex).ToString();
                            rootFolder       = SPHelper.GetRootFolderForUpload(targetFolderName, true);
                            rootFolderUrl    = rootFolder["FileRef"].ToString();
                            msaFolder        = SPHelper.CreateFolder(rootFolder, rootFolderUrl, doc.MasterId);
                            targetFolderName = doc.MasterId;
                        targetFolderName = doc.MasterId;

                File uploadedFile = SPHelper.UploadFile(fileName, targetFolderName, buffer);
                Common.SPHelper.AddRequiredDocumentProperties(uploadedFile, doc.MasterId, doc.MasterNumber, doc.MasterName, doc.DocumentType);
                fileId = new Guid(uploadedFile.ListItemAllFields["UniqueId"].ToString());

            HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new KeyValuePair <string, string>("FileId", fileId.ToString()));

Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Save API Setting Details as 'ApiSetting.json' in program folder
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ApiSetting">Session for Connectivity with API</param>
 /// <param name="FileName">ApiSetting.json</param>
 public static void SaveAPISetting(APISetting ApiSetting, string FileName = "ApiSetting.json")
     //Save ApiSetting in Json File
     File.WriteAllText(FileName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ApiSetting, Formatting.Indented));
     //For Saving APISetting in Database you can write your code