public DrawableKudosuHistoryItem(APIKudosuHistory historyItem) { this.historyItem = historyItem; Height = height; RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.X; AddRangeInternal(new Drawable[] { linkFlowContainer = new LinkFlowContainer { Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft, Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft, AutoSizeAxes = Axes.Both, Spacing = new Vector2(0, 3), }, date = new DrawableDate(historyItem.CreatedAt) { Anchor = Anchor.CentreRight, Origin = Anchor.CentreRight, } }); }
private string getString(APIKudosuHistory item) { string amount = $"{Math.Abs(item.Amount)} kudosu"; string post = $"[{item.Post.Title}]({item.Post.Url})"; switch (item.Source) { case KudosuSource.AllowKudosu: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Give: return $"Received {amount} from kudosu deny repeal of modding post {post}"; } break; case KudosuSource.DenyKudosu: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Reset: return $"Denied {amount} from modding post {post}"; } break; case KudosuSource.Delete: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Reset: return $"Lost {amount} from modding post deletion of {post}"; } break; case KudosuSource.Restore: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Give: return $"Received {amount} from modding post restoration of {post}"; } break; case KudosuSource.Vote: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Give: return $"Received {amount} from obtaining votes in modding post of {post}"; case KudosuAction.Reset: return $"Lost {amount} from losing votes in modding post of {post}"; } break; case KudosuSource.Recalculate: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Give: return $"Received {amount} from votes recalculation in modding post of {post}"; case KudosuAction.Reset: return $"Lost {amount} from votes recalculation in modding post of {post}"; } break; case KudosuSource.Forum: string giver = $"[{item.Giver?.Username}]({item.Giver?.Url})"; switch (historyItem.Action) { case KudosuAction.Give: return $"Received {amount} from {giver} for a post at {post}"; case KudosuAction.Reset: return $"Kudosu reset by {giver} for the post {post}"; case KudosuAction.Revoke: return $"Denied kudosu by {giver} for the post {post}"; } break; } return $"Unknown event ({amount} change)"; }
private string getString(APIKudosuHistory item) { string amount = $"{Math.Abs(item.Amount)} kudosu"; string post = $"[{item.Post.Title}]({item.Post.Url})"; switch (item.Source) { case KudosuSource.AllowKudosu: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Give: return($"Received {amount} from kudosu deny repeal of modding post {post}"); } break; case KudosuSource.DenyKudosu: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Reset: return($"Denied {amount} from modding post {post}"); } break; case KudosuSource.Delete: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Reset: return($"因在讨论贴{post}中丢失了票数而失去了 {amount} kudosu"); } break; case KudosuSource.Restore: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Give: return($"因在讨论贴{post}中获得足够的票数而获得了 {amount} kudosu"); } break; case KudosuSource.Vote: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Give: return($"Received {amount} from obtaining votes in modding post of {post}"); case KudosuAction.Reset: return($"Lost {amount} from losing votes in modding post of {post}"); } break; case KudosuSource.Recalculate: switch (item.Action) { case KudosuAction.Give: return($"Received {amount} from votes recalculation in modding post of {post}"); case KudosuAction.Reset: return($"Lost {amount} from votes recalculation in modding post of {post}"); } break; case KudosuSource.Forum: string giver = $"[{item.Giver?.Username}]({item.Giver?.Url})"; switch (historyItem.Action) { case KudosuAction.Give: return($"收到了{giver} 在 {post} 中给的 {amount} kudosu"); case KudosuAction.Reset: return($"Kudosu reset by {giver} for the post {post}"); case KudosuAction.Revoke: return($"拒绝了 {giver} 在 {post} 中给的 kudosu"); } break; } return($"未知事件 ({amount} 改变)"); }