Esempio n. 1
        public void TestIdentifyUninitializedStreamSegment()
            NetworkContext ctx = new NetworkContext("Hydro", new List <string>()
            }, new List <string>()
                "Hydro_Net_Junctions", "Barriers"

            ctx.LoadGeometricNetwork(GN_Path, null, null);

            //Get FlowDir index
            IFeatureClass fc  = ctx.GetEdgeFeatureClassByAliasName("FlowlineMerge");
            int           idx = AOUtilities.GetFieldIndexByName(fc, "FlowDir");
            IPoint        pnt = new PointClass()
                X = -85.04465103149414,
                Y = 43.27143070627271
            IGeometryArray pntArr = new GeometryArrayClass();

            IGeometryArray geomArr = AOUtilities.TransfromGeometriesFrom2(4326, 4269, pntArr);
            IPoint         pnt1    = geomArr.get_Element(0) as IPoint;

            StartFlagEdge flag = NetworkHelper.GetStartFlagEdge(ctx, pnt1.X, pnt1.Y, 200, 5, "FlowlineMerge", idx, "0", null);

        private List <IPoint> ParseVirtualBarriers(JsonObject[] barrierJsonArray, uint epsg)//lazy here, just copy epsg from flag and assume barriers having the same one
            List <IPoint> ret = null;

            if (null != barrierJsonArray && barrierJsonArray.Length > 0)
                JsonObject     barrierFeature = null;
                IPoint         pnt            = null;
                IGeometryArray pntArr1        = new GeometryArrayClass();
                for (int i = 0; i < barrierJsonArray.Length; ++i)
                    if (barrierJsonArray[i].TryGetJsonObject("geometry", out barrierFeature))
                        if (null != barrierFeature)
                            double?x, y;
                            //int? epsg;
                            if (barrierFeature.TryGetAsDouble("x", out x) && barrierFeature.TryGetAsDouble("y", out y))
                                pnt   = new PointClass();
                                pnt.X = x.Value;
                                pnt.Y = y.Value;
                if (pntArr1.Count > 0)
                    IGeometryArray geomArr = AOUtilities.TransfromGeometriesFrom2(epsg, (uint)this.m_networkEPSG, pntArr1);
                    if (null != geomArr && geomArr.Count > 0)
                        ret = new List <IPoint>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < geomArr.Count; ++i)
                            ret.Add(geomArr.get_Element(i) as IPoint);
Esempio n. 3
        public void CoordinatesReProjection()
            IPoint pnt1 = new PointClass();

            pnt1.X = -9569447.832126;
            pnt1.Y = 5524225.232441;
            //pnt1.SpatialReference = AOUtilities.GetSpatialReference(3857);
            IGeometryArray pntArr1 = new GeometryArrayClass();


            //The SpatialReference property for all returned geometries will be null.  It is the consumers responsibility to assign the
            //spatial reference to each geometry returned, if desired.  In this case, the spatial reference is assumed to be the output spatial reference defined for the Project operation.
            IGeometryArray geomArr = AOUtilities.TransfromGeometriesFrom2(3857, 4269, pntArr1);
            //It appears IGeometryServer2.Project will NOT throw an error if the coordinates don't match the given epsg
            //instead, it simply returns the input coordinates as output...
            IGeometryArray geomArr1 = AOUtilities.TransfromGeometriesFrom2(4326, 4269, pntArr1);

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(pntArr1.Count, geomArr.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(pntArr1.Count, geomArr1.Count);
            IPoint pnt2 = geomArr.get_Element(0) as IPoint;

            pnt2 = geomArr1.get_Element(0) as IPoint;

            geomArr1 = AOUtilities.TransfromGeometriesFrom2(4269, 4326, geomArr);
            Assert.AreEqual <int>(geomArr1.Count, geomArr.Count);
            pnt2 = geomArr1.get_Element(0) as IPoint;
            IPoint pnt3 = geomArr.get_Element(0) as IPoint;

            //Since the output geometry will not have spatial reference assigned, we can't verify if the output are in the desired projection through this shortcut.
            //Assert.IsTrue(4326 == pnt2.SpatialReference.FactoryCode);
            //Assert.IsTrue(4269 == pnt3.SpatialReference.FactoryCode);


            geomArr = AOUtilities.TransfromGeometriesFrom2(4269, 3857, pntArr1);

            Assert.AreEqual <int>(pntArr1.Count, geomArr.Count);
            pnt2 = geomArr.get_Element(0) as IPoint;
            Assert.IsTrue((Math.Abs(pnt2.X - pnt1.X) < 1e-7) && (Math.Abs(pnt2.Y - pnt1.Y) < 1e-7));

            pnt1.X = double.MinValue;
            pnt1.Y = double.PositiveInfinity;

            geomArr = AOUtilities.TransfromGeometriesFrom2(3857, 4269, pntArr1);
            pnt2    = geomArr.get_Element(0) as IPoint;

            double x = pnt2.X;
        private byte[] NetworkTraceHandler(NameValueCollection boundVariables,
                                           JsonObject operationInput,
                                           string outputFormat,
                                           string requestProperties,
                                           out string responseProperties)
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            responseProperties = null;

            string traceTypeStr;
            bool   found = operationInput.TryGetString(TracingDirParameterName, out traceTypeStr);

            if (!found || string.IsNullOrEmpty(traceTypeStr))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(TracingDirParameterName + " is required");
            traceTypeStr = traceTypeStr.ToUpper();
            bool?isUpstream = null;

            if ("TRACE_UPSTREAM" == traceTypeStr)
                isUpstream = true;
            else if ("TRACE_DOWNSTREAM" == traceTypeStr)
                isUpstream = false;
            if (false == isUpstream.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("Not valid Trace_Task_type");


            found = operationInput.TryGetAsLong(OutputEPSGParameterName, out outEPSG);
            if (!found || !outEPSG.HasValue || outEPSG <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(OutputEPSGParameterName + " is required");
            if (outEPSG < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(OutputEPSGParameterName + " is not valid");

            JsonObject flagJSON = null;

            object[]     flagArray     = null;
            JsonObject[] flagJsonArray = null;
            if (false == operationInput.TryGetJsonObject(FlagParameterName, out flagJSON) || null == flagJSON)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(FlagParameterName + " is required");
            if (flagJSON.TryGetArray("features", out flagArray))
                    flagJsonArray = flagArray.Cast <JsonObject>().ToArray();
                    throw new ArgumentException("invalid Flags json format");
            //Found the flag
            List <int> ftrList = null;

            if (null != flagJsonArray && 1 == flagJsonArray.Length)
                JsonObject flagFeature = null;
                if (flagJsonArray[0].TryGetJsonObject("geometry", out flagFeature))
                    if (null == flagFeature)
                        throw new ArgumentException("invalid Flags json format with geometry");
                    double?    x, y;
                    long?      epsg;
                    JsonObject srsObj;
                    if (true == flagFeature.TryGetJsonObject("spatialReference", out srsObj))
                        if (false == srsObj.TryGetAsLong("wkid", out epsg) || epsg <= 0)
                            throw new ArgumentException("No valid wikd found for flag feature.");
                        throw new ArgumentException("No spatial reference found for flag feature.");
                    if (flagFeature.TryGetAsDouble("x", out x) && flagFeature.TryGetAsDouble("y", out y))
                        if (!x.HasValue || !y.HasValue)
                            throw new ArgumentException("invalid Flag coordinate");
                        IPoint pnt1 = new PointClass();
                        pnt1.X = x.Value;
                        pnt1.Y = y.Value;
                        IGeometryArray pntArr1 = new GeometryArrayClass();
                        IGeometryArray geomArr = AOUtilities.TransfromGeometriesFrom2((uint)epsg, (uint)this.m_networkEPSG, pntArr1);
                        if (null == geomArr || 1 != geomArr.Count)
                            throw new ArgumentException("invalid Flag coordinate for reprojection");
                        pnt1 = geomArr.get_Element(0) as IPoint;
                        StartFlagEdge    flag     = NetworkHelper.GetStartFlagEdge(this.m_networkContext, pnt1.X, pnt1.Y, TracingSOE.m_searchDistance, TracingSOE.m_searchTolerance, FlowLineName, this.m_flowDirFieldIndex, InvalidFlowDirValue, logger);
                        StopperJunctions stoppers = null;
                        if (null != flag)
                            List <IPoint> barrierPnts      = null;
                            JsonObject    barriersJSON     = null;
                            object[]      barrierArray     = null;
                            JsonObject[]  barrierJsonArray = null;
                            if (true == operationInput.TryGetJsonObject(BarrierParameterName, out barriersJSON) || null != barriersJSON)
                                if (barriersJSON.TryGetArray("features", out barrierArray))
                                        barrierJsonArray = barrierArray.Cast <JsonObject>().ToArray();
                                        barrierPnts      = ParseVirtualBarriers(barrierJsonArray, (uint)epsg);
                                        throw new ArgumentException("invalid Barriers json format");
                                if (null != barrierPnts && barrierPnts.Count > 0)
                                    stoppers = NetworkHelper.GetStoppers(this.m_networkContext, barrierPnts, isUpstream.Value, TracingSOE.m_searchDistance, TracingSOE.m_searchTolerance, FlowLineName, JunctionName, logger);
                        ftrList = AOUtilities.StreamTrace(this.m_networkContext.GeometricNetwork, flag, this.m_disabledFeatureClassIDs, stoppers, isUpstream.Value, this.m_maxFeatureCount, logger);
            IRecordSet records = null;

            if (null != ftrList && ftrList.Count > 0)
                records = AOUtilities.GetRecordSetFromFeatureClass(this.m_networkContext.GetEdgeFeatureClassByAliasName(FlowLineName), ftrList, this.m_outputFields, (uint)outEPSG.Value);
            JsonObject result = new JsonObject();

            if (null != records)
                result.AddJsonObject("value", new JsonObject(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Conversion.ToJson(records))));
                result.AddString("output", "{}");
            this.logger.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.debug, "NetworkTraceHandler", 973, "Tracing taked: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms");
            result.AddLong("time(ms)", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);