private void ProcessCompletedTransaction(UM_iTransaction transaction)
        //Our product has been successfully purchased or restored
        //So we need to provide content to our user depends on productIdentifier

        //Before we will provide content to the user we might want
        //to make sure that purchase is valid, using server-side validation

        //let's see check the current platform

        switch (Application.platform)
        case RuntimePlatform.Android:
            //On android all the info we need is inside the ordinal android transaction
            //So let's get one.

            string       productId   = transaction.ProductId;
            AN_Inventory inventory   = AN_Billing.Inventory;
            AN_Purchase  an_purchase = inventory.GetPurchaseByProductId(productId);

            //Now you have asses to the all data from the original goal transaction object
            //That you can send to your server side and validate the purchase.


        case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer:
            Debug.Log("go IOS");
            //In case this transaction was restored, we might want to validate an original transaction.
            var iosTransaction = (transaction as UM_IOSTransaction).IosTransaction;
            if (transaction.State == UM_TransactionState.Restored)
                iosTransaction = iosTransaction.OriginalTransaction;

            Debug.Log("iOS Transaction Id:" + iosTransaction.TransactionIdentifier);

            //For iOS we need to validate the AppStoreReceipt.
            //So we need to get it using iOS Native
            var receipt = ISN_SKPaymentQueue.AppStoreReceipt;

            //You can now send receipt to your server side
            Debug.Log("Receipt loaded, byte array length: " + receipt.Data.Length);
            Debug.Log("Receipt As Base64 String" + receipt.AsBase64String);


        //Once product is successfully unlocked we can finish the transaction
    public void OnTransactionUpdated(UM_iTransaction transaction)
        //Transactions have been updated.
        //Let's act accordingly


        switch (transaction.State)
        case UM_TransactionState.Purchased:
        case UM_TransactionState.Restored:
            //Our product has been successfully purchased or restored
            //So we need to provide content to our user depends on productIdentifier

            //Before we will provide content to the user we might want
            //to make sure that purchase is valid, using server-side validation

            //let's see check the current platform
            switch (Application.platform)
            case RuntimePlatform.Android:
                //On android all the info we need is inside the ordinal android transaction
                //So let's get one.

                string       productId   = transaction.ProductId;
                AN_Inventory inventory   = AN_Billing.Inventory;
                AN_Purchase  an_purchase = inventory.GetPurchaseByProductId(productId);

                //Now you have asses to the all data from the original goal transaction object
                //That you can send to your server side and validate the purchase.


            case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer:
                //For iOS we need to validate the AppStoreReceipt.
                //So we need to get it using iOS Native
                var receipt = ISN_SKPaymentQueue.AppStoreReceipt;

                //You can now send receipt to your server side
                Debug.Log("Receipt loaded, byte array length: " + receipt.Data.Length);
                Debug.Log("Receipt As Base64 String" + receipt.AsBase64String);


            //Once product is successfully unlocked we can finish the transaction

        case UM_TransactionState.Deferred:
            //Only fir iOS
            //iOS 8 introduces Ask to Buy, which lets parents approve any
            //purchases initiated by children
            //You should update your UI to reflect this deferred state,
            //and expect another Transaction Complete to be called again
            //with a new transaction state
            //reflecting the parent’s decision or after the transaction times out.
            //Avoid blocking your UI or gameplay while waiting
            //for the transaction to be updated.

        case UM_TransactionState.Failed:
            //Our purchase flow is failed.
            //We can unlock interface and tell user that the purchase is failed.
