void SampleALibReport() { Console.WriteLine("Sample: ALib Report via using ALox"); Log.AddDebugLogger(); Log.SetDomain("/SAMPLE", Scope.Filename); Log.SetVerbosity(Log.DebugLogger, Verbosity.Info, ""); Log.Info("Method \"Log.AddDebugLogger()\" by default creates a replacement for ALibs'\n" + "error/warning reporter. If this is a debug compiliation, let's have a try and\n" + "create 3 Messages:"); Report.GetDefault().PushHaltFlags(false, false); ALIB.ERROR("This is an error report!"); ALIB.WARNING("And this is a warning!"); AString illegalAccess = new AString(10); illegalAccess._("1234"); illegalAccess.SetCharAt_NC(5, '5'); Report.GetDefault().PopHaltFlags(); Log.SetVerbosity(Log.DebugLogger, Verbosity.Verbose, ALox.InternalDomains); ALIB.REPORT(2, "This is an ALib Report. Types other than '0' and '1' are user defined.\n" + "Verbosity of ALox.InternalDomains has to be increased to see them when using" + " ALoxReportWriter."); Log.Info("Note the domain prefix '" + ALox.InternalDomains.ToString() + "'. This addresses " + "the tree of internal domains\nof the Lox, which the report writer is just " + "using for ALib reports."); Log.RemoveDebugLogger(); }