protected override void RpcChangeState(AI_STATE to) { base.RpcChangeState(to); if (GameManager.instance.GameState == GameState.GAME && gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { switch (to) { case AI_STATE.MOVE: agent.destination = lanePoints[destPoint]; agent.isStopped = false; break; case AI_STATE.WARNING: if (tmpTarget) { agent.destination = tmpTarget.tfCache.position; } agent.isStopped = false; break; case AI_STATE.DISCOVER: agent.isStopped = true; break; } } }
public void StartState(AI_STATE _state) { StopAllCoroutines(); switch (_state) { case AI_STATE.IDLE_STATE: StartCoroutine(IdleState()); //StartCoroutine(CheckBattleModeCondition()); break; case AI_STATE.PATROL_STATE: StartCoroutine(WaypointPatrolState()); //StartCoroutine(CheckBattleModeCondition()); break; case AI_STATE.RANDOM_WALK_STATE: StartCoroutine(RandomWalk()); //StartCoroutine(CheckBattleModeCondition()); break; case AI_STATE.BATTLE_STATE: StartCoroutine(BattleModeState()); //StartCoroutine(CheckBattleModeCondition()); break; } }
void CreateAI() { chaseState = new ChaseState(this.gameObject); attackState = new AttackState(this.gameObject); currentState = AI_STATE.CHASE_STATE; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { ai_state = AI_STATE.STOPPED; vxe = VoxelExtractionPointCloud.Instance; lastposition = new Vector3 (); init (); }
protected void ChangeState(AI_STATE to) { if (aiState != to && GameManager.instance.GameState == GameState.GAME && PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { photonView.RPC("RpcChangeState", PhotonTargets.AllViaServer, to); } }
// constructor public Enemy(Vector3 vel, Animation[] animations, string[] names, Vector3 loc, Rectangle rect, int value, int dir) : base(vel, animations, names, loc, rect) { // sets up commands commandQueue = new Queue<ICommand>(); defaultCommands = new Queue<ICommand>(); // sets starting location startLocation = loc; // sets enemy to be unaware of player state = AI_STATE.UNAWARE; center = new Vector3(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height, loc.Z); moneyValue = value; alive = true; direction = dir; switch (direction) { case 0: CurrentAnimation = "StandUp"; break; case 1: CurrentAnimation = "StandRight"; break; case 2: CurrentAnimation = "StandDown"; break; case 3: CurrentAnimation = "StandLeft"; break; } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { currentState = AI_STATE.HEALTH_HIGH; seekComponent = GetComponent <KinematicSeek>(); fleeComponent = GetComponent <KinematicFlee>(); arriveComponent = GetComponent <KinematicArrive>(); sidestepComponent = GetComponent <KinematicSidestep>(); playerScript = GetComponent <PlayerScript>(); lowHealthTargetNearby = new TargetNearbyDecision(5.0f); lowHealthTargetNearIncomingProjectile = new IncomingProjectileDecision(); lowHealthTargetFarIncomingProjectile = new IncomingProjectileDecision(); highHealthTargetNearby = new TargetNearbyDecision(5.0f); highHealthTargetNearIncomingProjectile = new IncomingProjectileDecision(); highHealthTargetFarIncomingProjectile = new IncomingProjectileDecision(); arrivePlayerAction = new ArrivePlayerAction(); shootPlayerAction = new ShootPlayerAction(); seekHealthAction = new SeekHealthAction(); avoidPlayerAction = new AvoidPlayerAction(); avoidProjectileAction = new AvoidProjectileAction(); avoidProjectileAction.kinematicComponent = seekComponent; avoidProjectileAction.character = gameObject; arrivePlayerAction.kinematicComponent = arriveComponent; arrivePlayerAction.character = gameObject; seekHealthAction.kinematicComponent = seekComponent; seekHealthAction.character = gameObject; avoidPlayerAction.kinematicComponent = fleeComponent; avoidPlayerAction.character = gameObject; shootPlayerAction.kinematicComponent = arriveComponent; shootPlayerAction.character = gameObject; lowHealthTargetNearby.character = gameObject; = target; lowHealthTargetNearby.trueBranch = lowHealthTargetNearIncomingProjectile; lowHealthTargetNearby.falseBranch = lowHealthTargetFarIncomingProjectile; lowHealthTargetNearIncomingProjectile.character = gameObject; lowHealthTargetNearIncomingProjectile.trueBranch = avoidProjectileAction; lowHealthTargetNearIncomingProjectile.falseBranch = avoidPlayerAction; lowHealthTargetFarIncomingProjectile.character = gameObject; lowHealthTargetFarIncomingProjectile.trueBranch = avoidProjectileAction; lowHealthTargetFarIncomingProjectile.falseBranch = seekHealthAction; highHealthTargetNearby.character = gameObject; = target; highHealthTargetNearby.trueBranch = highHealthTargetNearIncomingProjectile; highHealthTargetNearby.falseBranch = highHealthTargetFarIncomingProjectile; highHealthTargetNearIncomingProjectile.character = gameObject; highHealthTargetNearIncomingProjectile.trueBranch = avoidProjectileAction; highHealthTargetNearIncomingProjectile.falseBranch = shootPlayerAction; highHealthTargetFarIncomingProjectile.character = gameObject; highHealthTargetFarIncomingProjectile.trueBranch = avoidProjectileAction; highHealthTargetFarIncomingProjectile.falseBranch = arrivePlayerAction; }
private bool checkStateChangeValidity(AI_STATE newState) { bool result = false; switch(newState) { case AI_STATE.Idle: result = reachedPoint; break; case AI_STATE.MoveForward: if(reachedPoint && currentStateController.stateDelayTimer[(int)AI_STATE.MoveForward] < Time.time) { result = true; } break; case AI_STATE.MoveBackward: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveLeft: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveRight: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveTopLeftDiagonal: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveTopRightDiagonal: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveBotLeftDiagonal: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveBotRightDiagonal: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.Attacking: if(currentStateController.stateDelayTimer[(int)AI_STATE.Attacking] < Time.time) { result = true; } break; case AI_STATE.Jumping: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.Chasing: //if(player == null) { result = true; //} break; case AI_STATE.StopChasing: result = true; break; default: break; } return result; }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player" && curAiState == AI_STATE.IDLE) { targetPlayer = other.gameObject; curAiState = AI_STATE.CHASE; agent.isStopped = false; Debug.Log("Fire"); } }
} //공격 // //가드 IEnumerator Guard() { my_char.playerAni.SetBool("IsMove", true); my_char.playerAni.SetTrigger("IsMoveFirst"); P2_AI.GetComponent <Player>().isGuard = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(randCount)); P2_AI.GetComponent <Player>().isGuard = false; currentState = AI_STATE.Idle; isActivieReady = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { CoolDown = 1.0f; initialPosition = transform.position; OrderFromController = false; TakePlayerPositionOnce = false; StandbySpeed = 5.0f; AttackSpeed = 50.0f; AttackTime = 0.0f; AttackWeapon_State = AI_STATE.IDLE_STATE; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if ( <= playerScript.LOW_HEALTH) { currentState = AI_STATE.HEALTH_LOW; } else { currentState = AI_STATE.HEALTH_HIGH; } }
/// <summary> /// Get the new state for this ai based on the /// current world conditions /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private AI_STATE GetNewAIState() { //Final state to return, default to returing the //current state AI_STATE returnState = currentAIState; //Check for LOS playerSeen = CanSeePlayer(); //If we can see the player then instantly //change to chase the AI if (playerSeen) { return(AI_STATE.AI_STATE_SEEK_TO_PLAYER); } else { /* * Go through states if we are activly persuing the player * or the last know position and update if we should wander or * try to get to the players last know position */ switch (currentAIState) { case AI_STATE.AI_STATE_SEEK_TO_PLAYER: { //We haven't seen the player this turn and are currently seeking the player //then we should now move to the last known pos returnState = AI_STATE.AI_STATE_SEEK_TO_LAST_POS; break; } case AI_STATE.AI_STATE_SEEK_TO_LAST_POS: { //If we are at the players last pos then switch to wander if (transform.position == lastKnownPlayerPos) { returnState = AI_STATE.AI_STATE_WANDER; } break; } case AI_STATE.AI_STATE_WANDER: { //Don't need to change anything with wander just break break; } } } //No state change return the current state return(returnState); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { AIAnim.SetBool("isDead", isDead); if (isDead) { return; } switch (curAiState) { case AI_STATE.IDLE: for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (Vector3.Distance(GameManager.Instance.players[i].transform.position, transform.position) < 12) { SetTarget(GameManager.Instance.players[i]); } } break; case AI_STATE.CHASE: agent.stoppingDistance = 5; if (Vector3.Distance(targetPlayer.transform.position, transform.position) > 5) { agent.SetDestination(targetPlayer.transform.position); } else { curAiState = AI_STATE.ATTACK; } break; case AI_STATE.ATTACK: curAiState = AI_STATE.RETURN; break; case AI_STATE.RETURN: agent.isStopped = false; targetPlayer = null; agent.stoppingDistance = 0; agent.SetDestination(originalPos); break; } if (curAiState == AI_STATE.RETURN) { // Debug.Log(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, originalPos)); if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, originalPos) < 2f) { curAiState = AI_STATE.IDLE; agent.isStopped = true; } } }
} //딜레이준뒤에 IEnumerator Atk_Delay() { my_char.playerAni.SetTrigger("WeekPunch"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); my_char.playerAni.SetBool("b_NextPunch", true); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.3f)); my_char.playerAni.SetTrigger("IsIdle"); my_char.playerAni.SetBool("b_NextPunch", false); currentState = AI_STATE.Idle; isActivieReady = false; } //공격
public void SetTarget(GameObject target) { if (target != null && curAiState == AI_STATE.IDLE) { targetPlayer = target; curAiState = AI_STATE.CHASE; agent.isStopped = false; } else if (target == null) { agent.isStopped = true; } }
// //일반공격 IEnumerator Count() { currentState = AI_STATE.Atk; my_char.playerAni.SetTrigger("IsIdle"); P2_AI.GetComponent <Player>().isGuard = true; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(randCount)); P2_AI.GetComponent <Player>().isGuard = false; StartCoroutine("Atk_Delay"); } //딜레이준뒤에
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { switch (AttackWeapon_State) { case AI_STATE.IDLE_STATE: { AttackWeapon_State = AI_STATE.STANDBY_STATE; break; } case AI_STATE.STANDBY_STATE: { if (TakePlayerPositionOnce == true) { AttackWeapon_State = AI_STATE.ATTACK_STATE; } break; } case AI_STATE.ATTACK_STATE: { if (transform.position.y <= PlayerDirection.y) { AttackWeapon_State = AI_STATE.AOE_ATTACK_STATE; } break; } case AI_STATE.AOE_ATTACK_STATE: { if (CoolDown <= 0.0f) { AttackWeapon_State = AI_STATE.DEAD_STATE; } break; } case AI_STATE.DEAD_STATE: { if (transform.position == initialPosition) { AttackWeapon_State = AI_STATE.IDLE_STATE; } break; } } UpdateAIState(); }
// Valeur pour un all-sight vs alert sight en cas de poursuite // private float patrolAngle = 180f; // private float alertAngle = 22.5f; // private float patrolLength = 4.0f; // private float alertLength = 8.0f; public void Think() { if (status == AI_STATE.IDLE) { if (Sight(true)) { testPNJMoves.Look(PlayerDirection()); } if (Random.Range(0, 300) == 1) { testPNJMoves.Look((Random.Range(0, 3) <= 1)); status = AI_STATE.PATROL; } } else if (status == AI_STATE.PATROL) { if (GroundCheck(true)) { testPNJMoves.Move(testPNJMoves.patrolSpeed, testPNJMoves.isRight); } else { status = AI_STATE.IDLE; testPNJMoves.anim.SetBool("isRunning", false); } if (Random.Range(0, 120) == 1) { status = AI_STATE.IDLE; testPNJMoves.anim.SetBool("isRunning", false); } } // PAS D'ALERTE SUR LES PNJ POUR L'INSTANT MAIS COMPORTEMENT SIMILAIRE AU COMBAT CLASSIQUE ! else if (status == AI_STATE.ALERT) { testPNJMoves.Look(PlayerDirection()); if (GroundCheck(true)) { testPNJMoves.Move(testPNJMoves.speed, testPNJMoves.isRight); } currentAlertTime += 1; if (currentAlertTime >= alertTime) { status = AI_STATE.IDLE; currentAlertTime = 0; } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { ai_state = AI_STATE.STOPPED; vxe = VoxelExtractionPointCloud.Instance; if (camera == null) { camera =; } itemspawn = ItemSpawner.Instance; lastposition = new Vector3(); stepdownThreshold = vxe.voxel_size * 2; stepdownThreshold = stepdownThreshold * stepdownThreshold; playerFaceThreshold = vxe.voxel_size * 5; //init (); }
private void Start() { //Init current state to wander, as we don't know if we //can see the player when we start currentAIState = AI_STATE.AI_STATE_WANDER; //Init Target Pos and prev target to be our current position prevTargetPos = targetPos = transform.position; //Get required pathfinding component pathfinder = GetComponent <AIPathfinding>(); //Find the player object if there is not one already assigned if (playerObject == null) { playerObject = FindObjectOfType <PlayerData>().gameObject; } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { enemySight = GetComponent<EnemySight2>(); nav = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>(); player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform; audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); globalLastPlayerSighting = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GM").GetComponent<LastPlayerSighting>(); character = GetComponent<ThirdPersonCharacter>(); playerScript = player.GetComponent<Player>(); nav.updatePosition = true; nav.updateRotation = false; currentState = AI_STATE.PATROLLING; animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); nextShotDelay = 0.0f; }
// //점프 IEnumerator Jump() { Vector3 moveVec3 = my_char.myRb.velocity; if (P2_AI.transform.position.x > 7.5f || P2_AI.transform.position.x < -7.5f) { moveVec3 = new Vector3(GetMoveSpeed() * Time.deltaTime, 10, 0); // 기본 값 * 점프력 } else { moveVec3 = new Vector3(-GetMoveSpeed() * Time.deltaTime, 10, 0); // 기본 값 * 점프력 } my_char.myRb.velocity = (moveVec3); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); currentState = AI_STATE.Idle; isActivieReady = false; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (aiSettings.triggered) { ai.update(); AI_STATE nextstate = ai.nextstate(); if (aistate != nextstate) { if (nextstate == AI_STATE.Attack) { ai = new AIAttack(ref aiSettings, transform, ref agent); } else if (nextstate == AI_STATE.Chase) { ai = new AIChase(ref aiSettings, transform, ref agent); } else if (nextstate == AI_STATE.Wait) { ai = new AIWait(ref aiSettings, transform, ref agent); } else if (nextstate == AI_STATE.Patrol) { ai = new AIPatrol(ref aiSettings, transform, ref agent); } else if (nextstate == AI_STATE.ReturnToPatrol) { ai = new AIReturnToPatrol(ref aiSettings, transform, ref agent); } aistate = nextstate; ai.lastKnown = lk; } lk = ai.lastKnown; DebugaiS = aistate; DebugaiT = aiSettings.type; //Debug.DrawLine(lk - Vector3.right * 0.5f, lk + Vector3.right * 0.5f,; //Debug.DrawLine(lk - Vector3.forward * 0.5f, lk + Vector3.forward * 0.5f,; //Debug.DrawLine(lk - Vector3.up * 0.5f, lk + Vector3.up * 0.5f,; } }
public void time() { timer++; if (ai_state != AI_STATE.FRIGHTENED) { if (timer == 800) { ai_state = AI_STATE.CHASE; reverseDirection(); } if (timer == 2000) { ai_state = AI_STATE.SCATTER; reverseDirection(); timer = 0; } } else { //frightened. } }
public AIBehaviour(AI_STATE _state) { state = _state; positionData =; }
void Shooting() { nav.Stop(); character.Move(, false, false); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(enemySight.personalLastSighting - transform.position), nav.angularSpeed * Time.deltaTime); // If the player is not in shooting range, and also // the AI is not in the middle of firing a shot. if (!IsPlayerInShootingRange() && shootingTimer == 0) { currentState = AI_STATE.CHASING; } else { shootingTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (shootingTimer >= nextShotDelay) { shootingTimer = 0.0f; audioSource.PlayOneShot(shootingSound, 1.0f); if (!firstShotFired) { firstShotFired = true; nextShotDelay = timeBetweenShots + Random.Range(-shootingTimeVariance, shootingTimeVariance); } if (Random.Range(0.0f, 1.0f) <= shootingHitChance // If we are within the random shot chance, // the player will be hit. && IsPlayerInShootingRange()) // This is to make sure that the player is not behind // a wall when the bullet is actually shot. { nextShotDelay = timeBetweenShots + Random.Range(-shootingTimeVariance, shootingTimeVariance); playerScript.TakeDamage(damageDone); } } } }
public void SetCurrentState(AI_STATE _state) { currentAi_State = _state; }
public void init() { ai_state = AI_STATE.MOVING; StartCoroutine(moveit()); }
private void onPlayerDetected(AI_STATE newState, GameObject go) { if(player != go) { player = go; } onStateChanged(newState); }
private void firePlayerDetectedEvent(AI_STATE newState, GameObject go) { if(playerDetectedHandlerEvent != null) { playerDetectedHandlerEvent(newState, go); } }
Vector3 getNextMoveLimited() { Vector3 targetPosition = camera.transform.position; ai_target = AI_TARGET.PLAYER; if (tag == "Pet") { for (int i=0; i<itemspawn.items.Length; i++) { if (itemspawn.spawneditems [i] == null || itemspawn.spawneditems [i].GetComponent<TriggerScript> ().triggered) continue; float groundLength = (itemspawn.spawneditems [i].transform.position - transform.position).magnitude; if (groundLength < vxe.voxel_size * 15) { targetPosition = itemspawn.spawneditems [i].transform.position; ai_target = AI_TARGET.SHEEP; break; } } } Vector3 rawdir = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane ((targetPosition - transform.position), Vector3.up); Vector3 dir = rawdir.normalized; //Debug.Log ( "dist: " + rawdir.magnitude + " " + playerFaceThreshold); if(ai_target == AI_TARGET.PLAYER && rawdir.magnitude < playerFaceThreshold) { ai_state = AI_STATE.STOPPED; return dir; } Vector3 coords =; Vector3 norm =; bool notgrounded = false; bool hit = vxe.GroundedRayCast (transform.position, dir, STEP, ref coords, ref norm, ref notgrounded, 0.5f); Vector3 jumpDir =; bool canJump = checkForJumpPositions (dir, out jumpDir); float jumpPositionToTarget = (jumpPosition - targetPosition).sqrMagnitude; float movePositionToTarget = (coords - targetPosition).sqrMagnitude; if(canJump && jumpPositionToTarget < movePositionToTarget) { ai_state = AI_STATE.JUMPING; return jumpDir; } if(!hit) { if(notgrounded) { bool isThereGround = vxe.RayCast (coords, Vector3.down, BIG_STEP, ref fallPosition, ref norm, 0.5f); if(isThereGround) { fallPosition += Vector3.up * vxe.voxel_size * 0.5f; ai_state = AI_STATE.FALLING; return dir; } } else { movePosition = coords; ai_state = AI_STATE.MOVING; return dir; } } else { bool isThereSurface = vxe.OccupiedRayCast (coords, Vector3.up, JUMP_RANGE, ref jumpPosition, ref norm); if(isThereSurface) { jumpPosition -= Vector3.up * vxe.voxel_size * 0.5f; ai_state = AI_STATE.JUMPING; return dir; } } ai_state = AI_STATE.STOPPED; return dir; }
Vector3 getNextMoveLimited() { Vector3 targetPosition = camera.transform.position; ai_target = AI_TARGET.PLAYER; /* * if (tag == "Pet") { * for (int i=0; i<itemspawn.items.Length; i++) { * if (itemspawn.spawneditems [i] == null || itemspawn.spawneditems [i].GetComponent<TriggerScript> ().triggered) * continue; * * float groundLength = (itemspawn.spawneditems [i].transform.position - transform.position).magnitude; * if (groundLength < vxe.voxel_size * 20) { * targetPosition = itemspawn.spawneditems [i].transform.position; * ai_target = AI_TARGET.SHEEP; * break; * } * } * } */ Vector3 camtome = (targetPosition - transform.position); Vector3 rawdir = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(camtome, Vector3.up); Vector3 dir = rawdir.normalized; if (ai_target == AI_TARGET.PLAYER && rawdir.magnitude < playerFaceThreshold) { ai_state = AI_STATE.STOPPED; return(dir); } Vector3 coords =; Vector3 norm =; bool notgrounded = false; bool hit = vxe.GroundedRayCast(transform.position, dir, STEP, ref coords, ref norm, ref notgrounded, 0.5f); Vector3 jumpDir =; bool canJump = checkForJumpPositions(dir, out jumpDir); float jumpPositionToTarget = (jumpPosition - targetPosition).sqrMagnitude; float movePositionToTarget = (coords - targetPosition).sqrMagnitude; if (!hit) { if (canJump && jumpPositionToTarget < movePositionToTarget) { ai_state = AI_STATE.JUMPING; return(jumpDir); } if (notgrounded) { bool isThereGround = vxe.RayCast(coords, Vector3.down, BIG_STEP, ref fallPosition, ref norm, 0.5f); if (isThereGround) { fallPosition += Vector3.up * vxe.voxel_size * 0.5f; ai_state = AI_STATE.FALLING; return(dir); } } else { movePosition = coords; ai_state = AI_STATE.MOVING; return(dir); } } else { bool isThereSurface = vxe.OccupiedRayCast(coords, Vector3.up, BIG_STEP, ref jumpPosition, ref norm); if (isThereSurface) { jumpPosition -= Vector3.up * vxe.voxel_size * 0.5f; ai_state = AI_STATE.JUMPING; return(dir); } } ai_state = AI_STATE.STOPPED; return(dir); }
public void init() { ai_state = AI_STATE.MOVING; StartCoroutine (moveit ()); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { ai_state = AI_STATE.STOPPED; vxe = VoxelExtractionPointCloud.Instance; itemspawn = ItemSpawner.Instance; lastposition = new Vector3 (); stepdownThreshold = vxe.voxel_size * 2; stepdownThreshold = stepdownThreshold * stepdownThreshold; playerFaceThreshold = vxe.voxel_size * 7; //init (); }
Vector3 getNextMove() { Vector3 coords =; Vector3 norm =; bool notgrounded = false; Vector3 dir = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane((camera.transform.position - transform.position),Vector3.up).normalized; bool hit = vxe.GroundedRayCast (transform.position, dir, STEP, ref coords, ref norm, ref notgrounded, 0.5f); if(!hit) { if(notgrounded) { bool isThereGround = vxe.RayCast (coords, Vector3.down, BIG_STEP, ref fallPosition, ref norm, 0.5f); if(isThereGround) { fallPosition += Vector3.up * vxe.voxel_size * 0.5f; ai_state = AI_STATE.FALLING; return dir; } } else { movePosition = coords; ai_state = AI_STATE.MOVING; return dir; } } else { bool isThereSurface = vxe.OccupiedRayCast (coords, Vector3.up, BIG_STEP, ref jumpPosition, ref norm); //bool ICannotJump = vxe.CheapRayCast(transform.position,Vector3.up, 5); if(isThereSurface) { jumpPosition -= Vector3.up * vxe.voxel_size * 0.5f; ai_state = AI_STATE.JUMPING; return dir; } } ai_state = AI_STATE.STOPPED; return; }
public void SetState(AI_STATE _newState) { currentState = _newState; }
/// <summary> /// Work out the new state for the AI to be in /// </summary> /// <returns>New State</returns> private void UpdateAI(GameStateManager.GameTurn newTurn) { //If it is not our turn then return if (newTurn != GameStateManager.GameTurn.TURN_AI) { return; } //Null Check Player and early out if (!playerObject) { return; } //Get a new state, based on current conditions currentAIState = GetNewAIState(); //Set the prev target pos to the current pos, //so we can check if the target pos hasn't moved prevTargetPos = targetPos; switch (currentAIState) { case AI_STATE.AI_STATE_SEEK_TO_PLAYER: { //Set our target position to be the player targetPos = playerObject.transform.position; //Update the last known player position, set it to our y pos //as neither object moves in the y direction lastKnownPlayerPos = new Vector3(targetPos.x, transform.position.y, targetPos.z); break; } case AI_STATE.AI_STATE_SEEK_TO_LAST_POS: { //Set the target pos to the players //last know position targetPos = lastKnownPlayerPos; break; } case AI_STATE.AI_STATE_WANDER: { //Find a point on the map that we should //go to, then set it as our target pos targetPos = GetWanderTargetPos(); break; } } //If the target pos is not the same as the previous //and it is not the current pos //target pos find a route to the target if (targetPos != prevTargetPos && targetPos != transform.position) { lastPathfindResults = pathfinder.GetAStarPath(transform.position, targetPos); } //Check that we have a path to follow if (lastPathfindResults.Count > 0) { //Get the next pos from the list and keep our y the same //because the grid is flat to the x/z plane Vector3 nextPos = lastPathfindResults[0].transform.position; nextPos.y = transform.position.y; //Rotate and move towards next position transform.LookAt(nextPos); //Check that the tile at the next pos is not occupied by the player WalkableTile nextTile = lastPathfindResults[0].GetComponentInChildren <WalkableTile>(); if (nextTile) { if (!nextTile.IsOccupied || nextTile.Occupier.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>()) { //Attempt to reserve the space and only move if we do this succcessfully if (nextTile.AttemptToReserve(this.gameObject)) { StartCoroutine(MoveOverTime(nextPos, turnDuration)); } } } //Remove the pos from the list so we don't //visit it again lastPathfindResults.RemoveAt(0); } //Debug Test for State Debug.Log("FOX :: " + currentAIState.ToString()); //End the turn after turn timer is up - call event StartCoroutine(EndTurnAfterTime(GameStateManager.GameTurn.TURN_AI, turnDuration)); }
void Chasing() { //if (!enemySight.playerInSight) // if (all AI Lost sight of player) // currentState = AI_STATE.SEARCHING; // if (in shooting range and in line of sight) // currentState = AI_STATE.SHOOTING // else // currentState = AI_STATE.CHASING Vector3 sightingDeltaPos = enemySight.personalLastSighting - transform.position; if (sightingDeltaPos.sqrMagnitude >= 4f) { nav.SetDestination(enemySight.personalLastSighting); } nav.Resume(); nav.speed = chaseSpeed; character.Move(nav.desiredVelocity, false, false); if (nav.remainingDistance <= nav.stoppingDistance) { chaseTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (chaseTimer >= ChaseWaitTime) { globalLastPlayerSighting.pos = globalLastPlayerSighting.resetPosition; enemySight.personalLastSighting = globalLastPlayerSighting.resetPosition; chaseTimer = 0f; currentState = AI_STATE.PATROLLING; } } else chaseTimer = 0f; if (IsPlayerInShootingRange()) currentState = AI_STATE.SHOOTING; }
void ReturnToPatrol() { curAiState = AI_STATE.RETURN; }
public void SetHealth(float newHealth) { health = newHealth; // CHANGE THIS LATER currentState = AI_STATE.CHASING; enemySight.personalLastSighting = player.transform.position; globalLastPlayerSighting.AlertOtherAI(); if (health <= 0) { currentState = AI_STATE.DEAD; if (!isDeathSoundPlaying) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(deathSound, 1.0f); isDeathSoundPlaying = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Switches the state of the current pursuit to a given state /// </summary> /// <param name="state">state to switch the pursuit to</param> private void SwitchPursuitState(AI_STATE state) { //For every enemy in the pursuit, change their state to the new state and have them get new commands. foreach (Enemy enemy in currentPursuit) { enemy.commandQueue.Clear(); enemy.currentCommand = null; enemy.state = state; } //If we are switching to hunting, begin the hunt. if (state == AI_STATE.HUNTING) { BeginHunt(); } //If the enemy state is no longer hunting, end the current pursuit. if (state < AI_STATE.HUNTING) isPursuitActive = false; }
public void SetState(AI_STATE newState) { currentState = newState; }
public void Think() { if (Sight(true)) { status = AI_STATE.ALERT; currentAlertTime = 0; } if (status == AI_STATE.IDLE) { if (Random.Range(0, 180) == 1) { testEnemyMoves.isRight = !testEnemyMoves.isRight; status = AI_STATE.PATROL; } } else if (status == AI_STATE.PATROL) { if (GroundCheck(true)) { testEnemyMoves.Move(testEnemyMoves.patrolSpeed, testEnemyMoves.isRight); } else { status = AI_STATE.IDLE; testEnemyMoves.isRunning = false; } } else if (status == AI_STATE.ALERT) { testEnemyMoves.isRight = PlayerDirection(); if (testEnemyMoves.isAttacking == false) { if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.transform.position) <= 1.5) { testEnemyMoves.isAttacking = true; testEnemyMoves.isRunning = false; if (!hasAtt) { hasAtt = true; FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>().Damage(3); actor.anim.SetBool("isAttacking", testEnemyMoves.isAttacking); } } else if (GroundCheck(true)) { testEnemyMoves.Move(testEnemyMoves.speed, testEnemyMoves.isRight); } } else { if (actor.anim.GetBool("isAttacking") == false) { testEnemyMoves.isAttacking = false; } } currentAlertTime += 1; if (currentAlertTime >= alertTime) { status = AI_STATE.IDLE; currentAlertTime = 0; } } actor.anim.SetBool("isRunning", testEnemyMoves.isRunning); }
private void onStateChanged(AI_STATE newState) { if(dead) return; if(currentState == newState) { return; } if(!checkStateChangeValidity(newState)) { return; } if(!checkStateTransitionValidity(newState)) { return; } switch(newState) { case AI_STATE.Idle: playerAnim.playIdleAnimation(); break; case AI_STATE.MoveForward: playerAnim.playMoveForwardAnimation(); currentStateController.stateDelayTimer[(int)AI_STATE.MoveForward] = Time.time + 10.0f; break; case AI_STATE.MoveBackward: playerAnim.playMoveBackwardAnimation(); break; case AI_STATE.MoveLeft: playerAnim.playMoveForwardAnimation(); break; case AI_STATE.MoveRight: playerAnim.playMoveForwardAnimation(); break; case AI_STATE.MoveTopLeftDiagonal: playerAnim.playMoveForwardAnimation(); break; case AI_STATE.MoveTopRightDiagonal: playerAnim.playMoveForwardAnimation(); break; case AI_STATE.MoveBotLeftDiagonal: playerAnim.playMoveBackwardAnimation(); break; case AI_STATE.MoveBotRightDiagonal: playerAnim.playMoveBackwardAnimation(); break; case AI_STATE.Attacking: playerAnim.playIdleAnimation(); playerAnim.playAttackAnimation(); currentStateController.stateDelayTimer[(int)AI_STATE.Attacking] = Time.time + fireRate; break; case AI_STATE.Jumping: playerAnim.playJumpAnimation(); currentStateController.stateDelayTimer[(int)AI_STATE.Jumping] = Time.time + 1.0f; break; case AI_STATE.Chasing: playerAnim.playMoveForwardAnimation(); break; case AI_STATE.StopChasing: playerAnim.playIdleAnimation(); player = null; reachedPoint = true; break; default: break; } currentState = newState; }
public AIBehaviour(AI_STATE _state, Vector3 _positionData, float _stoppingDistance) { state = _state; positionData = _positionData; floatData = _stoppingDistance; }
private bool checkStateTransitionValidity(AI_STATE newState) { bool result = false; switch(currentState) { case AI_STATE.Idle: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveForward: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveBackward: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveLeft: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveRight: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveTopLeftDiagonal: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveTopRightDiagonal: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveBotLeftDiagonal: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.MoveBotRightDiagonal: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.Attacking: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.Jumping: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.Chasing: result = true; break; case AI_STATE.StopChasing: result = true; break; default: break; } return result; }
private void fireStateChangeEvent(AI_STATE newState) { if(playerStateHandlerEvent != null) { playerStateHandlerEvent(newState); } }
void Update_Default_Statement() { if (currentState == AI_STATE.Atk || currentState == AI_STATE.Guard || currentState == AI_STATE.Back_Jump || currentState == AI_STATE.Wait_Attack || currentState == AI_STATE.Gather_Atk) { return; } if (GetDistance() > 8.5f) { if (currentState != AI_STATE.Dash) { currentState = AI_STATE.Dash; my_char.playerAni.SetTrigger("IsDashFirst"); } } else if (GetDistance() > 4.5f) { //if (isActivieReady) // return; if (currentState == AI_STATE.Walk) //밑에랑중복 { return; } int RandNum = Random.Range(0, 3); switch (RandNum) { case 0: if (currentState != AI_STATE.Walk) { my_char.playerAni.SetBool("IsMove", true); my_char.playerAni.SetTrigger("IsMoveFirst"); currentState = AI_STATE.Walk; } break; case 1: if (currentState != AI_STATE.Back_Jump) { currentState = AI_STATE.Back_Jump; my_char.playerAni.SetBool("IsJumpFirst", true); my_char.playerAni.SetBool("IsJump", true); StartCoroutine(Jump()); isActivieReady = true; } break; case 2: if (currentState != AI_STATE.Wait_Attack) { currentState = AI_STATE.Wait_Attack; isActivieReady = true; StartCoroutine(Wait_Attack()); } break; } } else { //if (isActivieReady) // return; int RandNum = Random.Range(0, 3); Debug.Log("asdasds" + RandNum); switch (RandNum) { case 0: if (currentState != AI_STATE.Gather_Atk) { currentState = AI_STATE.Gather_Atk; randCount = Random.Range(0.01f, 0.3f); isActivieReady = true; StartCoroutine(Count()); } break; case 1: if (currentState != AI_STATE.Guard) { currentState = AI_STATE.Guard; randCount = Random.Range(0.5f, 0.9f); isActivieReady = true; StartCoroutine(Guard()); } break; case 2: if (currentState != AI_STATE.Wait_Attack) { currentState = AI_STATE.Wait_Attack; isActivieReady = true; StartCoroutine(Wait_Attack()); } break; } } }
void Patrolling() { // if (playerInSight) // currentState = AI_STATE.CHASING; // if (sound made) // currentState = AI_STATE.SEARCHING; nav.Resume(); nav.speed = patrolSpeed; if (nav.destination == globalLastPlayerSighting.resetPosition || nav.remainingDistance < nav.stoppingDistance) { patrolTimer += Time.deltaTime; if (patrolTimer >= patrolWaitTime) { if (wayPointInd == patrolWayPoints.Length - 1) { wayPointInd = 0; } else { wayPointInd++; } patrolTimer = 0f; } } else { patrolTimer = 0f; } nav.SetDestination(patrolWayPoints[wayPointInd].position); character.Move(nav.desiredVelocity, false, false); if (enemySight.playerInSight && !playerScript.IsDead()) { currentState = AI_STATE.CHASING; globalLastPlayerSighting.AlertOtherAI(); } }
Vector3 getNextMove() { Vector3 coords =; Vector3 norm =; bool notgrounded = false; Vector3 targetPosition = camera.transform.position; ai_target = AI_TARGET.PLAYER; /* * if (tag == "Pet") { * for (int i=0; i<itemspawn.items.Length; i++) { * if (itemspawn.spawneditems [i] == null || itemspawn.spawneditems [i].GetComponent<TriggerScript> ().triggered) * continue; * * float groundLength = (itemspawn.spawneditems [i].transform.position - transform.position).magnitude; * if (groundLength < vxe.voxel_size * 20) { * targetPosition = itemspawn.spawneditems [i].transform.position; * ai_target = AI_TARGET.SHEEP; * break; * } * } * } */ Vector3 rawdir = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane((targetPosition - transform.position), Vector3.up); Vector3 dir = rawdir.normalized; //Debug.Log ( "dist: " + rawdir.magnitude + " " + playerFaceThreshold); if (ai_target == AI_TARGET.PLAYER && rawdir.magnitude < playerFaceThreshold) { ai_state = AI_STATE.STOPPED; return(dir); } bool hit = vxe.GroundedRayCast(transform.position, dir, STEP, ref coords, ref norm, ref notgrounded, 0.5f); if (!hit) { if (notgrounded) { bool isThereGround = vxe.RayCast(coords, Vector3.down, BIG_STEP, ref fallPosition, ref norm, 0.5f); if (isThereGround) { fallPosition += Vector3.up * vxe.voxel_size * 0.5f; ai_state = AI_STATE.FALLING; return(dir); } } else { movePosition = coords; ai_state = AI_STATE.MOVING; return(dir); } } else { bool isThereSurface = vxe.OccupiedRayCast(coords, Vector3.up, BIG_STEP, ref jumpPosition, ref norm); //bool ICannotJump = vxe.CheapRayCast(transform.position,Vector3.up, 5); if (isThereSurface) { jumpPosition -= Vector3.up * vxe.voxel_size * 0.5f; ai_state = AI_STATE.JUMPING; return(dir); } } ai_state = AI_STATE.STOPPED; return(; }
public AIBehaviour(AI_STATE _state, float _timerData) { state = _state; floatData = _timerData; }