Esempio n. 1
    public IBattleAction ResolveAction(BattleEntityManagerComponent entityManager, EnemyBattleEntity enemyEntity)
        // for each skill, lets evaulate if we will use it
        float totalWeight = 0;
        List<AISkillResultSet> possibleSkills = new List<AISkillResultSet>();

        foreach(AISkillComposite composite in mSkillComposites) {
            SelectableTargetManager selectManager = SelectableTargetManager.CreateAllowedTargets(enemyEntity, entityManager, composite.skill);
            HashSet<BattleEntity> targetSet = new HashSet<BattleEntity>();
            foreach(SelectableTarget target in selectManager.targetList) {
                foreach(BattleEntity entity in target.entities) {

            // filter targets
            composite.targetFilter.FilterEntities(enemyEntity, targetSet);
            // filter condition
            composite.conditionFilter.FilterEntities(enemyEntity, targetSet);

            // if we still have targets, save, otherwise move on
            if(targetSet.Count ==  0) {
            // lets save this and move on
            totalWeight += composite.weight;
            AISkillResultSet result = new AISkillResultSet();
            result.possibleTargets = targetSet;
            result.composite = composite;
            result.selectManager = selectManager;

        if(possibleSkills.Count == 0) {
            throw new Exception("We should make sure we set this a default skill, like attack");

        // first, if we have no items or 1 item, just use that instead of randoming to our skill
        if(possibleSkills.Count == 1) {
            AISkillResultSet result = possibleSkills[0];
            return GenerateBattleAction(enemyEntity, result, entityManager);

        // now lets random the weight and see where it lies
        float calculatedValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, totalWeight);

        // lets use that skill, we will iterate there adding weights to see if we lie within our weight
        foreach(AISkillResultSet result in possibleSkills) {
            if(calculatedValue <= result.composite.weight) {
                return GenerateBattleAction(enemyEntity, result, entityManager);
            // decrement the value, its the same as using a cursor
            calculatedValue -= result.composite.weight;

        throw new Exception("Failed to find an appropriate skill, random failed");
Esempio n. 2
    private IBattleAction GenerateBattleAction(EnemyBattleEntity enemyEntity, AISkillResultSet result, BattleEntityManagerComponent entityManager)
        List<BattleEntity> possibleList = new List<BattleEntity>(result.possibleTargets);
        AISkillComposite composite = result.composite;

        // choose random target
        int index = 0; // default to first index we know exists
        if(possibleList.Count > 1) {
            index = Mathf.FloorToInt(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, possibleList.Count));

        // get the selected / random index
        BattleEntity targetEntity = possibleList[index];

        // create a list so we can create the proper TargetResolver
        // TODO this can be optimized to remove this step, its a lot of work
        SelectableTarget selectableTarget = result.selectManager.GetSelectableTarget(targetEntity);

        if(selectableTarget == null) {
            Debug.Log("F**k.. target was not found in AI ActivateSkill");

        // get the target resolver
        ITargetResolver targetResolver = TargetResolverFactory.CreateTargetResolver(selectableTarget, entityManager);

        return BattleActionFactory.CreateBattleAction (composite.skill, enemyEntity, targetResolver);