Esempio n. 1
     *	mergePolygonHolder will merge two AIPolygonHolder objects. This will create a new AIPolygonHolder
     *			place the polygons from each AIPolygonHolder to the new AIPolygonHolder then merge the Polygons
     *			in the new AIPolygonHolder
     *	Parameter:	(AIPolygonHolder)holderToMerge is the AIPolygonHolder that will be merged with this object
     *	Return:			(AIPolygonHolder)
     *									the new AIPolygonHolder that is the two merged AIPolygonHolders
    public AIPolygonHolder mergePolygonHolder(AIPolygonHolder holderToMerge)
        AIPolygon[]     tempArray = mergeTwoArrays(polygonArray, holderToMerge.getPolygons()); //makes a new AIPolygonHolder with the capacity of both AIPolygonHolders being Merged
        AIPolygonHolder newHolder = new AIPolygonHolder(tempArray.Length);                     //makes a new AIPolygonHolder with the capacity of both AIPolygonHolders being Merged

        for (int count = 0; count < tempArray.Length; count++)
            newHolder.addPolygon(tempArray [count].getVertices());
        newHolder.merge();          // merged the polygons in the new AIPolygonHolders
     * writeAfterDataToFile method will write all the data from the navigation mesh and the search agent to the
     *      end of the file
     * parameters:	none
     * return:	none
    /*void writeAfterDataToFile ()
     * {
     *      string filePath = "data.txt";
     *      StreamReader inputStream = new StreamReader(filePath);
     *      string tempString = "";
     *      tempString += inputStream.ReadToEnd();
     *      tempString += "\n";
     *      inputStream.Close ();
     *      tempString += Application.loadedLevelName + "\t";
     *      if (AINavigationMeshAgent.loadNavigationMesh == true)
     *              tempString += "load Navigation Mesh\t";
     *      else
     *              tempString += "build Navigation Mesh\t";
     *      tempString += AINavigationMeshData.timeTaken + "\t";
     *      tempString += AINavigationMeshData.initialPolygonCount + "\t";
     *      tempString += AINavigationMeshData.obstacleCount + "\t";
     *      tempString += AINavigationMeshData.finalPolygonCount + "\t";
     *      tempString += AISearchAgentData.searchType + "\t";
     *      tempString += AISearchAgentData.timeTaken + "\t";
     *      tempString += AISearchAgentData.nodesVisited + "\t";
     *      tempString += AISearchAgentData.maxQueueSize + "\t";
     *      tempString += AISearchAgentData.finalPathLength + "\t";
     *      tempString += AISearchAgentData.finalPathCost + "\t";
     *      StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (filePath);
     *      writer.Write (tempString);
     *      writer.Close ();
     * }*/

     * doAISearchMethods will make a search agent to start searching though the navigation mesh
     * Parameter:	none
     * Return:	none
    /*void doAISearchMethods()
     * {
     *              AINavigationMeshAgent.polygonLengthMin = surfacePolygonHolders [positionToStart].getMinPolygonLength ();
     *              AINavigationMeshAgent.polygonLengthAvg = surfacePolygonHolders [positionToStart].getAveragePolygonLength ();
     *              if (positionToStart != -1)
     *                      tempSearch = new AISearch (searchType, goalPosition, surfacePolygonHolders [positionToStart].getPolygons ());
     *              if (tempSearch != null) {
     *                      Vector3[] vertices = tempSearch.getWayPoints ();
     *                      if (vertices != null)
     *                              for (int count = 0; count < vertices.Length; count++)
     *                                      Instantiate (sphere, vertices [count], new Quaternion (0f, 0f, 0f, 0f));
     *              }
     * }*/

    /* getObjectsArray gets all the triangle polygons that compose all objects in a Unity map,
     * and loads them into the triangleArray. Then creates new AIObjects from those triangles and loads
     * them into objectsArray to be used for nav mesh construction.
     * Parameters: none
     * Return: none
    /*void getObjectsArray ()
     * {
     *      Vector3[] WorldPositionArray = new Vector3[3];
     *      for (int count = 0; count < staticObjects.Length; count++) {
     *              staticObjectMesh [count] = staticObjects [count].GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh;
     *              vectorArray = staticObjectMesh[count].vertices;
     *              triangleArray = staticObjectMesh[count].GetTriangles (0);
     *              objectsArray[count] = new AIObjects(triangleArray.Length/3, staticObjects[count]);
     *              for (int count1 = 0, count2 = 1, count3 = 2; count1 < triangleArray.Length; count1 += 3, count2 += 3, count3 += 3) {
     *                      WorldPositionArray [0] = staticObjects [count].transform.TransformPoint (vectorArray [triangleArray [count1]]);
     *                      WorldPositionArray [1] = staticObjects [count].transform.TransformPoint (vectorArray [triangleArray [count2]]);
     *                      WorldPositionArray [2] = staticObjects [count].transform.TransformPoint (vectorArray [triangleArray [count3]]);
     *                      objectsArray[count].addPolygon(WorldPositionArray);
     *              }
     *      }
     * }*/

    /* getSurgavePolygonHolders gets all the triangle polygons that compose all objects in a Unity map,
     * and loads them into the triangleArray. Then creates new AIObjects from those triangles out of the walkable
     * polygons and loads them into surfacePolygonHolders to be used for nav mesh construction.
     * Parameters: none
     * Return: none
    void getSurfacePolygonHolders()
        Vector3[]            WorldPositionArray  = new Vector3[3];
        NavMeshTriangulation triangulatedNavMesh = NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation();

        //Mesh mesh = new Mesh ();
        //mesh.vertices = triangulatedNavMesh.vertices;
        //mesh.triangles = triangulatedNavMesh.indices;
        vectorArray           = triangulatedNavMesh.vertices;
        triangleArray         = triangulatedNavMesh.indices;
        surfacePolygonHolders = new AIPolygonHolder(triangleArray.Length / 3);

        for (int count1 = 0, count2 = 1, count3 = 2; count1 < triangleArray.Length; count1 += 3, count2 += 3, count3 += 3)
            WorldPositionArray [0] = vectorArray [triangleArray [count1]];
            WorldPositionArray [1] = vectorArray [triangleArray [count2]];
            WorldPositionArray [2] = vectorArray [triangleArray [count3]];
            //if (checkVertex (WorldPositionArray) == false) {