Esempio n. 1
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        byte[] byteArray = new byte[] { 10, 12, 14 };
        AField sf        = new AField(0, 0, ref byteArray);

        private Record TableFieldArrayToRecord(IParcelable[] recData)
            int    size = recData.Length;
            Record rec  = new Record();

            AField[] aFieldArr = new AField[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                AField aF = new AField();
                aFieldArr[i] = aF;
Esempio n. 3
 public static void Main (string[] args) {
     byte[] byteArray = new byte[] { 10, 12, 14 };
     AField sf = new AField(0, 0, ref byteArray);
        // It has a bug since it doesn't compute some paths until the root (i.e. the variable) 
        public Set<VariableEffect> EffectsInVariables2(AField af) {
        Set<VariableEffect> variableEffects = new Set<VariableEffect>();
        // Get the fields that are backward reachable from the modified field
        Set<List<Edge>> paths = PointsToGraph.DFSPathFrom(af.Src, false, true, true);
        //IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Edge>> paths2 = PointsToGraph.DFSPath(af.Src, false, true, true);
        foreach (List<Edge> currentPath in paths) {

          IPTAnalysisNode rootNode;

          //foreach (Edge e in currentPath)
          //    Console.Out.Write("{0} ", e);

          if (currentPath.Count > 0)
            rootNode = currentPath[0].Src;
            rootNode = af.Src;

          // we ignore newly allocated objetcs
          if (rootNode.IsInside)
          Variable v = null;
          if (rootNode.IsVariableReference) {
            IVarRefNode vrNode = rootNode as IVarRefNode;
            v = vrNode.ReferencedVariable;
            if (!(v is Parameter) && !v.Equals(PTGraph.GlobalScope))
          if (rootNode.Equals(GNode.nGBL)) {
            v = PTGraph.GlobalScope;

          if (rootNode.IsParameterNode && ((PNode)rootNode).IsByValue) {
            bool fieldUpdate = !af.Field.Equals(PTGraph.asterisk);
            foreach (Edge e in currentPath) {
              if (fieldUpdate) break;
              fieldUpdate = fieldUpdate || !e.Field.Equals(PTGraph.asterisk);
            if (!fieldUpdate)

          string nodeName = rootNode.Name;

          if (af.Field.IsStatic)
            nodeName = af.Field.DeclaringType.Name.Name;

          if (v != null) {
            VariableEffect vEffect = ComputeOneEffectPath(af, currentPath, v);

        return variableEffects;
Esempio n. 5
 public abstract string fieldToTypeStr(AField fieldstruct);
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the effect ogf "af" over the parameters and globals
        /// DIEGO-TODO: I need to improve this part since it is very slow and repeitive
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="af"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Set<VariableEffect> EffectsInVariables(AField af)
            Set<VariableEffect> variableEffects = new Set<VariableEffect>();
            // Builds a sort of tree with all nodes backward reacheacle from the node 
            IPTAnalysisNode affectectNode = af.Src;
            Edges tree = this.pointsToGraph.EdgesReachableFrom(affectectNode, null, false, true, true);
            foreach (Parameter p in this.Parameters)
                CheckAndAddEffect(af, variableEffects, tree, p);
            CheckAndAddEffect(af, variableEffects, tree, PTGraph.GlobalScope);
            return variableEffects;

 /// <summary>
 /// Add all the effects of "af" over the given variable
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="af"></param>
 /// <param name="variableEffects"></param>
 /// <param name="tree"></param>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 private void CheckAndAddEffect(AField af, Set<VariableEffect> variableEffects, Edges tree, Variable p)
     IPTAnalysisNode from = this.Address(p);
     // Compute all paths from the variable to the affected node 
     // DIEGO-TODO: this is terribly slow. I have to make it much more faster.
     IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Edge>> paths = PointsToGraph.DFSPathFromTo(from, af.Src, tree);
     foreach (List<Edge> currentPath in paths)
         IPTAnalysisNode rootNode = null;
         if (currentPath.Count > 0)
             rootNode = currentPath[0].Src;
             rootNode = af.Src;
         if (rootNode.IsVariableReference)
             IVarRefNode vrNode = rootNode as IVarRefNode;
             Variable v = vrNode.ReferencedVariable;
             if (v != null)
                 VariableEffect vEffect = ComputeOneEffectPath(af, currentPath, v);
 public void AddEffect(IPTAnalysisNode n, Field f, Label lb,bool wasNull)
     AField af = new AField(n, f, lb,wasNull);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when at the end of method dataflow analysis. 
        /// We add an special treatment from methods that created closures.
        /// If an effect is over a field that corresponds to a variable of the enclosing 
        /// method we add the effect also in the enclosing method.
        /// DIEGO-TODO: EffectsInVariables is VERY SLOW. Try to improve it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m"></param>
      protected override void ComputeAfterDataflow(Method m) {
        // OJO!: I should also record read effects
        if (exitState != null) {
          PointsToAndWriteEffects ptwe = (PointsToAndWriteEffects)exitState;

          // If it is a closure method...
          if (PointsToAnalysis.IsCompilerGenerated(m)) {
            // Get enclosing method
            PointsToAndWriteEffects enclosingState = (PointsToAndWriteEffects)this.pointsToStateAnalysys.EnclosingState(m.DeclaringType);
            if (enclosingState != null) {
              // For each write effect
              foreach (AField af in ptwe.WriteEffects) {
                // Get the associated write effect in proram variables
                Set<VariableEffect> writeEffectsInVariables = ptwe.EffectsInVariables(af);

                foreach (VariableEffect vEffect in writeEffectsInVariables) {
                  // If the effect is over a this.field (this.f.g => |vEffec|>=2) 
                  // Or directly this.? (meaning all reacheacle)
                  if (m.ThisParameter != null
                     && vEffect.Variable.Equals(m.ThisParameter)
                     && vEffect.FieldChain.Count >= 2
                       || (vEffect.FieldChain.Count >= 1 && vEffect.FieldChain[0].Equals(PTGraph.allFields))) {
                    // Get the field to see if it is actually a variable in the enclosing method
                    Field f = vEffect.FieldChain[0];
                    Variable enclosingMethodVar = enclosingState.GetVariableByName(f.Name.Name);
                    if (enclosingMethodVar != null) {
                      // Set the write effect in the enclosing method
                      foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in enclosingState.Values(enclosingMethodVar)) {
                        Label lb = enclosingState.MethodLabel;
                        lb.Statement.SourceContext = enclosingState.Method.SourceContext;
                        AField newEffect = new AField(n, vEffect.FieldChain[1], af.Label);

        isPure = this.VerifyPurity();
        public void AddWriteEffect(AField af)

 private static IPTAnalysisNode getSrc(AField a)
     return a.Src;
 /// <summary>
 /// Compute one Effects using one path from a variable an effect in 
 /// an abstract heap location
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="af"></param>
 /// <param name="currentPath"></param>
 /// <param name="v"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static VariableEffect ComputeOneEffectPath(AField af, List<Edge> currentPath, Variable v)
     if (WeakPurityAndWriteEffectsAnalysis.debug)
         if (v == null)
     VariableEffect vEffect = new VariableEffect(v, af.Label);
     foreach (Edge e in currentPath)
         if (!e.Field.Equals(PTGraph.asterisk))
             // lastField = e.Field;
             // DIEGO-CHECK: If I have an effect on a omega node i can reach all nodes
             if (e.Src.IsOmega && (e.Field.Equals(PTGraph.allFields) || e.Field.Equals(PTGraph.allFieldsNotOwned)))
     if (!af.Field.Equals(PTGraph.asterisk) || vEffect.FieldChain.Count == 0)
     return vEffect;
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve data for table viewer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cont">The cont.Context on which to display errors</param>
        /// <param name="table">table Name of table</param>
        /// <param name="where">The where.Where clause for filter</param>
        /// <param name="order">The order.Order if data sorted (by clicking on title)</param>
        /// <param name="offset">The offset.Offset if paging</param>
        /// <param name="limit">limit Page size</param>
        /// <param name="view">indication of view (with out on update trigger) </param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames">The field names.</param>
        /// <returns>a list of Records</returns>
        public Record[] getTableDataWithWhere(Context cont, string table, string where, string order, int offset, int limit, bool view, string[] fieldNames)
            string sql = "";

            if (view)
                sql = "Select ";
                sql = "Select typeof(rowid), rowid As rowid, ";
            if (where.Trim().Equals(""))
                where = "";
                where = " Where " + where + " ";
            //String[] fieldNames = getFieldsNames(table);
            for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.Length; i++)
                sql += "typeof([" + fieldNames[i] + "]), [" + fieldNames[i] + "]";
                if (i < fieldNames.Length - 1)
                    sql += ", ";
            sql += " From [" + table + "] " + where + order + " limit " + limit + " offset " + offset;
            //Record[] recs = null;
            Stack <Record> recs = new Stack <Record>();

            using (SqliteDataReader cursor = ExecuteReader(sql))
                int columns = cursor.FieldCount / 2;
                //Utils.logD("Columns: " + columns, logging);
                //int rows = cursor.Depth;
                //Utils.logD("Rows = " + rows, logging);
                //recs = new Record[rows];
                //int i = 0;
                while (cursor.Read())
                    //recs[i] = new Record();
                    recs.Push(new Record());
                    AField[] fields = new AField[columns];
                    for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                        AField fld = new AField();
                        //Get the field type due to SQLites flexible handling of field types the type from
                        //the table definition can't be used
                            string fldType = cursor.GetString(j * 2);   //TODO still problems here with BLOB fields!?!?!?!
                        catch (Exception)
                        if (fld.getFieldType() == AField.FieldType.NULL)
                        else if (fld.getFieldType() == AField.FieldType.UNRESOLVED)
                            fld.setFieldData("Unknown field");
                            fld.setFieldData(cursor.GetValue(j * 2 + 1).ToString());
                        fields[j] = fld;
Esempio n. 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes the field into a PDF document from a dataTable.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="record">The index of the record.</param>
 /// <param name="fieldType">Type of the field.</param>
 /// <param name="topAdd">The Y coordnate (should be a running total).</param>
 /// <param name="fieldKey">The keyname of the field.</param>
 /// <param name="stamp">PDf stamp object to stamp with.</param>
 /// <param name="docFields">Collection of fields that may go onto the document.</param>
 /// <param name="currentPage">The current page.</param>
 /// <param name="totalPages">The total number of pages.</param>
 /// <param name="dt">The SQL dataTable.</param>
 /// <param name="queryArguments">Collection to replace AField values (from docFields) with.</param>
 private static void WriteField(int record, int fieldType, float topAdd, string fieldKey, ref PdfStamper stamp,
 ref Dictionary<string, AField> docFields, int currentPage, int totalPages, DataTable dt, Dictionary<string, object> queryArguments)
     string pattern1 = @"(^)(>)(.*$)";
     string pattern2 = @"(.*)>([^;]+);(.*)";
     string rplPat2 = ">$2;";
     string rplPat1 = "$1$3";
     //Never used -> string colPat="$2";
     if(fieldType == 1) {
         pattern1 = @"(^)(>>)(.*$)";
         pattern2 = @"(.*)>>([^;]+);(.*)";
         rplPat2 = ">>$2;";
     foreach(AcroFields.FieldPosition pos in stamp.AcroFields.GetFieldPositions(fieldKey)) {
         AField f = new AField();
         f.PDFKey = fieldKey;
         Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(pos.position);
         AcroFields.Item item = stamp.AcroFields.GetFieldItem(fieldKey);
         rect = new Rectangle(pos.position);
         if(fieldType == 1) {
             rect.Top += topAdd;
             rect.Bottom += topAdd;
         f.Rect = new Rectangle(rect);
         f.Page =;
         if(fieldKey.StartsWith("_pages")) {
             f.Value = "Page " + currentPage.ToString() + " of " + totalPages.ToString();
         } else if(fieldKey.StartsWith(">image") || fieldKey.StartsWith(">>image")) {
             string v = "";
             if(Regex.IsMatch(fieldKey, pattern2) && dt != null) {
                 string col = RequestReplace(Regex.Replace(fieldKey, pattern2, "$2"), queryArguments);
                 v = fieldKey.Replace(Regex.Replace(fieldKey, pattern2, rplPat2), dt.Rows[record][col].ToString().Trim());
             } else {
                 v = fieldKey;
             f.Value = RequestReplace(v, queryArguments);
             f.IsImage = true;
         } else if(fieldType != 2) {
             PRAcroForm.FieldInformation info = stamp.Reader.AcroForm.GetField(fieldKey);
             PdfDictionary dic = info.Info;
             if(dic.Contains(PdfName.DA)) {
                 PdfString pdfs = dic.Get(PdfName.DA) as PdfString;
                 string s = pdfs.ToString();
                 string[] vals = s.Split(' ');
                 f.FontFamily = vals[0];
                 f.FontSize = (float)Convert.ToInt32(vals[1]);
                 if(vals.Length > 6) {
                     f.R = (float)Convert.ToDouble(vals[3]);
                     f.G = (float)Convert.ToDouble(vals[4]);
                     f.B = (float)Convert.ToDouble(vals[5]);
             double int_alignment = 0;
             if(dic.Contains(PdfName.Q)) {
                 int_alignment = ((iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfNumber)(dic.Get(PdfName.Q))).DoubleValue;
             f.Alignment = int_alignment;
             string v = Regex.Replace(fieldKey, pattern1, rplPat1);
             f.Value = dt.Rows[record][v].ToString();
         f.Record = 0;
         Guid g = Guid.NewGuid();
         if( == 1) {
             docFields.Add(Convert.ToBase64String(g.ToByteArray()) + fieldKey, f);