protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!PermissionHelper.bIsSessionOK()) { return; } if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsCallback) { txtBuildingID.Text = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["BuildingID"].ToWSSafeString()); txtCategoryFirstID.Text = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["CFID"].ToWSSafeString()); List <String> listInfo = DBUtil.DoLookupOLEDB(m_LookupTablesDBConnection, m_catTable, "ID", DBUtil.FieldTypeEnum2.Number, txtCategoryFirstID.Text, new List <String>() { m_field_sectionName, m_field_mainCategory }); txtSection.Text = listInfo[0]; txtCategory.Text = listInfo[1]; lblBuildingName.Text = DBUtil.DoLookup("OLEDB", SqlFacility, "Building_ID", txtBuildingID.Text, "NUMBER", "LOCATION", "SELECT * FROM BUILDING"); lblSection.Text = txtSection.Text; lblCategory.Text = txtCategory.Text; } HttpContext.Current.Application["User" + HttpContext.Current.Session["SID"]] = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.ToString().ToUpper() + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString(); HttpContext.Current.Session["LastRequest"] = DateTime.Now; lnkSelectCategory.DataBind(); SqlFacility.Selected += new SqlDataSourceStatusEventHandler(SqlFacility_Selected); }
protected void DownloadFile() { try { String FileNum = String.Empty; try { FileNum = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["FILE"].ToWSSafeString()); } catch { FileNum = Request["FILE"].ToWSSafeString(); } String sFileToSend = Session["FILETOSEND" + FileNum].ToString(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sFileToSend) || !System.IO.File.Exists(sFileToSend)) { String js = "alert('Error. The specified file cannot be downloaded because it does not exist.');window.close();"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "FILESENDERROR", js, true); return; } Response.ContentType = WebMap.Web.StringUtil.GetMimetype(System.IO.Path.GetExtension(sFileToSend)); Response.Clear(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(sFileToSend)); Response.AppendHeader("Content-Length", (new System.IO.FileInfo(sFileToSend)).Length.ToString()); Response.TransmitFile(sFileToSend); Response.Flush(); Context.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); } catch (Exception) { } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!PermissionHelper.bIsSessionOK()) { return; } if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsCallback) { txtBuildingID.Text = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["BuildingID"].ToWSSafeString()); txtSubCatID.Text = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["SCID"].ToWSSafeString()); List <String> listInfo = DBUtil.DoLookupOLEDB(m_LookupTablesDBConnection, m_catTable, "ID", DBUtil.FieldTypeEnum2.Number, txtSubCatID.Text, new List <String>() { m_field_sectionName, m_field_mainCategory, m_field_subCategory }); txtSection.Text = listInfo[0]; txtCategory.Text = listInfo[1]; txtSubCategory.Text = listInfo[2]; lblBuildingName.Text = DBUtil.DoLookup(DBUtil.DBType.oledb, SqlFacility, "Building_ID", txtBuildingID.Text, DBUtil.FieldType.number, "LOCATION", "SELECT * FROM BUILDING"); lblSection.Text = txtSection.Text; lblCategory.Text = txtCategory.Text; } HttpContext.Current.Application["User" + HttpContext.Current.Session["SID"]] = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.ToString().ToUpper() + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString(); HttpContext.Current.Session["LastRequest"] = DateTime.Now; lnkSelectSubCategory.DataBind(); ltNoData.Visible = true; ltNoData.Text = String.Format("<p class=\"ui-body ui-body-c message\"><strong>No data entered for {0}. Please use the Add New Record button below to add a new record.</strong></p>", txtSubCategory.Text.ToWSTitleCase()); }
protected void DateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //update database txtBuildingID.Text = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["BuildingID"].ToWSSafeString()); //viewstate is disabled, need to update this on postback String fld = "INSP" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["InspectionYear"].ToWSSafeString(); String sSql = String.Format("UPDATE [{0}] SET [{1}] = DATE() WHERE [BUILDING_ID]={2} AND [{1}] IS NULL", m_FeatureClassTable, fld, txtBuildingID.Text); DBUtil.ConnExecute(DBUtil.DBConnType.Oledb, m_LookupTablesDBConnection, sSql); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!PermissionHelper.bIsSessionOK()) { return; } if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsCallback) { txtBuildingID.Text = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["BuildingID"].ToWSSafeString()); txtSubCatID.Text = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["SCID"].ToWSSafeString()); List <String> listInfo = DBUtil.DoLookupOLEDB(m_LookupTablesDBConnection, m_catTable, "ID", DBUtil.FieldTypeEnum2.Number, txtSubCatID.Text, new List <String>() { m_field_sectionName, m_field_mainCategory, m_field_subCategory }); txtSection.Text = listInfo[0]; txtCategory.Text = listInfo[1]; txtSubCategory.Text = listInfo[2]; String sEntryUid = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["EntryUID"].ToWSSafeString()); txtInspector.Text = User.Identity.Name.ToWSSafeString(); lblBuildingName.Text = DBUtil.DoLookup(DBUtil.DBType.oledb, SqlFacility, "Building_ID", txtBuildingID.Text, DBUtil.FieldType.number, "LOCATION", "SELECT * FROM BUILDING"); lblSection.Text = txtSection.Text; lblCategory.Text = txtCategory.Text; lblSubcategory.Text = txtSubCategory.Text; txtEntryUID.Text = sEntryUid == AddNewKey ? "-1" : sEntryUid; lblMessage.Text = sEntryUid == AddNewKey ? "Adding New Record" : "Viewing Record"; } HttpContext.Current.Application["User" + HttpContext.Current.Session["SID"]] = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.ToString().ToUpper() + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString(); HttpContext.Current.Session["LastRequest"] = DateTime.Now; if (txtEntryUID.Text == "-1") { if (IsEditEnabled()) { DetailsView1.ChangeMode(DetailsViewMode.Insert); } else { lblMessage.Text = "Sorry, your user account does not have permission to edit the data."; } } if (!IsEditEnabled()) { addJS("jsIsEditEnabled", "var jsIsEditEnabled = false;"); } else { addJS("jsIsEditEnabled", "var jsIsEditEnabled = true;"); } lnkBack.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!PermissionHelper.bIsSessionOK()) { return; } if (!Page.IsPostBack && !Page.IsCallback) { txtBuildingID.Text = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["BuildingID"].ToWSSafeString()); txtSectionExpanded.Text = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["CFID"].ToWSSafeString()); //coming back from SelectSubCategory this is CategoryFirstOfID but if navigate through to edit form, when you come back this is actually SCID if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtSectionExpanded.Text)) { List <String> listInfo = DBUtil.DoLookupOLEDB(m_LookupTablesDBConnection, m_catTable, "ID", DBUtil.FieldTypeEnum2.Number, txtSectionExpanded.Text, new List <String>() { m_field_sectionName, m_field_mainCategory, "FirstOfID" }); txtSectionExpanded.Text = listInfo[0]; String sCatName = listInfo[1]; String sCFID = listInfo[2]; //function loadSubMenu(divid, firstid, _buildingid, _sectionname, _maincategory) { String js = String.Format("loadSubMenu('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}');scroolToDivID('{0}');", GetCategorySubMenuID(sCFID), sCFID, txtBuildingID.Text, txtSectionExpanded.Text, sCatName); addJS("init-cat-expand", js, true); } lblBuildingName.Text = DBUtil.DoLookup("OLEDB", SqlFacility, "Building_ID", txtBuildingID.Text, "NUMBER", "LOCATION", "SELECT * FROM BUILDING"); if (collapseSection) { ltCollapseULBegin.Text = "<div data-role=\"collapsible-set\" data-theme=\"b\" data-content-theme=\"c\" >"; ltCollapseULEnd.Text = "</div>"; } else { ltCollapseULBegin.Text = "<ul data-role=\"listview\" data-inset=\"true\" data-filter=\"false\" data-filter-theme=\"false\">"; ltCollapseULEnd.Text = "</ul>"; } } HttpContext.Current.Application["User" + HttpContext.Current.Session["SID"]] = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name.ToString().ToUpper() + "|" + DateTime.Now.ToString(); HttpContext.Current.Session["LastRequest"] = DateTime.Now; }
protected string sqlFeatureInsertCommand() { //this sub-routine read field lists from sqlDataSource insert parameters. //Parameter names are case-sensitive and must match those used by Bind or Eval statement in GridView / DetailsView String FieldList = String.Empty; String ValueList = String.Empty; bool bFirst = true; //time stamp if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_FeatureClassTimeStampField)) { if (bFirst) { bFirst = false; } else { FieldList += ","; ValueList += ","; } FieldList += m_FeatureClassTimeStampField; //ValueList += "GETDATE()"; ValueList += "Now()"; } //inspector if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_InspectorField)) { if (bFirst) { bFirst = false; } else { FieldList += ","; ValueList += ","; } FieldList += m_InspectorField; ValueList += String.Format("'{0}'", User.Identity.Name.ToWSSafeString()); } //building id if (bFirst) { bFirst = false; } else { FieldList += ","; ValueList += ","; } FieldList += "Building_ID"; String bldgID = String.Empty; if (txtBuildingID == null || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBuildingID.Text)) { bldgID = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["BuildingID"].ToWSSafeString()); } else { bldgID = txtBuildingID.Text; } ValueList += String.Format("{0}", bldgID); //sub-category id if (bFirst) { bFirst = false; } else { FieldList += ","; ValueList += ","; } FieldList += "Sub_Category_ID"; String subCatID = String.Empty; if (txtSubCatID == null || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtSubCatID.Text)) { subCatID = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["SCID"].ToWSSafeString()); } else { subCatID = txtSubCatID.Text; } ValueList += String.Format("{0}", subCatID); //all other fields for (int i = 0; i <= SqlFacility.InsertParameters.Count - 1; i++) { Parameter uPrm = SqlFacility.UpdateParameters[i]; if (bFirst) { bFirst = false; } else { FieldList += ","; ValueList += ","; } FieldList += uPrm.Name; ValueList += String.Format("@{0}", uPrm.Name); } string sSql = String.Format("INSERT INTO [{0}] ({1}) VALUES ({2})", m_FeatureClassTable.ToUpper(), FieldList, ValueList); return(sSql); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Custom Client Names. string clientName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientName"]; Page.Title = clientName + " LOGIN PAGE"; messageContainer.Visible = false; //PersistCookie.Checked = false; //PersistCookie.Visible = false; Session["INTERNAL_IP"] = false; System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection IPDBConnection = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["_InternalIPDB"].ConnectionString); //check session to prevent logs from being created twice [1st on page load, 2nd when user click login button] if (Session["SID"] == null) { string sHost = ""; try { sHost = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(Request.Params["REMOTE_ADDR"]).HostName.ToString().ToUpper(); } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { Session["sHOST"] = sHost.ToUpper(); } System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection myConnection = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["_UserDatabase"].ConnectionString); string strCommand = string.Format("Insert into [LOG] (IP_ADDRESS,COMPUTER_NAME, TIME_START) values ('{0}','{1}','{2}')", Request.Params["REMOTE_ADDR"], sHost, DateTime.Now.ToString()); System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand myCommand = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(strCommand, myConnection); myCommand.Connection.Open(); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand cmdGetidentity = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT @@IDENTITY", myConnection); long lngNewID = Convert.ToInt64(cmdGetidentity.ExecuteScalar()); Session["SID"] = lngNewID; myCommand.Connection.Close(); } if (Page.Request["NoByPass"] == "TRUE") { if ((Session["CurrentEditor"] != null)) //user has already authenticated through one of the ASP edit forms { FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(Session["CurrentEditor"].ToString(), false); } return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["No_Internal_IP_L123_Bypass"]) && bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["No_Internal_IP_L123_Bypass"]) && Request["Token"] == null) { return; } if ((Session["sHost"].ToString().IndexOf("GIS1") == 0 || Session["sHost"].ToString().IndexOf("PROD3") == 0) && Request["Token"] == null) { //logged in from WS PC DeveloperBypass(); return; } else if (Request.UserHostAddress == "" || Request.UserHostAddress == "::1") { //logged in from server using localhost in browser address DeveloperBypass_InitiallyReadOnly("ADMIN", "L3 Bypass (Debug)"); //will be prompted for password if trying to edit return; } else { //check ip address DataSet myData = new DataSet(); //Level II bypass - GIS PC string strGISPCQuery = string.Format("select * from [IP_List_GIS] where [PCNAME] like '{0}'", Session["sHost"].ToString()); OleDbDataAdapter dsGISCmd = new OleDbDataAdapter(strGISPCQuery, IPDBConnection); dsGISCmd.Fill(myData, "GIS_PC"); DataTable pTableGIS = myData.Tables["GIS_PC"]; if (pTableGIS.Rows.Count > 0) { DeveloperBypass_InitiallyReadOnly(pTableGIS.Rows[0]["LOGIN"].ToString(), string.Format("L2 Bypass ({0})", pTableGIS.Rows[0]["LOGIN"].ToString())); //will be prompted for password if trying to edit return; } //Level I bypass - Wendel Intranet bool bIpOk = false; string strIPQuery = string.Format("select * from [IP_List] where [IP] = '{0}'", Request.UserHostAddress); OleDbDataAdapter dsCmd = new OleDbDataAdapter(strIPQuery, IPDBConnection); dsCmd.Fill(myData, "IP_Exact"); DataTable pTable = myData.Tables["IP_Exact"]; if (pTable.Rows.Count > 0) { //Exact match to IP address bIpOk = true; // } else { strIPQuery = "select * from [IP_List] where instr(1,[IP],'*')"; dsCmd = new OleDbDataAdapter(strIPQuery, IPDBConnection); dsCmd.Fill(myData, "IP_SubNet"); pTable = myData.Tables["IP_SubNet"]; System.Data.DataRow pRow = null; foreach (DataRow pRow_loopVariable in pTable.Rows) { pRow = pRow_loopVariable; Wildcard wildcard = new Wildcard(pRow["IP"].ToString(), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (wildcard.IsMatch(Request.UserHostAddress) || wildcard.IsMatch(Session["sHOST"].ToString())) { bIpOk = true; break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For } } } //'Level 1 DNS lookup bypass //'disable DNS lookup. it's slow //If Not bIpOk Then // strIPQuery = "select * from [IP_List] where [DNSLookup] = true" // dsCmd = New OleDbDataAdapter(strIPQuery, IPDBConnection) // dsCmd.Fill(myData, "DNS_SubNet") // pTable = myData.Tables("DNS_SubNet") // Dim pRow As System.Data.DataRow // For Each pRow In pTable.Rows // Try // If Request.UserHostAddress = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(pRow.Item("IP").ToString).AddressList(0).ToString Then // bIpOk = True // Exit For // End If // Catch ex As Exception // End Try // Next //End If //token in URL if (Request["Token"] != null) { String[] userInfo = AESUtil.DecryptString(Request["Token"]).Split(new String[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.None); //if ip matched the token - allow regardless of ip address if (userInfo[0].ToUpper() == "WARIT" && userInfo[1] == Request.UserHostAddress) { //token valid DeveloperBypass(); return; } //developer bypass - allow if coming from any of the recognized ip and token contains any of the recognized ip else if (bIpOk) { String strTokenIPQuery = String.Format("select * from [IP_List] where [IP] = '{0}'", userInfo[1]); OleDbDataAdapter dsTokenIPCmd = new OleDbDataAdapter(strTokenIPQuery, IPDBConnection); dsCmd.Fill(myData, "Token_IP_Exact"); DataTable pTokenIPTable = myData.Tables["Token_IP_Exact"]; if (pTable.Rows.Count > 0) { //token valid DeveloperBypass(); return; } } } if (bIpOk) { Session["INTERNAL_IP"] = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["No_Internal_IP_Bypass"]) && bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["No_Internal_IP_Bypass"])) { messageContainer.Visible = true; lblResults.Text = "Internal IP bypass is disabled in this application. You need to login."; lblResults.Font.Bold = true; } else { UpdateLogUser("ADMIN", "L1 Bypass"); //Level I bypass //Internal Access - bypass login screen Session["AllowEdit"] = false; FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage("ADMIN", false); return; } } } //Restrict_IP_Address if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Restrict_IP_Address"]) && bool.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Restrict_IP_Address"])) { bool bUserIPOK = false; OleDbConnection myUserIPConnection = new OleDbConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["_UserDatabase"].ConnectionString); string strUserIPQuery = "select * from [IP_Allow_List] where [IP] = '" + Request.UserHostAddress + "'"; OleDbDataAdapter dsUserIPCmd = new OleDbDataAdapter(strUserIPQuery, myUserIPConnection); DataSet myUserIPData = new DataSet(); dsUserIPCmd.Fill(myUserIPData, "IP_Exact"); DataTable pUserIPTable = myUserIPData.Tables["IP_Exact"]; if (pUserIPTable.Rows.Count > 0) { //Exact match to IP address bUserIPOK = true; } else { strUserIPQuery = "select * from [IP_Allow_List] where instr(1,[IP],'*')"; dsUserIPCmd = new OleDbDataAdapter(strUserIPQuery, myUserIPConnection); dsUserIPCmd.Fill(myUserIPData, "IP_SubNet"); pUserIPTable = myUserIPData.Tables["IP_SubNet"]; System.Data.DataRow pRow = null; foreach (DataRow pRow_loopVariable in pUserIPTable.Rows) { pRow = pRow_loopVariable; if (Request.UserHostAddress.Length >= pRow["IP"].ToString().Length) { if (Request.UserHostAddress.Substring(0, pRow["IP"].ToString().Length - 1) == pRow["IP"].ToString().Substring(0, pRow["IP"].ToString().Length - 1)) { bUserIPOK = true; break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit For } } } } if (!bUserIPOK) { UserName.Disabled = true; UserPass.Disabled = true; cmdLogin.Enabled = false; messageContainer.Visible = true; lblResults.Text = "Sorry, access is not permitted from your IP Address. Please contact Wendel GIS department for assistance."; lblResults.Font.Bold = true; } } }