/// <summary> /// This method will return an object representing the record matching the primary key information specified. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="pk" type="ADGroupRolePrimaryKey">Primary Key information based on which data is to be fetched.</param> /// /// <returns>object of class ADGroupRole</returns> public ADGroupRole SelectOne(ADGroupRolePrimaryKey pk) { _aDGroupRoleWCF = new ADGroupRole(); _aDGroupRole = POS.DataLayer.ADGroupRoleBase.SelectOne(new POS.DataLayer.ADGroupRolePrimaryKey(pk.GroupRoleID)); _aDGroupRoleWCF.GroupRoleID = _aDGroupRole.GroupRoleID; _aDGroupRoleWCF.GroupID = _aDGroupRole.GroupID; _aDGroupRoleWCF.RoleID = _aDGroupRole.RoleID; return _aDGroupRoleWCF; }
///<summary> ///This method will Delete the object from the database ///</summary> ///<param name="pk" type="ADGroupRolePrimaryKey">Primary Key information based on which data is to be fetched.</param> /// <returns>True if succeeded</returns> public bool Delete(ADGroupRolePrimaryKey pk) { return POS.DataLayer.ADGroupRoleBase.Delete(new POS.DataLayer.ADGroupRolePrimaryKey(pk.GroupRoleID)); }