Esempio n. 1
    private void drawExtendedHUD(AD2SpriteBatch sb, DrawParams d, Coord item)
        //back panel
        int hideOffset = (d.ReflectX ? (PanelWidth + -(int)(Extend * PanelWidth)) : (-PanelWidth + (int)(Extend * PanelWidth)));

        sb.DrawTexture(BackPanel, d.HUDX + hideOffset, d.HUDY);

        Coord portrait = findPortraitPosition(d, hideOffset);

        int   itemHideOffset = (d.ReflectX ? (ItemFrameWidth + -(int)(Extend * ItemFrameWidth)) : (-ItemFrameWidth + (int)(Extend * ItemFrameWidth)));
        Coord itemBar        = findItemBarPosition(d, item, itemHideOffset);

        if (d.ReflectX)
            sb.DrawTextureHFlip(RaceUtils.GetPotrait(Player.Race), d.HUDX + portrait.X, d.HUDY + portrait.Y);
            sb.DrawTextureHFlip(ItemFrameBig, d.HUDX + itemBar.X, d.HUDY + itemBar.Y);
            sb.DrawTexture(RaceUtils.GetPotrait(Player.Race), d.HUDX + portrait.X, d.HUDY + portrait.Y);
            sb.DrawTexture(ItemFrameBig, d.HUDX + itemBar.X, d.HUDY + itemBar.Y);
Esempio n. 2
    //Corner args
    public void DrawBars(AD2SpriteBatch sb)
        DrawParams d = generateDrawParams();

        Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, Player.Name, d.NameX, d.NameY, Color.White, 1, true);
        Coord bar  = findBarPosition(d);
        Coord item = findItemPosition(d, bar);

        //Extended GUI.
        drawExtendedHUD(sb, d, item);

        sb.DrawTexture(StatBar, d.HUDX + bar.X, d.HUDY + bar.Y);

        sb.DrawTexture(ItemFrame, d.HUDX + item.X, d.HUDY + item.Y);

        Utils.DrawRect(sb, d.HUDX + 1 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 1 + bar.Y, 20, 9, Color.Red);
        Utils.DrawRect(sb, d.HUDX + 1 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 11 + bar.Y, 20, 9, Color.Blue);
        Utils.DrawRect(sb, d.HUDX + 1 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 21 + bar.Y, 20, 9, Color.Green);

        Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, Player.HP.ToString(), d.HUDX + 4 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 2 + bar.Y, Color.White, 1, true);
        Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, Player.MP.ToString(), d.HUDX + 4 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 12 + bar.Y, Color.White, 1, true);
        Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, Player.FA.ToString(), d.HUDX + 4 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 22 + bar.Y, Color.White, 1, true);
Esempio n. 3
    public void Draw(AD2SpriteBatch sb)
        sb.DrawTexture(BallTexture, (int)PositionX, (int)PositionY);

        if (DontBeMadTimer < 0)
            Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, "ENJOY THE MUSIC", 40, 212, Color.White, 2, true);
Esempio n. 4
    public void Draw(AD2SpriteBatch sb)
        //Draw the title screen.
        sb.DrawTexture(TitleSreen, 0, 0, Breakout.BaseWidth, Breakout.BaseHeight);

        Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, "PRESS ENTER TO BEGIN", 40, 140, Color.White, 2, true);
Esempio n. 5
 public void DrawObjects(AD2SpriteBatch sb, int camX, int camY, int floorY)
     foreach (AD2Object a in objectRows[floorY])
         sb.DrawTexture(a.t, a.X + -camX, floorY + -(a.t.Height - 1) + -camY);
Esempio n. 6
 public void DrawObjects(AD2SpriteBatch sb, int camX, int camY, int floorY)
     foreach (AD2Object a in objectRows[floorY])
         sb.DrawTexture(a.t, a.X + -camX, floorY + -(a.t.Height - 1) + -camY);
Esempio n. 7
    public void Draw(AD2SpriteBatch sb)
        Renderer.GraphicsDevice.Clear(new Color(20, 0, 28));
        Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, "CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER", 50, 50, Color.White, 3);
        Pirate.Draw(sb, 10 + 50, 10 + 100, 24 * 2, 32 * 2);
        Dragon.Draw(sb, 10 + 100, 10 + 100, 24 * 2, 32 * 2);
        Meximage.Draw(sb, 10 + 150, 10 + 100, 24 * 2, 32 * 2);
        Ninja.Draw(sb, 10 + 200, 10 + 100, 24 * 2, 32 * 2);

        sb.DrawTexture(Arrow, 63 + (50 * CharacterSelect), 91, Color.DarkOrange);
Esempio n. 8
 public void Draw(AD2SpriteBatch sb)
     //Draw the GUI.
     sb.DrawTexture(GUIBackground, Breakout.StageWidth + 25, 94, 10, 16);
     Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, "LEVEL", Breakout.StageWidth + 4, 4, Color.Red, 1);
     Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, "1", Breakout.StageWidth + 24, 0, Color.White, 3);
     Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, "SCORE:", Breakout.StageWidth + 4, 30, Color.Red, 1);
     Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, (Ball.Points * 100).ToString(), Breakout.StageWidth + 25, 38, Color.White, 1);
     Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, "HIGH", Breakout.StageWidth + 4, 54, Color.Red, 1);
     Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, "SCORE:", Breakout.StageWidth + 12, 62, Color.Red, 1);
     Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, (Ball.Points * 100).ToString(), Breakout.StageWidth + 25, 70, Color.White, 1);
     Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, "LIVES", Breakout.StageWidth + 4, 86, Color.Red, 1);
     Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, "X" + Ball.BallsLeft.ToString(), Breakout.StageWidth + 36, 100, Color.White, 1);
Esempio n. 9
    protected override void AD2Draw(AD2SpriteBatch primarySpriteBatch)
        Level.drawBase(primarySpriteBatch, CamX, 0);
        Player.draw(primarySpriteBatch, CamX);

        foreach (Baddie b in Baddies)
            b.draw(primarySpriteBatch, CamX);

        foreach (Bullet b in Bullets)
            primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(Bullet.texture, b.x + -2 + -CamX, b.y + -2);
Esempio n. 10
    public void RenderLightMap(AD2SpriteBatch sb, Color ambient, int camX, int camY, int w, int h)

        LightBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, Alphacomp, null, null, null);

        foreach (Light l in Lights)



Esempio n. 11
    public void RenderLightMap(AD2SpriteBatch sb, Color ambient, int camX, int camY, int w, int h)

        LightBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, Alphacomp, null, null, null);

        foreach (Light l in Lights)
            DrawLight(l, camX, camY);



        sb.DrawTexture(TransMap, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 12
    protected override void AD2Draw(AD2SpriteBatch primarySpriteBatch)
        primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(baseMap, -camX, -camY);

        for (int y = 0; y != objectsList.Length; y++)
            foreach (AD2Object a in objectsList[y])
                if (Viewmode.Equals(Viewmodes.Object))
                    primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(a.t, a.X + -camX, y + -(a.t.Height - 1) + -camY);
                if (Viewmode.Equals(Viewmodes.FiftyPercent))
                    primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(a.collide, a.X + -camX, y + -(a.t.Height - 1) + -camY, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f));
                    primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(a.t, a.X + -camX, y + -(a.t.Height - 1) + -camY, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.7f));
                if (Viewmode.Equals(Viewmodes.Collide))
                    primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(a.collide, a.X + -camX, y + -(a.t.Height - 1) + -camY);

            if (putMode && camY + mouseY + (TextureList[putPointer].Height - 1) == y)
                if (Viewmode.Equals(Viewmodes.Object))
                    primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(TextureList[putPointer], mouseX, mouseY);
                    primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(CollideTextureList[putPointer], mouseX, mouseY);
                    primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(TextureList[putPointer], mouseX, mouseY, new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.7f));

        if (!putMode)
            primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(mouse, mouseX, mouseY);

        //GUI on top
        Utils.DrawRect(primarySpriteBatch, 0, 0, BaseWidth, 10, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
        Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(primarySpriteBatch, "F1/NEW  F2/SAVE  F3/LOAD  F4/HELP  V/VIEW  C/COLLIDE  R/RULER", 1, 1, Color.White, 1, true, Color.Black);

        if (objectsCanCollide)
            primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(allowCollide, BaseWidth - 10, 0);
            primarySpriteBatch.DrawTexture(disableCollide, BaseWidth - 10, 0);
Esempio n. 13
 public static void DrawRect(AD2SpriteBatch sb, int x, int y, int w, int h, Color c)
     sb.DrawTexture(WhiteRect, x, y, w, h, c);
Esempio n. 14
    //Corner args
    public void DrawBars(AD2SpriteBatch sb)
        DrawParams d = generateDrawParams();
        Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, Player.Name, d.NameX, d.NameY, Color.White, 1, true);
        Coord bar = findBarPosition(d);
        Coord item = findItemPosition(d, bar);
        //Extended GUI.
        drawExtendedHUD(sb, d,item);

        sb.DrawTexture(StatBar, d.HUDX + bar.X, d.HUDY + bar.Y);

        sb.DrawTexture(ItemFrame, d.HUDX + item.X, d.HUDY  + item.Y);

        Utils.DrawRect(sb, d.HUDX + 1 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 1 + bar.Y, 20, 9, Color.Red);
        Utils.DrawRect(sb, d.HUDX + 1 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 11 + bar.Y, 20, 9, Color.Blue);
        Utils.DrawRect(sb, d.HUDX + 1 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 21 + bar.Y, 20, 9, Color.Green);

        Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, Player.HP.ToString(), d.HUDX + 4 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 2 + bar.Y, Color.White, 1, true);
        Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, Player.MP.ToString(), d.HUDX + 4 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 12 + bar.Y, Color.White, 1, true);
        Utils.DefaultFont.Draw(sb, Player.FA.ToString(), d.HUDX + 4 + bar.X, d.HUDY + 22 + bar.Y, Color.White, 1, true);
Esempio n. 15
    private void drawExtendedHUD(AD2SpriteBatch sb, DrawParams d, Coord item)
        //back panel
        int hideOffset = (d.ReflectX ? (PanelWidth + -(int)(Extend * PanelWidth)) : (-PanelWidth + (int)(Extend * PanelWidth)));

        sb.DrawTexture(BackPanel, d.HUDX + hideOffset, d.HUDY);

        Coord portrait = findPortraitPosition(d, hideOffset);

        int itemHideOffset = (d.ReflectX ? (ItemFrameWidth + -(int)(Extend * ItemFrameWidth)) : (-ItemFrameWidth + (int)(Extend * ItemFrameWidth)));
        Coord itemBar = findItemBarPosition(d, item, itemHideOffset);

        if (d.ReflectX)
            sb.DrawTextureHFlip(RaceUtils.GetPotrait(Player.Race), d.HUDX + portrait.X, d.HUDY + portrait.Y);
            sb.DrawTextureHFlip(ItemFrameBig, d.HUDX + itemBar.X, d.HUDY + itemBar.Y);
            sb.DrawTexture(RaceUtils.GetPotrait(Player.Race), d.HUDX + portrait.X, d.HUDY + portrait.Y);
            sb.DrawTexture(ItemFrameBig, d.HUDX + itemBar.X, d.HUDY + itemBar.Y);
Esempio n. 16
 public void Draw(AD2SpriteBatch sb)
     sb.DrawTexture(PaddleTexture, (int)PositionX, PositionY);
Esempio n. 17
 public static void DrawRect(AD2SpriteBatch sb, int x, int y, int w, int h, Color c)
     sb.DrawTexture(WhiteRect, x, y, w, h, c);