Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports currency exchange rates, daily and corporate,
        /// from a one-of-two-styles formatted CSV file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AExchangeRDT">Daily or Corporate exchange rate table</param>
        /// <param name="ADataFilename">The .CSV file to process</param>
        /// <param name="ACSVSeparator"></param>
        /// <param name="ANumberFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="ADateFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="AImportMode">Daily or Corporate</param>
        /// <param name="AResultCollection">A validation collection to which errors will be added</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows that were actually imported.  Rows that duplicate existing rows do not count.
        /// This is usually because this is an attempt to import again after a failed previous attempt.</returns>
        private static int ImportCurrencyExRatesFromCSV(TTypedDataTable AExchangeRDT,
            string ADataFilename,
            string ACSVSeparator,
            string ANumberFormat,
            string ADateFormat,
            string AImportMode,
            TVerificationResultCollection AResultCollection)
            if ((AImportMode != "Corporate") && (AImportMode != "Daily"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value '" + AImportMode + "' for mode argument: Valid values are Corporate and Daily");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && (AExchangeRDT.GetType() != typeof(ACorporateExchangeRateTable)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Corporate'. Needs to be: ACorporateExchangeRateTable");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && (AExchangeRDT.GetType() != typeof(ADailyExchangeRateTable)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Daily'. Needs to be: ADailyExchangeRateTable");

            bool IsShortFileFormat;
            int x, y;

            // To store the From and To currencies
            // Use an array to store these to make for easy
            //   inverting of the two currencies when calculating
            //   the inverse value.
            string[] Currencies = new string[2];

            Type DataTableType;
            int RowsImported = 0;

            ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
            DataTable CacheDT = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);

            using (StreamReader DataFile = new StreamReader(ADataFilename, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
                string ThousandsSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "," : ".");
                string DecimalSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "." : ",");

                CultureInfo MyCultureInfoDate = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
                MyCultureInfoDate.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = ADateFormat;

                // TODO: disconnect the grid from the datasource to avoid flickering?

                string FileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ADataFilename);

                if ((FileNameWithoutExtension.IndexOf("_") == 3)
                    && (FileNameWithoutExtension.LastIndexOf("_") == 3)
                    && (FileNameWithoutExtension.Length == 7))
                    // File name format assumed to be like this: USD_HKD.csv
                    IsShortFileFormat = true;
                    Currencies = FileNameWithoutExtension.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                    IsShortFileFormat = false;

                int LineNumber = 0;

                while (!DataFile.EndOfStream)
                    string Line = DataFile.ReadLine();

                    // See if the first line is a special case??
                    if (LineNumber == 1)
                        // see if the first line is a text header - look for digits
                        // A valid header would look like:  From,To,Date,Rate
                        bool bFoundDigit = false;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Line.Length; i++)
                            char c = Line[i];

                            if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
                                bFoundDigit = true;

                        if (!bFoundDigit)
                            // No digits so we will assume the line is a header

                    //Convert separator to a char
                    char Sep = ACSVSeparator[0];
                    //Turn current line into string array of column values
                    string[] CsvColumns = Line.Split(Sep);

                    int NumCols = CsvColumns.Length;

                    //If number of columns is not 4 then import csv file is wrongly formed.
                    if (IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols < 2))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Failed to import the CSV currency file:{0}   {1}{0}{0}"),
                            Environment.NewLine, ADataFilename);
                        resultText +=
                                    "Line #{1} contains {2} column(s). Import files with names like 'USD_HKD.csv', where the From and To currencies are given in the name, should contain 2 or 3 columns:{0}{0}"),
                                Environment.NewLine, LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());
                        resultText +=
                                    "  1. Effective Date{0}  2. Exchange Rate{0}  3. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        return RowsImported;
                    else if (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols < 4))
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Failed to import the CSV currency file:{0}   {1}{0}{0}"),
                            Environment.NewLine, ADataFilename);
                        resultText += String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Line #{1} contains {2} column(s). It should have 4 or 5 as follows:{0}{0}"),
                            Environment.NewLine, LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());
                        resultText +=
                                    "    1. From Currency{0}    2. To Currency{0}    3. Effective Date{0}    4. Exchange Rate{0}    5. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        return RowsImported;

                    if (!IsShortFileFormat)
                        //Read the values for the current line
                        //From currency
                        Currencies[0] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString();
                        //To currency
                        Currencies[1] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString();

                    // Perform validation on the From and To currencies at this point!!
                    if ((allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null) || (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Invalid currency in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        return RowsImported;

                    // Date parsing as in Petra 2.x instead of using XML date format!!!
                    string DateEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace("\"", String.Empty);
                    DateTime DateEffective;

                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(DateEffectiveStr, MyCultureInfoDate, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateEffective))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Invalid date ({0}) in import file in line #{1}"), DateEffectiveStr, LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        return RowsImported;

                    decimal ExchangeRate = 0.0m;
                        string ExchangeRateString =
                            StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace(ThousandsSeparator, "").Replace(
                                DecimalSeparator, ".").Replace("\"", String.Empty);

                        ExchangeRate = Convert.ToDecimal(ExchangeRateString, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Invalid rate of exchange in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        return RowsImported;

                    int TimeEffective = 7200;

                    if (AImportMode == "Daily")
                        // Daily rate imports can have an optional final column which is the time
                        // Otherwise we assume the time is a default of 7200 (02:00am)
                        if ((IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 3))
                            || (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 5)))
                            string timeEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true);
                            int t = (int)new Ict.Common.TypeConverter.TShortTimeConverter().ConvertTo(timeEffectiveStr, typeof(int));

                            if (t < 0)
                                // it wasn't in the format 02:00
                                if (!Int32.TryParse(timeEffectiveStr, out t))
                                    // Not a regular Int32 either
                                    t = -1;

                            if ((t >= 0) && (t < 86400))
                                TimeEffective = t;
                                // raise an error
                                string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                        "Invalid effective time in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                                TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                                return RowsImported;

                    if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable)
                        ACorporateExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ACorporateExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ACorporateExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                    Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = 1 / ExchangeRate;
                    else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable)
                        ADailyExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ADailyExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ADailyExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective, TimeEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;
                                ExchangeRow.TimeEffectiveFrom = TimeEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = 1 / ExchangeRate;


                return RowsImported;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports currency exchange rates, daily and corporate,
        /// from a one-of-two-styles formatted CSV file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AExchangeRDT">Daily or Corporate exchange rate table</param>
        /// <param name="ADataFilename">The .CSV file to process</param>
        /// <param name="ACSVSeparator"></param>
        /// <param name="ANumberFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="ADateFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="AImportMode">Daily or Corporate</param>
        /// <param name="AResultCollection">A validation collection to which errors will be added</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows that were actually imported.  Rows that duplicate existing rows do not count.
        /// This is usually because this is an attempt to import again after a failed previous attempt.</returns>
        private static int ImportCurrencyExRatesFromCSV(TTypedDataTable AExchangeRDT,
                                                        string ADataFilename,
                                                        string ACSVSeparator,
                                                        string ANumberFormat,
                                                        string ADateFormat,
                                                        string AImportMode,
                                                        TVerificationResultCollection AResultCollection)
            // Keep a list of errors/warnings and severity
            List <Tuple <string, TResultSeverity> > InvalidRows = new List <Tuple <string, TResultSeverity> >();

            // keep a variable that becomes true if any row has an invalid column count, so we can show a helpful message
            bool InvalidColumnCount = false;

            // Check our method parameters
            if ((AImportMode != "Corporate") && (AImportMode != "Daily"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value '" + AImportMode + "' for mode argument: Valid values are Corporate and Daily");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && !(AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Corporate'. Needs to be: ACorporateExchangeRateTable");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && !(AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Daily'. Needs to be: ADailyExchangeRateTable");

            bool IsShortFileFormat;
            int  x, y;

            // To store the From and To currencies
            // Use an array to store these to make for easy
            //   inverting of the two currencies when calculating
            //   the inverse value.
            string[] Currencies = new string[2];

            Type DataTableType;
            int  RowsImported = 0;

            // This table will tell us the base currencies used by the current set of ledgers
            ALedgerTable ledgers = TRemote.MFinance.Setup.WebConnectors.GetAvailableLedgers();

            List <string> allBaseCurrencies           = new List <string>();
            DateTime      maxRecommendedEffectiveDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
            DateTime      minRecommendedEffectiveDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            int           preferredPeriodStartDay     = 0;

            // Use the ledger table rows to get a list of base currencies and current period end dates
            for (int i = 0; i < ledgers.Rows.Count; i++)
                ALedgerRow ledger = (ALedgerRow)ledgers.Rows[i];
                string     code   = ledger.BaseCurrency;

                if (ledger.LedgerStatus == true)
                    if (allBaseCurrencies.Contains(code) == false)

                    DataTable AccountingPeriods = TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.AccountingPeriodList,
                    AAccountingPeriodRow currentPeriodRow = (AAccountingPeriodRow)AccountingPeriods.Rows.Find(new object[] { ledger.LedgerNumber,
                                                                                                                             ledger.CurrentPeriod });
                    AAccountingPeriodRow forwardPeriodRow = (AAccountingPeriodRow)AccountingPeriods.Rows.Find(
                        new object[] { ledger.LedgerNumber,
                                       ledger.CurrentPeriod +
                                       ledger.NumberFwdPostingPeriods });

                    if ((forwardPeriodRow != null) &&
                        ((maxRecommendedEffectiveDate == DateTime.MaxValue) || (forwardPeriodRow.PeriodEndDate > maxRecommendedEffectiveDate)))
                        maxRecommendedEffectiveDate = forwardPeriodRow.PeriodEndDate;

                    if ((currentPeriodRow != null) &&
                        ((minRecommendedEffectiveDate == DateTime.MinValue) || (currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate > minRecommendedEffectiveDate)))
                        minRecommendedEffectiveDate = currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate;

                    if ((currentPeriodRow != null) && (preferredPeriodStartDay == 0))
                        preferredPeriodStartDay = currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate.Day;
                    else if ((currentPeriodRow != null) && (currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate.Day != preferredPeriodStartDay))
                        preferredPeriodStartDay = -1;

            // This will tell us the complete list of all available currencies
            ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
            DataTable      CacheDT       = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);

            allCurrencies.CaseSensitive = true;

            // Start reading the file
            using (StreamReader DataFile = new StreamReader(ADataFilename, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
                string ThousandsSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "," : ".");
                string DecimalSeparator   = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "." : ",");

                CultureInfo MyCultureInfoDate = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
                MyCultureInfoDate.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = ADateFormat;

                // TODO: disconnect the grid from the datasource to avoid flickering?

                string FileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ADataFilename).ToUpper();

                if ((FileNameWithoutExtension.IndexOf("_") == 3) &&
                    (FileNameWithoutExtension.LastIndexOf("_") == 3) &&
                    (FileNameWithoutExtension.Length == 7))
                    // File name format assumed to be like this: USD_HKD.csv
                    IsShortFileFormat = true;
                    Currencies        = FileNameWithoutExtension.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                    IsShortFileFormat = false;

                int LineNumber = 0;

                while (!DataFile.EndOfStream)
                    string Line = DataFile.ReadLine();

                    // See if the first line is a special case??
                    if (LineNumber == 1)
                        // see if the first line is a text header - look for digits
                        // A valid header would look like:  From,To,Date,Rate
                        bool bFoundDigit = false;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Line.Length; i++)
                            char c = Line[i];

                            if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
                                bFoundDigit = true;

                        if (!bFoundDigit)
                            // No digits so we will assume the line is a header

                    //Convert separator to a char
                    char Sep = ACSVSeparator[0];
                    //Turn current line into string array of column values
                    string[] CsvColumns = Line.Split(Sep);

                    int NumCols = CsvColumns.Length;

                    // Do we have the correct number of columns?
                    int minColCount = IsShortFileFormat ? 2 : 4;
                    int maxColCount = (AImportMode == "Daily") ? minColCount + 1 : minColCount;

                    if ((NumCols < minColCount) || (NumCols > maxColCount))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString(
                                                              "Line {0}: contains 1 column", "Line {0}: contains {1} columns", NumCols, true),
                                                          LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                        InvalidColumnCount = true;

                    if (!IsShortFileFormat)
                        //Read the values for the current line
                        //From currency
                        Currencies[0] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString().ToUpper();
                        //To currency
                        Currencies[1] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString().ToUpper();

                    // Perform validation on the From and To currencies at this point!!
                    if ((allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null) && (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: invalid currency codes ({1} and {2})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0], Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                    else if (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: invalid currency code ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                    else if (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: invalid currency code ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if ((allBaseCurrencies.Contains(Currencies[0]) == false) && (allBaseCurrencies.Contains(Currencies[1]) == false))
                        //raise a non-critical error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: Warning:  One of '{1}' and '{2}' should be a base currency in one of the active ledgers."),
                                                          LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0], Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    // Date parsing as in Petra 2.x instead of using XML date format!!!
                    string   DateEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace("\"", String.Empty);
                    DateTime DateEffective;

                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(DateEffectiveStr, MyCultureInfoDate, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateEffective))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: invalid date ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if (DateEffective > maxRecommendedEffectiveDate)
                        // raise a warning
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' is after the latest forwarding period of any active ledger"),
                                                          LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));
                    else if (DateEffective < minRecommendedEffectiveDate)
                        // raise a warning
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' is before the current accounting period of any active ledger"),
                                                          LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    if (AImportMode == "Corporate")
                        if ((preferredPeriodStartDay >= 1) && (DateEffective.Day != preferredPeriodStartDay))
                            // raise a warning
                            string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                                  "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' should be the first day of an accounting period used by all the active ledgers."),
                                                              LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                            InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    decimal ExchangeRate = 0.0m;
                        string ExchangeRateString =
                            StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace(ThousandsSeparator, "").Replace(
                                DecimalSeparator, ".").Replace("\"", String.Empty);

                        ExchangeRate = Convert.ToDecimal(ExchangeRateString, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (ExchangeRate == 0)
                            throw new Exception();
                    catch (Exception)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Line {0}: invalid rate of exchange ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), ExchangeRate);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    int TimeEffective = 7200;

                    if (AImportMode == "Daily")
                        // Daily rate imports can have an optional final column which is the time
                        // Otherwise we assume the time is a default of 7200 (02:00am)
                        if ((IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 3)) ||
                            (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 5)))
                            string timeEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true);
                            int    t = (int)new Ict.Common.TypeConverter.TShortTimeConverter().ConvertTo(timeEffectiveStr, typeof(int));

                            if (t < 0)
                                // it wasn't in the format 02:00
                                if (!Int32.TryParse(timeEffectiveStr, out t))
                                    // Not a regular Int32 either
                                    t = -1;

                            if ((t >= 0) && (t < 86400))
                                TimeEffective = t;
                                // raise an error
                                string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                                      "Line {0}: invalid effective time ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), t);

                                InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable)
                        ACorporateExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ACorporateExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ACorporateExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                    Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode  = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode    = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = Math.Round(1 / ExchangeRate, 10);
                    else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable)
                        ADailyExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ADailyExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ADailyExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective, TimeEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode  = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode    = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;
                                ExchangeRow.TimeEffectiveFrom = TimeEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = Math.Round(1 / ExchangeRate, 10);

                // if there are rows that could not be imported
                if ((InvalidRows != null) && (InvalidRows.Count > 0))
                    int errorCount   = 0;
                    int warningCount = 0;

                    // Go through once just to count the errors and warnings
                    foreach (Tuple <string, TResultSeverity> Row in InvalidRows)
                        if (Row.Item2 == TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical)

                    string resultText        = String.Empty;
                    bool   messageListIsFull = false;
                    int    counter           = 0;

                    if (errorCount > 0)
                        resultText = string.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString("1 row was not imported due to invalid data:",
                                                                           "{0} rows were not imported due to invalid data:", errorCount, true), errorCount) +

                    if (warningCount > 0)
                        resultText = string.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString("There was 1 warning associated with the imported rows:",
                                                                           "There were {0} warnings associated with the imported rows:", warningCount, true), warningCount) +

                    // Now go through again itemising each one
                    foreach (Tuple <string, TResultSeverity> Row in InvalidRows)

                        if (counter <= MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT)
                            resultText += Environment.NewLine + Row.Item1;
                        else if (!messageListIsFull)
                            resultText += String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                            "{0}{0}{1} errors/warnings were reported in total.  This message contains the first {2}."),
                                                        Environment.NewLine, InvalidRows.Count, MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT);
                            messageListIsFull = true;

                    // additional message if one or more rows has an invalid number of columns
                    if (InvalidColumnCount && IsShortFileFormat)
                        resultText += String.Format("{0}{0}" + Catalog.GetString("Each row should contain 2 or 3 columns as follows:") + "{0}" +
                                                        "  1. Effective Date{0}  2. Exchange Rate{0}  3. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                    else if (InvalidColumnCount && !IsShortFileFormat)
                        resultText += String.Format("{0}{0}" + Catalog.GetString("Each row should contain 4 or 5 columns as follows:") + "{0}" +
                                                        "    1. From Currency{0}    2. To Currency{0}    3. Effective Date{0}    4. Exchange Rate{0}    5. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),

                    TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                                                                         (errorCount > 0) ? TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical : TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical);


Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports currency exchange rates, daily and corporate,
        /// from a one-of-two-styles formatted CSV file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AExchangeRDT">Daily or Corporate exchange rate table</param>
        /// <param name="ADataFilename">The .CSV file to process</param>
        /// <param name="ACSVSeparator"></param>
        /// <param name="ANumberFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="ADateFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="AImportMode">Daily or Corporate</param>
        /// <param name="AResultCollection">A validation collection to which errors will be added</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows that were actually imported.  Rows that duplicate existing rows do not count.
        /// This is usually because this is an attempt to import again after a failed previous attempt.</returns>
        private static int ImportCurrencyExRatesFromCSV(TTypedDataTable AExchangeRDT,
            string ADataFilename,
            string ACSVSeparator,
            string ANumberFormat,
            string ADateFormat,
            string AImportMode,
            TVerificationResultCollection AResultCollection)
            // Keep a list of errors/warnings and severity
            List <Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>>InvalidRows = new List <Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>>();

            // keep a variable that becomes true if any row has an invalid column count, so we can show a helpful message
            bool InvalidColumnCount = false;

            // Check our method parameters
            if ((AImportMode != "Corporate") && (AImportMode != "Daily"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value '" + AImportMode + "' for mode argument: Valid values are Corporate and Daily");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && !(AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Corporate'. Needs to be: ACorporateExchangeRateTable");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && !(AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Daily'. Needs to be: ADailyExchangeRateTable");

            bool IsShortFileFormat;
            int x, y;

            // To store the From and To currencies
            // Use an array to store these to make for easy
            //   inverting of the two currencies when calculating
            //   the inverse value.
            string[] Currencies = new string[2];

            Type DataTableType;
            int RowsImported = 0;

            // This table will tell us the base currencies used by the current set of ledgers
            ALedgerTable ledgers = TRemote.MFinance.Setup.WebConnectors.GetAvailableLedgers();

            List <string>allBaseCurrencies = new List <string>();
            DateTime maxRecommendedEffectiveDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
            DateTime minRecommendedEffectiveDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            int preferredPeriodStartDay = 0;

            // Use the ledger table rows to get a list of base currencies and current period end dates
            for (int i = 0; i < ledgers.Rows.Count; i++)
                ALedgerRow ledger = (ALedgerRow)ledgers.Rows[i];
                string code = ledger.BaseCurrency;

                if (ledger.LedgerStatus == true)
                    if (allBaseCurrencies.Contains(code) == false)

                    DataTable AccountingPeriods = TDataCache.TMFinance.GetCacheableFinanceTable(TCacheableFinanceTablesEnum.AccountingPeriodList,
                    AAccountingPeriodRow currentPeriodRow = (AAccountingPeriodRow)AccountingPeriods.Rows.Find(new object[] { ledger.LedgerNumber,
                                                                                                                             ledger.CurrentPeriod });
                    AAccountingPeriodRow forwardPeriodRow = (AAccountingPeriodRow)AccountingPeriods.Rows.Find(
                        new object[] { ledger.LedgerNumber,
                                       ledger.CurrentPeriod +
                                       ledger.NumberFwdPostingPeriods });

                    if ((forwardPeriodRow != null)
                        && ((maxRecommendedEffectiveDate == DateTime.MaxValue) || (forwardPeriodRow.PeriodEndDate > maxRecommendedEffectiveDate)))
                        maxRecommendedEffectiveDate = forwardPeriodRow.PeriodEndDate;

                    if ((currentPeriodRow != null)
                        && ((minRecommendedEffectiveDate == DateTime.MinValue) || (currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate > minRecommendedEffectiveDate)))
                        minRecommendedEffectiveDate = currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate;

                    if ((currentPeriodRow != null) && (preferredPeriodStartDay == 0))
                        preferredPeriodStartDay = currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate.Day;
                    else if ((currentPeriodRow != null) && (currentPeriodRow.PeriodStartDate.Day != preferredPeriodStartDay))
                        preferredPeriodStartDay = -1;

            // This will tell us the complete list of all available currencies
            ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
            DataTable CacheDT = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);
            allCurrencies.CaseSensitive = true;

            // Start reading the file
            using (StreamReader DataFile = new StreamReader(ADataFilename, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
                string ThousandsSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "," : ".");
                string DecimalSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "." : ",");

                CultureInfo MyCultureInfoDate = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
                MyCultureInfoDate.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = ADateFormat;

                // TODO: disconnect the grid from the datasource to avoid flickering?

                string FileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ADataFilename).ToUpper();

                if ((FileNameWithoutExtension.IndexOf("_") == 3)
                    && (FileNameWithoutExtension.LastIndexOf("_") == 3)
                    && (FileNameWithoutExtension.Length == 7))
                    // File name format assumed to be like this: USD_HKD.csv
                    IsShortFileFormat = true;
                    Currencies = FileNameWithoutExtension.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                    IsShortFileFormat = false;

                int LineNumber = 0;

                while (!DataFile.EndOfStream)
                    string Line = DataFile.ReadLine();

                    // See if the first line is a special case??
                    if (LineNumber == 1)
                        // see if the first line is a text header - look for digits
                        // A valid header would look like:  From,To,Date,Rate
                        bool bFoundDigit = false;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Line.Length; i++)
                            char c = Line[i];

                            if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
                                bFoundDigit = true;

                        if (!bFoundDigit)
                            // No digits so we will assume the line is a header

                    //Convert separator to a char
                    char Sep = ACSVSeparator[0];
                    //Turn current line into string array of column values
                    string[] CsvColumns = Line.Split(Sep);

                    int NumCols = CsvColumns.Length;

                    // Do we have the correct number of columns?
                    int minColCount = IsShortFileFormat ? 2 : 4;
                    int maxColCount = (AImportMode == "Daily") ? minColCount + 1 : minColCount;

                    if ((NumCols < minColCount) || (NumCols > maxColCount))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString(
                                "Line {0}: contains 1 column", "Line {0}: contains {1} columns", NumCols, true),
                            LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                        InvalidColumnCount = true;

                    if (!IsShortFileFormat)
                        //Read the values for the current line
                        //From currency
                        Currencies[0] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString().ToUpper();
                        //To currency
                        Currencies[1] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString().ToUpper();

                    // Perform validation on the From and To currencies at this point!!
                    if ((allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null) && (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: invalid currency codes ({1} and {2})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0], Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                    else if (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: invalid currency code ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));
                    else if (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: invalid currency code ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if ((allBaseCurrencies.Contains(Currencies[0]) == false) && (allBaseCurrencies.Contains(Currencies[1]) == false))
                        //raise a non-critical error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: Warning:  One of '{1}' and '{2}' should be a base currency in one of the active ledgers."),
                            LineNumber.ToString(), Currencies[0], Currencies[1]);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    // Date parsing as in Petra 2.x instead of using XML date format!!!
                    string DateEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace("\"", String.Empty);
                    DateTime DateEffective;

                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(DateEffectiveStr, MyCultureInfoDate, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateEffective))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: invalid date ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if (DateEffective > maxRecommendedEffectiveDate)
                        // raise a warning
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' is after the latest forwarding period of any active ledger"),
                            LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));
                    else if (DateEffective < minRecommendedEffectiveDate)
                        // raise a warning
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' is before the current accounting period of any active ledger"),
                            LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    if (AImportMode == "Corporate")
                        if ((preferredPeriodStartDay >= 1) && (DateEffective.Day != preferredPeriodStartDay))
                            // raise a warning
                            string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                    "Line {0}: Warning: The date '{1}' should be the first day of an accounting period used by all the active ledgers."),
                                LineNumber.ToString(), DateEffectiveStr);

                            InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical));

                    decimal ExchangeRate = 0.0m;
                        string ExchangeRateString =
                            StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace(ThousandsSeparator, "").Replace(
                                DecimalSeparator, ".").Replace("\"", String.Empty);

                        ExchangeRate = Convert.ToDecimal(ExchangeRateString, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (ExchangeRate == 0)
                            throw new Exception();
                    catch (Exception)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                "Line {0}: invalid rate of exchange ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), ExchangeRate);

                        InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    int TimeEffective = 7200;

                    if (AImportMode == "Daily")
                        // Daily rate imports can have an optional final column which is the time
                        // Otherwise we assume the time is a default of 7200 (02:00am)
                        if ((IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 3))
                            || (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 5)))
                            string timeEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true);
                            int t = (int)new Ict.Common.TypeConverter.TShortTimeConverter().ConvertTo(timeEffectiveStr, typeof(int));

                            if (t < 0)
                                // it wasn't in the format 02:00
                                if (!Int32.TryParse(timeEffectiveStr, out t))
                                    // Not a regular Int32 either
                                    t = -1;

                            if ((t >= 0) && (t < 86400))
                                TimeEffective = t;
                                // raise an error
                                string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                        "Line {0}: invalid effective time ({1})"), LineNumber.ToString(), t);

                                InvalidRows.Add(new Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>(resultText, TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical));

                    if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable)
                        ACorporateExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ACorporateExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ACorporateExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                    Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = Math.Round(1 / ExchangeRate, 10);
                    else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable)
                        ADailyExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ADailyExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ADailyExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective, TimeEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;
                                ExchangeRow.TimeEffectiveFrom = TimeEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = Math.Round(1 / ExchangeRate, 10);

                // if there are rows that could not be imported
                if ((InvalidRows != null) && (InvalidRows.Count > 0))
                    int errorCount = 0;
                    int warningCount = 0;

                    // Go through once just to count the errors and warnings
                    foreach (Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>Row in InvalidRows)
                        if (Row.Item2 == TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical)

                    string resultText = String.Empty;
                    bool messageListIsFull = false;
                    int counter = 0;

                    if (errorCount > 0)
                        resultText = string.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString("1 row was not imported due to invalid data:",
                                "{0} rows were not imported due to invalid data:", errorCount, true), errorCount) +

                    if (warningCount > 0)
                        resultText = string.Format(Catalog.GetPluralString("There was 1 warning associated with the imported rows:",
                                "There were {0} warnings associated with the imported rows:", warningCount, true), warningCount) +

                    // Now go through again itemising each one
                    foreach (Tuple <string, TResultSeverity>Row in InvalidRows)

                        if (counter <= MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT)
                            resultText += Environment.NewLine + Row.Item1;
                        else if (!messageListIsFull)
                            resultText += String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                    "{0}{0}{1} errors/warnings were reported in total.  This message contains the first {2}."),
                                Environment.NewLine, InvalidRows.Count, MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT);
                            messageListIsFull = true;

                    // additional message if one or more rows has an invalid number of columns
                    if (InvalidColumnCount && IsShortFileFormat)
                        resultText += String.Format("{0}{0}" + Catalog.GetString("Each row should contain 2 or 3 columns as follows:") + "{0}" +
                                "  1. Effective Date{0}  2. Exchange Rate{0}  3. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                    else if (InvalidColumnCount && !IsShortFileFormat)
                        resultText += String.Format("{0}{0}" + Catalog.GetString("Each row should contain 4 or 5 columns as follows:") + "{0}" +
                                "    1. From Currency{0}    2. To Currency{0}    3. Effective Date{0}    4. Exchange Rate{0}    5. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),

                    TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                        (errorCount > 0) ? TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical : TResultSeverity.Resv_Noncritical);


                return RowsImported;
Esempio n. 4
        private void NewRowManual(ref ACurrencyLanguageRow ARow)
            // Deal with primary key.  CurrencyCode (varchar(16)) and LanguageCode (varchar(20)) are unique.
            if (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Count == 0)
                // Our first row is always USD/EN
                ARow.CurrencyCode = "USD";
                ARow.LanguageCode = "EN";
                // We already have some rows, so we use the currently selected language in the comboBox as a starter
                // This may or may not be the most recently added language depending on how the main data set has been sorted
                // But once we have started adding rows it should remain the 'active' row
                string prevLanguage = cmbDetailLanguageCode.cmbCombobox.Text;

                // Try and find some popular or at least likely currencies
                // Remember that we will almost certainly select a currency that the user does NOT want in their language
                // So this will be the one we always propose!!!!
                string[] tryCurrencies =
                    "USD", "GBP", "EUR", "INR", "AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "CNY", "JPY", "NZD", "PHP", "PKR", "ZAR"
                int nTryCurrency = 0;

                bool bFoundCurrency = true;

                while (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Find(new object[] { tryCurrencies[nTryCurrency], prevLanguage }) != null)
                    if (++nTryCurrency == tryCurrencies.Length)
                        // We have exhausted our popular choices
                        bFoundCurrency = false;

                if (bFoundCurrency)
                    ARow.CurrencyCode = tryCurrencies[nTryCurrency];
                    ARow.LanguageCode = prevLanguage;

                // So we have tried all the popular currencies in the current language
                // Now we fall back to trying all currencies in the current languages.
                // Remember that we will almost certainly select a currency that the user does NOT want in their language
                // So this will be the one we always propose!!!!
                Type DataTableType;

                ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
                DataTable      CacheDT       = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);

                nTryCurrency   = 0;
                bFoundCurrency = true;

                while (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Find(new object[] { allCurrencies.Rows[nTryCurrency][0].ToString(), prevLanguage }) != null)
                    if (++nTryCurrency == tryCurrencies.Length)
                        bFoundCurrency = false;

                if (bFoundCurrency)
                    ARow.CurrencyCode = allCurrencies.Rows[nTryCurrency][0].ToString();
                    ARow.LanguageCode = prevLanguage;

                // We could at this point start trying other languages - but there seems little point since the currency list contains
                // currencies that will never be used since they no longer exist!!  It is therefore assumed that by this time
                // the user has gone on to a different langauge where we will have started again with USD ....
        private void NewRowManual(ref ACurrencyLanguageRow ARow)
            // Deal with primary key.  CurrencyCode (varchar(16)) and LanguageCode (varchar(20)) are unique.
            if (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Count == 0)
                // Our first row is always USD/EN
                ARow.CurrencyCode = "USD";
                ARow.LanguageCode = "EN";
                // We already have some rows, so we use the currently selected language in the comboBox as a starter
                // This may or may not be the most recently added language depending on how the main data set has been sorted
                // But once we have started adding rows it should remain the 'active' row
                string prevLanguage = cmbDetailLanguageCode.cmbCombobox.Text;

                // Try and find some popular or at least likely currencies
                // Remember that we will almost certainly select a currency that the user does NOT want in their language
                // So this will be the one we always propose!!!!
                string[] tryCurrencies =
                    "USD", "GBP", "EUR", "INR", "AUD", "CAD", "CHF", "CNY", "JPY", "NZD", "PHP", "PKR", "ZAR"
                int nTryCurrency = 0;

                bool bFoundCurrency = true;

                while (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Find(new object[] { tryCurrencies[nTryCurrency], prevLanguage }) != null)
                    if (++nTryCurrency == tryCurrencies.Length)
                        // We have exhausted our popular choices
                        bFoundCurrency = false;

                if (bFoundCurrency)
                    ARow.CurrencyCode = tryCurrencies[nTryCurrency];
                    ARow.LanguageCode = prevLanguage;

                // So we have tried all the popular currencies in the current language
                // Now we fall back to trying all currencies in the current languages.
                // Remember that we will almost certainly select a currency that the user does NOT want in their language
                // So this will be the one we always propose!!!!
                Type DataTableType;

                ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
                DataTable CacheDT = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);

                nTryCurrency = 0;
                bFoundCurrency = true;

                while (FMainDS.ACurrencyLanguage.Rows.Find(new object[] { allCurrencies.Rows[nTryCurrency][0].ToString(), prevLanguage }) != null)
                    if (++nTryCurrency == tryCurrencies.Length)
                        bFoundCurrency = false;

                if (bFoundCurrency)
                    ARow.CurrencyCode = allCurrencies.Rows[nTryCurrency][0].ToString();
                    ARow.LanguageCode = prevLanguage;

                // We could at this point start trying other languages - but there seems little point since the currency list contains
                // currencies that will never be used since they no longer exist!!  It is therefore assumed that by this time
                // the user has gone on to a different langauge where we will have started again with USD ....
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports currency exchange rates, daily and corporate,
        /// from a one-of-two-styles formatted CSV file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AExchangeRDT">Daily or Corporate exchange rate table</param>
        /// <param name="ADataFilename">The .CSV file to process</param>
        /// <param name="ACSVSeparator"></param>
        /// <param name="ANumberFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="ADateFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="AImportMode">Daily or Corporate</param>
        /// <param name="AResultCollection">A validation collection to which errors will be added</param>
        /// <returns>The number of rows that were actually imported.  Rows that duplicate existing rows do not count.
        /// This is usually because this is an attempt to import again after a failed previous attempt.</returns>
        private static int ImportCurrencyExRatesFromCSV(TTypedDataTable AExchangeRDT,
                                                        string ADataFilename,
                                                        string ACSVSeparator,
                                                        string ANumberFormat,
                                                        string ADateFormat,
                                                        string AImportMode,
                                                        TVerificationResultCollection AResultCollection)
            if ((AImportMode != "Corporate") && (AImportMode != "Daily"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value '" + AImportMode + "' for mode argument: Valid values are Corporate and Daily");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && (AExchangeRDT.GetType() != typeof(ACorporateExchangeRateTable)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Corporate'. Needs to be: ACorporateExchangeRateTable");
            else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && (AExchangeRDT.GetType() != typeof(ADailyExchangeRateTable)))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid type of exchangeRateDT argument for mode: 'Daily'. Needs to be: ADailyExchangeRateTable");

            bool IsShortFileFormat;
            int  x, y;

            // To store the From and To currencies
            // Use an array to store these to make for easy
            //   inverting of the two currencies when calculating
            //   the inverse value.
            string[] Currencies = new string[2];

            Type DataTableType;
            int  RowsImported = 0;

            ACurrencyTable allCurrencies = new ACurrencyTable();
            DataTable      CacheDT       = TDataCache.GetCacheableDataTableFromCache("CurrencyCodeList", String.Empty, null, out DataTableType);


            using (StreamReader DataFile = new StreamReader(ADataFilename, System.Text.Encoding.Default))
                string ThousandsSeparator = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "," : ".");
                string DecimalSeparator   = (ANumberFormat == TDlgSelectCSVSeparator.NUMBERFORMAT_AMERICAN ? "." : ",");

                CultureInfo MyCultureInfoDate = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
                MyCultureInfoDate.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = ADateFormat;

                // TODO: disconnect the grid from the datasource to avoid flickering?

                string FileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ADataFilename);

                if ((FileNameWithoutExtension.IndexOf("_") == 3) &&
                    (FileNameWithoutExtension.LastIndexOf("_") == 3) &&
                    (FileNameWithoutExtension.Length == 7))
                    // File name format assumed to be like this: USD_HKD.csv
                    IsShortFileFormat = true;
                    Currencies        = FileNameWithoutExtension.Split(new char[] { '_' });
                    IsShortFileFormat = false;

                int LineNumber = 0;

                while (!DataFile.EndOfStream)
                    string Line = DataFile.ReadLine();

                    // See if the first line is a special case??
                    if (LineNumber == 1)
                        // see if the first line is a text header - look for digits
                        // A valid header would look like:  From,To,Date,Rate
                        bool bFoundDigit = false;

                        for (int i = 0; i < Line.Length; i++)
                            char c = Line[i];

                            if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
                                bFoundDigit = true;

                        if (!bFoundDigit)
                            // No digits so we will assume the line is a header

                    //Convert separator to a char
                    char Sep = ACSVSeparator[0];
                    //Turn current line into string array of column values
                    string[] CsvColumns = Line.Split(Sep);

                    int NumCols = CsvColumns.Length;

                    //If number of columns is not 4 then import csv file is wrongly formed.
                    if (IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols < 2))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Failed to import the CSV currency file:{0}   {1}{0}{0}"),
                                                          Environment.NewLine, ADataFilename);
                        resultText +=
                                              "Line #{1} contains {2} column(s). Import files with names like 'USD_HKD.csv', where the From and To currencies are given in the name, should contain 2 or 3 columns:{0}{0}"),
                                          Environment.NewLine, LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());
                        resultText +=
                                              "  1. Effective Date{0}  2. Exchange Rate{0}  3. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,
                    else if (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols < 4))
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Failed to import the CSV currency file:{0}   {1}{0}{0}"),
                                                          Environment.NewLine, ADataFilename);
                        resultText += String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Line #{1} contains {2} column(s). It should have 4 or 5 as follows:{0}{0}"),
                                                    Environment.NewLine, LineNumber, NumCols.ToString());
                        resultText +=
                                              "    1. From Currency{0}    2. To Currency{0}    3. Effective Date{0}    4. Exchange Rate{0}    5. Effective time in seconds (Optional for Daily Rate only)"),
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,

                    if (!IsShortFileFormat)
                        //Read the values for the current line
                        //From currency
                        Currencies[0] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString();
                        //To currency
                        Currencies[1] = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).ToString();

                    // Perform validation on the From and To currencies at this point!!
                    if ((allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[0]) == null) || (allCurrencies.Rows.Find(Currencies[1]) == null))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText          = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Invalid currency in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,

                    // Date parsing as in Petra 2.x instead of using XML date format!!!
                    string   DateEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace("\"", String.Empty);
                    DateTime DateEffective;

                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(DateEffectiveStr, MyCultureInfoDate, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateEffective))
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Invalid date ({0}) in import file in line #{1}"), DateEffectiveStr, LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,

                    decimal ExchangeRate = 0.0m;
                        string ExchangeRateString =
                            StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true).Replace(ThousandsSeparator, "").Replace(
                                DecimalSeparator, ".").Replace("\"", String.Empty);

                        ExchangeRate = Convert.ToDecimal(ExchangeRateString, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // raise an error
                        string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                              "Invalid rate of exchange in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                        TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,

                    int TimeEffective = 7200;

                    if (AImportMode == "Daily")
                        // Daily rate imports can have an optional final column which is the time
                        // Otherwise we assume the time is a default of 7200 (02:00am)
                        if ((IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 3)) ||
                            (!IsShortFileFormat && (NumCols == 5)))
                            string timeEffectiveStr = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref Line, ACSVSeparator, false, true);
                            int    t = (int)new Ict.Common.TypeConverter.TShortTimeConverter().ConvertTo(timeEffectiveStr, typeof(int));

                            if (t < 0)
                                // it wasn't in the format 02:00
                                if (!Int32.TryParse(timeEffectiveStr, out t))
                                    // Not a regular Int32 either
                                    t = -1;

                            if ((t >= 0) && (t < 86400))
                                TimeEffective = t;
                                // raise an error
                                string resultText = String.Format(Catalog.GetString(
                                                                      "Invalid effective time in import file in line #{0}"), LineNumber.ToString());
                                TVerificationResult result = new TVerificationResult(AImportMode,

                    if ((AImportMode == "Corporate") && AExchangeRDT is ACorporateExchangeRateTable)
                        ACorporateExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ACorporateExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ACorporateExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                    Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ACorporateExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode  = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode    = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = 1 / ExchangeRate;
                    else if ((AImportMode == "Daily") && AExchangeRDT is ADailyExchangeRateTable)
                        ADailyExchangeRateTable ExchangeRateDT = (ADailyExchangeRateTable)AExchangeRDT;

                        // run this code in the loop twice to get ExchangeRate value and its inverse
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                            //this will cause x and y to go from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 respectively
                            x = i;
                            y = Math.Abs(i - 1);

                            ADailyExchangeRateRow ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.Rows.
                                                                Find(new object[] { Currencies[x], Currencies[y], DateEffective, TimeEffective });

                            if (ExchangeRow == null)                                                                                    // remove 0 for Corporate
                                ExchangeRow = (ADailyExchangeRateRow)ExchangeRateDT.NewRowTyped();
                                ExchangeRow.FromCurrencyCode  = Currencies[x];
                                ExchangeRow.ToCurrencyCode    = Currencies[y];
                                ExchangeRow.DateEffectiveFrom = DateEffective;
                                ExchangeRow.TimeEffectiveFrom = TimeEffective;

                            if (i == 0)
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = ExchangeRate;
                                ExchangeRow.RateOfExchange = 1 / ExchangeRate;

