protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        PageTitle.TitleText = GetString("newsletter_issue_subscribersclicks.title");
        linkId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("linkid", 0);
        if (linkId == 0)

        LinkInfo link = LinkInfoProvider.GetLinkInfo(linkId);

        EditedObject = link;

        IssueInfo issue = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(link.LinkIssueID);

        EditedObject = issue;

        // Prevent accessing issues from sites other than current site
        if (issue.IssueSiteID != SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
            RedirectToResourceNotAvailableOnSite("Issue with ID " + link.LinkIssueID);

        var where = new WhereCondition().Where("LinkID", QueryOperator.Equals, linkId);

        // Link's issue is the main A/B test issue
        if (issue.IssueIsABTest && !issue.IssueIsVariant)
            // Get A/B test and its winner issue ID
            ABTestInfo test = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(issue.IssueID);
            if (test != null)
                // Get ID of the same link from winner issue
                var winnerLink = LinkInfoProvider.GetLinks()
                                 .WhereEquals("LinkIssueID", test.TestWinnerIssueID)
                                 .WhereEquals("LinkTarget", link.LinkTarget)
                                 .WhereEquals("LinkDescription", link.LinkDescription)

                if (winnerLink != null)
                    if (winnerLink.LinkID > 0)
                        // Add link ID of winner issue link
                        where.Or(new WhereCondition().Where("LinkID", QueryOperator.Equals, winnerLink.LinkID));
        where.And(new WhereCondition(fltOpenedBy.WhereCondition));

        UniGrid.WhereCondition        = where.WhereCondition;
        UniGrid.QueryParameters       = where.Parameters;
        UniGrid.Pager.DefaultPageSize = PAGESIZE;
        UniGrid.Pager.ShowPageSize    = false;
        UniGrid.FilterLimit           = 1;
        UniGrid.OnExternalDataBound  += UniGrid_OnExternalDataBound;
    protected void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Validate date/time
        if (dtpMailout.SelectedDateTime == DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME)

        IssueInfo winner        = (IssueInfo)EditedObject;
        int       parentIssueId = winner.IssueVariantOfIssueID;

        // Get A/B test info
        ABTestInfo abi = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(parentIssueId);

        if (abi != null)
            IssueInfo issue = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(parentIssueId);

            // Check if winner was selected and sent
            if (abi.TestWinnerIssueID != 0)
                if ((issue.IssueStatus == IssueStatusEnum.Finished) || (issue.IssueStatus == IssueStatusEnum.Sending))
                    // Winner was already sent

            // Update A/B test info and winner selection task (if exist)
            abi.TestWinnerOption = ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.Manual;
            NewsletterTasksManager.EnsureWinnerSelectionTask(abi, issue, false, DateTime.Now);

            abi.TestSelectWinnerAfter = 0;
            abi.TestWinnerSelected    = DateTime.Now;
            abi.TestWinnerIssueID     = winner.IssueID;

            if ((issue != null) && (winner != null))
                var parentIssue = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(parentIssueId);

                // Copy data from winner to parent
                IssueHelper.CopyWinningVariantIssueProperties(winner, issue);

                // Remove previous scheduled task of this issue
                NewsletterTasksManager.DeleteMailoutTask(issue.IssueGUID, issue.IssueSiteID);

                DateTime mailoutTime = dtpMailout.SelectedDateTime;
                Service.Resolve <IIssueScheduler>().ScheduleIssue(parentIssue, mailoutTime);

        // Close dialog and refresh parent page
Esempio n. 3
    private void SetABTestWinnerManually(ABTestInfo abTest, IssueInfo parentIssue, IssueInfo winnerVariant)
        // Update A/B test info and winner selection task (if exist)
        abTest.TestWinnerOption = ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.Manual;
        NewsletterTasksManager.EnsureWinnerSelectionTask(abTest, parentIssue, false, DateTime.Now);

        abTest.TestSelectWinnerAfter = 0;
        abTest.TestWinnerSelected    = DateTime.Now;
        abTest.TestWinnerIssueID     = winnerVariant.IssueID;
Esempio n. 4
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates new AB variant if AB test filled in.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="newDocument">Newly created document</param>
    /// <returns>True if new variant is successfully created or if AB test is not defined.</returns>
    private bool CreateABVariant(TreeNode newDocument)
        // If ABTest selected - create new variant
        int abTestID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(ucABTestSelector.Value, 0);

        if (abTestID <= 0)

        // If no test found, handle it as no test was specified
        ABTestInfo abTest = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfo(abTestID);

        if (abTest == null)

        string        defaultCodeName = TextHelper.LimitLength(ValidationHelper.GetCodeName(newDocument.NodeAlias), 45, String.Empty);
        string        codeName        = defaultCodeName;
        ABVariantInfo info            = ABVariantInfoProvider.GetABVariantInfo(codeName, abTest.ABTestName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

        // Find non existing variant code name
        int index = 0;

        while (info != null)
            codeName = defaultCodeName + "-" + index;
            info     = ABVariantInfoProvider.GetABVariantInfo(codeName, abTest.ABTestName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

        // Save AB Variant
        ABVariantInfo variantInfo = new ABVariantInfo();

        variantInfo.ABVariantTestID      = abTestID;
        variantInfo.ABVariantPath        = newDocument.NodeAliasPath;
        variantInfo.ABVariantName        = codeName;
        variantInfo.ABVariantDisplayName = newDocument.NodeAlias;
        variantInfo.ABVariantSiteID      = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;

        catch (InfoObjectException ex)
            newDocument.Delete(true, true);
Esempio n. 5
    private void InitTestGroupSlider(IssueInfo parentIssue, ABTestInfo abTest, bool forceReload)
        var variants = IssueHelper.GetIssueVariants(parentIssue, null);
        ucGroupSlider.Variants = variants;

        ucGroupSlider.NumberOfSubscribers = GetNumberOfSubscribers(parentIssue, variants);

        if (forceReload || !ucGroupSlider.Enabled)
            ucGroupSlider.CurrentSize = abTest?.TestSizePercentage ?? DEFAULT_TEST_GROUP_SIZE_PERCENTAGE;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (PostbackOnChange)
            ucUniSelector.DropDownSingleSelect.AutoPostBack = true;
            ScriptManager scr = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page);

        if (!URLHelper.IsPostback())
            // If some test belongs to node give by NodeID - preselect it in ABTest selector
            if (NodeID != 0)
                TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
                TreeNode     node = tree.SelectSingleNode(NodeID, CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode, tree.CombineWithDefaultCulture);

                if (node != null)
                    DataSet ds = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTests("ABTestSiteID = " + CMSContext.CurrentSiteID + " AND ABTestOriginalPage = '" + SqlHelperClass.GetSafeQueryString(node.NodeAliasPath, false) + "'", "ABTestName", -1, null, null);
                    if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                        // Preselect running test
                        bool runningTestFound = false;
                        foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                            ABTestInfo abTestObj = new ABTestInfo(row);
                            if (ABTestInfoProvider.ABTestIsRunning(abTestObj))
                                runningTestFound    = true;
                                ucUniSelector.Value = abTestObj.ABTestID;

                        // If no running test found for the page, preselect the first test (alphabetically)
                        if (!runningTestFound)
                            int abTestID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ABTestID"], 0);
                            if (abTestID != 0)
                                ucUniSelector.Value = abTestID;

Esempio n. 7
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles Unigrid's OnExternalDataBound event.
    /// </summary>
    protected object gridElem_OnExternalDataBound(object sender, string sourceName, object parameter)
        switch (sourceName.ToLower())
        case "abteststatus":
            int        testID   = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameter, 0);
            ABTestInfo testInfo = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfo(testID);
            if (testInfo != null)
                if (!testInfo.ABTestEnabled)
                    return("<span class=\"StatusDisabled\">" + GetString("general.disabled") + "</span>");
                    string status = string.Empty;

                    if (ABTestInfoProvider.ABTestIsRunning(testInfo))
                        // Display disabled information
                        if (!webAnalyticsEnabled)

                        if (!ABTestInfoProvider.ContainsVariants(testInfo))
                            // Display warning when the test does not contain any variant
                            return("<img src=\"" + GetImageUrl("Design/Controls/UniGrid/Actions/Warning.png") + "\" alt=\"" + GetString("abtest.novariants") + "\" title=\""
                                   + GetString("abtest.novariants") + "\" />&nbsp;&nbsp;"
                                   + GetString("abtesting.status" + ABTestStatusEnum.None));

                        status += "<span class=\"StatusEnabled\">" + GetString("abtesting.status" + ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestStatus(testInfo)) + "</span>";
                        status += GetString("abtesting.status" + ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestStatus(testInfo));



Esempio n. 8
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new AB variant that should be created by default to given AB test
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateDefaultVariant(ABTestInfo info)
        // Create instance of AB variant
        ABVariantInfo variant = new ABVariantInfo();

        // Set properties
        variant.ABVariantPath        = info.ABTestOriginalPage;
        variant.ABVariantTestID      = info.ABTestID;
        variant.ABVariantDisplayName = GetString("abtesting.originalvariantdisplayname");
        variant.ABVariantName        = "Original";
        variant.ABVariantSiteID      = info.ABTestSiteID;

        // Save to the storage
Esempio n. 9
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize winner option control.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="enable">Control state (enabled/disabled)</param>
    /// <param name="abi">A-B test info to load to control</param>
    /// <param name="forceReload">TRUE if force load should be performed</param>
    private void InitWinnerOption(bool enable, ABTestInfo abi, bool forceReload)
        if (abi == null)

        ucWO.Visible = true;
        ucWO.Enabled = enable;
        if (forceReload)
            ucWO.WinnerSelection = abi.TestWinnerOption;
            ucWO.TimeInterval    = abi.TestSelectWinnerAfter;
Esempio n. 10
    /// <summary>
    /// Collects data from controls and fills A/B test info.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="abi">A/B test info</param>
    private bool SaveABTestInfo(ABTestInfo abi)
        if (abi == null)

        var selectionChanged = (abi.TestWinnerOption != ucWO.WinnerSelection) || (abi.TestSelectWinnerAfter != ucWO.TimeInterval) ||
                               (abi.TestSizePercentage != ucGroupSlider.CurrentSize);

        abi.TestWinnerOption      = ucWO.WinnerSelection;
        abi.TestSelectWinnerAfter = ucWO.TimeInterval;
        abi.TestSizePercentage    = ucGroupSlider.CurrentSize;

    protected object UniGrid_OnExternalDataBound(object sender, string sourceName, object parameter)
        switch (sourceName)
        case "variantname":
            if (!isMainABTestIssue)

            IssueInfo issue       = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameter, 0));
            string    variantName = null;

            if (issue != null)
                if (!issue.IssueIsVariant)
                    // Get variant name from the winner issue
                    if (winnerIssue == null)
                        ABTestInfo test = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(issue.IssueID);
                        if (test != null)
                            // Get A/B test winner variant
                            winnerIssue = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(test.TestWinnerIssueID);

                    if (winnerIssue != null)
                        // Get variant name
                        variantName = winnerIssue.IssueVariantName;
                    // Get variant name
                    variantName = issue.IssueVariantName;


Esempio n. 12
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads control data.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="forceReload">Indicates if force reload should be used</param>
    public override void ReloadData(bool forceReload)
        if (StopProcessing && !forceReload)

        var parentIssueId = 0;

        mParentIssue = IssueInfoProvider.GetOriginalIssue(IssueID);
        if (mParentIssue != null)
            parentIssueId = mParentIssue.IssueID;

        // Get A/B test configuration
        mABTest = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(parentIssueId);
        if (mABTest == null)
            // Ensure A/B test object with default settings
            mABTest = new ABTestInfo
                TestIssueID = parentIssueId, TestSizePercentage = 50, TestWinnerOption = ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.Manual

        CurrentState = GetCurrentState(mParentIssue);
        if (mParentIssue.IssueForAutomation)
            InitControlsForIssueUsedInAutomation(CurrentState, forceReload);
            InitControls(CurrentState, forceReload);

        ucMailout.ParentIssueID = parentIssueId;

        InfoMessage = GetInfoMessage(CurrentState, mParentIssue, mABTest?.TestWinnerOption ?? ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.Manual);

        // Init test group slider
        InitTestGroupSlider(mParentIssue, mABTest, forceReload);
Esempio n. 13
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads control data.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="forceReload">Indicates if force reload should be used</param>
    public override void ReloadData(bool forceReload)
        if (StopProcessing && !forceReload)

        if (ForceReloadNeeded)
            forceReload       = true;
            ForceReloadNeeded = false;

        int parentIssueId = 0;

        mParentIssue = IssueInfoProvider.GetOriginalIssue(IssueID);
        if (mParentIssue != null)
            parentIssueId = mParentIssue.IssueID;

        // Get A/B test configuration
        mABTest = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(parentIssueId);
        if (mABTest == null)
            // Ensure A/B test object with default settings
            mABTest = new ABTestInfo()
                TestIssueID = parentIssueId, TestSizePercentage = 50, TestWinnerOption = ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.OpenRate, TestSelectWinnerAfter = 60

        CurrentState = GetCurrentState(mParentIssue);
        InitControls(CurrentState, forceReload);

        ucMailout.ParentIssueID = parentIssueId;

        InfoMessage = GetInfoMessage(CurrentState, mParentIssue, (mABTest != null ? mABTest.TestWinnerOption : ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.OpenRate), GetPlannedMailoutTime(ucMailout.HighestMailoutTime));

        // Init test group slider
        InitTestGroupSlider(mParentIssue, mABTest, forceReload);
        ucWO_OnChange(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Esempio n. 14
    protected void StartABTest()
        if (ABTest == null)

        if (!CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.ABTest", "Manage", ABTestSiteName))
            RedirectToAccessDenied("cms.abtest", "Manage");

        DateTime start = (radNow.Checked) ? DateTime.Now : calendarControl.SelectedDateTime;

        // Validate input
        if (radLater.Checked && !ABTestValidator.IsValidStart(start))

        // Create clone of the test to circumvent caching issues
        ABTestInfo testClone = ABTest.Clone();

        testClone.ABTestOpenFrom = start;

        // Check for collisions
        string collidingTestName = ABTestValidator.GetCollidingTestName(testClone);

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(collidingTestName))
            ShowError(String.Format(GetString("om.twotestsonepageerror"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(collidingTestName)), ABTest.ABTestOriginalPage));

        // Save the test with the new start date
        ABTest.ABTestOpenFrom = start;


        // Refresh the window opener with parameter indicating that the refresh was caused by this modal window
        ScriptHelper.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "RefreshPage", ScriptHelper.GetScript("wopener.RefreshPage(false); CloseDialog();"));
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize winner option control.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="enable">Control state (enabled/disabled)</param>
    /// <param name="abi">A-B test info to load to control</param>
    /// <param name="forceReload">TRUE if force load should be performed</param>
    private void InitWinnerOption(bool enable, ABTestInfo abi, bool forceReload)
        // Register handlers
        ucWO.OnChange -= new EventHandler(ucWO_OnChange);
        ucWO.OnChange += new EventHandler(ucWO_OnChange);

        if (abi == null)

        ucWO.Visible = true;
        ucWO.Enabled = enable;
        if (forceReload)
            ucWO.WinnerSelection = abi.TestWinnerOption;
            ucWO.TimeInterval    = abi.TestSelectWinnerAfter;
Esempio n. 16
    public override void ReloadData(bool forceReload)
        if (StopProcessing && !forceReload)

        // Javascript for handling winner mailout time
        string scriptBlock = string.Format(@"function SelWinner(id) {{ modalDialog('{0}?issueid=' + id, 'NewsletterWinnerMailout', '400px', '300px'); return false; }}
function ShowOpenedBy(id) {{ modalDialog('{1}?issueid=' + id, 'NewsletterIssueOpenedBy', '900px', '700px');  return false; }}
function ViewClickedLinks(id) {{ modalDialog('{2}?issueid=' + id, 'NewsletterTrackedLinks', '900px', '700px'); return false; }}",

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "Actions", scriptBlock, true);

        // Register handlers
        grdElem.OnExternalDataBound   -= new OnExternalDataBoundEventHandler(grdElem_OnExternalDataBound);
        grdElem.OnExternalDataBound   += new OnExternalDataBoundEventHandler(grdElem_OnExternalDataBound);
        grdElem.GridView.RowDataBound -= new GridViewRowEventHandler(GridView_RowDataBound);
        grdElem.GridView.RowDataBound += new GridViewRowEventHandler(GridView_RowDataBound);

        // Get winner ID if any
        ABTestInfo abi = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(ParentIssueID);

        if (abi != null)
            WinnerIssueID = abi.TestWinnerIssueID;

        grdElem.WhereCondition  = GetWhereCondition(ParentIssueID, false);
        grdElem.ShowActionsMenu = false;
        grdElem.ShowObjectMenu  = false;
        if (!ShowSelectWinnerAction)
            grdElem.GridActions = null;
Esempio n. 17
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int abTestId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("abTestId", 0);
        int nodeID   = QueryHelper.GetInteger("nodeid", 0);

        ABTestInfo abTest = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfo(abTestId);

        if (abTest != null)
            // Prepare the tabs
            string[,] tabs = new string[3, 4];
            tabs[0, 0]     = GetString("general.general");
            tabs[0, 1]     = "SetHelpTopic('helpTopic', 'abtest_general');";
            tabs[0, 2]     = "Tab_General.aspx?abTestId=" + abTestId + "&nodeid=" + nodeID;

            tabs[1, 0] = GetString("abtesting.variant.list");
            tabs[1, 1] = "SetHelpTopic('helpTopic', 'abtest_variants');";
            tabs[1, 2] = ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/OnlineMarketing/Pages/Content/ABTesting/ABVariant/List.aspx?abTestId=" + abTestId + "&nodeid=" + nodeID);

            tabs[2, 0] = GetString("general.reports");
            tabs[2, 1] = "SetHelpTopic('helpTopic', 'abtest_reports');";
            tabs[2, 2] = "abtestreports.aspx?abtestid=" + abTestId;

            // Prepare the breadcrumbs
            string[,] breadcrumbs = new string[2, 3];
            breadcrumbs[0, 0]     = GetString("abtesting.abtest.list");
            breadcrumbs[0, 1]     = "~/CMSModules/OnlineMarketing/Pages/Content/ABTesting/ABTest/List.aspx?nodeid=" + nodeID;
            breadcrumbs[0, 2]     = "_parent";
            breadcrumbs[1, 0]     = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(abTest.ABTestDisplayName.ToString());

            // Set the tabs
            ICMSMasterPage master = CurrentMaster;
            master.Tabs.Tabs      = tabs;
            master.Tabs.UrlTarget = "content";

            // Set the title
            PageTitle title = CurrentMaster.Title;
            title.Breadcrumbs   = breadcrumbs;
            title.HelpTopicName = "abtest_general";
            title.HelpName      = "helpTopic";
Esempio n. 18
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles Unigrid's OnExternalDataBound event.
    /// </summary>
    protected object gridElem_OnExternalDataBound(object sender, string sourceName, object parameter)
        string param = parameter.ToString();

        switch (sourceName.ToLowerCSafe())
        case "status":
            ABTestStatusEnum status;
            if (Enum.TryParse(param, out status))

        case "page":
            return(new HyperLink
                NavigateUrl = DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(param),
                Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(param),
                Target = "_blank"

        case "visitors":
        case "conversions":
            string statisticsCodeName = (sourceName.ToLowerCSafe() == "visitors" ? "abvisitfirst" : "absessionconversionfirst");

            ABTestInfo abTestInfo = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfo(param, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);
            if (abTestInfo != null)
                return(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(HitsInfoProvider.GetAllHitsInfo(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID, HitsIntervalEnum.Year, statisticsCodeName + ";" + abTestInfo.ABTestName + ";%", "SUM(HitsCount)", abTestInfo.ABTestCulture).Tables[0].Rows[0][0], 0));


Esempio n. 19
    /// <summary>
    /// Validates the form. If validation succeeds returns true, otherwise returns false.
    /// </summary>
    private bool Validate()
        // Validate required fields
        string errorMessage = new Validator()
                              .NotEmpty(txtABVariantDisplayName.Text.Trim(), rfvABVariantDisplayName.ErrorMessage)
                              .NotEmpty(txtABVariantName.Text.Trim(), rfvABVariantName.ErrorMessage)
                              .IsCodeName(txtABVariantName.Text.Trim(), GetString("general.invalidcodename")).Result;

        string abTestName = string.Empty;
        string siteName   = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;

        // Get AB test info object
        ABTestInfo abti = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfo(TestID);

        if (abti != null)
            abTestName = abti.ABTestName;

        // Test unique codename
        ABVariantInfo info = ABVariantInfoProvider.GetABVariantInfo(txtABVariantName.Text.Trim(), abTestName, siteName);

        if ((info != null) && ((VariantObj == null) || (info.ABVariantID != VariantObj.ABVariantID)))
            errorMessage = GetString("general.codenameexists");

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ucPath.Value.ToString()))
            errorMessage = GetString("abtesting.entertestpage");

        // Set the error message
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))

    /// <summary>
    /// Collects data from controls and fills A/B test info.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="abi">A/B test info</param>
    private bool SaveABTestInfo(ABTestInfo abi)
        if (abi == null)

        bool result = (abi.TestWinnerOption != ucWO.WinnerSelection) || (abi.TestSelectWinnerAfter != ucWO.TimeInterval) ||
                      (abi.TestSizePercentage != ucGroupSlider.CurrentSize);

        switch (Mode)
        case SendControlMode.Wizard:
        case SendControlMode.Send:
            abi.TestWinnerOption      = ucWO.WinnerSelection;
            abi.TestSelectWinnerAfter = ucWO.TimeInterval;

        abi.TestSizePercentage = ucGroupSlider.CurrentSize;
Esempio n. 21
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets number of opened e-mails of winner variant issue.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="issueId">ID of parent issue</param>
    private int GetWinnerVariantOpenes(int issueId)
        int openedEmails = 0;

        ABTestInfo test = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(issueId);

        if ((test != null) && (test.TestWinnerIssueID > 0))
            IssueInfo winner = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(test.TestWinnerIssueID);
            if (winner != null)
                // Get opened emails count from winner issue
                openedEmails += winner.IssueOpenedEmails;

                if (mOnlineMarketingEnabled)
                    // Get number of emails opened by contact group and persona members
                    openedEmails += OpenedEmailInfoProvider.GetMultiSubscriberOpenedIssueActivityCount(winner.IssueID);

    /// <summary>
    /// Checks whether the form is valid.
    /// </summary>
    private bool IsValid()
        // If the test is finished, no validation is needed
        if (TestStatus == ABTestStatusEnum.Finished)
            return true;

        // Get page of the test so we can check for collisions
        string page = QueryHelper.GetString("AliasPath", null);
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(page))
            page = form.GetFieldValue("ABTestOriginalPage").ToString();

        // Validate original page of the test
        if (!PageExists(page))
            return false;

        // Create temporary test used for validation of the new values
        ABTestInfo updatedTest = new ABTestInfo
            ABTestID = ABTest.ABTestID,
            ABTestOriginalPage = page,
            ABTestCulture = form.GetFieldValue("ABTestCulture").ToString(),
            ABTestSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID,

        updatedTest.ABTestOpenFrom = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(form.GetFieldValue("ABTestOpenFrom"), DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);

        // Validate start time if the test is not already running
        if (TestStatus != ABTestStatusEnum.Running)
            if (!ABTestValidator.IsValidStart(updatedTest.ABTestOpenFrom))
                return false;

        updatedTest.ABTestOpenTo = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(form.GetFieldValue("ABTestOpenTo"), DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);

        // Validate finish time of the test
        if (!ABTestValidator.IsValidFinish(updatedTest.ABTestOpenFrom, updatedTest.ABTestOpenTo))
            return false;

        // Find out possible collision - another test running on the same page, culture and at the same time
        string collidingTestName = ABTestValidator.GetCollidingTestName(updatedTest);
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(collidingTestName))
            ShowError(String.Format(GetString("om.twotestsonepageerror"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(collidingTestName)), updatedTest.ABTestOriginalPage));
            return false;

        // If we get here, all fields are valid
        return true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates new variant and raises "Add" event if specified.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">Name of new variant</param>
    /// <param name="issueId">ID of source issue on which the new variant will be based</param>
    private void RaiseOnAddEvent(string name, int issueId)
        // Get main issue (original)
        int currentIssuedId = IssueID;
        IssueInfo parentIssue = IssueInfoProvider.GetOriginalIssue(currentIssuedId);
        // Allow modifying issues in idle state only
        if ((parentIssue == null) || (parentIssue.IssueStatus != IssueStatusEnum.Idle))

        // Get issue content specified by ID (if not found use original)
        IssueInfo contentIssue = null;
        if (issueId > 0)
            if (issueId == parentIssue.IssueID)
                contentIssue = parentIssue;
                contentIssue = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(issueId);

        NewsletterInfo newsletter = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo(parentIssue.IssueNewsletterID);
        IssueInfo issueVariant = null;

        // ID of the first child (if new A/B test is being created (i.e. parent and 2 children)
        int origVariantId = 0;

        // Check if current issue is variant issue
        if (!parentIssue.IssueIsABTest)
            // Variant issue has not been created yet => create original and 2 child variants
            parentIssue.IssueIsABTest = true;

            // Create 1st variant based on parent issue, the 2nd variant will be created as ordinary variant below
            IssueInfo issueOrigVariant = parentIssue.Clone(true);
            issueOrigVariant.IssueVariantOfIssueID = parentIssue.IssueID;
            issueOrigVariant.IssueVariantName = GetString("newsletter.abvariantoriginal");
            issueOrigVariant.IssueScheduledTaskID = 0;
            // Create scheduled task for variant mail-out and update issue variant
            issueOrigVariant.IssueScheduledTaskID = CreateScheduledTask(issueOrigVariant, newsletter);
            // Update parent issue
                ObjectVersionManager.DestroyObjectHistory(parentIssue.ObjectType, parentIssue.IssueID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                EventLogProvider.LogException("Newsletter-AddVariant", "EXCEPTION", ex);

            origVariantId = issueOrigVariant.IssueID;

        // Variant issue has been created => create new variant only
        issueVariant = (contentIssue != null ? contentIssue.Clone(true) : parentIssue.Clone(true));
        issueVariant.IssueVariantName = name;
        issueVariant.IssueVariantOfIssueID = parentIssue.IssueID;

        // Prepare content with empty regions if empty content will be used
        string[] regions = null;
        if ((contentIssue == null) && (newsletter != null))
            EmailTemplateInfo template = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo(newsletter.NewsletterTemplateID);
            if (template != null)
                bool isValidRegionName = false;
                List<string> regionNames = new List<string>();
                EmailTemplateHelper.ValidateEditableRegions(template.TemplateBody, out isValidRegionName, out isValidRegionName, regionNames);
                for (int i = regionNames.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    regionNames[i] = regionNames[i] + "::";
                regions = regionNames.ToArray();
                // Set template ID (i.e. this template with these regions is used for current issue)
                issueVariant.IssueTemplateID = template.TemplateID;

        issueVariant.IssueText = (contentIssue != null ? contentIssue.IssueText : IssueHelper.GetContentXML(regions));
        issueVariant.IssueScheduledTaskID = 0;

        // Duplicate attachments and replace old guids with new guids in issue text if current variant issue is based on content of another
        if (contentIssue != null)
            List<Guid> guids = new List<Guid>();
            MetaFileInfoProvider.CopyMetaFiles(contentIssue.IssueID, issueVariant.IssueID,
                (contentIssue.IssueIsVariant ? NewsletterObjectType.NEWSLETTERISSUEVARIANT : NewsletterObjectType.NEWSLETTERISSUE),
                MetaFileInfoProvider.OBJECT_CATEGORY_ISSUE, NewsletterObjectType.NEWSLETTERISSUEVARIANT, MetaFileInfoProvider.OBJECT_CATEGORY_ISSUE, guids);
            if (guids.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < guids.Count; i += 2)
                    issueVariant.IssueText = LinkConverter.ReplaceInLink(issueVariant.IssueText, guids[i].ToString(), guids[i + 1].ToString());

        // Create scheduled task for variant mail-out
        issueVariant.IssueScheduledTaskID = CreateScheduledTask(issueVariant, newsletter);
        // Update issue variant

        if (origVariantId > 0)
            // New A/B test issue created => create new A/B test info
            ABTestInfo abi = new ABTestInfo() { TestIssueID = parentIssue.IssueID, TestSizePercentage = 50, TestWinnerOption = ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.OpenRate, TestSelectWinnerAfter = 60 };

            // Move attachments (meta files) from parent issue to first variant
            MetaFileInfoProvider.MoveMetaFiles(parentIssue.IssueID, origVariantId, NewsletterObjectType.NEWSLETTERISSUE, MetaFileInfoProvider.OBJECT_CATEGORY_ISSUE, NewsletterObjectType.NEWSLETTERISSUEVARIANT, MetaFileInfoProvider.OBJECT_CATEGORY_ISSUE);
            MetaFileInfoProvider.MoveMetaFiles(parentIssue.IssueID, origVariantId, NewsletterObjectType.NEWSLETTERISSUEVARIANT, MetaFileInfoProvider.OBJECT_CATEGORY_ISSUE, NewsletterObjectType.NEWSLETTERISSUEVARIANT, MetaFileInfoProvider.OBJECT_CATEGORY_ISSUE);

        if (OnAddVariant != null)
            VariantEventArgs args = new VariantEventArgs(name, issueVariant.IssueID);
            OnAddVariant(this, args);
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads control data.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="forceReload">Indicates if force reload should be used</param>
    public override void ReloadData(bool forceReload)
        if (StopProcessing && !forceReload)

        if (ForceReloadNeeded)
            forceReload = true;
            ForceReloadNeeded = false;

        int parentIssueId = 0;
        parentIssue = IssueInfoProvider.GetOriginalIssue(IssueID);
        if (parentIssue != null)
            parentIssueId = parentIssue.IssueID;

        // Get A/B test configuration
        abTest = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(parentIssueId);
        if (abTest == null)
            // Ensure A/B test object with default settings
            abTest = new ABTestInfo() { TestIssueID = parentIssueId, TestSizePercentage = 50, TestWinnerOption = ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.OpenRate, TestSelectWinnerAfter = 60 };

        CurrentState = GetCurrentState(parentIssue);
        InitControls(CurrentState, forceReload);

        ucMailout.ParentIssueID = parentIssueId;

        InfoMessage = GetInfoMessage(CurrentState, parentIssue, (abTest != null ? abTest.TestWinnerOption : ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.OpenRate), GetPlannedMailoutTime(ucMailout.HighestMailoutTime));

        // Init test group slider
        List<IssueABVariantItem> variants = IssueHelper.GetIssueVariants(parentIssue, null);
        ucGroupSlider.Variants = variants;
        bool allVariantsSent = true;
        if (variants != null)
            allVariantsSent = variants.TrueForAll(delegate(IssueABVariantItem item) { return item.IssueStatus == IssueStatusEnum.Finished; });
        if ((parentIssue.IssueStatus == IssueStatusEnum.Finished) || allVariantsSent)
            // Issue was sent long time ago => get number of subscribers from issue properties instead of current number of subscribers
            int perVariantEmails = 1;
            if (abTest != null)
                perVariantEmails = abTest.TestNumberPerVariantEmails;
            ucGroupSlider.NumberOfTestSubscribers = ucGroupSlider.Variants.Count * perVariantEmails;

            if (parentIssue.IssueStatus == IssueStatusEnum.Finished)
                // Issue was sent => get number of subscribers from number of sent issues
                ucGroupSlider.NumberOfSubscribers = parentIssue.IssueSentEmails;
                // Only variants was sent => get current number of subscribers
                ucGroupSlider.NumberOfSubscribers = GetEmailAddressCount(parentIssue.IssueNewsletterID, parentIssue.IssueSiteID);
            ucGroupSlider.NumberOfSubscribers = GetEmailAddressCount(parentIssue.IssueNewsletterID, parentIssue.IssueSiteID);

        if (forceReload || !ucGroupSlider.Enabled)
            ucGroupSlider.CurrentSize = (abTest != null ? abTest.TestSizePercentage : 10);
        ucWO_OnChange(this, EventArgs.Empty);
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves current newsletter settings.
    /// </summary>
    public bool SaveIssue()
            switch (CurrentState)
            case STATE_WAITING_TO_SEND_PAGE:
                if (abTest == null)
                    abTest = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(parentIssue.IssueID);

                // Get A/B test settings from controls
                bool abTestChanged = SaveABTestInfo(abTest);

                if (abTest == null)

                if (abTest.TestWinnerOption != ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.Manual)
                    // Check minimal time interval
                    if (abTest.TestSelectWinnerAfter < 5)
                        ErrorMessage = GetString("newsletterissue_send.saveissuewrongwinnerselectioninterval");

                // Check if test options has changed
                if (abTestChanged)
                    if (abTest.TestWinnerIssueID > 0)
                        // Options has been changed => reset previously selected winner
                        IssueInfoProvider.DeleteMailoutTask(parentIssue.IssueGUID, parentIssue.IssueSiteID);
                        abTest.TestWinnerIssueID  = 0;
                        abTest.TestWinnerSelected = DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME;
                        // Hide/reload winner selection in issue mail-out grid

                IssueHelper.EnsureWinnerSelectionTask(abTest, parentIssue, (CurrentState == STATE_TEST_WAITING_TO_SEL_WINNER), ucMailout.HighestMailoutTime);

                // Update info message for parent control
                int currentState = GetCurrentState(parentIssue);
                InfoMessage = GetInfoMessage(currentState, parentIssue, abTest.TestWinnerOption, GetPlannedMailoutTime(ucMailout.HighestMailoutTime));

            case STATE_TEST_FINISHED:
                ErrorMessage = GetString("newsletterissue_send.saveissuehasbeensent");
        catch (Exception e)
            ErrorMessage = e.Message;
Esempio n. 26
    protected object UniGrid_OnExternalDataBound(object sender, string sourceName, object parameter)
        DataRowView row = null;

        if (parameter is DataRowView)
            row = (DataRowView)parameter;
        int subscriberId = 0;

        switch (sourceName)
        case "name":
            subscriberId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(row.Row, "SubscriberID"), 0);
            string name = null;
            if (subscriberId == 0)
                // Get full name for contact group member (contact)
                name = ValidationHelper.GetString(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(row.Row, "SubscriberFullName"), string.Empty);

                // Return encoded name
                // Add the field transformation control that handles the translation
                var tr = new ObjectTransformation("newsletter.subscriber", subscriberId);
                tr.Transformation = "SubscriberFullName";


        case "email":
            subscriberId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(row.Row, "SubscriberID"), 0);
            string email = null;
            if (subscriberId == 0)
                // Get email for contact group member (contact)
                email = ValidationHelper.GetString(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(row.Row, "SubscriberEmail"), string.Empty);
                SubscriberInfo subscriber = SubscriberInfoProvider.GetSubscriberInfo(subscriberId);
                if (subscriber != null)
                    if (subscriber.SubscriberType == null)
                        // Get email for classic subscriber
                        email = subscriber.SubscriberEmail;
                        switch (subscriber.SubscriberType)
                        case UserInfo.OBJECT_TYPE:
                            UserInfo user = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(subscriber.SubscriberRelatedID);
                            if (user != null)
                                // Get email for user subscriber
                                email = user.Email;

                        case PredefinedObjectType.CONTACT:
                            DataSet ds = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetContactForNewsletters(subscriber.SubscriberRelatedID, "ContactEmail");
                            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                                // Get email from contact subscriber
                                email = ValidationHelper.GetString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ContactEmail"], string.Empty);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                // Return encoded email
                email = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(email);


        case "variantname":
            if (!isMainABTestIssue)

            IssueInfo issue       = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameter, 0));
            string    variantName = null;

            if (issue != null)
                if (!issue.IssueIsVariant)
                    // Get varinat name from the winner issue
                    if (winnerIssue == null)
                        ABTestInfo test = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(issue.IssueID);
                        if (test != null)
                            // Get A/B test winner variant
                            winnerIssue = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(test.TestWinnerIssueID);

                    if (winnerIssue != null)
                        // Get variant name
                        variantName = winnerIssue.IssueVariantName;
                    // Get variant name
                    variantName = issue.IssueVariantName;


Esempio n. 27
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves current newsletter settings.
    /// </summary>
    public bool SaveIssue()
            switch (CurrentState)
            case VariantStatusEnum.WaitingToSend:
            case VariantStatusEnum.ReadyForSending:
            case VariantStatusEnum.ReadyForTesting:
            case VariantStatusEnum.WaitingToSelectWinner:
                if (mABTest == null)
                    mABTest = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(mParentIssue.IssueID);

                // Get A/B test settings from controls
                var abTestChanged = SaveABTestInfo(mABTest);

                if (mABTest == null)

                if (mABTest.TestWinnerOption != ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.Manual)
                    // Check minimal time interval
                    if (mABTest.TestSelectWinnerAfter < 5)
                        ErrorMessage = GetString("newsletterissue_send.saveissuewrongwinnerselectioninterval");

                // Check if test options has changed
                if (abTestChanged && mABTest.TestWinnerIssueID > 0)
                    // Options has been changed => reset previously selected winner
                    NewsletterTasksManager.DeleteMailoutTask(mParentIssue.IssueGUID, mParentIssue.IssueSiteID);
                    mABTest.TestWinnerIssueID  = 0;
                    mABTest.TestWinnerSelected = DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME;
                    // Hide/reload winner selection in issue mail-out grid


                if (CurrentState == VariantStatusEnum.WaitingToSelectWinner)
                    NewsletterTasksManager.EnsureWinnerSelectionTask(mABTest, mParentIssue, true, ucMailout.HighestMailoutTime);

                // Update info message for parent control
                var currentState = GetCurrentState(mParentIssue);
                InfoMessage = GetInfoMessage(currentState, mParentIssue, mABTest.TestWinnerOption);

            case VariantStatusEnum.Finished:
                ErrorMessage = GetString("newsletterissue_send.saveissuehasbeensent");
        catch (Exception e)
            ErrorMessage = e.Message;
Esempio n. 28
    /// <summary>
    // Processes the form - saves the data.
    /// </summary>
    private void Process()
        // Check manage permissions
        if (!CheckPermissions("CMS.ABTest", PERMISSION_MANAGE))

        // Validate the form
        if (Validate())
            bool isNew = false;

            // Ensure the info object
            if (AbTestObj == null)
                AbTestObj = new ABTestInfo();
                if (AliasPath != String.Empty)
                    AbTestObj.ABTestOriginalPage = AliasPath;

                isNew = true;

            String dName = txtABTestDisplayName.Text.Trim();
            if (AbTestObj.ABTestDisplayName != dName)
                ScriptHelper.RefreshTabHeader(Page, null);

            // Initialize object
            String newName = txtABTestName.Text.Trim();
            AbTestObj.ABTestDisplayName = dName;
            AbTestObj.ABTestDescription = txtABTestDescription.Text.Trim();
            AbTestObj.ABTestMaxConversions = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(txtABTestMaxConversions.Text.Trim(), 0);
            AbTestObj.ABTestOpenFrom = dtpABTestOpenFrom.SelectedDateTime;
            AbTestObj.ABTestOpenTo = dtpABTestOpenTo.SelectedDateTime;
            AbTestObj.ABTestCulture = ucCultureSelector.Value.ToString();
            AbTestObj.ABTestEnabled = chkABTestEnabled.Checked;
            AbTestObj.ABTestSiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;

            // Name has changed. Change analytics statistics data for existing object
            if ((AbTestObj.ABTestID != 0) && (AbTestObj.ABTestName != newName))
                ABTestInfoProvider.RenameABTestStatistics(AbTestObj.ABTestName, newName, CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);
            AbTestObj.ABTestName = newName;

            // Store conversion type
            TargetConversionType conversionType = TargetConversionType.Total;
            if (radAnyVariant.Checked)
                conversionType = TargetConversionType.AnyVariant;
            AbTestObj.ABTestTargetConversionType = conversionType;

            if (ShowAliasPath)
                AbTestObj.ABTestOriginalPage = ucPath.Value.ToString().Trim();

            // Save object data to database

            ItemID = AbTestObj.ABTestID;

            // For new A/B test create default variant
            if (isNew)
                // Create instance of ab variant
                ABVariantInfo variant = new ABVariantInfo();

                // Set properties
                variant.ABVariantPath = AbTestObj.ABTestOriginalPage;
                variant.ABVariantTestID = AbTestObj.ABTestID;
                variant.ABVariantDisplayName = AbTestObj.ABTestDisplayName + " " + GetString("om.variant");
                variant.ABVariantName = AbTestObj.ABTestName;
                variant.ABVariantSiteID = AbTestObj.ABTestSiteID;

                // Save to the storage


            // Set the info message
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        PageTitle.TitleText = GetString("newsletter_issue_subscribersclicks.title");
        linkId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("linkid", 0);
        if (linkId == 0)

        LinkInfo link = LinkInfoProvider.GetLinkInfo(linkId);

        EditedObject = link;

        IssueInfo issue = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(link.LinkIssueID);

        EditedObject = issue;

        // Prevent accessing issues from sites other than current site
        if (issue.IssueSiteID != SiteContext.CurrentSiteID)
            RedirectToResourceNotAvailableOnSite("Issue with ID " + link.LinkIssueID);

        var listingWhereCondition = new WhereCondition().WhereEquals("ClickedLinkNewsletterLinkID", linkId);

        // Link's issue is the main A/B test issue
        if (issue.IssueIsABTest && !issue.IssueIsVariant)
            // Get A/B test and its winner issue ID
            ABTestInfo test = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(issue.IssueID);
            if (test != null)
                // Get ID of the same link from winner issue
                var winnerLink = LinkInfoProvider.GetLinks()
                                 .WhereEquals("LinkIssueID", test.TestWinnerIssueID)
                                 .WhereEquals("LinkTarget", link.LinkTarget)
                                 .WhereEquals("LinkDescription", link.LinkDescription)

                if (winnerLink != null)
                    if (winnerLink.LinkID > 0)
                        // Add link ID of winner issue link
                        listingWhereCondition.Or(new WhereCondition().WhereEquals("ClickedLinkNewsletterLinkID", winnerLink.LinkID));

        UniGrid.Pager.DefaultPageSize = PAGESIZE;
        UniGrid.Pager.ShowPageSize    = false;
        UniGrid.FilterLimit           = 1;
        fltOpenedBy.EmailColumn       = "ClickedLinkEmail";

        // Get click count by email
        UniGrid.DataSource = ClickedLinkInfoProvider.GetClickedLinks()
            new QueryColumn("ClickedLinkEmail"),
            new AggregatedColumn(AggregationType.Count, null).As("ClickCount")
    /// <summary>
    /// Collects data from controls and fills A/B test info.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="abi">A/B test info</param>
    private bool SaveABTestInfo(ABTestInfo abi)
        if (abi == null)
            return false;

        bool result = (abi.TestWinnerOption != ucWO.WinnerSelection) || (abi.TestSelectWinnerAfter != ucWO.TimeInterval)
            || (abi.TestSizePercentage != ucGroupSlider.CurrentSize);
        switch (Mode)
            case SendControlMode.Wizard:
            case SendControlMode.Send:
                abi.TestWinnerOption = ucWO.WinnerSelection;
                abi.TestSelectWinnerAfter = ucWO.TimeInterval;

        abi.TestSizePercentage = ucGroupSlider.CurrentSize;
        return result;
Esempio n. 31
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks whether the form is valid.
    /// </summary>
    private bool IsValid()
        // If the test is finished, no validation is needed
        if (TestStatus == ABTestStatusEnum.Finished)

        // Get page of the test so we can check for collisions
        string page = QueryHelper.GetString("AliasPath", null);

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(page))
            page = form.GetFieldValue("ABTestOriginalPage").ToString();

        // Validate original page of the test
        if (!PageExists(page))

        // Create temporary test used for validation of the new values
        ABTestInfo updatedTest = new ABTestInfo
            ABTestID           = ABTest.ABTestID,
            ABTestOriginalPage = page,
            ABTestCulture      = form.GetFieldValue("ABTestCulture").ToString(),
            ABTestSiteID       = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID,

        updatedTest.ABTestOpenFrom = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(form.GetFieldValue("ABTestOpenFrom"), DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);

        // Validate start time if the test is not already running
        if (TestStatus != ABTestStatusEnum.Running)
            if (!ABTestValidator.IsValidStart(updatedTest.ABTestOpenFrom))

        updatedTest.ABTestOpenTo = ValidationHelper.GetDateTime(form.GetFieldValue("ABTestOpenTo"), DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME);

        // Validate finish time of the test
        if (!ABTestValidator.IsValidFinish(updatedTest.ABTestOpenFrom, updatedTest.ABTestOpenTo))

        // Find out possible collision - another test running on the same page, culture and at the same time
        string collidingTestName = ABTestValidator.GetCollidingTestName(updatedTest);

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(collidingTestName))
            ShowError(String.Format(GetString("om.twotestsonepageerror"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(collidingTestName)), updatedTest.ABTestOriginalPage));

        // If we get here, all fields are valid
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads control data.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="forceReload">Indicates if force reload should be used</param>
    public override void ReloadData(bool forceReload)
        if (StopProcessing && !forceReload)

        if (ForceReloadNeeded)
            forceReload       = true;
            ForceReloadNeeded = false;

        int parentIssueId = 0;

        parentIssue = IssueInfoProvider.GetOriginalIssue(IssueID);
        if (parentIssue != null)
            parentIssueId = parentIssue.IssueID;

        // Get A/B test configuration
        abTest = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(parentIssueId);
        if (abTest == null)
            // Ensure A/B test object with default settings
            abTest = new ABTestInfo()
                TestIssueID = parentIssueId, TestSizePercentage = 50, TestWinnerOption = ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.OpenRate, TestSelectWinnerAfter = 60

        CurrentState = GetCurrentState(parentIssue);
        InitControls(CurrentState, forceReload);

        ucMailout.ParentIssueID = parentIssueId;

        InfoMessage = GetInfoMessage(CurrentState, parentIssue, (abTest != null ? abTest.TestWinnerOption : ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.OpenRate), GetPlannedMailoutTime(ucMailout.HighestMailoutTime));

        // Init test group slider
        List <IssueABVariantItem> variants = IssueHelper.GetIssueVariants(parentIssue, null);

        ucGroupSlider.Variants = variants;
        bool allVariantsSent = true;

        if (variants != null)
            allVariantsSent = variants.TrueForAll(delegate(IssueABVariantItem item) { return(item.IssueStatus == IssueStatusEnum.Finished); });
        if ((parentIssue.IssueStatus == IssueStatusEnum.Finished) || allVariantsSent)
            // Issue was sent long time ago => get number of subscribers from issue properties instead of current number of subscribers
            int perVariantEmails = 1;
            if (abTest != null)
                perVariantEmails = abTest.TestNumberPerVariantEmails;
            ucGroupSlider.NumberOfTestSubscribers = ucGroupSlider.Variants.Count * perVariantEmails;

            if (parentIssue.IssueStatus == IssueStatusEnum.Finished)
                // Issue was sent => get number of subscribers from number of sent issues
                ucGroupSlider.NumberOfSubscribers = parentIssue.IssueSentEmails;
                // Only variants was sent => get current number of subscribers
                ucGroupSlider.NumberOfSubscribers = GetEmailAddressCount(parentIssue.IssueNewsletterID, parentIssue.IssueSiteID);
            ucGroupSlider.NumberOfSubscribers = GetEmailAddressCount(parentIssue.IssueNewsletterID, parentIssue.IssueSiteID);

        if (forceReload || !ucGroupSlider.Enabled)
            ucGroupSlider.CurrentSize = (abTest != null ? abTest.TestSizePercentage : 10);
        ucWO_OnChange(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Esempio n. 33
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates new variant and raises "Add" event if specified.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">Name of new variant</param>
    /// <param name="issueId">ID of source issue on which the new variant will be based</param>
    private void RaiseOnAddEvent(string name, int issueId)
        // Get main issue (original)
        int       currentIssuedId = IssueID;
        IssueInfo parentIssue     = IssueInfoProvider.GetOriginalIssue(currentIssuedId);

        // Allow modifying issues in idle state only
        if ((parentIssue == null) || (parentIssue.IssueStatus != IssueStatusEnum.Idle))

        // Get issue content specified by ID (if not found use original)
        IssueInfo contentIssue = null;

        if (issueId > 0)
            if (issueId == parentIssue.IssueID)
                contentIssue = parentIssue;
                contentIssue = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(issueId);

        NewsletterInfo newsletter = NewsletterInfoProvider.GetNewsletterInfo(parentIssue.IssueNewsletterID);

        // ID of the first child (if new A/B test is being created (i.e. parent and 2 children)
        int origVariantId = 0;

        // Check if current issue is variant issue
        if (!parentIssue.IssueIsABTest)
            // Variant issue has not been created yet => create original and 2 child variants
            parentIssue.IssueIsABTest = true;

            // Create 1st variant based on parent issue, the 2nd variant will be created as ordinary variant below
            IssueInfo issueOrigVariant = parentIssue.Clone(true);
            issueOrigVariant.IssueVariantOfIssueID = parentIssue.IssueID;
            issueOrigVariant.IssueVariantName      = GetString("newsletter.abvariantoriginal");
            issueOrigVariant.IssueScheduledTaskID  = 0;
            // Create scheduled task for variant mail-out and update issue variant
            issueOrigVariant.IssueScheduledTaskID = CreateScheduledTask(issueOrigVariant);
            // Update parent issue
                ObjectVersionManager.DestroyObjectHistory(parentIssue.ObjectType, parentIssue.IssueID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                EventLogProvider.LogException("Newsletter-AddVariant", "EXCEPTION", ex);

            origVariantId = issueOrigVariant.IssueID;

        // Variant issue has been created => create new variant only
        IssueInfo issueVariant = (contentIssue != null ? contentIssue.Clone(true) : parentIssue.Clone(true));

        issueVariant.IssueVariantName      = name;
        issueVariant.IssueVariantOfIssueID = parentIssue.IssueID;

        // Prepare content with empty regions if empty content will be used
        string[] regions = null;
        if ((contentIssue == null) && (newsletter != null))
            EmailTemplateInfo template = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo(newsletter.NewsletterTemplateID);
            if (template != null)
                bool          isValidRegionName;
                List <string> regionNames = new List <string>();
                EmailTemplateHelper.ValidateEditableRegions(template.TemplateBody, out isValidRegionName, out isValidRegionName, regionNames);
                for (int i = regionNames.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    regionNames[i] = regionNames[i] + "::";
                regions = regionNames.ToArray();
                // Set template ID (i.e. this template with these regions is used for current issue)
                issueVariant.IssueTemplateID = template.TemplateID;

        issueVariant.IssueText            = (contentIssue != null ? contentIssue.IssueText : IssueHelper.GetContentXML(regions));
        issueVariant.IssueScheduledTaskID = 0;

        // Duplicate attachments and replace old guids with new guids in issue text if current variant issue is based on content of another
        if (contentIssue != null)
            List <Guid> guids = new List <Guid>();
            MetaFileInfoProvider.CopyMetaFiles(contentIssue.IssueID, issueVariant.IssueID,
                                               (contentIssue.IssueIsVariant ? IssueInfo.OBJECT_TYPE_VARIANT : IssueInfo.OBJECT_TYPE),
                                               ObjectAttachmentsCategories.ISSUE, IssueInfo.OBJECT_TYPE_VARIANT, ObjectAttachmentsCategories.ISSUE, guids);
            if (guids.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < guids.Count; i += 2)
                    issueVariant.IssueText = LinkConverter.ReplaceInLink(issueVariant.IssueText, guids[i].ToString(), guids[i + 1].ToString());

        // Create scheduled task for variant mail-out
        issueVariant.IssueScheduledTaskID = CreateScheduledTask(issueVariant);
        // Update issue variant

        if (origVariantId > 0)
            // New A/B test issue created => create new A/B test info
            ABTestInfo abi = new ABTestInfo
                TestIssueID = parentIssue.IssueID, TestSizePercentage = 50, TestWinnerOption = ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.OpenRate, TestSelectWinnerAfter = 60

            // Move attachments (meta files) from parent issue to first variant
            MetaFileInfoProvider.MoveMetaFiles(parentIssue.IssueID, origVariantId, IssueInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, ObjectAttachmentsCategories.ISSUE, IssueInfo.OBJECT_TYPE_VARIANT, ObjectAttachmentsCategories.ISSUE);
            MetaFileInfoProvider.MoveMetaFiles(parentIssue.IssueID, origVariantId, IssueInfo.OBJECT_TYPE_VARIANT, ObjectAttachmentsCategories.ISSUE, IssueInfo.OBJECT_TYPE_VARIANT, ObjectAttachmentsCategories.ISSUE);

        if (OnAddVariant != null)
            VariantEventArgs args = new VariantEventArgs(name, issueVariant.IssueID);
            OnAddVariant(this, args);
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new AB variant that should be created by default to given AB test
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateDefaultVariant(ABTestInfo info)
        // Create instance of AB variant
        ABVariantInfo variant = new ABVariantInfo();

        // Set properties
        variant.ABVariantPath = info.ABTestOriginalPage;
        variant.ABVariantTestID = info.ABTestID;
        variant.ABVariantDisplayName = GetString("abtesting.originalvariantdisplayname");
        variant.ABVariantName = "Original";
        variant.ABVariantSiteID = info.ABTestSiteID;

        // Save to the storage
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize winner option control.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="enable">Control state (enabled/disabled)</param>
    /// <param name="abi">A-B test info to load to control</param>
    /// <param name="forceReload">TRUE if force load should be performed</param>
    private void InitWinnerOption(bool enable, ABTestInfo abi, bool forceReload)
        // Register handlers
        ucWO.OnChange -= new EventHandler(ucWO_OnChange);
        ucWO.OnChange += new EventHandler(ucWO_OnChange);

        if (abi == null)

        ucWO.Visible = true;
        ucWO.Enabled = enable;
        if (forceReload)
            ucWO.WinnerSelection = abi.TestWinnerOption;
            ucWO.TimeInterval = abi.TestSelectWinnerAfter;
Esempio n. 36
    protected object UniGrid_OnExternalDataBound(object sender, string sourceName, object parameter)
        switch (sourceName)
        case "clickrate":
        case "uniqueclicks":
        case "totalclicks":
            DataRowView row   = (DataRowView)parameter;
            int         value = 0;
            if (sourceName.EqualsCSafe("totalclicks", true))
                // Get total clicks value
                value = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(row.Row, "TotalClicks"), 0);
                // Get unique clicks value
                value = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(row.Row, "UniqueClicks"), 0);

            // If A/B test links are shown...
            if (isMainABTestIssue)
                // Get selected issue (main or variant)
                IssueInfo issue = IssueInfoProvider.GetIssueInfo(issueId);
                if ((issue != null) && (!issue.IssueIsVariant))
                    // Get current link target and description
                    string linkTarget      = ValidationHelper.GetString(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(row.Row, "LinkTarget"), string.Empty);
                    string linkDescription = ValidationHelper.GetString(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(row.Row, "LinkDescription"), string.Empty);

                    // If the issue is main issue add winner variant statistics
                    if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(winnerData) && (UniGrid.InfoObject != null))
                        int        winnerIssueId = 0;
                        ABTestInfo test          = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(issue.IssueID);
                        if (test != null)
                            // Get winner variant issue ID
                            winnerIssueId = test.TestWinnerIssueID;

                        winnerData = UniGrid.InfoObject.GetData(null, "IssueID=" + winnerIssueId, null, -1, "LinkTarget,LinkDescription,UniqueClicks,TotalClicks", false);

                    if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(winnerData))
                        // Select data with matching link target and description
                        DataRow[] selectedRows = winnerData.Tables[0].Select(string.Format("LinkTarget='{0}' AND LinkDescription='{1}'", linkTarget, linkDescription));
                        if ((selectedRows != null) && (selectedRows.Length > 0))
                            if (sourceName.EqualsCSafe("totalclicks", true))
                                // Get total clicks value
                                value += ValidationHelper.GetInteger(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(selectedRows[0], "TotalClicks"), 0);

                                // Store if grid action should be visible (hide it if total clicks is lower than 0)
                                showGridAction.Add(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(row.Row, "LinkID"), 0), (value > 0));
                                // Get unique clicks value
                                value += ValidationHelper.GetInteger(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(selectedRows[0], "UniqueClicks"), 0);

            if (sourceName.EqualsCSafe("clickrate", true))
                // Return formated click rate
                return(string.Format("{0:F0}", (ValidationHelper.GetDouble(value, 0) / sentEmails) * 100));
                // Return unique or total clicks

        case "linktarget":
            return(string.Format(@"<a href=""#"" onclick=""OpenTarget('{0}')"">{1}</a>",
                                 HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(TextHelper.LimitLength(parameter.ToString(), 50))));

        case "linktargettooltip":

        case "linkdescription":
            return(HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(TextHelper.LimitLength(parameter.ToString(), 25)));

        case "linkdescriptiontooltip":

        case "view":
            if (sender is ImageButton)
                ImageButton imageButton = sender as ImageButton;
                // Register for prerender event to hide actions for links without any clicks
                imageButton.PreRender += ActionButton_PreRender;

        case "deleteoutdated":
            if (sender is ImageButton)
                ImageButton imageButton = sender as ImageButton;
                GridViewRow gvr         = parameter as GridViewRow;
                if (gvr != null)
                    DataRowView drv = gvr.DataItem as DataRowView;
                    if (drv != null)
                        bool isOutdated = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(drv["LinkOutdated"], false);
                        if (!isOutdated)
                            // Hide delete button for links that are not outdated
                            imageButton.Style.Add(HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display, "none");

    /// <summary>
    /// Saves current newsletter settings.
    /// </summary>
    public bool SaveIssue()
            switch (CurrentState)
                case STATE_WAITING_TO_SEND_PAGE:
                case STATE_WAITING_TO_SEND_WIZARD:
                case STATE_TEST_READY_FOR_SENDING:
                case STATE_TEST_WAITING_TO_SEL_WINNER:
                    if (abTest == null)
                        abTest = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfoForIssue(parentIssue.IssueID);

                    // Get A/B test settings from controls
                    bool abTestChanged = SaveABTestInfo(abTest);

                    if (abTest == null)
                        return false;

                    if (abTest.TestWinnerOption != ABTestWinnerSelectionEnum.Manual)
                        // Check minimal time interval
                        if (abTest.TestSelectWinnerAfter < 5)
                            ErrorMessage = GetString("newsletterissue_send.saveissuewrongwinnerselectioninterval");
                            return false;

                    // Check if test options has changed
                    if (abTestChanged)
                        if (abTest.TestWinnerIssueID > 0)
                            // Options has been changed => reset previously selected winner
                            IssueInfoProvider.DeleteMailoutTask(parentIssue.IssueGUID, parentIssue.IssueSiteID);
                            abTest.TestWinnerIssueID = 0;
                            abTest.TestWinnerSelected = DateTimeHelper.ZERO_TIME;
                            // Hide/reload winner selection in issue mail-out grid

                    IssueHelper.EnsureWinnerSelectionTask(abTest, parentIssue, (CurrentState == STATE_TEST_WAITING_TO_SEL_WINNER), ucMailout.HighestMailoutTime);

                    // Update info message for parent control
                    int currentState = GetCurrentState(parentIssue);
                    InfoMessage = GetInfoMessage(currentState, parentIssue, abTest.TestWinnerOption, GetPlannedMailoutTime(ucMailout.HighestMailoutTime));
                    return true;
                case STATE_TEST_FINISHED:
                    ErrorMessage = GetString("newsletterissue_send.saveissuehasbeensent");
        catch (Exception e)
            ErrorMessage = e.Message;
            return false;
        return true;
Esempio n. 38
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates document.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="createAnother">If false user will be redirected to created document</param>
    public int Save(bool createAnother)
        // Validate input data
        string message = new Validator().NotEmpty(txtDocumentName.Text.Trim(), GetString("om.enterdocumentname")).Result;

        if (message == String.Empty)
            if (node != null)
                // Select parent node
                TreeNode parent = tree.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, ucPath.Value.ToString(), TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, false, null, false);
                if (parent != null)
                    // Check security
                    if (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedToCreateNewDocument(parent.NodeID, node.NodeClassName))
                    TreeNode newNode = ProcessAction(node, parent, "copynode", false, true, true);

                    if (newNode != null)
                        newNode.SetValue("DocumentMenuItemHideInNavigation", !chkShowInNavigation.Checked);
                        newNode.SetValue("DocumentShowInSiteMap", chkShowInSiteMap.Checked);
                        newNode.SetValue("DocumentSearchExcluded", chkExcludeFromSearch.Checked);
                        // Limit length to 100 characters
                        string nodeAlias = TextHelper.LimitLength(txtDocumentName.Text.Trim(), 100, String.Empty);
                        newNode.NodeAlias    = nodeAlias;
                        newNode.DocumentName = nodeAlias;

                        // Update menu item name


                        // If ABTest selected - create new variant
                        int abTestID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(ucABTestSelector.Value, 0);
                        if (abTestID != 0)
                            ABTestInfo abTest = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTestInfo(abTestID);
                            if (abTest != null)
                                string        defaultCodeName = TextHelper.LimitLength(ValidationHelper.GetCodeName(newNode.GetDocumentName()), 45, String.Empty);
                                string        codeName        = defaultCodeName;
                                ABVariantInfo info            = ABVariantInfoProvider.GetABVariantInfo(codeName, abTest.ABTestName, CMSContext.CurrentSiteName);

                                // Find non existing variant code name
                                int index = 0;
                                while (info != null)
                                    codeName = defaultCodeName + "-" + index;
                                    info     = ABVariantInfoProvider.GetABVariantInfo(codeName, abTest.ABTestName, CMSContext.CurrentSiteName);

                                // Save AB Variant
                                ABVariantInfo variantInfo = new ABVariantInfo();
                                variantInfo.ABVariantTestID      = abTestID;
                                variantInfo.ABVariantPath        = newNode.NodeAliasPath;
                                variantInfo.ABVariantName        = codeName;
                                variantInfo.ABVariantDisplayName = newNode.GetDocumentName();
                                variantInfo.ABVariantSiteID      = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;


                        // Get the page mode
                        if (CMSContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.EditLive)
                            CMSContext.ViewMode = ViewModeEnum.EditForm;

                        txtDocumentName.Text = String.Empty;
                    message = GetString("om.pathdoesnotexists");

        if (message != String.Empty)
            lblError.Visible = true;
            lblError.Text    = message;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (PostbackOnChange)
            ucUniSelector.DropDownSingleSelect.AutoPostBack = true;
            ScriptManager scr = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Page);

        if (!URLHelper.IsPostback())
            // If some test belongs to node give by NodeID - preselect it in ABTest selector
            if (NodeID != 0)
                TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
                TreeNode node = tree.SelectSingleNode(NodeID, CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode, tree.CombineWithDefaultCulture);

                if (node != null)
                    DataSet ds = ABTestInfoProvider.GetABTests("ABTestSiteID = " + CMSContext.CurrentSiteID + " AND ABTestOriginalPage = '" + SqlHelperClass.GetSafeQueryString(node.NodeAliasPath, false) + "'", "ABTestName", -1, null, null);
                    if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                        // Preselect running test
                        bool runningTestFound = false;
                        foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                            ABTestInfo abTestObj = new ABTestInfo(row);
                            if (ABTestInfoProvider.ABTestIsRunning(abTestObj))
                                runningTestFound = true;
                                ucUniSelector.Value = abTestObj.ABTestID;

                        // If no running test found for the page, preselect the first test (alphabetically)
                        if (!runningTestFound)
                            int abTestID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ABTestID"], 0);
                            if (abTestID != 0)
                                ucUniSelector.Value = abTestID;
