Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Trigger the explosion effect and automatically detach any spawned trail effects.
    /// </summary>
    public void Explode()
        // If particle systems or trails are destroyed, their trail/particles do not persist.
        // Unparenting them before destruction prevents this. The missile calls this function
        // when it gets destroyed.

        if (explosionFXPrefab != null)
            ParticleSystem explode = GameObject.Instantiate(explosionFXPrefab);
            explode.transform.position = transform.position;
            explode.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;

            // Give the explosion particle system the component to destroy itself after it finished playing.
            AARemoveEffect remove = explode.GetComponent <AARemoveEffect>();
            if (remove == null)
                remove = explode.gameObject.AddComponent <AARemoveEffect>();

            remove.readyToDestroy = true;
            Debug.LogWarning("No ParticleSystem prefab assigned for explosions on missile " + + ".");
    private void Start()
        // First make sure that an effect was assigned at all.
        if (trailPrefab != null || particleTrailPrefab != null)
            // Make sure there is a reference point for where to spawn the trail.
            if (trailFxPoint == null)
                // There isn't an already assigned one. Check to see if one already exists.
                trailFxPoint = transform.Find("TrailFx");

                // Still haven't found one, just make a new one.
                if (trailFxPoint == null)
                    trailFxPoint = transform;
                    Debug.Log("No trail effect point given, or child object named \"TrailFx\" to place the missile trail effect on " + name + ". Using object origin instead.");

            // Instantiate the TrailRenderer trail.
            if (trailPrefab != null)
                trail = Instantiate(trailPrefab, trailFxPoint);
                trail.transform.localPosition    =;
                trail.transform.localEulerAngles =;

                trail.enabled = false;

            // Instantiate the ParticleSystem trail.
            if (particleTrailPrefab != null)
                particleTrail = Instantiate(particleTrailPrefab, trailFxPoint);
                particleTrail.transform.localPosition    =;
                particleTrail.transform.localEulerAngles =;


                // Ensure that the effect remover is on the gameobject to prevent undeleted particle effects.
                if (particleTrail.GetComponent <AARemoveEffect>() == null)
                    effectRemover = particleTrail.gameObject.AddComponent <AARemoveEffect>();