private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { conn.con.Open(); SqlCommand auth1 = new SqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM dbo.executor " + $"where [Login_executor] = '{textBox1.Text}' AND Password = '******'", conn.con); SqlCommand auth2 = new SqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM dbo.manager where " + $"[login_manager] = '{textBox1.Text}' AND password = '******'", conn.con); SqlDataReader read1 = auth1.ExecuteReader(); if (read1.HasRows) { read1.Read(); s.Add(read1[1].ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Вы успешно авторизовались"); read1.Close(); conn coh = new conn(); coh.dann(); Form2 fm = new Form2(); fm.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { read1.Close(); SqlDataReader read2 = auth2.ExecuteReader(); { if (read2.HasRows) { read2.Read(); = int.Parse(read2["id"].ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Вы успешно авторизовались"); read2.Close(); conn coh = new conn(); coh.dann(); Form2 fm = new Form2(); fm.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Попробуйте снова"); textBox1.Text = ""; textBox2.Text = ""; } } } conn.con.Close(); }
private void load() { conn SANECHINE = new conn(); SANECHINE.dann(); comboBox1.Items.Clear(); comboBox2.Items.Clear(); comboBox1.Items.Add("Создать"); foreach (string s in Form1.s) { foreach (DataRow dr in[3].Rows) { if (dr[1].ToString() == s) { comboBox1.Items.Add("Задача №" + dr[0].ToString()); SADAME.Add(int.Parse(dr[0].ToString())); } } } foreach (string isp in Form1.s) { foreach (DataRow dr in[3].Rows) { if (dr[1].ToString() == isp) { if (!comboBox2.Items.Contains(dr[8].ToString())) { comboBox2.Items.Add(dr[8].ToString()); } } } } comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; }