public DataSet UpdateBianqian(string content) { string sql = string.Concat(new object[] { " Update qp_oa_MakeTing Set content='", content, "' where username='******'" }); return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet InsertGs(string KeyId, string Gongsi) { string sql = string.Concat(new string[] { "insert into qp_oa_BaobiaoGs (KeyId,Gongsi) values('", KeyId, "','", Gongsi, "')" }); return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet UpdateTixing(string Tixing, string KeyId) { string sql = string.Concat(new object[] { " Update qp_oa_TaolunzuRy Set Tixing='", Tixing, "' where KeyId='", KeyId, "' and username='******'" }); return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet sendmessage(string KeyFile, string Number, string Name) { string sql = string.Concat(new string[] { "insert into qp_oa_FormFile (KeyFile,Number,Name,Type,KxGuoLvUser,KxGuoLvName,BmGuoLvUser,BmGuoLvName) values('", KeyFile, "','", Number, "','", Name, "','[常规型]','','','','')" }); return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet UpdateListPeople(string KeyId) { string sql = string.Concat(new object[] { "select id from qp_oa_TaolunzuRy where KeyId='", KeyId, "' and username='******'" }); SqlDataReader list = this.List.GetList(sql); DataSet dataSet; if (list.Read()) { string sql2 = string.Concat(new object[] { "Update qp_oa_TaolunzuRy Set Settime='", DateTime.Now.ToString(), "' where KeyId='", KeyId, "' and username='******'" }); list.Close(); dataSet = AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql2); } else { string sql2 = string.Concat(new object[] { "insert into qp_oa_TaolunzuRy (Keyid,Username,Realname,Settime,Tixing,IfTixing,Weidu) values('", KeyId, "','", HttpContext.Current.Session["username"], "','", HttpContext.Current.Session["Realname"], "','", DateTime.Now.ToString(), "','1','0','0')" }); list.Close(); dataSet = AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql2); } return(dataSet); }
public DataSet get_chatcount(string user) { string sql = string.Concat(new object[] { "select count(id) as Scount from qp_oa_Messages where ((acceptusername='******' and sendusername='******') or (acceptusername='******' and sendusername='******')) and sfck='0'" }); return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet Getchat(string user) { string sql = string.Concat(new object[] { "select * from qp_oa_Messages where id in (Select top 50 id From qp_oa_Messages where (acceptusername='******' and sendusername='******' and tablekey='2') or (acceptusername='******' and sendusername='******' and tablekey='1') order by id desc) order by id asc" }); return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet InsertLbKj(string sqlstr, string KeyFile, string Number, string Name, string Leixing) { string sql = string.Concat(new string[] { "insert into qp_oa_FormFile (sqlstr,KeyFile,Number,Name,Type,KxGuoLvUser,KxGuoLvName,BmGuoLvUser,BmGuoLvName) values('", sqlstr, "','", KeyFile, "','", Number, "','", Name, "','[", Leixing, "]','','','','')" }); return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet InsertTable(string keyid, string ziduan, string neirong) { string sql = string.Concat(new object[] { "insert into qp_oa_FormFilelog (keyid,ziduan,neirong,banliren,shijian) values ('", keyid, "','", ziduan, "','", neirong, "','", HttpContext.Current.Session["Realname"], "','", DateTime.Now.ToString(), "')" }); return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet ListPeople(string KeyId) { string sql = "select *,datediff(ss,Settime,getdate()) as times from qp_oa_TaolunzuRy where KeyId='" + KeyId + "' order by datediff(ss,Settime,getdate()) asc"; return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet ListGetchat(string KeyId) { string sql = "select * from qp_oa_TaolunzuSms where KeyId='" + KeyId + "'"; return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet ListAllUser() { string sql = "select * from qp_oa_Username "; return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet ListPeopleUser() { string sql = "select * from qp_useronline where datediff(ss,firsttime,lasttime)<=20 "; return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }
public DataSet GetchatWd() { string sql = "select * from qp_oa_Messages where sfck='0' and acceptusername='******' and tablekey='1' order by id asc"; return(AjaxMethod.GetDataSet(sql)); }