Exemple #1
        public static SolarLogDataSet UpdateSolarLog(String URL, ConsoleOutputLogger COL)
            SolarLogDataSet Output = new SolarLogDataSet();;

            // create a web client and get the data
            String fullURL = "http://"+URL+"/min_cur.js?nocache";

            WebClient client = new WebClient ();

                String SolarLogValue = client.DownloadString(fullURL);

                // hurray, we got a string!
                // let's parse it!

                String[] LbL = SolarLogValue.Replace("\r","").Split(new char[] {'\n'});

                foreach(String _line in LbL)
                    #region Pac
                    if (_line.StartsWith("var Pac="))
                        Output.Pac = Convert.ToInt32(_line.Replace("var Pac=",""));

                    #region aPdc
                    if (_line.StartsWith("var aPdc="))
                        String firstpart_removed = _line.Replace("var aPdc=new Array(","");
                        Output.aPdc = Convert.ToInt32( firstpart_removed.Remove(firstpart_removed.IndexOf(',')));
            catch(Exception e)
                COL.WriteLine("SolarLog Exception: "+e.Message);
                return null;

            return Output;
        // this is the ELV MAX! Cube monitoring script
        public void Run()
            ConsoleOutputLogger.WriteLine("Starting up SolarLog data gathering...");
                SolarLogDataSet data = SolarLogDataHelper.UpdateSolarLog(URL,ConsoleOutputLogger);

                if (data != null)
                    if (LastDataSet == null)
                        LastDataSet = data;
                        bool QueueIt = false;

                        if (data.Pac != LastDataSet.Pac)
                            QueueIt = true;

                        if (data.aPdc != LastDataSet.aPdc)
                            QueueIt = true;

                        // if the last data set is older than 5 minutes, definitly queue this one...
                        TimeSpan Diff = DateTime.Now-LastDataSet.DateAndTime;
                        //if (Diff.TotalMinutes > Properties.Settings.Default.AutomatedSensorCheck_ResponseTimeWindow)
                        if (Diff.TotalMinutes > 5)
                            QueueIt = true;

                        if (QueueIt)
                            LastDataSet = data;

                Thread.Sleep (SolarLogUpdateTime);