/* Sets the deleted attribute of the exercise to true.
 public void DeleteExercise(Exercise e)
     Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>(){
         { "@exerciseName", e.exerciseName }, { "@exerciseVersion", e.exerciseVersion }};
     this.db.DoNonQueryPrepared(this.db.GetPreparedStatement("setExerciseDeletedTrue", parameters));
        /* Inserts a new exercise if it does not exist, othervise replaces the existing one.
        public void InsertExercise(Exercise e)
            Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>() {
                { "@exerciseName", e.exerciseName }, { "@format", e.exerciseFormat },
                { "@exerciseVersion", e.exerciseVersion }, { "@deleted", e.deleted }};

            this.db.DoNonQueryPrepared(this.db.GetPreparedStatement("insertExercise", parameters));
 /* Returns the index of the first exercise in the exercise list with the same name.
  * If no exercises with the same name exists, this.noMatches is returned. 
  private int GetExerciseIndex(List<Exercise> eList, Exercise e)
     for (int i = 0; i < eList.Count; i++)
         if (eList[i].exerciseName == e.exerciseName)
             return i;
     return noMatches;
        /** End of exercise right click menu callbacks **/

        /* Adds the most recent exercise with the same name as e to the list of selected 
         * exercises for this workout. The exercise name must exists in this.allExercises.
         * Also adds the exercise to this.dropAreaFlp.
        private void AddExerciseToWorkout(Exercise e, int index, string numSets = "")
            this.selectedExercises.Insert(index, this.allExercises[GetExerciseIndex(this.allExercises, e)]);

            ExerciseSetCountSelectorControl escsc = new ExerciseSetCountSelectorControl(
                e.exerciseName, DeleteExerciseFromDropAreaByControl);
            escsc.Width = this.dropAreaFlp.Width;
            escsc.numberOfSetsTxtBox.Text = numSets;
            this.dropAreaFlp.Controls.SetChildIndex(escsc, index);

            escsc.exerciseNameLbl.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(DropField_MouseDown);
 /* Fills the form with the passed exercise.
 public void FillForm(Exercise e)
     this.nameTxtBox.Text = e.exerciseName;
 public SetActivityExercise(Set set, Activity activity, Exercise exercise)
     this.set = set;
     this.activity = activity;
     this.exercise = exercise;
 public ActivityExercise(Activity activity, Exercise exercise)
     this.activity = activity;
     this.exercise = exercise;