         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML wellbore instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent,
                                        XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWell").Value;
            String id       = element.Attribute("uid").Value;
            String name     = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "name").Value.Trim();//, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlWellbore wellbore = new WitsmlWellbore(server, id, name, parent, parentId);


Exemple #2
         * Factory method for this type.
         * @param server   Server the new instance lives within. Non-null.
         * @param parent   Parent instance. May be null.
         * @param element  XML element to create instance from. Non-null.
         * @return         New WITSML wellbore instance. Never null.
        static WitsmlObject newInstance(WitsmlServer server, WitsmlObject parent,
            XElement element)
            //Debug.Assert(server != null : "server cannot be null";
            //Debug.Assert(element != null : "element cannot be null";

            String parentId = element.Attribute("uidWell").Value ;
            String id = element.Attribute("uid").Value;
            String name = element.Element(element.Name.Namespace + "name").Value.Trim();//, element.getNamespace());

            WitsmlWellbore wellbore = new WitsmlWellbore(server, id, name, parent, parentId);

            return wellbore;