public static List <GroundThreat> ReadAVD_AREAFile(String path, Main main) { // Read the MNG File. XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); //String directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path); //String recordPath = directory + "\\AVD_AREA.xml"; doc.Load(path); //Aircraft aircraft = new Aircraft(); List <GroundThreat> threats = new List <GroundThreat>(); // Read all the ACDAT files. foreach (XmlNode recordNode in doc.SelectSingleNode("TSD_TAC").ChildNodes) { int id = int.Parse(recordNode.SelectSingleNode("ID").InnerText); double lat = double.Parse(recordNode.SelectSingleNode("LAT").InnerText) * 180; double lng = double.Parse(recordNode.SelectSingleNode("LONG").InnerText) * 180; int radius = int.Parse(recordNode.SelectSingleNode("RADIUS").InnerText) * 1852; // in metres GroundThreat threat = new GroundThreat(radius); threat.positions.Add(new AircraftPosition() { latitude = lat, longitude = lng, time = 0 }); XmlNode nameNode = recordNode.SelectSingleNode("Nome"); if (nameNode != null) { threat.Name = nameNode.InnerText; } threats.Add(threat); } return(threats); }
public static void writeACMIFile(String path, List <Aircraft> aircrafts, Main main) { CalculateEventPositions(aircrafts, main); CalculateKills(aircrafts, main); var csv = new StringBuilder(); csv.AppendLine("FileType=text/acmi/tacview"); csv.AppendLine("FileVersion=2.1"); csv.AppendLine("Author=Jean Knapp"); // TODO set mission title if (main.titleEditBar.EditValue != null) { csv.AppendLine("Title=" + main.titleEditBar.EditValue.ToString()); } // TODO set mission category (i.e. Close air support) if (main.categoryEditBar.EditValue != null) { csv.AppendLine("Category=" + main.categoryEditBar.EditValue.ToString()); } // TODO set reference time if (main.dateEditBar.EditValue != null) { csv.AppendLine("0,ReferenceTime=" + main.dateEditBar.EditValue.ToString() + "T00:00:00Z"); } else { csv.AppendLine("0,ReferenceTime=2000-01-01T00:00:00Z"); } int eventId = 1; for (int id = 0; id < aircrafts.Count; id++) { Aircraft aircraft = aircrafts[id]; String aircraftIdHex = (eventId).ToString("X7"); eventId++; aircraft.hexId = aircraftIdHex; for (int i = 0; i < aircraft.positions.Count; i++) { AircraftPosition position = aircraft.positions[i]; csv.AppendLine(string.Format("#{0}", position.time.ToString())); // First line representing the aircraft should be complete if (i == 0) { var newLine = string.Format("{0},T={1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}|{6},Name={7},Type={8},ShortName={9},LongName={10},CallSign={11},Registration={12},Pilot={13},Group={14},Country={15},Coalition={16},Color={17},Shape={18}", aircraftIdHex, position.longitude.ToString(), position.latitude.ToString(), position.altitude.ToString(), position.roll.ToString(), position.pitch.ToString(), position.yaw.ToString(), "A-29", "Air+FixedWing", "A-29", "A-29 Super Tucano", aircraft.callSign, aircraft.tailnumber, aircraft.pilot,, "br", aircraft.coalition, aircraft.color, "FixedWing.Tex2.obj" ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); } else { var newLine = string.Format("{0},T={1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}|{6},FuelWeight={7}", aircraftIdHex, position.longitude.ToString(), position.latitude.ToString(), position.altitude.ToString(), position.roll.ToString(), position.pitch.ToString(), position.yaw.ToString(), position.fuel.ToString() ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); } } // Events for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { BaseEvent ev =[i]; String eventIdHex = (eventId).ToString("X7"); eventId++; for (int pos = 0; pos < ev.positions.Count; pos++) { AircraftPosition position = ev.positions[pos]; var timeLine = string.Format("#{0}", position.time.ToString() ); csv.AppendLine(timeLine); if (pos == 0) { switch (ev.type) { case BaseEvent.TYPE_AIM9L: { var newLine = string.Format("{0},T={1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}|{6},Name={7},Type={8},ShortName={9},LongName={10},Color={11},Label={12}", eventIdHex, position.longitude.ToString(), position.latitude.ToString(), position.altitude.ToString(), position.roll.ToString(), position.pitch.ToString(), position.yaw.ToString(), "AIM9L", "Missile", "AIM9L", "AIM9L Sidewinder", aircraft.color, (position.locked != null ? "Locked on " + position.locked.pilot : (position.label != null ? position.label : "No lock")) ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); } break; case BaseEvent.TYPE_INGUN: { var newLine = string.Format("{0},T={1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}|{6},Name={7},Type={8},ShortName={9},Color={10}", eventIdHex, position.longitude.ToString(), position.latitude.ToString(), position.altitude.ToString(), position.roll.ToString(), position.pitch.ToString(), position.yaw.ToString(), ".50cal", "Bullet", ".50cal", aircraft.color ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); } break; case BaseEvent.TYPE_ECM: { var newLine = string.Format("{0},T={1}|{2}|{3},Type={4}", eventIdHex, ev.longitude.ToString(), ev.latitude.ToString(), ev.altitude.ToString(), "Flare" ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); csv.AppendLine(string.Format("0,Event=Message|{0}|{1} used ECM", eventIdHex, "A-29 (" + aircraft.pilot + ")" )); } break; case BaseEvent.TYPE_MK82: { var newLine = string.Format("{0},T={1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}|{6},Name={7},Type={8},ShortName={9},Color={10}", eventIdHex, position.longitude.ToString(), position.latitude.ToString(), position.altitude.ToString(), position.roll.ToString(), position.pitch.ToString(), position.yaw.ToString(), "MK-82", "Bomb", "MK-82", aircraft.color ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); } break; } } else { var newLine = string.Format("{0},T={1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}|{6},Label={7}", eventIdHex, position.longitude.ToString(), position.latitude.ToString(), position.altitude.ToString(), position.roll.ToString(), position.pitch.ToString(), position.yaw.ToString(), (position.locked != null ? "Locked on " + position.locked.pilot : (position.label != null ? position.label : "No lock")) ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); } } csv.AppendLine("-" + eventIdHex); } } // Aircraft hits int currentHits = 0; int hitTimeout = int.Parse(main.combatHitTimeout.EditValue.ToString()); int hitsToKill = int.Parse(main.combatGunsHitsToKill.EditValue.ToString()); for (int id = 0; id < aircrafts.Count; id++) { Aircraft aircraft = aircrafts[id]; for (int i = 0; i < aircraft.hits.Count; i++) { BaseEvent ev = aircraft.hits[i]; switch (ev.type) { case BaseEvent.TYPE_INGUN: { currentHits++; String eventIdHex = (eventId).ToString("X7"); eventId++; // Add hit object var timeLine = string.Format("#{0}", ev.time.ToString() ); csv.AppendLine(timeLine); var newLine = string.Format("{0},T={1}|{2}|{3},Type={4},Radius=2", eventIdHex, ev.longitude.ToString(), ev.latitude.ToString(), ev.altitude.ToString(), "Explosion" ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); if (i >= aircraft.hits.Count - 1 || aircraft.hits[i + 1].type != BaseEvent.TYPE_INGUN || aircraft.hits[i + 1].time >= ev.time + hitTimeout) { csv.AppendLine(string.Format("0,Event=Message|{0}|{1} has been hit by x{2} .50cal", aircraft.hexId, "A-29 (" + aircraft.pilot + ")", currentHits )); if (currentHits < hitsToKill) { //aircraft.deaths += 1; //ev.parent.kills += 1; csv.AppendLine(string.Format("0,Event=Message|{0}|{1} has been killed by {2}", aircraft.hexId, "A-29 (" + aircraft.pilot + ")", "A-29 (" + ev.parent.pilot + ")" )); } currentHits = 0; } // Kill hit object timeLine = string.Format("#{0}", (ev.time + 1).ToString() ); csv.AppendLine(timeLine); newLine = string.Format("-{0}", eventIdHex ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); } break; case BaseEvent.TYPE_AIM9L: { //aircraft.deaths += 1; //ev.parent.kills += 1; currentHits = 0; // Add hit object var timeLine = string.Format("#{0}", ev.time.ToString() ); csv.AppendLine(timeLine); csv.AppendLine(string.Format("0,Event=Message|{0}|{1} has been killed by {2}", aircraft.hexId, "A-29 (" + aircraft.pilot + ")", "A-29 (" + ev.parent.pilot + ")" )); } break; case BaseEvent.TYPE_EXPLOSION: { String eventIdHex = (eventId).ToString("X7"); eventId++; for (int pos = 0; pos < ev.positions.Count; pos++) { AircraftPosition position = ev.positions[pos]; var timeLine = string.Format("#{0}", position.time.ToString() ); csv.AppendLine(timeLine); if (pos == 0) { var newLine = string.Format("{0},T={1}|{2}|{3},Type={4},Radius={5}", eventIdHex, ev.longitude.ToString(), ev.latitude.ToString(), ev.altitude.ToString(), "Explosion", position.radius ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); csv.AppendLine(string.Format("0,Event=Message|{0}|Explosion!", eventIdHex, "A-29 (" + aircraft.pilot + ")" )); } else { var newLine = string.Format("{0},T={1}|{2}|{3},Radius={4}", eventIdHex, position.longitude.ToString(), position.latitude.ToString(), position.altitude.ToString(), position.radius ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); } } csv.AppendLine("-" + eventIdHex); } break; } } } // Scores for (int id = 0; id < aircrafts.Count; id++) { Aircraft aircraft = aircrafts[id]; var timeLine = string.Format("#{0}", aircraft.positions[aircraft.positions.Count - 1].time.ToString() ); csv.AppendLine(timeLine); csv.AppendLine(string.Format("0,Event=Message|{0}|{1} score: {2} kills\\, {3} assists\\, {4} deaths", aircraft.hexId, "A-29 (" + aircraft.pilot + ")", aircraft.kills, aircraft.assists, aircraft.deaths )); } // Threats for (int id = 0; id < main.Threats.Count; id++) { GroundThreat threat = main.Threats[id]; String aircraftIdHex = (eventId).ToString("X7"); eventId++; threat.hexId = aircraftIdHex; for (int i = 0; i < threat.positions.Count; i++) { AircraftPosition position = threat.positions[i]; var timeLine = string.Format("#{0}", position.time.ToString() ); csv.AppendLine(timeLine); if (i == 0) { var newLine = string.Format("{0},T={1}|{2}|{3},Name={4},Type={5},ShortName={6},LongName={7},EngagementRange={8},Color={9}", aircraftIdHex, position.longitude.ToString(), position.latitude.ToString(), 0, (threat.Name != "" ? threat.Name : "Avoidance Area"), "AntiAircraft", (threat.Name != "" ? threat.Name : "AVD"), (threat.Name != "" ? threat.Name : "Avoidance Area"), threat.radius, "Red" ); csv.AppendLine(newLine); } } } //after your loop File.WriteAllText(path, csv.ToString()); Process fileopener = new Process(); fileopener.StartInfo.FileName = "explorer"; fileopener.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + path + "\""; fileopener.Start(); }