internal virtual string GetInvoiceSumm(DateTime printdate1, DateTime printdate2) { string text = ""; bool isSamedate = printdate1 == printdate2; PrintSummHeader(printdate1, printdate2, ref text, isSamedate); var invs = DataHelper.GetInvoices(printdate1, printdate2); var grp = from inv in invs group inv by inv.invdate into g select new { key = g.Key, results = g }; double ttlcash = 0; double ttlInv = 0; double ttltax = 0; double ttlamt = 0; double subttltax = 0; double subttlamt = 0; bool multiType = false; string line = ""; int cont = 0; foreach (var g in grp) //group by date { var list = g.results.OrderBy(x => x.invno); var typgrp = from ty in list group ty by ty.trxtype into tg select new { key = tg.Key, results = tg }; if (!isSamedate) { text = text + g.key.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + "\n"; text = text + "---------- \n"; } multiType = (typgrp.Count() > 1); foreach (var tygrp in typgrp) //group by trxtype { text = text + "[ " + tygrp.key.ToUpper() + " ]\n"; var list2 = tygrp.results.OrderBy(x => x.invno); subttltax = 0; subttlamt = 0; cont = 0; foreach (Invoice inv in list2) { cont += 1; ttltax += inv.taxamt; ttlamt += inv.amount; subttltax += inv.taxamt; subttlamt += inv.amount; if (tygrp.key.ToUpper() == "CASH") { ttlcash = ttlcash + inv.amount + inv.taxamt; } else { ttlInv = ttlInv + inv.amount + inv.taxamt; } line = (cont.ToString() + ".").PadRight(4, ' ') + inv.invno.PadRight(16, ' ') + //inv.trxtype.PadRight (8, ' ') + inv.taxamt.ToString("n2").PadLeft(10, ' ') + inv.amount.ToString("n2").PadLeft(12, ' ') + "\n"; text = text + line; } //if (multiType) { if (typgrp.Count() > 1) { text = text + PrintSubTotal(subttltax, subttlamt); } // } text = text + "\n"; } } double ttlCNTax = 0; double ttlCNAmt = 0; double ttlCNCODTax = 0; double ttlCNCODAmt = 0; double ttlCN = 0; double ttlCNCOD = 0; var cns = DataHelper.GetCNNote(printdate1, printdate2); foreach (CNNote cn in cns) { if (cn.trxtype == "CASH") { ttlCNCODTax = ttlCNCODTax + cn.taxamt; ttlCNCODAmt = ttlCNCODAmt + cn.amount; } else { ttlCNTax = ttlCNTax + cn.taxamt; ttlCNAmt = ttlCNAmt + cn.amount; } } ttlCN = ttlCNTax + ttlCNAmt; ttlCNCOD = ttlCNCODTax + ttlCNCODAmt; double ttl = ttlamt + ttltax; double cashCollect = ttlcash - ttlCNCOD; PrintSummFooter(ref text, ttlcash, ttlInv, ttltax, ttlamt, ttlCN, ttlCNCOD, ttl, cashCollect); return(text); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); if (!((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).ISLOGON) { Finish(); } SetTitle(Resource.String.title_doedit); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.CreateDO); pathToDatabase = ((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).DATABASE_PATH; EventManagerFacade.Instance.GetEventManager().AddListener(this); DONO = Intent.GetStringExtra("dono") ?? "AUTO"; doInfo = DataHelper.GetDO(pathToDatabase, DONO); if (doInfo == null) { base.OnBackPressed(); } // Create your application here _date = DateTime.Today; spinner = FindViewById <Spinner> (Resource.Id.newinv_custcode); Spinner spinnerType = FindViewById <Spinner> (Resource.Id.newinv_type); Button butSave = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.newinv_bsave); Button butNew = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.newinv_cancel); Button butFind = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.newinv_bfind); EditText remark = FindViewById <EditText> (Resource.Id.newinv_custname); spinner.ItemSelected += new EventHandler <AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs> (spinner_ItemSelected); butSave.Click += butSaveClick; butNew.Click += butCancelClick; TextView invno = FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.newinv_no); EditText trxdate = FindViewById <EditText> (Resource.Id.newinv_date); // trxdate.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { // ShowDialog (0); // }; //19-Nov-2015 //disable the date, for edit mode, date should not be editable //cuase running number issue. trxdate.Enabled = false; butFind.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { ShowCustLookUp(); }; apara = DataHelper.GetAdPara(pathToDatabase); //SqliteConnection.CreateFile(pathToDatabase); using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(pathToDatabase)) { items = db.Table <Trader> ().ToList <Trader> (); } List <string> icodes = new List <string> (); foreach (Trader item in items) { icodes.Add(item.CustCode + " | " + item.CustName.Trim()); } dataAdapter2 = ArrayAdapter.CreateFromResource( this, Resource.Array.term, Resource.Layout.spinner_item); dataAdapter = new ArrayAdapter <String> (this, Resource.Layout.spinner_item, icodes); dataAdapter.SetDropDownViewResource(Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItemEx); dataAdapter2.SetDropDownViewResource(Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem); spinner.Adapter = dataAdapter; spinnerType.Adapter = dataAdapter2; remark.RequestFocus(); LoadData(); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); if (!((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).ISLOGON) { Finish(); } SetContentView(Resource.Layout.InvDtlView); TRXTYPE = Intent.GetStringExtra("trxtype") ?? "CASH"; invno = Intent.GetStringExtra("invoiceno") ?? "AUTO"; CUSTCODE = Intent.GetStringExtra("custcode") ?? "AUTO"; EDITMODE = Intent.GetStringExtra("editmode") ?? "AUTO"; if (TRXTYPE == "CASH") { SetTitle(Resource.String.title_cashitems); } else { SetTitle(Resource.String.title_invoiceitems); } pathToDatabase = ((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).DATABASE_PATH; COMPCODE = ((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).COMPANY_CODE; rights = Utility.GetAccessRights(pathToDatabase); isNotAllowEditAfterPrinted = DataHelper.GetInvoicePrintStatus(pathToDatabase, invno, rights); txtbarcode = FindViewById <EditText> (Resource.Id.txtbarcode); txtbarcode.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; Button butNew = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.butnewItem); butNew.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { NewItem(invno); }; if (isNotAllowEditAfterPrinted) { butNew.Enabled = false; } if (!rights.InvAllowAdd) { butNew.Enabled = false; } Button butInvBack = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.butInvItmBack); butInvBack.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Invoice temp = new Invoice(); UpdateInvoiceAmount(invno, ref temp); if (EDITMODE.ToLower() == "new") { DeleteInvWithEmptyInovItem(); } Intent intent = null; if (temp.trxtype == "CASH") { intent = ActivityManager.GetActivity <CashActivity>(this.ApplicationContext); } else { intent = ActivityManager.GetActivity <InvoiceActivity>(this.ApplicationContext); } StartActivity(intent); }; txtbarcode.SetOnKeyListener(this); txtbarcode.InputType = 0; GetData(); populate(listData); listView = FindViewById <ListView> (Resource.Id.invitemList); listView.ItemClick += OnListItemClick; //listView.Adapter = new CusotmItemListAdapter(this, listData); SetViewDlg viewdlg = SetViewDelegate; listView.Adapter = new GenericListAdapter <InvoiceDtls> (this, listData, Resource.Layout.InvDtlItemViewCS, viewdlg); }
void populate(List <InvoiceDtls> list) { comp = DataHelper.GetCompany(pathToDatabase); using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(pathToDatabase)) { //var list1 = db.Table<Invoice>().Where(x=>x.invno==invno).ToList<Invoice>(); var list2 = db.Table <InvoiceDtls>().Where(x => x.invno == invno).ToList <InvoiceDtls>(); //var list3 = db.Table<Trader>().Where(x=>x.CustCode==CUSTCODE).ToList<Trader>(); double ttlamt = 0; double ttltax = 0; if (trd != null) { CUSTNAME = trd.CustName; } foreach (var item in list2) { ttlamt = ttlamt + item.netamount; ttltax = ttltax +; list.Add(item); } if (invoice != null) { invoice.amount = ttlamt; db.Update(invoice); } // InvoiceDtls inv1 = new InvoiceDtls (); // inv1.icode = "TAX"; // inv1.netamount = ttltax; // InvoiceDtls inv2 = new InvoiceDtls (); // inv2.icode = "AMOUNT"; // inv2.netamount = ttlamt; // // list.Add (inv1); // list.Add (inv2); double roundVal = 0; double ttlNet = Utility.AdjustToNear(ttlamt + ttltax, ref roundVal); InvoiceDtls inv1 = new InvoiceDtls(); inv1.icode = "TAX"; inv1.netamount = ttlamt; inv1.description = "TOTAL EXCL GST"; InvoiceDtls inv2 = new InvoiceDtls(); inv2.icode = "AMOUNT"; inv2.netamount = ttltax; inv2.description = "TOTAL 6% GST"; InvoiceDtls inv3 = new InvoiceDtls(); inv3.icode = "TAX"; inv3.netamount = ttlamt + ttltax; inv3.description = "TOTAL INCL GST"; InvoiceDtls inv4 = new InvoiceDtls(); inv4.icode = "AMOUNT"; inv4.netamount = roundVal; inv4.description = "ROUNDING ADJUST"; InvoiceDtls inv5 = new InvoiceDtls(); inv5.icode = "AMOUNT"; inv5.netamount = ttlNet; inv5.description = "NET TOTAL"; list.Add(inv1); list.Add(inv2); list.Add(inv3); if (TRXTYPE == "CASH") { list.Add(inv4); list.Add(inv5); } } }
//AccessRights rights; protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); if (!((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).ISLOGON) { Finish(); } SetTitle(Resource.String.title_sonew); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.CreateSO); EventManagerFacade.Instance.GetEventManager().AddListener(this); pathToDatabase = ((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).DATABASE_PATH; compcode = ((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).COMPANY_CODE; apara = DataHelper.GetAdPara(pathToDatabase); rights = Utility.GetAccessRights(pathToDatabase); // Create your application here _date = DateTime.Today; spinner = FindViewById <Spinner> (Resource.Id.newinv_custcode); spinnerBill = FindViewById <Spinner> (Resource.Id.newinv_billto); Button butSave = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.newinv_bsave); Button butNew = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.newinv_cancel); Button butFind = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.newinv_bfind); Button butBillFind = FindViewById <Button> (Resource.Id.newinv_billfind); butSave.Click += butSaveClick; butNew.Click += butCancelClick; TextView invno = FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.newinv_no); invno.Text = "AUTO"; EditText trxdate = FindViewById <EditText> (Resource.Id.newinv_date); trxdate.Text = _date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); // trxdate.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { // ShowDialog (0); // }; if (rights.SOEditTrxDate) { trxdate.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowDialog(0); }; } else { trxdate.Enabled = false; } butFind.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { ShowCustLookUp(); }; butBillFind.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { ShowBillToLookUp(); }; //SqliteConnection.CreateFile(pathToDatabase); using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(pathToDatabase)) { items = db.Table <Trader> ().ToList <Trader> (); } var icodes = GetCustCode(IsValidCustTo); var icodes2 = GetCustCode(IsValidBillTo); dataAdapter = new ArrayAdapter <String> (this, Resource.Layout.spinner_item, icodes); dataAdapter.SetDropDownViewResource(Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem); spinner.Adapter = dataAdapter; dataAdapter2 = new ArrayAdapter <String> (this, Resource.Layout.spinner_item, icodes2); dataAdapter2.SetDropDownViewResource(Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem); spinnerBill.Adapter = dataAdapter2; }
private void CreateNewSO() { SaleOrder so = new SaleOrder(); EditText trxdate = FindViewById <EditText> (Resource.Id.newinv_date); if (!Utility.IsValidDateString(trxdate.Text)) { Toast.MakeText(this, Resources.GetString(Resource.String.msg_invaliddate), ToastLength.Long).Show(); return; } DateTime sodate = Utility.ConvertToDate(trxdate.Text); DateTime tmr = sodate.AddDays(1); AdNumDate adNum = DataHelper.GetNumDate(pathToDatabase, sodate, "SO"); Spinner spinner = FindViewById <Spinner> (Resource.Id.newinv_custcode); TextView txtinvno = FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.newinv_no); TextView custname = FindViewById <TextView> (Resource.Id.newinv_custname); EditText custpo = FindViewById <EditText> (Resource.Id.newinv_po); EditText remark = FindViewById <EditText> (Resource.Id.newinv_remark); string prefix = apara.SOPrefix.Trim().ToUpper(); if (spinner.SelectedItem == null) { Toast.MakeText(this, Resources.GetString(Resource.String.msg_invalidcust), ToastLength.Long).Show(); spinner.RequestFocus(); return; } string[] codes = spinner.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(new char[] { '|' }); if (codes.Length == 0) { return; } string[] codes2 = spinnerBill.SelectedItem.ToString().Split(new char[] { '|' }); string billTo = ""; if (codes.Length > 0) { billTo = codes2 [0].Trim(); } using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(pathToDatabase)) { string sono = ""; int runno = adNum.RunNo + 1; int currentRunNo = DataHelper.GetLastSORunNo(pathToDatabase, sodate); if (currentRunNo >= runno) { runno = currentRunNo + 1; } sono = prefix + sodate.ToString("yyMM") + runno.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); txtinvno.Text = sono; so.sodate = sodate; so.trxtype = "SO"; so.created = DateTime.Now; so.sono = sono; so.billTo = billTo; so.remark = remark.Text.ToUpper(); so.custpono = custpo.Text.ToUpper(); so.amount = 0; so.custcode = codes [0].Trim(); so.description = codes [1].Trim(); so.isUploaded = false; txtinvno.Text = sono; db.Insert(so); adNum.RunNo = runno; if (adNum.ID >= 0) { db.Update(adNum); } else { db.Insert(adNum); } } ShowItemEntry(so, codes); }
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate (bundle); if (!((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).ISLOGON) { Finish (); } SetTitle (Resource.String.title_creditnotenew); SetContentView (Resource.Layout.CreateCNote); EventManagerFacade.Instance.GetEventManager().AddListener(this); pathToDatabase = ((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).DATABASE_PATH; compcode = ((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).COMPANY_CODE; apara = DataHelper.GetAdPara (pathToDatabase); rights = Utility.GetAccessRights (pathToDatabase); // Create your application here _date = DateTime.Today; spinner = FindViewById<Spinner> (Resource.Id.newinv_custcode); Button butSave = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.newinv_bsave); Button butNew = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.newinv_cancel); Button butFind = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.newinv_bfind); Button butFindInv = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.newinv_bfindinv); spinner.ItemSelected += new EventHandler<AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs> (spinner_ItemSelected); butSave.Click += butSaveClick; butNew.Click += butCancelClick; TextView cnno = FindViewById<TextView> (Resource.Id.newinv_no); cnno.Text = "AUTO"; EditText trxdate = FindViewById<EditText> (Resource.Id.newinv_date); trxdate.Text = _date.ToString ("dd-MM-yyyy"); // trxdate.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { // ShowDialog (0); // }; if (rights.CNEditTrxDate) { trxdate.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShowDialog (0); }; } else trxdate.Enabled = false; butFind.Click+= (object sender, EventArgs e) => { ShowCustLookUp(); }; butFindInv.Click+= (object sender, EventArgs e) => { ShowInvLookUp(); }; pathToDatabase = ((GlobalvarsApp)this.Application).DATABASE_PATH; apara = DataHelper.GetAdPara (pathToDatabase); //SqliteConnection.CreateFile(pathToDatabase); using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(pathToDatabase)) { items = db.Table<Trader> ().ToList<Trader> (); } List<string> icodes = new List<string> (); foreach (Trader item in items) { icodes.Add (item.CustCode+" | "+item.CustName.Trim()); } dataAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,Resource.Layout.spinner_item, icodes); // Drop down layout style - list view with radio button //dataAdapter.SetDropDownViewResource(Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem); dataAdapter.SetDropDownViewResource(Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItemEx); // attaching data adapter to spinner spinner.Adapter =dataAdapter; }
private void CreateNewCN() { CNNote inv = new CNNote (); EditText trxdate = FindViewById<EditText> (Resource.Id.newinv_date); if (!Utility.IsValidDateString (trxdate.Text)) { Toast.MakeText (this,Resources.GetString(Resource.String.msg_invaliddate), ToastLength.Long).Show (); return; } DateTime invdate = Utility.ConvertToDate (trxdate.Text); DateTime tmr = invdate.AddDays (1); AdNumDate adNum= DataHelper.GetNumDate (pathToDatabase, invdate,"CN"); Spinner spinner = FindViewById<Spinner> (Resource.Id.newinv_custcode); TextView txtinvno =FindViewById<TextView> (Resource.Id.newinv_no); EditText remark = FindViewById<EditText> (Resource.Id.newinv_custname); TextView cninvno = FindViewById<TextView> (Resource.Id.newcninv_no); string prefix = apara.CNPrefix.Trim ().ToUpper (); if (spinner.SelectedItem == null) { Toast.MakeText (this, Resources.GetString(Resource.String.msg_invalidcust), ToastLength.Long).Show (); spinner.RequestFocus (); return; } string[] codes = spinner.SelectedItem.ToString().Split (new char[]{ '|' }); if (codes.Length == 0) return; Invoice invInfo = DataHelper.GetInvoice (pathToDatabase, cninvno.Text); using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection (pathToDatabase)) { string invno = ""; int runno = adNum.RunNo + 1; int currentRunNo =DataHelper.GetLastCNRunNo (pathToDatabase, invdate); if (currentRunNo >= runno) runno = currentRunNo + 1; if (invInfo != null) { //string[] prefixs = apara.Prefix.Trim ().ToUpper ().Split(new char[]{'|'}); if (invInfo.trxtype == "CASH") { invno =prefix+ invdate.ToString ("yyMM") + runno.ToString ().PadLeft (4, '0')+"(CS)"; }else invno =prefix+ invdate.ToString ("yyMM") + runno.ToString ().PadLeft (4, '0')+"(INV)"; }else invno =prefix + invdate.ToString("yyMM") + runno.ToString().PadLeft (4, '0')+"(INV)";; txtinvno.Text= invno; inv.invdate = invdate; inv.trxtype = ""; inv.created = DateTime.Now; inv.cnno = invno; inv.description = codes [1].Trim (); inv.amount = 0; inv.custcode = codes [0].Trim (); inv.isUploaded = false; inv.remark = remark.Text.ToUpper(); inv.invno = cninvno.Text; if (invInfo != null) { inv.trxtype = invInfo.trxtype; } else { Trader trd= DataHelper.GetTrader (pathToDatabase, inv.custcode); if (trd != null) { string paycode =trd.PayCode.ToUpper ().Trim (); inv.trxtype = paycode; if (paycode.Contains ("CASH") || paycode.Contains ("COD")) { inv.trxtype = "CASH"; } } } db.Insert (inv); adNum.RunNo = runno; if (adNum.ID >= 0) db.Update (adNum); else db.Insert (adNum); } ShowItemEntry (inv, codes); }
void populate(List <CNNoteDtls> list) { var documents = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); pathToDatabase = Path.Combine(documents, "db_adonet.db"); comp = DataHelper.GetCompany(pathToDatabase); //SqliteConnection.CreateFile(pathToDatabase); using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(pathToDatabase)) { var list1 = db.Table <CNNote>().Where(x => x.cnno == invno).ToList <CNNote>(); var list2 = db.Table <CNNoteDtls>().Where(x => x.cnno == invno).ToList <CNNoteDtls>(); var list3 = db.Table <Trader>().Where(x => x.CustCode == CUSTCODE).ToList <Trader>(); double ttlamt = 0; double ttltax = 0; if (list3.Count > 0) { CUSTNAME = list3 [0].CustName; } foreach (var item in list2) { ttlamt = ttlamt + item.netamount; ttltax = ttltax +; list.Add(item); } if (list1.Count > 0) { list1 [0].amount = ttlamt; db.Update(list1 [0]); } // CNNoteDtls inv1 = new CNNoteDtls (); // inv1.icode = "TAX"; // inv1.netamount = ttltax; // CNNoteDtls inv2 = new CNNoteDtls (); // inv2.icode = "AMOUNT"; // inv2.netamount = ttlamt; // // list.Add (inv1); // list.Add (inv2); double roundVal = 0; double ttlNet = Utility.AdjustToNear(ttlamt + ttltax, ref roundVal); CNNoteDtls inv1 = new CNNoteDtls(); inv1.icode = "TAX"; inv1.netamount = ttlamt; inv1.description = "TOTAL EXCL GST"; CNNoteDtls inv2 = new CNNoteDtls(); inv2.icode = "AMOUNT"; inv2.netamount = ttltax; inv2.description = "TOTAL 6% GST"; CNNoteDtls inv3 = new CNNoteDtls(); inv3.icode = "TAX"; inv3.netamount = ttlamt + ttltax; inv3.description = "TOTAL INCL GST"; CNNoteDtls inv4 = new CNNoteDtls(); inv4.icode = "AMOUNT"; inv4.netamount = roundVal; inv4.description = "ROUNDING ADJUST"; CNNoteDtls inv5 = new CNNoteDtls(); inv5.icode = "AMOUNT"; inv5.netamount = ttlNet; inv5.description = "NET TOTAL"; list.Add(inv1); list.Add(inv2); list.Add(inv3); if (invno.IndexOf("(CS)") > -1) { list.Add(inv4); list.Add(inv5); } } }