Exemple #1
    public string RecordOrderInfo(int shopid, int userid, string orderno, string comsumer, string itemno, int siteid, double price, double amount, double total, string itemurl)
        wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_orders model = new wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_orders();
        model.cash = Convert.ToDecimal(total);
        model.companyid = shopid;
        model.consumer = comsumer;
        model.ischeck = 0;
        model.itemamount = Convert.ToDecimal(amount);
        model.itemno = itemno;
        model.itemprice = Convert.ToDecimal(price);
        //model.orderid = orderid;
        model.orderno = orderno;
        model.reason = "";
        model.siteid = siteid;
        model.time = DateTime.Now;//或传入
        model.userid = userid;

        model.pay = Convert.ToDecimal(22);

        new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_orders().Add(model);

        wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();
        wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost host= bll.GetModel(userid);
        decimal newBlance= Convert.ToDecimal(host.balance) + Convert.ToDecimal(model.pay);
        bll.UpdateBlance(userid, newBlance);

        return newBlance.ToString();
    private void checkSitehostUsername()
        Response.ContentType = "txt/html";
        wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();
        string name = Request["username"];

        if (bll.GetListByUsername(name).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) Response.Write("0");
        else Response.Write("1");
 protected string getUserName(string objid, string objtype)
     string name = "";
     if (objtype == "0")
         name = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost().GetModel(int.Parse(objid)).username;
     else if (objtype == "1")
         name = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_adhost().GetModel(int.Parse(objid)).username;
     return name;
    private void checkpwd()
        Response.ContentType = "txt/html";

        wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();
        int userid = Convert.ToInt32(Request["userid"]);
        string pwd = Request["pwd"];
        string orignal = bll.GetModel(userid).password;
        if (orignal == pwd) Response.Write("1");

        else Response.Write("0");
Exemple #5
    public void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string strErr = "";
        if (this.txtaccountname.Text == "")
            strErr += "accountname不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtaccountno.Text == "")
            strErr += "accountno不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtbank.Text == "")
            strErr += "bank不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtbranch.Text == "")
            strErr += "branch不能为空!\\n";

        if (strErr != "")
            MessageBox.Show(this, strErr);

        string accountname = this.txtaccountname.Text;
        string accountno = this.txtaccountno.Text;
        string bank = this.txtbank.Text;
        string branch = this.txtbranch.Text;

        wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();

        wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost model = bll.GetModel(userid);
        model.accountname = accountname;
        model.accountno = accountno;
        model.bank = bank;
        model.branch = branch;

        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('资料修改成功');", true);
 protected void submit_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();
     string oldpwd = this.txtold.Text;
     string newpwd = this.txtnew.Text;
     if (oldpwd != newpwd)
             bll.updatePwd(userid, newpwd);
             ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('密码修改成功,请重新登录');location.href='/member/';", true);
         catch (Exception)
             Response.Write("操作失败,<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"history.go(-1);\">点此返回</a>");
    protected void applyclick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        decimal amount = 0.00M;
            amount = Convert.ToDecimal(txtapplyamount.Text);
        catch (Exception)
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('请输入合理的数字金额');", true);
        if (amount < 100)
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('最少提取100元');", true);

        wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_cash model = new wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_cash();
        model.status = 1;
        model.applydate = DateTime.Now;
        model.cash = amount;
        model.memo_user = txtapplyremark.Text;
        model.userid = userid;

        new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_cash().Add(model);

        wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();
        wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost model2 = bll.GetModel(userid);
        model2.balance -= amount;

        Response.Write(Helper.HelperString.getAlertJumpString("申请成功", "applyfee.aspx"));
    protected void btn_login(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string sessioncode = "";
            if (Session["CheckCode"] != null && Session["CheckCode"].ToString() == "") return;
            else sessioncode = Session["CheckCode"].ToString();
        catch (Exception)

        if (sessioncode.ToLower().Equals(txtCode.Text.ToLower()))
            UserPrincipal principal = new UserPrincipal(txtUser.Text, txtPass.Text, 2);

            if (!principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                lblLoginMessage.Visible = true;
                switch (principal.CheckStatus)
                    case 1:
                        lblLoginMessage.Text = "用户名不正确!";
                    case 2:
                        lblLoginMessage.Text = "用户名密码错误!";
                    case 3:
                        lblLoginMessage.Text = "您的账户尚未被审核通过!";
                    case 4:
                        lblLoginMessage.Text = "您的账户已被锁定!";
                        lblLoginMessage.Text = "未知错误!";



                Context.User = principal;
                string userdata = "";

                wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();
                DataTable dt = bll.GetListByUsername(principal.Identity.Name).Tables[0];

                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    userdata = "member|" + dt.Rows[0]["userid"].ToString() + "|" + dt.Rows[0]["username"].ToString() + "|" + Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["lastdate"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "|" + dt.Rows[0]["contact"].ToString() + "|" + dt.Rows[0]["balance"].ToString();

                string uid = dt.Rows[0]["userid"].ToString();
                string uname = dt.Rows[0]["username"].ToString();

                    bll.updateLoginTime(int.Parse(uid), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); //记录学员登录时间

                    wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_loginlog logs = new wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_loginlog();
                    //logs.logid = int.Parse(uid);
                    logs.logip = CommonData.GetIp(this.Page);
                    logs.logname = uname;
                    logs.logtime = DateTime.Now;
                    logs.usertype = 1;//1表示网站主

                    new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_loginlog().Add(logs);

                catch (Exception ex)
                //Session["sid"] = uid;
                //Session["utype"] = "member";

                FlowControl.SaveLoginInfo(principal.Identity.Name, userdata);
                string[] userdatas = userdata.Split('|');
                this.lblbank.Text = userdatas[5] + "元";
                this.lbllast.Text = userdatas[3];
                this.lblname.Text = userdatas[4];
                this.lbluname.Text = userdatas[2];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["url"])) this.Page.Response.Redirect(Request["url"]);

            lblLoginMessage.Visible = true;
            lblLoginMessage.Text = "验证码错误!";
 protected void searchResault(object sender, EventArgs e)
     string query = "";
     lblsearch.Text = "搜索内容<";
     lblsearch.Text += "&nbsp;发送给:" + ddlobjtype.SelectedItem.Text;
     query += " and a.objtype=" + ddlobjtype.Text;
     if (txtobjname.Text.Trim() != "")
         lblsearch.Text += "&nbsp;用户名:" + txtobjname.Text;
         int uid = -1;
         if (ddlobjtype.Text.Trim() == "0")
             List<wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost> o = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost().GetModelList(" username='******' ");
             if (o.Count() > 0)
                 uid = o.SingleOrDefault().userid;
         else if (ddlobjtype.Text.Trim() == "1")
             List<wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_adhost> o = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_adhost().GetModelList(" username='******' ");
             if (o.Count() > 0)
                 uid = o.SingleOrDefault().companyid;
         query += " and a.objid=" + uid + " ";
     if (txttitle.Text.Trim() != "")
         lblsearch.Text += "标题:" + txttitle.Text + " ";
         query = " and a.title like '%" + txttitle.Text + "%' ";
     if (txtstart.Text.Trim() != "" || txtend.Text.Trim() != "")
         lblsearch.Text += "发布时间:";
         if (txtstart.Text.Trim() == "")
             lblsearch.Text += txtend.Text + "之前";
             query += " and a.pubdate<'" + txtend.Text + "' ";
         else if (txtend.Text.Trim() == "")
             lblsearch.Text += txtstart.Text + "之后";
             query += " and a.pubdate>'" + txtstart.Text + "' ";
             lblsearch.Text += Convert.ToDateTime(txtstart.Text).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "-" + Convert.ToDateTime(txtend.Text).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "之间";
             query += " and a.pubdate > '" + txtstart.Text + "' and a.pubdate < '" + txtend.Text + "' ";
     if (lblsearch.Text == "搜索内容<")
         lblsearch.Text = "";
         lbtnclear.Visible = false;
         lblsearch.Text += ">";
         lbtnclear.Visible = true;
     hidquery.Value = query;
    public void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string strErr = "";
        if (this.txtemail.Text == "")
            strErr += "email不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtmobile.Text == "")
            strErr += "mobile不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtcontact.Text == "")
            strErr += "contact不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtqq.Text == "")
            strErr += "qq不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtidcard.Text == "")
            strErr += "idcard不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtaddress.Text == "")
            strErr += "address不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtzipcode.Text == "")
            strErr += "zipcode不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txttel.Text == "")
            strErr += "tel不能为空!\\n";

        if (strErr != "")
            MessageBox.Show(this, strErr);

        string email = this.txtemail.Text;
        string mobile = this.txtmobile.Text;
        string contact = this.txtcontact.Text;
        string qq = this.txtqq.Text;
        string idcard = this.txtidcard.Text;
        string address = this.txtaddress.Text;
        string zipcode = this.txtzipcode.Text;
        string tel = this.txttel.Text;

        wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();

        wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost model = bll.GetModel(userid);
        model.email = email;
        model.mobile = mobile;
        model.contact = contact;
        model.qq = qq;
        model.idcard = idcard;
        model.address = address;
        model.zipcode = zipcode;
        model.tel = tel;

        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('资料修改成功');", true);
 private void ShowInfo(int userid)
     wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();
     wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost model = bll.GetModel(userid);
     this.txtemail.Text = model.email;
     this.txtmobile.Text = model.mobile;
     this.txtcontact.Text = model.contact;
     this.txtqq.Text = model.qq;
     this.txtidcard.Text = model.idcard;
     this.txtaddress.Text = model.address;
     this.txtzipcode.Text = model.zipcode;
     this.txttel.Text = model.tel;
     this.txtregdate.Text = model.regdate.ToString();
     this.txtregip.Text = model.regip;
     this.txtlastdate.Text = model.lastdate.ToString();
     this.txtlastip.Text = model.lastip;
     this.txtstatus.Text = CommonData.getAccountStatusByValue(model.status.ToString());
    protected void dosubmit(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();

        string username = "";

        if (e.CommandArgument.ToString() == "add")
            username = this.txtusername.Text;
            if (bll.GetListByUsername(username).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('用户名已被使用');", true);

        string password = this.txtpassword.Text;
        string email = this.txtemail.Text;
        string mobile = this.txtmobile.Text;
        string accountname = this.txtaccountname.Text;
        string accountno = this.txtaccountno.Text;
        string bank = this.txtbank.Text;
        string branch = this.txtbranch.Text;
        int usertype = 1;//usertype是个人/网站/博客等,因为已经在usersite里面可以多重定义,所以改为用户在系统里的类型,如网站主,广告主
        string contact = this.txtcontact.Text;
        string qq = this.txtqq.Text;
        string idcard = this.txtidcard.Text;
        string address = this.txtaddress.Text;
        string zipcode = this.txtzipcode.Text;
        string tel = this.txttel.Text;
        decimal balance = Convert.ToDecimal(0.00);
        DateTime regdate = DateTime.Now;
        string regip = CommonData.GetIp(this.Page);
        //DateTime lastdate = DateTime.Now;
        //string lastip = "";
        int status = 1;//0表示尚未审核通过,暂时默认网站主注册即通过

        if (e.CommandArgument.ToString() == "add")
            wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost model = new wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost();
            model.username = username;
            model.password = password;
            model.email = email;
            model.mobile = mobile;
            model.contact = contact;
            model.qq = qq;
            model.idcard = idcard;
            model.address = address;
            model.zipcode = zipcode;
            model.tel = tel;

            model.accountname = accountname;
            model.accountno = accountno;
            model.bank = bank;
            model.branch = branch;

            //model.balance = balance;
            //model.lastdate = lastdate;
            //model.lastip = lastip;
            model.regdate = regdate;
            model.regip = regip;
            model.usertype = usertype;
            model.status = status;


                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('添加成功');top.location=top.location;", true);
            catch (Exception)
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('内部错误');", true);
        else if (e.CommandArgument.ToString() == "edit")
                int userid = int.Parse(this.hiduid.Value);

                wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost model = bll.GetModel(userid);

                model.password = password;
                model.email = email;
                model.mobile = mobile;
                model.contact = contact;
                model.qq = qq;
                model.idcard = idcard;
                model.address = address;
                model.zipcode = zipcode;
                model.tel = tel;
                if (ddlstatus.Visible = true) model.status = int.Parse(ddlstatus.Text);


                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('修改成功');top.location=top.location;", true);
            catch (Exception)
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('内部错误');", true);

    /// <summary>
    /// 编辑/查看时绑定数据
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="action">编辑传入edit,查看传入show</param>
    private void caseEdit(string action)
        uid = Request.QueryString["uid"];
        if (uid == "")


        wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();
        wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost model = bll.GetModel(int.Parse(uid));

        this.txtusername.Text = model.username;
        this.txtpwd2.Attributes.Add("value", model.password);
        this.txtemail.Text = model.email;
        this.txtmobile.Text = model.mobile;

        this.txtaccountname.Text = model.accountname;
        this.txtaccountno.Text = model.accountno;
        this.txtbank.Text = model.bank;
        this.txtbranch.Text = model.branch;

        //this.txtusertype.Text = model.usertype.ToString();

        this.txtcontact.Text = model.contact;
        this.txtqq.Text = model.qq;
        this.txtidcard.Text = model.idcard;
        this.txtaddress.Text = model.address;
        this.txtzipcode.Text = model.zipcode;
        this.txttel.Text = model.tel;

        this.hiduid.Value = model.userid.ToString();
        this.txtbalance.Text = model.balance.ToString()+"&nbsp;元";
        this.txtregdate.Text = model.regdate.ToString();
        this.txtregip.Text = model.regip;
        this.txtlastdate.Text = model.lastdate.ToString();
        this.txtlastip.Text = model.lastip;
        this.txtstatus.Text = CommonData.getAccountStatusByValue(model.status.ToString());


        if (action == "edit")
            lblusername.Text = model.username;
            lblusername.Visible = true;
            txtusername.Visible = false;
            fdst_bank.Visible = false;//不允许编辑用户银行账户资料
            btnsubmit.CommandArgument = "edit";
            btncancel.Visible = false;//编辑状态下尽量不给“重置”的功能,以免误清空原用户数据

            Helper.HelperDropDownList.BindData(ddlstatus, CommonData.getAccountStatus(), "name", "value", model.status.ToString());
            ddlstatus.Visible = true;
            txtstatus.Visible = false;
        else if (action == "show")
            btnsubmit.Visible = false;
            btncancel.Visible = false;
            fdst_site.Visible = true;//只有查看状态下才有必要看网站信息
            trpwd1.Visible = false;//密码不允许查看,但有权更改
            trpwd2.Visible = false;

            odsData.SelectParameters["userid"].DefaultValue = uid;
            lvsite.DataSourceID = "odsData";

            foreach (Control item in this.form.Controls)
                if (item is TextBox)
                    (item as TextBox).Enabled = false;
                else if (item.Controls.Count>0)
                    foreach (Control v in item.Controls)
                        if (v is TextBox)
                            (v as TextBox).Enabled = false;

            txtusername.Enabled = false;

Exemple #14
 private void ShowInfo(int userid)
     wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();
     wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost model = bll.GetModel(userid);
     this.txtaccountname.Text = model.accountname;
     this.txtaccountno.Text = model.accountno;
     this.txtbank.Text = model.bank;
     this.txtbranch.Text = model.branch;
    protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string username = this.txtusername.Text;

        wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost bll = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost();
        if (bll.GetListByUsername(username).Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('用户名已被使用');", true);

        #region 服务器验证
        string strErr = "";
        if (this.txtusername.Text == "")
            strErr += "username不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtpassword.Text == "")
            strErr += "password不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtpassword.Text != this.txtpwd2.Text)
            strErr += "password不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtemail.Text == "")
            strErr += "email不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtmobile.Text == "" && this.txttel.Text == "")
            strErr += "电话、手机至少选填一项!\\n";
        if (this.txtaccountname.Text == "")
            strErr += "accountname不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtaccountno.Text == "")
            strErr += "accountno不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtbank.Text == "")
            strErr += "bank不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtbranch.Text == "")
            strErr += "branch不能为空!\\n";
        //if (!PageValidate.IsNumber(txtusertype.Text))
        //    strErr += "usertype不是数字!\\n";
        if (this.txtcontact.Text == "")
            strErr += "contact不能为空!\\n";
        //if (this.txtqq.Text == "")
        //    strErr += "qq不能为空!\\n";
        if (this.txtidcard.Text == "")
            strErr += "idcard不能为空!\\n";
        //if (this.txtaddress.Text == "")
        //    strErr += "address不能为空!\\n";
        //if (this.txtzipcode.Text == "")
        //    strErr += "zipcode不能为空!\\n";
        //if (!PageValidate.IsNumber(txtstatus.Text))
        //    strErr += "status不是数字!\\n";

        if (strErr != "")
            MessageBox.Show(this, strErr);

        string password = this.txtpassword.Text;
        string email = this.txtemail.Text;
        string mobile = this.txtmobile.Text;
        string accountname = this.txtaccountname.Text;
        string accountno = this.txtaccountno.Text;
        string bank = this.txtbank.Text;
        string branch = this.txtbranch.Text;
        int usertype = 1;//usertype是个人/网站/博客等
        string contact = this.txtcontact.Text;
        string qq = this.txtqq.Text;
        string idcard = this.txtidcard.Text;
        string address = this.txtaddress.Text;
        string zipcode = this.txtzipcode.Text;
        string tel = this.txttel.Text;
        decimal balance = Convert.ToDecimal(0.00);
        DateTime regdate = DateTime.Now;
        string regip = CommonData.GetIp(this.Page);
        //DateTime lastdate = DateTime.Now;
        //string lastip = "";
        int status = 1;//0表示尚未审核通过,暂时默认网站主注册即通过

        wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost model = new wgiAdUnionSystem.Model.wgi_sitehost();
        model.username = username;
        model.password = password;
        model.email = email;
        model.mobile = mobile;
        model.accountname = accountname;
        model.accountno = accountno;
        model.bank = bank;
        model.branch = branch;
        model.usertype = usertype;
        model.contact = contact;
        model.qq = qq;
        model.idcard = idcard;
        model.address = address;
        model.zipcode = zipcode;
        model.tel = tel;
        model.balance = balance;
        model.regdate = regdate;
        model.regip = regip;
        //model.lastdate = lastdate;
        //model.lastip = lastip;
        model.status = status;


        catch (Exception)
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), DateTime.Now.ToString(), "alert('内部错误');", true);
 private void initData()
     string act = Request.QueryString["act"];
     //Helper.HelperDropDownList.BindData(ddlobjtype, CommonData.getUsertype(), "name", "value", 0);
     if (act == "add")
     else if(act=="edit")
     else if (act=="show")
     string uname="";
     if (Request.QueryString["objtype"] == "0")
         uname = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_sitehost().GetModel(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["objid"])).username;
         uname = new wgiAdUnionSystem.BLL.wgi_adhost().GetModel(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["objid"])).username;
     lblusername.Text = uname;