public void EndTrainingSession()
            Stream s = new MemoryStream ();
            TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter (s);
            AbstractBasicTextVector.WriteInstancesArff (tw, vectors, "c45recommender", tags, results);
            tw.Flush ();
            s.Position = 0;
            Instances source = new Instances (new InputStreamReader (new InputStreamWrapper (s)));
            tw.Close ();
            s.Close ();

            Instances[] derived = new Instances[this.not];
            classifiers = new AbstractClassifier[this.not];
            int[] args = new int[this.not - 1];
            int l = source.numAttributes () - this.not;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.not-1; i++) {
                args [i] = i + l + 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.not; i++) {
                Remove rem = new Remove ();
                rem.setAttributeIndicesArray (args);
                rem.setInputFormat (source);
                derived [i] = Filter.useFilter (source, rem);
                classifiers [i] = GenerateClassifier ();
                derived [i].setClassIndex (derived [i].numAttributes () - 1);
                classifiers [i].buildClassifier (derived [i]);
                if (i < this.not - 1) {
                    args [i] = l + i;
            datasets = derived;
		/// <summary> Signify that this batch of input to the filter is finished.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns> true if there are instances pending output
		/// </returns>
		public override bool batchFinished()
			if (getInputFormat() == null)
				throw new System.SystemException("No input instance format defined");
			if (m_removeFilter == null)
				// establish attributes to remove from first batch
				Instances toFilter = getInputFormat();
				int[] attsToDelete = new int[toFilter.numAttributes()];
				int numToDelete = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < toFilter.numAttributes(); i++)
					if (i == toFilter.classIndex())
						continue; // skip class
					AttributeStats stats = toFilter.attributeStats(i);
					if (stats.distinctCount < 2)
						// remove constant attributes
						attsToDelete[numToDelete++] = i;
					else if (toFilter.attribute(i).Nominal)
						// remove nominal attributes that vary too much
						double variancePercent = (double) stats.distinctCount / (double) stats.totalCount * 100.0;
						if (variancePercent > m_maxVariancePercentage)
							attsToDelete[numToDelete++] = i;
				int[] finalAttsToDelete = new int[numToDelete];
				Array.Copy(attsToDelete, 0, finalAttsToDelete, 0, numToDelete);
				m_removeFilter = new Remove();
				for (int i = 0; i < toFilter.numInstances(); i++)
				Instance processed;
				Instances outputDataset = m_removeFilter.getOutputFormat();
				// restore old relation name to hide attribute filter stamp
				outputDataset.RelationName = toFilter.relationName();
				while ((processed = m_removeFilter.output()) != null)
					processed.Dataset = outputDataset;
			m_NewBatch = true;
			return (numPendingOutput() != 0);