public ActionResult Comments(int id) { IEnumerable<CommentModel> comments; using (eusCommonEntities entCommon = new eusCommonEntities()) { using (eusVoteEntities entVote = new eusVoteEntities()) { var listUsers = new List<AspNetUser>(entCommon.AspNetUsers); var listComments = new List<Comment>(entVote.Comments); // Do a join to listUsers to get the UserName comments = (from c in listComments join u in listUsers on c.UserID equals u.UserID where (c.AnswerID == id) select new CommentModel { Author = u.UserName, Text = c.Comment1, UserID = u.UserID }); } } return Json(comments, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
// Create child action to render comments public PartialViewResult Comments(int answerID) { using (eusVoteEntities ent = new eusVoteEntities()) { var comments = (from c in entVote.Comments where c.AnswerID == answerID orderby c.TimeStamp descending select c).ToList(); // This is the URL used in the partial view to go to page that displays all comments for answerID ViewBag.Url = "/comments/" + answerID.ToString(); return PartialView(comments); } }
// id is answerID (e.g., 10 for Minato Sushi Restaurant) // GET: Comment View public ActionResult Index(int id) { // If user is logged in, get UserID and set it to ViewBag to pass to the View. if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { using (eusCommonEntities entCommon = new eusCommonEntities()) { var userName = User.Identity.Name; var userID = (from i in entCommon.AspNetUsers where i.UserName == User.Identity.Name select i.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.UserName = userName; ViewBag.UserID = userID.ToString(); } } else { ViewBag.UserID = "0"; } using (eusVoteEntities entVote = new eusVoteEntities()) { var answer = (from o in entVote.Answers where o.AnswerID == id select new {o.TopicID, o.Title}).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.AnswerTitle = answer.Title; var topic = (from t in entVote.Topics where t.TopicID == answer.TopicID select new { t.Topic1, t.TopicURL }).FirstOrDefault(); // Topic title and id to be passed into comments view to create ReturnURL ViewBag.TopicTitle = topic.Topic1; ViewBag.TopicTitleURL = topic.TopicURL; ViewBag.TopicID = answer.TopicID.ToString(); } ViewBag.AnswerID = id.ToString(); // Get base URL (e.g., ViewBag.BaseUrl = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/"; IEnumerable<CommentModel> comments; using (eusCommonEntities entCommon = new eusCommonEntities()) { using (eusVoteEntities entVote = new eusVoteEntities()) { var listUsers = new List<AspNetUser>(entCommon.AspNetUsers); var listComments = new List<Comment>(entVote.Comments); // Do a join to listUsers to get the UserName comments = (from c in listComments join u in listUsers on c.UserID equals u.UserID where (c.AnswerID == id) select new CommentModel { Author = u.UserName, Text = c.Comment1, UserID = u.UserID }); } } return View(comments); }
public string TopicGet(string Filter, string FilterData) { string jsonReturn = ""; try { switch (Filter) { case "AnswersGet": { int topicID = Convert.ToInt32(FilterData); // Get topic title for id. var topicTitle = (from t in entVote.Topics where t.TopicID == topicID select t.Topic1).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.TopicTitle = topicTitle; ViewBag.TopicID = topicID; // Get top 8 answers for topic based on TopicID. //var answers = (from o in entVote.Answers // where o.TopicID == topicID // orderby o.RatingScore descending // select o).Take(8); // If user is logged in, get UserID and set it to ViewBag to pass to the View. var userID = 0; if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var userName = User.Identity.Name; Identity ident = new Identity(); userID = (int)ident.GetUserID(userName); ViewBag.UserID = userID.ToString(); } else { ViewBag.UserID = "0"; } var answers = entVote.GetTopicAnswers(topicID, userID).ToList(); ViewBag.Count = answers.Count(); jsonReturn = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(answers, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings { ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore }); break; } case "CommentsGet": { int answerID = Convert.ToInt32(FilterData); using (eusVoteEntities entVote = new eusVoteEntities()) { var comments = (from c in entVote.Comments where c.AnswerID == answerID select c).Take(5).ToArray(); jsonReturn = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(comments, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings { ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore }); } break; } default: { break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { var seriesContent = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"user" , "test"}, {"detail", ex.ToString()}, {"action", Filter}, {"errorLocation", "eusVote > TopicController > Topic > Get > " + Filter} , {"level", "high"} }; jsonReturn = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(seriesContent); // Log error CommonController cont = new CommonController(); cont.Common("ErrorHandle", jsonReturn); return jsonReturn; } return jsonReturn; }
public string Topic(string Filter, string FilterData) { string jsonReturn = ""; string userName = ""; // If user is logged in, get UserID. To get to this point, user must be logged in. if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { userName = User.Identity.Name; } else { throw new Exception("Must be logged in to post."); } //FilterData = null; // to test errorHandle try { switch (Filter) { case "SetRating": { // Parse out JSON data JObject o = JObject.Parse(FilterData); int userID = (int)o.SelectToken("UserID"); int answerID = (int)o.SelectToken("AnswerID"); int rating = (int)o.SelectToken("Rating"); string comment = (string)o.SelectToken("Comment"); using (eusVoteEntities entVote = new eusVoteEntities()) { // Save comment only if not empty. if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment)) { Comment com = new Comment(); com.AnswerID = answerID; com.UserID = userID; com.Comment1 = comment; com.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now; entVote.Comments.Add(com); entVote.SaveChanges(); } // Logic to set rating var record = (from e in entVote.Ratings where e.UserID == userID && e.AnswerID == answerID select e).FirstOrDefault(); // Set the rating for an answer per this user if (record != null) // If exist, then Update rating { record.Rating1 = rating; entVote.SaveChanges(); } else // If not exist, then Insert new rating per this user { Rating r = new Rating(); r.UserID = userID; r.AnswerID = answerID; r.Rating1 = rating; entVote.Ratings.Add(r); entVote.SaveChanges(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// Update the RatingScore for the Answer/Answer in the Rating table ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get all the rating values for the answer (will be summed up in RatingScore calc below) var totalRatings = (from t in entVote.Ratings where t.AnswerID == answerID select t.Rating1); // Get the answer info for the answer that is being updated var answer = (from op in entVote.Answers where op.AnswerID == answerID select op).FirstOrDefault(); // If record is null, then Insert was done so increment count. if (record == null) { if (answer.Count == null) { answer.Count = 1; } else { answer.Count++; } } // Calcuate new avg rating based on latest numbers answer.RatingScore = Math.Round(((decimal)totalRatings.Sum() / (decimal)totalRatings.Count()), 2); entVote.SaveChanges(); // Create dictionary of values to return var seriesContent = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"error", "false"} , {"count", answer.Count.ToString()}, {"score", answer.RatingScore.ToString()} }; // Serialize the dictionary to return as json jsonReturn = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(seriesContent); break; } } case "CommentPost": { // Parse out JSON data JObject o = JObject.Parse(FilterData); int userID = (int)o.SelectToken("UserID"); int answerID = (int)o.SelectToken("AnswerID"); string comment = (string)o.SelectToken("Comment"); DateTime stamp = DateTime.Now; using (eusVoteEntities entVote = new eusVoteEntities()) { Comment com = new Comment(); com.AnswerID = answerID; com.UserID = userID; com.Comment1 = comment; com.TimeStamp = stamp; entVote.Comments.Add(com); entVote.SaveChanges(); } break; } default: { var seriesContent = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"error", "true"} , {"message", "Controller: eusVote > TopicController > Topic [POST] doesn't have matching filter for filter = " + Filter } }; jsonReturn = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(seriesContent); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Create error data to serialize to JSON. var seriesContent = new Dictionary<string, string> { {"user" , userName}, {"detail", ex.Message}, {"action", Filter}, {"errorLocation", "eusVote > TopicController > Topic [POST] " + Filter} , {"level", "high"} }; // Serialize error data. jsonReturn = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(seriesContent); // Log error CommonController cont = new CommonController(); cont.Common("ErrorHandle", jsonReturn); return jsonReturn; } return jsonReturn; }