public static void PlaceChartInCell(DxChart mychart, TableCell container, int width, int height) { if (mychart.chart != null) { if (!mychart.isempty) { mychart.chart.Width = width; mychart.chart.Height = height; string chartname = String.Format("chart{0}", Guid.NewGuid()); //System.DateTime.Now.Ticks); mychart.chart.ClientInstanceName = chartname; mychart.chart.ID = chartname; //Render the Checkbox here for when selecting specific charts to save. //container.Controls.Add(mychart.chk); container.Controls.Add(mychart.chart); } else { Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.Text = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mychart.emptymsg)) ? "empty chart" : mychart.emptymsg.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br/>"); container.Controls.Add(lbl); } } }
public static void PlaceChartInCell(DxChart chart, TableCell container, string empty) { Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.Text = empty; container.Controls.Add(lbl); }
public static void PlaceChartInCell(DxChart chart, TableCell container, int chartW, int chartH, double pct_w, double pct_h) { int w = (int)(chartW * pct_w); int h = (int)(chartH * pct_h); PlaceChartInCell(chart, container, w, h); }
public static Table HorizontalTable(DxChartBatch batch, string obj) { Table t = new Table(); int numrow = (int)(batch.charts.Count / batch.maxCol) + 1; int counter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numrow; i++) { TableRow r = new TableRow(); for (int j = 0; j < batch.maxCol; j++) { TableCell c = new TableCell(); bool addcell = true; if (counter < batch.charts.Count) { int newW = Convert.ToInt32(batch.charts[counter].W); int newH = Convert.ToInt32(batch.charts[counter].H); DxChart thisdxchart = batch.charts[counter]; if (thisdxchart.chart == null | thisdxchart.chart.Series.Count == 0) { addcell = !batch.batchsettings.hideEmptyCharts; //if we want to hideEmptyCharts (=T, that is Not Show It) then we don't want to add the cell. //if we don't want to hideEmptyCharts (=F, that is Show It) then we do want to add the cell. string thisdxchart_info = String.Format("# series={0} # vars={1} emptymsg={2} " , thisdxchart.chart.Series.Count, batch.batchsettings.numvars.Count, thisdxchart.emptymsg); PlaceTextInCell(c, thisdxchart_info); } else { if (obj == "chart") { PlaceChartInCell(batch.charts[counter], c, newW, newH); } else if (obj == "datatable") { PlaceTableInCell(batch.datatables[counter], c); } counter++; } } if (addcell) { r.Cells.Add(c); } } t.Rows.Add(r); } return(t); }