public static PatchManifest Parse(XmlDocument doc, string baseUrl) { Uri baseUri = new Uri(baseUrl); PatchManifest patchInfo = new PatchManifest(); XmlNode xmlPatch = doc.SelectSingleNode("patch|dayzrp/patch"); patchInfo.launcherVersion = xmlPatch.Attribute("launcherVersion", ""); string launcherUrl = xmlPatch.Attribute("launcherUrl", ""); patchInfo.mode = xmlPatch.Attribute("mode", ""); if (!Uri.TryCreate(baseUri, launcherUrl, out patchInfo.launcherUri)) return null; patchInfo.dataDir = xmlPatch.Attribute("data", ""); XmlNodeList xmlFiles = xmlPatch.SelectNodes("file"); foreach (XmlNode xmlFile in xmlFiles) { string path = xmlFile.Attribute("path", ""); string hash = xmlFile.Attribute("hash", ""); string defaultUrl = Path.Combine(baseUrl, patchInfo.dataDir + "/" + path); string url = xmlFile.Attribute("url", defaultUrl); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(hash) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) return null; Uri uri; if (!Uri.TryCreate(baseUri, url, out uri)) return null; PatchManifest.AssetInfo asset = new PatchManifest.AssetInfo { uri = uri, hash = hash.HexToBytes() }; patchInfo.assets.Add(path.ToLowerInvariant(), asset); } XmlNode xmlServers = doc.SelectSingleNode("servers|dayzrp/servers"); if (xmlServers != null) { patchInfo.servers = new List<ServerInfo>(); XmlNodeList xmlServerList = xmlServers.SelectNodes("server"); foreach (XmlNode xmlServer in xmlServerList) { string host = xmlServer.Attribute("host", ""); if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(host)) continue; string name = xmlServer.Attribute("name", host); string port = xmlServer.Attribute("port", "2302"); int intPort = 2302; int.TryParse(port, out intPort); patchInfo.servers.Add(new ServerInfo { name = name, host = host, port = intPort }); } } return patchInfo; }
private void PatchManifestDownloaded(Uri uri, byte[] raw, string error, object userData) { bool guessValid = false; try { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(m_installPath_DayZRP); guessValid = dir.Exists; } catch (Exception) { } if (error != null) { Log("Failed contacting patch server: " + error); SetIsPatching(false, guessValid); RefreshServerList(); m_tabs.SelectedItem = m_tabLaunch; return; } Debug.Assert(uri == m_manifestUri); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(raw); string exText = null; try { doc.Load(stream); m_patch = PatchManifest.Parse(doc, m_baseUrl); } catch (Exception e) { exText = e.ToString(); } if (m_patch == null) { Log("Failed to parse XML document"); if (exText != null) Log("\t" + exText); SetIsPatching(false, guessValid); RefreshServerList(); return; } else { Log("Retrieved patch manifest"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_patch.launcherVersion) && m_patch.launcherVersion != LauncherVersion) { Log("New version of launcher available: " + m_patch.launcherVersion); MessageBoxResult r = MessageBox.Show("New version of launcher available: " + m_patch.launcherVersion+"\nWould you like to update now?", "Launcher out of date!", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (r == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { StartLauncherDownload(); return; } } // else foreach (var a in m_patch.assets) // Log("\tFile: " + a.Key + ", " + StringExtension.ToHexString(a.Value.hash) + ", " + a.Value.uri.ToString()); if (m_patch.servers != null && m_patch.servers.Count > 0) { Dictionary<string, GameServer> servers = new Dictionary<string, GameServer>(); foreach(var server in m_patch.servers) servers.Add(, new GameServer(, server.port)); m_servers = servers; } RefreshServerList(); } if (m_patch.mode != "lzma") { Log("This launcher version is out of date: Unable to understand the patch format!!!" ); SetIsPatching(false, guessValid); RefreshServerList(); return; } try { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(m_installPath_DayZRP); if (!dir.Exists) { dir.Create(); Log("Installation directory is not valid"); MessageBoxResult r = MessageBox.Show("DayZRP is not currently installed!\nWould you like to use BitTorrent for the initial installation (faster)?", "Couldn't find existing DayZRP installation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (r == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { ProcessOutput.RunSafe("", "", "", null, false, true); SetIsPatching(false, false); return; } } } catch (Exception) { Log("Installation directory is not valid"); SetIsPatching(false, false); return; } BeginScan(); }
public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); m_devOptions.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; m_versionText.Text = m_versionText.Text + " " + App.LauncherVersion; m_steamTickBox.IsChecked = Properties.Settings.Default.useSteam; m_launchCommands.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.launchArgs; m_manualInstallBox.IsChecked = Properties.Settings.Default.manualInstall; m_manualA2Dir.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.manualA2Dir; m_manualA2OADir.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.manualA2OADir; //Default servers to display before the XML file has been downloaded m_servers.Add("RP1 : S1", new GameServer("", 2302)); m_servers.Add("RP1 : S2", new GameServer("", 2302)); m_servers.Add("RP1 : S3", new GameServer("", 2302)); m_servers.Add("Event Server", new GameServer("", 2312)); List<ServerListItem> initialServerList = new List<ServerListItem>(); foreach (var server in m_servers) { initialServerList.Add(new ServerListItem() { locked = true, online = true, Name = server.Key, Players = "? / ?", PlayerList = "Refreshing..." }); } m_serverListBox.ItemsSource = initialServerList; if (Properties.Settings.Default.lastServerIdx >= 0 && Properties.Settings.Default.lastServerIdx < initialServerList.Count) m_serverListBox.SelectedIndex = Properties.Settings.Default.lastServerIdx; m_installPath_Arma2 = ReadRegString("Bohemia Interactive Studio\\ArmA 2", "MAIN"); m_installPath_Arma2OA = ReadRegString("Bohemia Interactive Studio\\ArmA 2 OA", "MAIN"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_installPath_Arma2)) m_installPath_Arma2 = ReadRegString("Bohemia Interactive Studio\\ArmA 2 Free", "MAIN"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_installPath_Arma2) && Properties.Settings.Default.manualInstall) m_installPath_Arma2 = Properties.Settings.Default.manualA2Dir; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_installPath_Arma2OA) && Properties.Settings.Default.manualInstall) m_installPath_Arma2OA = Properties.Settings.Default.manualA2OADir; while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_installPath_Arma2)) { MessageBoxResult r = MessageBox.Show("Could not locate Arma 2 installation.\n Would you like to manually locate the installation?", "Arma 2 not installed correctly!", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (r == MessageBoxResult.OK) { Forms.OpenFileDialog fileBrowser = new Forms.OpenFileDialog(); fileBrowser.CheckFileExists = true; fileBrowser.CheckPathExists = true; fileBrowser.ReadOnlyChecked = true; fileBrowser.Title = "Please locate Arma2.exe"; fileBrowser.FileName = "Arma2.exe"; fileBrowser.Filter = "Executable files (*.exe)|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*"; fileBrowser.RestoreDirectory = true; if (fileBrowser.ShowDialog() == Forms.DialogResult.OK) { m_installPath_Arma2 = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileBrowser.FileName); m_manualA2Dir.Text = m_installPath_Arma2; Properties.Settings.Default.manualA2Dir = m_installPath_Arma2; m_manualInstallBox.IsChecked = true; } } else { Application.Current.Shutdown(); return; } } while (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_installPath_Arma2OA)) { MessageBoxResult r = MessageBox.Show("Could not locate Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead installation.\n Would you like to manually locate the installation?", "Arma 2 OA not installed correctly!", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (r == MessageBoxResult.OK) { Forms.OpenFileDialog fileBrowser = new Forms.OpenFileDialog(); fileBrowser.CheckFileExists = true; fileBrowser.CheckPathExists = true; fileBrowser.ReadOnlyChecked = true; fileBrowser.Title = "Please locate Arma2OA.exe"; fileBrowser.FileName = "Arma2OA.exe"; fileBrowser.Filter = "Executable files (*.exe)|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*"; fileBrowser.RestoreDirectory = true; if (fileBrowser.ShowDialog() == Forms.DialogResult.OK) { m_installPath_Arma2OA = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileBrowser.FileName); m_manualA2OADir.Text = m_installPath_Arma2OA; Properties.Settings.Default.manualA2OADir = m_installPath_Arma2OA; m_manualInstallBox.IsChecked = true; } } else { Application.Current.Shutdown(); return; } } m_installPath_DayZRP = Path.Combine(m_installPath_Arma2OA, "./@DayZRP"); m_baseUrl = ""; // m_baseUrl = "http://localhost/test/"; m_manifestUri = new Uri(Path.Combine(m_baseUrl, ManifestName)); m_patch = null; m_patchServerBox.Text = m_baseUrl; Begin(); }