/// <summary> /// Runs the Registry cleaner file (obsolete). /// </summary> public static void run_reg_cleaner() { string rclean_path = FD.logDir(); if (rclean_path != "") { rclean_path = Path.Combine(rclean_path, "subutai-clean-registry.reg"); var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { CreateNoWindow = false, UseShellExecute = true, FileName = "regedit.exe", WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal, Arguments = $" /s {rclean_path}" }; Process.Start(startInfo); } }
/// <summary> /// Removes the Oracle VirtualBox application. /// Problematic for now /// </summary> /// <param name="app_name">Name of the application.</param> public static void remove_app_vbox(string app_name) { string mesg = string.Format("Remove {0}? \n\nPlease do not try to remove {1} if uninstalling from Control Panel. \n\nNote: it is better to remove {2} separately.", app_name, app_name, app_name); //DialogResult drs = MessageBox.Show($"Remove {app_name}? Please, do not remove if uninstalling from Control Panel. Uninstall {app_name} separately." , $"Removing {app_name}", DialogResult drs = MessageBox.Show(mesg, $"Removing {app_name}", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); if (drs == DialogResult.No) { return; } string res = ""; //VirtualBox Manager, VirtualBox Interface //Stop VMs //Remove all host-only interfaces remove_host_only(); //Stop Processes/Services clean.StageReporter("", "Stopping VirtualBox processes"); Process[] vboxProcesses = Process.GetProcesses(); foreach (Process process in vboxProcesses) { if (process.ProcessName.Contains("VBox") || process.ProcessName.Contains("VirtualBox")) { MessageBox.Show($"Process: {process.ProcessName}", "Removing processes", MessageBoxButtons.OK); try { process.Kill(); Thread.Sleep(2000); } catch (Exception e) { string tmp = e.Message; } } } //Stopping services //Remove drivers C:\Windows\System32\drivers //C:\Windows\System32\drivers\VBoxDrv.sys, VBoxNetAdp6.sys, VBoxNetLwf.sys, VBoxUSBMon.sys clean.StageReporter("", "Removing VirtualBox drivers "); string dirStart = Path.Combine(clean.sysDrive, "Windows", "System32", "drivers"); string[] vbDrv = { "VBoxDrv.sys", "VBoxNetAdp6.sys", "VBoxNetLwf.sys", "VBoxUSBMon.sys" }; foreach (string drvName in vbDrv) { res = SCP.LaunchCommandLineApp("sc", $"stop {drvName.Replace(".sys","")}", true, false, 420000); string drvPath = Path.Combine(dirStart, drvName); bool b_res = FD.del_sysfile(drvPath); } clean.StageReporter("", "Removing VirtualBox directory"); dirStart = AP.get_env_var("VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH"); if (dirStart == null || dirStart == "") { dirStart = Path.Combine(clean.sysDrive, "Program Files", "Oracle", "VirtualBox"); } //MessageBox.Show($"Dir: {dirStart}", "Removing Oracle Dir", MessageBoxButtons.OK); if (Directory.Exists(dirStart)) { Directory.Delete(dirStart, true); } //Clear Registry: VBoxDrv, VBoxNetAdp, VBoxUSBMon vb_clean_reg(); //Remove Env VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH", "", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH", "", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH", "", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); clean.StageReporter("", "Removing shortcuts"); //Remove shortcuts var shcutPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonDesktopDirectory); // Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); //delete_Shortcut(shcutPath, appName); string appName = "Oracle VM VirtualBox"; FD.delete_Shortcut(shcutPath, appName, false); shcutPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonDesktopDirectory); var shcutStartPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonStartMenu); //Folder files shcutPath = Path.Combine(shcutStartPath, "Programs"); //Uninstall.lnk FD.delete_Shortcut(shcutPath, appName, false); //Remove folder FD.delete_Shortcut(shcutPath, appName, true); clean.StageReporter("", "Removing from %Path%"); FD.remove_from_Path(dirStart); mesg = string.Format("Oracle VirtualBox removed from Your machine. \n\n Please do not forget to RESTART windows before new installation!"); MessageBox.Show(mesg, "Removing Oracle VirtualBox", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); }
/// <summary> /// Task factory actually perfoeming cleaning /// </summary> private void runCleaning() { string mess = ""; SetIndeterminate(false); UpdateProgress(0); logger.Info("sysDrive: {0}; SubutaiDir: {1}; isSilent: {2}; removeAll: {3}", sysDrive, SubutaiDir, isSilent, removeAll); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { StageReporter("", "Starting uninstall"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("sysDrive: {0}; SubutaiDir: {1}; isSilent: {2}; removeAll: {3}", sysDrive, SubutaiDir, isSilent, removeAll); logger.Info("Will delete: TAP software: {0}; Chrome: {1}; VBox: {2}; Subutai Directory: {3}", bTAP, bChrome, bVBox, bFolder); mess = string.Format("Will delete: TAP software: {0}; Chrome: {1}; VBox: {2}; Subutai Directory: {3}", bTAP, bChrome, bVBox, bFolder); MessageBox.Show(mess, "Start", MessageBoxButtons.OK); mess = ""; } SetIndeterminate(true); }) .ContinueWith((prevTask) => { Exception ex = prevTask.Exception; if (prevTask.IsFaulted) { while (ex is AggregateException && ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; if (toLog) { logger.Info("Exception on start: {0}", ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Start", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } StageReporter("", "Removing firewall rules"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing firewall rules"); MessageBox.Show("Removing firewall rules", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } SetIndeterminate(true); SCP.remove_fw_rules(SubutaiDir); //UpdateProgress(10); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion) .ContinueWith((prevTask) => { Exception ex = prevTask.Exception; if (prevTask.IsFaulted) { while (ex is AggregateException && ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; if (toLog) { logger.Info("Exception on Firewall rules: {0}", ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Firewall rules", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } StageReporter("", "Removing Subutai Social P2P service"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing Subutai Social P2P service"); MessageBox.Show("Removing Subutai Social P2P service", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } mess = SCP.stop_process("p2p"); mess = ""; mess = SCP.stop_service("Subutai Social P2P", 5000); mess = ""; mess = SCP.remove_service("Subutai Social P2P"); //UpdateProgress(20); StageReporter("", "Stopping SubutaiTray processes"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Stopping SubutaiTray processes"); MessageBox.Show("Stopping SubutaiTray processes", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } mess = SCP.stop_process("SubutaiTray"); //UpdateProgress(30); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion) .ContinueWith((prevTask) => { Exception ex = prevTask.Exception; if (prevTask.IsFaulted) { while (ex is AggregateException && ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; if (toLog) { logger.Info("Exception on Removing Subutai Social P2P service and tray: {0}", ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Subutai P2P service and SubutaiTray", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } StageReporter("", "Removing /home directory link"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing //home directory link"); MessageBox.Show("Removing //home directory link", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } //Remove /home shortcut if (SubutaiDir != "") { mess = FD.remove_from_home(SubutaiDir); mess = FD.remove_home(SubutaiDir); } //Remove Subutai dirs from Path //UpdateProgress(55); StageReporter("", "Removing Subutai dirs from %Path%"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing Subutai dirs from %Path%"); MessageBox.Show("Removing Subutai dirs from %Path%", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } //Remove Subutai dirs from Path mess = FD.remove_from_Path("Subutai"); //Remove %Subutai% Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Subutai", "", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Subutai", "", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Subutai", "", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); //UpdateProgress(60); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion) .ContinueWith((prevTask) => { Exception ex = prevTask.Exception; if (prevTask.IsFaulted) { while (ex is AggregateException && ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; if (toLog) { logger.Info("Exception on Removing link, Subutai dirs from %Path% and envs: {0}", ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Subutai dirs", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } StageReporter("", "Cleaning Registry"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Cleaning Registry"); MessageBox.Show("Cleaning Registry", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } //Clean registry RG.delete_from_reg(); //UpdateProgress(70); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion) .ContinueWith((prevTask) => { Exception ex = prevTask.Exception; if (prevTask.IsFaulted) { while (ex is AggregateException && ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; if (toLog) { logger.Info("Exception on Cleaning Registry: {0}", ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Cleaning Registry", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } StageReporter("", "Removing TAP interfaces"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing TAP interfaces"); MessageBox.Show("Removing TAP interfaces", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } AP.del_TAP(); //UpdateProgress(80); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion) .ContinueWith((prevTask) => { Exception ex = prevTask.Exception; if (prevTask.IsFaulted) { while (ex is AggregateException && ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; if (toLog) { logger.Info("Exception on Removing TAP interfaces: {0}", ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Removing TAP interfaces", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } StageReporter("", "Removing old logs"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing old logs"); MessageBox.Show("Removing old logs", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } //Remove log dir FD.remove_log_dir(); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion) .ContinueWith((prevTask) => { Exception ex = prevTask.Exception; if (prevTask.IsFaulted) { while (ex is AggregateException && ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; if (toLog) { logger.Info("Exception on Removing old logs: {0}", ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Removing old logs", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } StageReporter("", "Removing Subutai Virtual Machines"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing Subutai Virtual Machines"); MessageBox.Show("Removing Subutai Virtual Machines", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } //Remove snappy and subutai machines VBx.remove_vm(); //Remove Oracle VirtualBox StageReporter("", "Removing Oracle Virtual Box software"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing Subutai Virtual Box software"); MessageBox.Show("Removing Subutai Virtual Box software", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } if (!isSilent && bVBox) { if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing Subutai Virtual Box software - yes"); MessageBox.Show("Removing Subutai Virtual Box software - yes", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } VBx.remove_app_vbox_short("Oracle VirtualBox"); } }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion) .ContinueWith((prevTask) => { Exception ex = prevTask.Exception; if (prevTask.IsFaulted) { while (ex is AggregateException && ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; if (toLog) { logger.Info("Exception on Removing virtual machines: {0}", ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "VirtualBox", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } StageReporter("", "Removing Google Chrome"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing Google Chrome"); MessageBox.Show("Removing Google Chrome", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } if (!isSilent && bChrome) { if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing Google Chrome - yes"); MessageBox.Show("Removing Google Chrome - yes", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } AP.remove_chrome(); } }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion) .ContinueWith((prevTask) => { Exception ex = prevTask.Exception; if (prevTask.IsFaulted) { while (ex is AggregateException && ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; if (toLog) { logger.Info("Exception on Removing Google Chrome:{0}", ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Chrome", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } //Remove service if was installed during cancelling if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing Subutai P2P service if was installed after uninstall started"); MessageBox.Show("Removing Subutai P2P service if was installed after uninstall started", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } mess = SCP.stop_process("p2p"); mess = ""; mess = SCP.stop_service("Subutai Social P2P", 5000); mess = ""; mess = SCP.remove_service("Subutai Social P2P"); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnRanToCompletion) .ContinueWith((prevTask) => { Exception ex = prevTask.Exception; if (prevTask.IsFaulted) { while (ex is AggregateException && ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; if (toLog) { logger.Info("Exception on Removing Subutai P2P Service: {0}", ex.Message); } MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Subutai P2P Service", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } StageReporter("", "Removing Subutai shortcuts"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing Subutai shortcuts"); MessageBox.Show("Removing Subutai shortcuts", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } FD.delete_Shortcuts("Subutai"); //UpdateProgress(80); StageReporter("", "Removing Subutai directories"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Removing Subutai directories"); MessageBox.Show("Removing Subutai directories", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } mess = ""; string mesg = ""; if (SubutaiDir != "" && SubutaiDir != null && SubutaiDir != "C:\\" && SubutaiDir != "D:\\" && SubutaiDir != "E:\\" && !(SubutaiDir.Length < 4)) { if (!isSilent) { if (bFolder) { if (toLog) { logger.Info("Not silent, Removing Subutai directories completely"); MessageBox.Show("Not silent, Removing Subutai directories completely", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } //checked, need to remove mess = FD.delete_dir(SubutaiDir); } else { if (toLog) { logger.Info("Not silent, Removing Subutai bin directory"); MessageBox.Show("Not silent, Removing Subutai bin directory", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } mess = FD.delete_dir_bin(SubutaiDir); } } else //silent { if (removeAll) { if (toLog) { logger.Info("Silent, Removing Subutai directories completely"); MessageBox.Show("Silent, Removing Subutai directories completely", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } mess = FD.delete_dir(SubutaiDir); } else { if (toLog) { logger.Info("Silent, Removing Subutai bin directory"); MessageBox.Show("Silent, Removing Subutai bin directory", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } mess = FD.delete_dir_bin(SubutaiDir); } } if (mess.Contains("Can not")) { mesg = string.Format("Folder {0}\\bin can not be removed.\n\n Please close running applications that can lock files (ssh sessions, file manager windows, stop p2p service if running etc) and delete it manually", SubutaiDir); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Failed to remove Subutai directory"); MessageBox.Show("Failed to remove Subutai directory", "Removing", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } MessageBox.Show(mesg, "Removing Subutai folder", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } //Remove Subutai dir from ApplicationData string appUserDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); //MessageBox.Show($"AppData: {appUserDir}", "AppData", MessageBoxButtons.OK); appUserDir = Path.Combine(appUserDir, "Subutai Social"); if (Directory.Exists(appUserDir)) { try { Directory.Delete(appUserDir, true); } catch (Exception exx) { mesg = exx.Message; } } SetIndeterminate(false); UpdateProgress(100); StageReporter("", "Finished"); string mes = "Subutai Social uninstalled. \n"; string mes1 = "\nPlease delete "; string mes2 = ""; string mes3 = " software manually from Control Panel if You are not going to use it"; if (AP.app_installed("Clients\\StartMenuInternet\\Google Chrome") == 1) { mes1 += "Google Chrome "; mes += $"{mes1}{mes2}"; } if (AP.app_installed("Oracle\\VirtualBox") == 1) { if (mes.Contains("Chrome")) { mes += " and Oracle VirtualBox "; } else { mes += "\nPlease delete Oracle VirtualBox "; } } if (mes.Contains("Chrome") || mes.Contains("VirtualBox")) { mes += mes3; } mesg = string.Format($"{mes}"); if (toLog) { logger.Info("Subutai Social uninstalled"); } MessageBox.Show(mesg, "Uninstall Subutai Social", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Environment.Exit(0); }); }