private void btnOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ofdTik.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && ofdTik.FileNames.Count() > 0) { List <TitleInfo> list = new List <TitleInfo> { }; foreach (string filename in ofdTik.FileNames) { byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(filename); string hexID = HelperFunctions.getTitleIDFromTicket(data); string basename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); TitleInfo info = new TitleInfo(hexID, "", (basename.ToLower() != "title" ? hexID + " - " + basename : hexID), "", "", true); info.ticket = data; list.Add(info); } frmDownload.OpenDownloadForm(list); } }
private async Task cacheTicket(TitleInfo item) { if (item.hasTicket) { try { string tikFilePath = Path.Combine(Common.TicketsPath, item.titleID + ".tik"); if (File.Exists(tikFilePath)) { item.ticket = File.ReadAllBytes(tikFilePath); } else { byte[] ticket = await HelperFunctions.DownloadTitleKeyWebsiteTicket(item.titleID); File.WriteAllBytes(tikFilePath, ticket); item.ticket = ticket; } } catch { } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { System.Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; SemVersion currentVersion = new SemVersion(version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build); HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("") as HttpWebRequest; request.UserAgent = "uTikDownloadHelper " + currentVersion; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), ASCIIEncoding.UTF8); dynamic json = JArray.Parse(reader.ReadToEnd()); SemVersion newestVersion = SemVersion.Parse(((String)json[0].tag_name).Substring(1)); if (newestVersion > currentVersion) { if (MessageBox.Show(String.Format("v{0} is now available, you have v{1}.\r\n\r\nDo you want to visit the download page?", newestVersion.ToString(), currentVersion.ToString()), "New Version", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start((String)json[0].html_url); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } Directory.CreateDirectory(Common.TicketsPath); if (Common.Settings.ticketWebsite == null) { Common.Settings.ticketWebsite = ""; } if (args.Length == 0) { using (frmList frm = new frmList()) { FormContext.AddForm(frm); Application.Run(FormContext); } return; } if (args[0].ToLower().EndsWith(".tmd")) { if (File.Exists(args[0])) { frmDownload.DownloadMissing(args[0], true); Application.Run(FormContext); } return; } string ticketInputPath = args[0]; Byte[] ticket = { }; if (ticketInputPath.ToLower().StartsWith("http")) { try { ticket = (new System.Net.WebClient()).DownloadData(ticketInputPath); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message.ToString(), "Error Downloading Ticket"); return; } } else { ticket = File.ReadAllBytes(ticketInputPath); } if (ticket.Length < 848) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Ticket"); } using (var frm = new frmDownload()){ string hexID = HelperFunctions.getTitleIDFromTicket(ticket); TitleInfo info = new TitleInfo(hexID, "", hexID, "", "", true); info.ticket = ticket; frm.TitleQueue.Add(info); FormContext.AddForm(frm); Application.Run(FormContext); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Common.TicketsPath); if (Common.Settings.ticketWebsite == null) { Common.Settings.ticketWebsite = ""; } if (args.Length == 0) { using (frmList frm = new frmList()) { FormContext.AddForm(frm); Application.Run(FormContext); } return; } if (args[0].ToLower().EndsWith(".tmd")) { if (File.Exists(args[0])) { frmDownload.DownloadMissing(args[0], true); Application.Run(FormContext); } return; } string ticketInputPath = args[0]; Byte[] ticket = { }; if (ticketInputPath.ToLower().StartsWith("http")) { try { ticket = (new System.Net.WebClient()).DownloadData(ticketInputPath); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message.ToString(), "Error Downloading Ticket"); return; } } else { ticket = File.ReadAllBytes(ticketInputPath); } if (ticket.Length < 848) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Ticket"); } using (var frm = new frmDownload()){ string hexID = HelperFunctions.getTitleIDFromTicket(ticket); TitleInfo info = new TitleInfo(hexID, "", hexID, "", "", true); info.ticket = ticket; frm.TitleQueue.Add(info); FormContext.AddForm(frm); Application.Run(FormContext); } }
private Nullable <DownloadItem> getDownloadItem(TitleInfo item, DownloadType type) { TitleInfo info; lock (item) { info = item; } switch (type) { case DownloadType.Game: if (!info.isUpdate) { try { bool madeTicket = false; TMD titleTMD = AsyncHelpers.RunSync <TMD>(() => NUS.DownloadTMD(info.titleID)); if (info.ticket.Length == 0 && info.hasTicket) { info.ticket = AsyncHelpers.RunSync <byte[]>(() => HelperFunctions.DownloadTitleKeyWebsiteTicket(info.titleID)); } if (!info.hasTicket && info.titleKey.Length > 0) { madeTicket = true; info.ticket = info.getGeneratedTitleTicket(titleTMD.TitleVersion); } return(new DownloadItem( info.displayName + (madeTicket ? " (FakeSign)" : ""), titleTMD, AsyncHelpers.RunSync <NUS.UrlFilenamePair[]>(() => NUS.GetTitleContentURLs(titleTMD, true)), info.ticket, null, null, madeTicket )); } catch { } } break; case DownloadType.DLC: try { if (info.dlcKey.Length > 0) { TMD dlcTMD = AsyncHelpers.RunSync <TMD>(() => NUS.DownloadTMD(info.dlcID)); return(new DownloadItem( info.DisplayNameWithVersion(dlcTMD.TitleVersion, "DLC") + " (FakeSign)", dlcTMD, AsyncHelpers.RunSync <NUS.UrlFilenamePair[]>(() => NUS.GetTitleContentURLs(dlcTMD, true)), info.getDLCTicket(dlcTMD.TitleVersion), null, null, true )); } } catch { } break; case DownloadType.Update: try { TMD updateTMD = AsyncHelpers.RunSync <TMD>(() => NUS.DownloadTMD(info.updateID)); return(new DownloadItem( info.DisplayNameWithVersion(updateTMD.TitleVersion, "Update"), updateTMD, AsyncHelpers.RunSync <NUS.UrlFilenamePair[]>(() => NUS.GetTitleContentURLs(updateTMD, true)), AsyncHelpers.RunSync <byte[]>(() => NUS.DownloadTicket(info.updateID)) )); } catch { } break; } return(null); }
private async void frmDownload_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { BringToFront(); if (TitleQueue.Count == 0) { if (DownloadQueue.Count > 0) { ProcessDownloadQueue(DownloadQueue.ToArray()); } else { Close(); } return; } if (AutoDownloadType == DownloadType.None) { TitleInfo QueueItem = TitleQueue[0]; this.Text = QueueItem.displayName; if (!QueueItem.isUpdate) { await Task.Run(() => { var result = getDownloadItem(QueueItem, DownloadType.Game); if (result.HasValue && result.Value.ticket.Length > 0) { TitleItem = result.Value; TitleExists = true; } }); } if (QueueItem.dlcKey.Length > 0) { await Task.Run(() => { var result = getDownloadItem(QueueItem, DownloadType.DLC); if (result.HasValue) { DLCItem = result.Value; DLCExists = true; } }); } await Task.Run(() => { var result = getDownloadItem(QueueItem, DownloadType.Update); if (result.HasValue) { UpdateItem = result.Value; UpdateExists = true; } }); if (TitleExists) { chkTitle.Enabled = true; chkTitle.Checked = true; if (TitleItem.Value.madeTicket) { chkTitle.ForeColor = Color.Red; } } if (DLCExists) { chkDLC.Enabled = true; chkDLC.ForeColor = Color.Red; } if (UpdateExists) { chkUpdate.Enabled = true; } btnDownload.Enabled = TitleExists || UpdateExists || DLCExists; lblDownloadingMetadata.Dispose(); } else { var previousMax = progMain.Maximum; List <TaskQueueValues> taskValues = new List <TaskQueueValues> { }; for (int i = 0; i < TitleQueue.Count; i++) { var item = TitleQueue[i]; if ((AutoDownloadType & DownloadType.Game) != 0) { taskValues.Add(new TaskQueueValues(item, DownloadType.Game)); } if ((AutoDownloadType & DownloadType.DLC) != 0) { taskValues.Add(new TaskQueueValues(item, DownloadType.DLC)); } if ((AutoDownloadType & DownloadType.Update) != 0) { taskValues.Add(new TaskQueueValues(item, DownloadType.Update)); } } progMain.Maximum = taskValues.Count(); int runningWorkers = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { runningWorkers++; #pragma warning disable CS4014 Task.Run(() => #pragma warning restore CS4014 { TaskQueueValues value; while (true) { lock (taskValues) { if (taskValues.Count == 0) { break; } value = taskValues[0]; taskValues.RemoveAt(0); } var result = getDownloadItem(, value.type); if (result.HasValue) { DownloadQueue.Add(result.Value); } adjustProgMainValue(1); } runningWorkers--; }); } await Task.Run(() => { while (runningWorkers > 0) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }); progMain.Value = 0; progMain.Maximum = previousMax; lblDownloadingMetadata.Dispose(); } if (DownloadQueue.Count > 0 || AutoClose) { ProcessDownloadQueue(DownloadQueue.ToArray()); } }
public TaskQueueValues(TitleInfo info, DownloadType type) { = info; this.type = type; }
public async Task <TitleListResult> getTitleList() { string result; TitleListResult status = TitleListResult.Online; string dataCacheFilename = Path.Combine(Common.CachePath, "json"); try { result = await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(new Uri("http://" + Common.Settings.ticketWebsite + "/json")); File.WriteAllText(dataCacheFilename, result); } catch { if (File.Exists(dataCacheFilename)) { result = File.ReadAllText(dataCacheFilename); status = TitleListResult.Offline; } else { return(TitleListResult.NotFound); } } titles.Clear(); dynamic json = JArray.Parse(result); foreach (dynamic obj in json) { if (((String)(obj.titleID)).Length == 16) { TitleInfo info = new TitleInfo((String)(obj.titleID), (String)(obj.titleKey), (String)(, (String)(obj.region), "", obj.ticket == "1"); if (!info.titleID.StartsWith("0005000e") && info.hasTicket) { factory.StartNew(async(o) => { await cacheTicket((TitleInfo)o); }, info); } if (info.titleID.Length == 16 && allowedTitleTypes.Contains(info.titleID.Substring(4, 4))) { titles.Add(info); } } } var dlc = titles.Where(o => o.titleID.Substring(4, 4) == "000c").ToList(); var updates = titles.Where(o => o.titleID.Substring(4, 4) == "000e").ToList(); titles = titles.Where(o => o.titleID.Substring(4, 4) == "0000").ToList(); foreach (TitleInfo info in dlc.ToArray()) { TitleInfo[] existing = titles.Where(o => o.titleID == info.gameID).ToArray(); if (existing.Length == 0) { info.titleID = info.gameID; info.dlcKey = info.titleKey; info.titleKey = ""; } else { existing[frmList.COLUMN_INDEX_TITLE_ID].dlcKey = info.titleKey; dlc.Remove(info); } } foreach (TitleInfo info in updates.ToArray()) { TitleInfo[] existing = titles.Where(o => o.titleID == info.gameID).ToArray(); if (existing.Length == 0) { info.titleID = info.gameID; info.updateKey = info.titleKey; info.titleKey = ""; } else { existing[frmList.COLUMN_INDEX_TITLE_ID].updateKey = info.titleKey; updates.Remove(info); } } titles.AddRange(dlc); titles.AddRange(updates); titles = titles.OrderBy(o =>; OnListUpdated(); return(status); }