Exemple #1
        //Warning MaxSub has been reversed 0 is the best one, 1 is the worst

        /*public override int GetDistance(string refStructure, string modelStructure)
         * {
         *  int seedL = 4;
         *  int maxS = 0;
         *  float maxDist = 3.5f;
         *  //float maxDist = 1.5f;
         *  List<int> pList = new List<int>();
         *  List<int> cList = null;
         *  float[,] remMol = null;
         *  float[,] remTransMol = null;
         *  float[,] copyMol2 = null;
         *  List<int> bestList = null;
         * //   TestRmsd(refStructure, modelStructure);
         *  if (!pdbs.molDic.ContainsKey(refStructure) || !pdbs.molDic.ContainsKey(modelStructure))
         *      return int.MaxValue;
         *  posMOL locPosMol=Optimization.PrepareData(pdbs.molDic[refStructure], pdbs.molDic[modelStructure]);
         *  copyMol2 = new float[locPosMol.posmol2.GetLength(0), locPosMol.posmol2.GetLength(1)];
         *  remMol = new float[locPosMol.posmol1.GetLength(0), locPosMol.posmol1.GetLength(1)];
         *  remTransMol = new float[locPosMol.posmol1.GetLength(0), locPosMol.posmol1.GetLength(1)];
         *  //opt.CenterMols(opt.posMol1, opt.posMol2);
         *  if (bestList != null)
         *      bestList.Clear();
         *  for (int i = 0; i < locPosMol.posmol1.GetLength(0) - seedL; i++)
         *  {
         *      pList.Clear();
         *      for (int j = 0; j < seedL; j++)
         *          pList.Add(i + j);
         *      KeyValuePair<List<int>, float[,]> extRes = Extend(pList, bestList,locPosMol.posmol1, locPosMol.posmol2, copyMol2, maxDist);
         *      cList = extRes.Key;
         *      if (cList == null)
         *          continue;
         *      if (cList.Count > maxS)
         *      {
         *          bestList = new List<int>(cList);
         *          maxS = cList.Count;
         *   //       Buffer.BlockCopy(copyMol1, 0, remMol, 0, copyMol2.Length * sizeof(float));
         *          Buffer.BlockCopy(extRes.Value, 0, remTransMol, 0, copyMol2.Length * sizeof(float));
         *      }
         *      if (cList.Count == locPosMol.posmol1.GetLength(0))
         *          break;
         *  }
         *  if (remTransMol == null || bestList==null || bestList.Count==0)
         *      return int.MaxValue;
         *  float sum = 0;
         *  float mDist = maxDist * maxDist;
         *              float rmsd=0;
         *  foreach (var item in bestList)
         *  {
         *      float dist = 0;
         *      dist = calcDist(locPosMol.posmol1, remTransMol, item);
         *                      rmsd+=dist;
         *      dist *= dist;
         *      sum += 100/(1 + dist/ mDist);
         *  }
         *              rmsd/=bestList.Count;
         *  return 100 - (int)((sum / locPosMol.posmol1.GetLength(0)));
         * }*/
        private float [,] Rotate(List <int> indexList, float[,] pMol1, float[,] pMol2, float [,] copyMol)
            float[,] indexMol1;
            float[,] indexMol2;
            float[,] transMatrix = null;
            float[,] rotMol      = null;

            if (indexList.Count <= 2)

            indexMol1 = new float[indexList.Count, 3];
            indexMol2 = new float[indexList.Count, 3];
            for (int j = 0; j < indexList.Count; j++)
                for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                    indexMol1[j, l] = pMol1[indexList[j], l];
                    indexMol2[j, l] = pMol2[indexList[j], l];
            float[] center1 = new float[3];
            float[] center2 = new float[3];
            //opt.CenterMols(indexMol1, indexMol2);
            Optimization.CenterMol(indexMol1, center1);
            Optimization.TransVec(indexMol1, center1);
            Optimization.CenterMol(indexMol2, center2);
            Optimization.TransVec(indexMol2, center2);

            transMatrix = Optimization.TransMatrix(indexMol1, indexMol2);
            if (transMatrix == null)

            Buffer.BlockCopy(pMol2, 0, copyMol, 0, pMol2.Length * sizeof(float));
            Optimization.TransVec(copyMol, center2);
            Optimization.TransVec(pMol1, center1);

            rotMol = Optimization.MultMatrixTrans(copyMol, transMatrix);

Exemple #2
        private returnV GetStructAfterRotation(string refStructure, string modelStructure)
            float[,] transMatrix = null;
            float [] cent1 = new float [3];
            float [] cent2 = new float [3];

            if (!pdbs.molDic.ContainsKey(refStructure) || !pdbs.molDic.ContainsKey(modelStructure))
            posMOL locPosMol = Optimization.PrepareData(pdbs.molDic[refStructure], pdbs.molDic[modelStructure], true);

            //opt.Rmsd(locPosMol.posmol1, locPosMol.posmol2, cent1, cent2, true);

            /* float [,]mm=new float [3,3];
             * mm[0, 0] = 0; mm[0, 1] = 0; mm[0, 2] = 1;
             * mm[1, 0] = 1; mm[1, 1] = 0; mm[1, 2] = 0;
             * mm[2, 0] = 0; mm[2, 1] = 1; mm[2, 2] = 0;
             * float [,]test=Optimization.MultMatrixTrans(locPosMol.posmol1, mm);*/

            transMatrix = Optimization.TransMatrix(locPosMol.posmol2, locPosMol.posmol1);
            //transMatrix = opt.TransMatrix(locPosMol.posmol1, test);
            if (transMatrix == null)

//            float[,] akk = Optimization.MultMatrixTrans(test, transMatrix);
            transMatrix = Optimization.MultMatrixTrans(locPosMol.posmol2, transMatrix);
            returnV r = new returnV();

            r.x = transMatrix;
            r.y = locPosMol.atoms;
            //return Optimization.MultMatrixTrans(test, transMatrix);
            //return akk;
            //return opt.posMolRot;
            //return opt.TransMatrix(opt.posMol1, opt.posMol2);