Exemple #1
        private void calculateRulaEngine()
            // Hitung nilai keseluruhan
            finalResult = RulaCalculation.calculateRula();
            finalMsg    = RulaCalculation.getFinalScoreMsg(finalResult);

            // Set Ke TexBlocknya
            this.finalScore.Text = finalResult.ToString();
            // Set pewarnaan logo nya
            if (finalResult <= 2)
                this.finalScore.Foreground = Brushes.Green;
            else if (finalResult > 2 && finalResult <= 4)
                this.finalScore.Foreground = Brushes.GreenYellow;
            else if (finalResult > 4 && finalResult <= 7)
                this.finalScore.Foreground = Brushes.Yellow;
                this.finalScore.Foreground = Brushes.Red;

            this.finalScoreMsg.Text = finalMsg;
Exemple #2
        private void calculateTrunk(Vector3D trunk)
            Joint  start, end, poros;
            double angle, trunkBending;
            bool   isBending;

            start = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.SpineShoulder));
            poros = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.SpineBase));

            end            = poros;
            end.Position.Z = 2 * poros.Position.Z;
            angle          = calculateAngle(poros.Position.Y, poros.Position.Z,
                                            start.Position.Y, start.Position.Z, end.Position.Y, end.Position.Z);
            if (angle <= 100) // overestimate -> +-10 degree, actualy must be 90 degree
                angle = 100 - angle;
                angle -= 100;
                angle *= -1;

            // Trunk twistedi -> not done : Next Development
            //double trunkTwist;
            //start = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.SpineMd));
            //end = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.AnkleLeft));

            //trunkTwist = calculateAngle3D(convertJointoVector(start), convertJointoVector(end));

            // Trunk side bending
            // Create a Vector that perpendicular between hip Joint
            Vector3D hipLeft  = convertJointoVector(kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.HipLeft)));
            Vector3D hipRight = convertJointoVector(kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.HipRight)));

            Vector3D horizontalSide          = hipLeft - hipRight;
            Vector3D perpendicularHorizontal = new Vector3D();

            perpendicularHorizontal.X = horizontalSide.Y;
            perpendicularHorizontal.Y = -1 * horizontalSide.X;
            perpendicularHorizontal.Z = horizontalSide.Z;

            // Calculate between perpendicular to the horizontal vector
            // and trunk vector to get the angle
            //trunkBending = calculateAngle3D(perpendicularHorizontal, trunk); // Default position angle -> 108-110
            trunkBending = calculateAngle2D(perpendicularHorizontal, trunk);

            // Trunk Bending
            isBending = RulaCalculation.calcTrunkbending(trunkBending);
            setStatus(this.txtTrunkBending, isBending);

            // Set on GUI
            this.textTrunk.Text = angle.ToString("0");

            // Save data to static variable
            GlobalVal.trunk        = angle;
            GlobalVal.trunkBending = isBending;
Exemple #3
        private void calculateLowerArm(int sisiBadan)
            Joint  start, end, poros;
            double angle;
            bool   isDeviation = false;

            if (0 == sisiBadan)
                // Lengan Bawah - oke
                start = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.ShoulderLeft));
                end   = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.WristLeft));
                poros = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.ElbowLeft));

                angle = calculateAngle(poros.Position.Y, poros.Position.Z, start.Position.Y, start.Position.Z,
                                       end.Position.Y, end.Position.Z);
                angle = 180 - angle;

                // Cek arah lengan bwah apakah keluar dari batas midlane
                // Analyze relative position of the wrist X coordinate towards the shoulder position
                // Check deviation base on coordinate
                isDeviation = RulaCalculation.calcLowerArmDeviation(end.Position.X, start.Position.X);
                setStatus(this.txtLowerArmMidline, isDeviation);

                this.textLowerArm.Text = angle.ToString("0");
                // Lengan Bawah - oke
                start = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.ShoulderRight));
                end   = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.WristRight));
                poros = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.ElbowRight));

                angle = calculateAngle(poros.Position.Y, poros.Position.Z, start.Position.Y, start.Position.Z,
                                       end.Position.Y, end.Position.Z);
                angle = 180 - angle;

                // Cek arah lengan bwah apakah keluar dari batas midlane
                // Analyze relative position of the wrist X coordinate towards the shoulder position
                // Check deviation base on coordinate
                isDeviation = RulaCalculation.calcLowerArmDeviation(end.Position.X, start.Position.X);
                setStatus(this.txtLowerArmMidline, isDeviation);

                this.textLowerArm.Text = angle.ToString("0");

            // Save data to static variable
            GlobalVal.lowerArm        = angle;
            GlobalVal.lowerArmMidline = isDeviation;
Exemple #4
        private void calculateNeck()
            Joint  start, end, poros;
            double angle, bendingAngle;
            bool   isBending;

            // Neck Angle corespondent to sagittal plane
            start = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.Head));

            end = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.SpineBase));

            poros = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.SpineShoulder));

            angle = calculateAngle(poros.Position.Y, poros.Position.Z, start.Position.Y, start.Position.Z,
                                   end.Position.Y, end.Position.Z);
            if (angle > 90)
                angle = 180 - angle;
                angle *= -1;

            // Neck Bending
            bendingAngle = calculateAngle(poros.Position.X, poros.Position.Y,
                                          start.Position.X, start.Position.Y, end.Position.X, end.Position.Y);
            if (bendingAngle > 150)
                bendingAngle = 180 - bendingAngle;

            this.textNeck.Text = angle.ToString("0");

            // Neck Bending
            isBending = RulaCalculation.calcNeckBending(bendingAngle);
            setStatus(this.txtNeckBending, isBending);

            // Save data to static variable
            GlobalVal.neck        = angle;
            GlobalVal.neckBending = isBending;
Exemple #5
        private void calculateWrist(int sisiBadan)
            Joint  start, end, poros;
            double angle;

            if (0 == sisiBadan)
                // Wrist Angle coresponding Horizontall plane
                start = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.ElbowLeft));

                end = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.HandTipLeft));

                poros = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.WristLeft));

                //angle = calculateAngle(poros.Position.X, poros.Position.Y, start.Position.X, poros.Position.Y,
                //    end.Position.X, end.Position.Y);
                angle = poros.Angle(start, end) - 180;

                this.textWristArm.Text = angle.ToString("0");
            else // sisi Kanan
                // Pergelangan Tangan - oke
                start = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.ElbowRight));

                end = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.HandTipRight));

                poros = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.WristRight));

                //angle = calculateAngle(poros.Position.X, poros.Position.Y, start.Position.X, poros.Position.Y,
                //    end.Position.X, end.Position.Y);
                angle = poros.Angle(start, end) - 180;

                this.textWristArm.Text = angle.ToString("0");

            // Save to static variable
            GlobalVal.wrist = angle;
Exemple #6
        public void calculateAngle(Body body)
            Joint    spineShoulder = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.SpineShoulder));
            Joint    spineMid      = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.SpineMid));
            Joint    spineBase     = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.SpineBase));
            Vector3D trunk         = convertJointoVector(spineBase) - convertJointoVector(spineMid) - convertJointoVector(spineShoulder);

            // Group A

            // Group B

            // Check if data being recorded or not
            if (GlobalVal.RECORD_STATUS)
Exemple #7
        /******************* Method Angle Calc Body Part ******************/

        private void calculateUpperArm(int sisiBadan)
            Joint  start, end, poros;
            double angle, shoulderRaise;
            bool   isAbducted, isRaised;

            if (0 == sisiBadan) // sisi Kiri
                // Upper arm correspondent to sagittal Plane
                start = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.ElbowLeft));
                poros = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.ShoulderLeft));

                // Calculate Angle
                angle = this.calculateAngle(poros.Position.Y, poros.Position.Z,
                                            start.Position.Y, start.Position.Z, poros.Position.Y, 2 * poros.Position.Z);
                // 0 -> full to backward, 90 -> at stright to the trunk, 180 -> pararell to shoulder
                if (angle > 90)
                    angle -= 90;
                else if (angle < 90 && angle > 60)
                    angle = -1 * (90 - angle);
                else if (angle < 90)
                    angle += 90;

                // Upper Arm Abduction
                isAbducted = RulaCalculation.calculateUpperArmAbduction(start.Position.X, poros.Position.X);
                setStatus(this.txtUpperArmAbduction, isAbducted);

                // Shoulder is Raise
                start = poros;
                end   = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.Neck));
                poros = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.SpineShoulder));

                shoulderRaise = calculateAngle(poros.Position.X, poros.Position.Y,
                                               start.Position.X, start.Position.Y, 2 * poros.Position.X, poros.Position.Y);

                isRaised = RulaCalculation.calcShoulderRaise(shoulderRaise);
                setStatus(this.txtShoulderRaise, isRaised);

                // Update on GUI
                this.textUpperArm.Text = angle.ToString("0");
                // Lengan atas Oke
                start = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.ElbowRight));
                poros = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.ShoulderRight));

                // Calculate Angle
                angle = this.calculateAngle(poros.Position.Y, poros.Position.Z,
                                            start.Position.Y, start.Position.Z, poros.Position.Y, -2 * poros.Position.Z);
                // 0 -> full to backward, 90 -> at stright to the trunk, 180 -> pararell to shoulder
                if (angle > 90)
                    angle -= 90;
                else if (angle < 90 && angle > 60)
                    angle = -1 * (90 - angle);
                else if (angle < 90)
                    angle += 90;

                // Upper Arm Abduction
                isAbducted = RulaCalculation.calculateUpperArmAbduction(start.Position.X, poros.Position.X);
                setStatus(this.txtUpperArmAbduction, isAbducted);

                // Shoulder is Raise
                start = poros;
                end   = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.Neck));
                poros = kalmanFilterFull(getBodyTypeSeq(JointType.SpineShoulder));

                shoulderRaise = calculateAngle(poros.Position.X, poros.Position.Y,
                                               start.Position.X, start.Position.Y, 2 * poros.Position.X, poros.Position.Y);

                isRaised = RulaCalculation.calcShoulderRaise(shoulderRaise);
                setStatus(this.txtShoulderRaise, isRaised);

                // Update on GUI
                this.textUpperArm.Text = angle.ToString("0");

            // Save data into static variable
            GlobalVal.upperArm         = angle;
            GlobalVal.uperArmAbduction = isAbducted;
            GlobalVal.shoulderAngle    = isRaised;