Exemple #1
        internal void Draw(Box box)
            System.Drawing.Graphics g = Graphics;

            if (box is Pack)
                Pack pack = box as Pack;
                Vector3D[] points = box.Points;

                Face[] faces = box.Faces;
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                    // Face
                    Face face = faces[i];
                    // face normal
                    Vector3D normal = face.Normal;
                    // visible ?
                    if (!faces[i].IsVisible(_vTarget - _vCameraPos))
                    // color
                    faces[i].ColorFill = box.Colors[i];
                    double cosA  = System.Math.Abs(Vector3D.DotProduct(faces[i].Normal, VLight));
                    Color  color = Color.FromArgb((int)(faces[i].ColorFill.R * cosA), (int)(faces[i].ColorFill.G * cosA), (int)(faces[i].ColorFill.B * cosA));
                    // points
                    Vector3D[] points3D = faces[i].Points;
                    Point[]    pt       = TransformPoint(GetCurrentTransformation(), points3D);
                    //  draw solid face
                    Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color);
                    g.FillPolygon(brush, pt);
                    // draw textures
                    if (null != face.Textures && ShowTextures)
                        foreach (Texture texture in face.Textures)
                            Point[] ptsImage = TransformPoint(GetCurrentTransformation(), box.PointsImage(i, texture));
                            Point[] pts      = new Point[3];
                            pts[0] = ptsImage[3];
                            pts[1] = ptsImage[2];
                            pts[2] = ptsImage[0];
                            g.DrawImage(texture.Bitmap, pts);
                    // draw path
                    Brush brushPath    = new SolidBrush(faces[i].ColorPath);
                    Pen   penPathThick = new Pen(brushPath, box.IsBundle ? 2.0f : 1.5f);
                    int   ptCount      = pt.Length;
                    for (int j = 1; j < ptCount; ++j)
                        g.DrawLine(penPathThick, pt[j - 1], pt[j]);
                    g.DrawLine(penPathThick, pt[ptCount - 1], pt[0]);
                    // draw bundle lines
                    if (box.IsBundle && i < 4)
                        Pen penPathThin = new Pen(brushPath, 1.5f);
                        int noSlice     = Math.Min(box.BundleFlats, 4);
                        for (int iSlice = 0; iSlice < noSlice - 1; ++iSlice)
                            Vector3D[] ptSlice = new Vector3D[2];
                            ptSlice[0] = points3D[0] + ((double)(iSlice + 1) / (double)noSlice) * (points3D[3] - points3D[0]);
                            ptSlice[1] = points3D[1] + ((double)(iSlice + 1) / (double)noSlice) * (points3D[2] - points3D[1]);

                            Point[] pt2D = TransformPoint(GetCurrentTransformation(), ptSlice);
                            g.DrawLine(penPathThin, pt2D[0], pt2D[1]);

                // draw box tape
                if (box.ShowTape && faces[5].IsVisible(_vTarget - _vCameraPos))
                    // get color
                    double cosA  = System.Math.Abs(Vector3D.DotProduct(faces[5].Normal, VLight));
                    Color  color = Color.FromArgb((int)(box.TapeColor.R * cosA), (int)(box.TapeColor.G * cosA), (int)(box.TapeColor.B * cosA));
                    // instantiate brush
                    Brush brushTape = new SolidBrush(color);
                    // get tape points
                    Point[] pts = TransformPoint(GetCurrentTransformation(), box.TapePoints);
                    // fill polygon
                    g.FillPolygon(brushTape, pts);
                    // draw path
                    Brush brushPath    = new SolidBrush(faces[5].ColorPath);
                    Pen   penPathThick = new Pen(brushPath, 1.5f);
                    int   ptCount      = pts.Length;
                    for (int j = 1; j < ptCount; ++j)
                        g.DrawLine(penPathThick, pts[j - 1], pts[j]);
                    g.DrawLine(penPathThick, pts[ptCount - 1], pts[0]);
            if (_showBoxIds)
                // draw box id
                Point ptId = TransformPoint(GetCurrentTransformation(), box.TopFace.Center);
                    , new Font("Arial", GridFontSize)
                    , Brushes.Black
                    , new Rectangle(ptId.X - 15, ptId.Y - 10, 30, 20)
                    , StringFormat.GenericDefault);
                    , new Font("Arial", GridFontSize)
                    , Brushes.Red
                    , new Rectangle(ptId.X + 5, ptId.Y - 10, 30, 20)
                    , StringFormat.GenericDefault);
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// add face
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="face">Face item</param>
 public void AddFace(Face face)
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Background faces
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="face">Face to be drawn before other faces</param>
 public void AddFaceBackground(Face face)
Exemple #4
        private int Split(Face f, ref List <Face> f1, ref List <Face> f2)
            int[] v   = new int[4];
            int   val = 0;
            int   i   = 0;

            foreach (Vector3D pt in f.Points)
                v[i] = TestPoint(pt);
                val += v[i++];
            switch (val)
            case 4:

            case -4:

            case 2:

            case -2:

            case 0:
                if (0 != v[0] && 0 != v[1] && 0 != v[2] && 0 != v[3])
                    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        if (v[i % 4] + v[(i + 1) % 4] == 2)
                            Vector3D ptInter1 = Vector3D.Zero, ptInter2 = Vector3D.Zero;
                            TestLine(f.Points[(i + 1) % 4], f.Points[(i + 2) % 4], ref ptInter1);
                            TestLine(f.Points[(i + 3) % 4], f.Points[(i + 4) % 4], ref ptInter2);

                            Vector3D[] v1 = new Vector3D[4];
                            v1[0] = f.Points[i % 4];
                            v1[1] = f.Points[(i + 1) % 4];
                            v1[2] = ptInter1;
                            v1[3] = ptInter2;
                            f1.Add(new Face(f.PickingId, v1, f.ColorFill, f.ColorPath, f.IsSolid));
                            Vector3D[] v2 = new Vector3D[4];
                            v2[0] = ptInter2;
                            v2[1] = ptInter1;
                            v2[2] = f.Points[(i + 2) % 4];
                            v2[3] = f.Points[(i + 3) % 4];
                            f2.Add(new Face(f.PickingId, v2, f.ColorFill, f.ColorPath, f.IsSolid));
                else     // triangle is inside plane, assign to positive node

                _log.WarnFormat("Split: val = {0}", val);
                throw new GraphicsException("Split failed!");
Exemple #5
 // constructor
 public BSPNode(Face f)
     Face = f;
     InitEquation(f, ref A, ref B, ref C, ref D);
 /// <summary>
 /// add face
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="face">Face item</param>
 public void AddFace(Face face) => Faces.Add(face);