Exemple #1
        public void getWorkOrderByCustomerId()
            #region Authenticate and create proxies
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();
            var workforceService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IWorkforceService>(ah);
            //Instantiate the request object and define filter criteria
            //GetWorkOrdersRequest implements the BaseQueryRequest, so you can filter, sort,
            //and page the returned records.
            //You can use the properties of WorkOrder to filter and sort.
            GetWorkOrdersRequest request = new GetWorkOrdersRequest();
            request.FilterCriteria.Add("CustomerId", 16190);
            request.FilterCriteria.Add("WorkOrderStatusId", 1);
            #region Get the customer's work orders and display the results.
            WorkOrderCollection coll = workforceService.GetWorkOrders(request);

            if (coll != null && coll.Items.Count > 0)
                foreach (WorkOrder w in coll)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found Work Order ID = {0}; Create Date = {1}", w.Id, w.RegisteredDateTime);
                Console.WriteLine("Sorry--No work orders found.");
Exemple #2
        public void createNote()
            int reasonkey = 1;

            //Create the authentication header, initialize with credentials, and
            //create the service proxy. For details, see the API Developer's
            //Guide and the Reference Library CHM.
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();

            var customersConfiguration = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <ICustomersService>(ah);
            //Instanstiate and initialize a ValidAddress object.
            //For a description of each property, see the API Reference Library CHM.
            Note new_note = new Note();

            new_note.CategoryId = 1;
            //new_note.CategoryKey = "ADMINPOS";
            new_note.CompletionStageId = 1;
            //new_note.CompletionStageKey = NoteCompletionStage.ENTITY_ID.ToString();

            new_note.Body = "tes notes dari huda";

            new_note.CustomerId = 35153;

            Note the_new_note = customersConfiguration.CreateNote(new_note, 0);

            Console.WriteLine("note created. ID = {0}", the_new_note.Id);
Exemple #3
        public void updateDeviceStatus(string serial_number, int reason_id)
            Authentication_class var_auth   = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();


            var             whService     = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetLogisticsService(authHeader);
            var             prodcService  = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetProductCatalogConfigurationService(authHeader);
            IDevicesService deviceService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetDevicesService(authHeader);

            int return_status = 0;

                Device device = deviceService.GetDeviceBySerialNumber(serial_number);
                if (device != null)
                    deviceService.UpdateDeviceStatus(device.Id.Value, reason_id);
                    //return_status = 1;
                    Console.WriteLine("device id = " + device.Id, "serial number = " + device.SerialNumber);
                    //return_status = 0;
                    Console.WriteLine("Can't find device with serial number : " + serial_number);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //return null;
                Console.WriteLine("Errors : " + ex.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Stack : " + ex.StackTrace);
Exemple #4
        public void transferDevice(int reason183, int to_stockhandler_id, string sn)
            Authentication_class var_auth   = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();


            var whService     = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetLogisticsService(authHeader);
            var prodcService  = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetProductCatalogConfigurationService(authHeader);
            var deviceService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetDevicesService(authHeader);

                BuildList bl = new BuildList();
                bl.TransactionType = BuildListTransactionType.TransferToAnotherStockHandler;
                bl.Reason          = reason183;
                bl.StockHandlerId  = to_stockhandler_id;

                // Create build list
                var nbl = deviceService.CreateBuildList(bl);

                // Add device to build list
                deviceService.AddDeviceToBuildListManually(nbl.Id.Value, sn);

                // Perform build list
                var bl1 = deviceService.PerformBuildListAction(nbl.Id.Value);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Errors : " + ex.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Stack : " + ex.StackTrace);
Exemple #5
        public WorkOrder CompleteWorkOrder(WorkOrder wo_param, int reason_param, string work_desc_param, string action_taken, int completion_reason_id_param)
            Authentication_class var_auth   = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();


            WorkOrder ww        = null;
            var       woService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetWorkforceService(authHeader);
            var       wo        = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetWorkforceService(authHeader).GetWorkOrder(wo_param.Id.Value);

                string temp_work_description = wo_param.ProblemDescription;
                string temp_action_taken     = wo_param.ActionTaken;

                wo.ProblemDescription = temp_work_description + "#" + work_desc_param;
                wo.ActionTaken        = temp_action_taken + "#" + action_taken;
                wo.CompletedDateTime  = DateTime.Now;
                wo.ReasonKey          = 99470;

                ww = woService.CompleteWorkOrder(wo, 99470);
            catch (Exception ex)
                msg = "Exceptions : " + ex.Message + " Stack : " + ex.StackTrace;
Exemple #6
        public int find_geodefinition(string param_postal_code)
            int var_geodefid = 0;
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();


            var customersConfigurationService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <ICustomersConfigurationService>(ah);
            var customersService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <ICustomersService>(ah);

            //Instantiate a request object
            GeoDefinitionCriteria criteria = new GeoDefinitionCriteria();

            //If you know the customer's address ID, you can replace "481" with the addressId
            //and use the returned address to populate the address criteria.
            //Address address = customersService.GetAddress(param_serv_addr_id);
            //If your GeoDefinitions are configured on address details, and if you do not
            //know the customer's addressId, set FindByFullAddressDetails to True and
            //enter the address details.
            //criteria.FindByFullAddressDetails = true;
            //criteria.CountryId = 1;
            //criteria.Province = 1;
            //criteria.BigCity = "LOS ANGELES";
            //criteria.SmallCity = null;
            //criteria.PostalCode = "95BH1";
            //criteria.Street = "VINE ST";
            //If your GeoDefinitions are configured on postal code, and if you do not
            //know the customer's addressId, set FindByPostalCode to True and
            //enter the postal code.
            criteria.FindByPostalCode = true;
            criteria.PostalCode       = param_postal_code;
            //Get the GeoDefinition for the address. There should be only one.
            //If there are more than one, then there is an error in the GeoDefinition
            GeoDefinitionCollection collection = customersConfigurationService.FindGeoDefinitions(criteria);

            //Display the results.
            if (collection != null && collection.Items.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in collection)
                    var_geodefid = item.Id.Value;
                    //Console.WriteLine("GeoDefId {0} <==> geolocation {1}", item.Id, item.GeoLocations);
                //Console.WriteLine("I found nothing.");
Exemple #7
        public void getServiceProvider(WorkOrder wo)
            #region Authenticate and create proxies
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();
            var custService  = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetCustomersService(ah);
            var custcService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetCustomersConfigurationService(ah);
            var woService    = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetWorkforceService(ah);


                var va = custService.GetAddress(wo.AddressId.Value);

                var geo = custcService.FindGeoDefinitions(new GeoDefinitionCriteria()
                    PostalCode = va.PostalCode

                int   spid          = wo.ServiceProviderId.Value;
                int   serviceTypeId = wo.ServiceTypeId.Value;
                int[] geos          = new int[1];
                geos[0] = geo.Items[0].Id.Value;

                Console.WriteLine("ServiceProvider Id : " + spid + " Service Type Id :  " + serviceTypeId + " GeoDef ID :  " + geos[0]);

                // Get Service Provider Service Info
                var sps = woService.GetServiceProviderServicesByServiceProviderIdServiceTypeIdAndGeoDefIds(
                    spid, serviceTypeId, geos, 0

                foreach (var sps1 in sps.Items)
                    Console.WriteLine("Servoce Provider Service : " + sps1.Description + " Service Provider Id :  " + sps1.ServiceProviderId + " Service Type Id " + sps1.ServiceTypeId + " Geo Group ID :  " + sps1.GeoDefinitionGroupId);

                    var timeslot = woService.GetTimeSlotsByServiceProviderServiceId(sps1.Id.Value, DateTime.Now);

                    // print the timeslot for this service
                    for (int i = 0; i < timeslot.Length; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Date : " + timeslot[i].Date + "  Time Slot ID : " + timeslot[i].TimeSlotId + " Service Provider Service Id : " + timeslot[i].ServiceProviderServiceId + "Remain Slot : " + timeslot[i].RemainingCapacity + " Is Avaiable : " + timeslot[i].IsAvailable);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var msg = "Exceptions : " + ex.Message + " Stack : " + ex.StackTrace;
Exemple #8
        public void getWorkOrderUpdateWorkOrder()
            #region Authenticate and create proxies
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();
            var workforceService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IWorkforceService>(ah);
            //Instantiate the request object and define filter criteria
            //GetWorkOrdersRequest implements the BaseQueryRequest, so you can filter, sort,
            //and page the returned records.
            //You can use the properties of WorkOrder to filter and sort.
            GetWorkOrdersRequest request = new GetWorkOrdersRequest();
            request.FilterCriteria.Add("CustomerId", 16190);
            request.FilterCriteria.Add("WorkOrderStatusId", 1);
            #region Get the customer's work orders and display the results.
            WorkOrderCollection coll = workforceService.GetWorkOrders(request);

            if (coll != null && coll.Items.Count > 0)
                foreach (WorkOrder w in coll)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found Work Order ID = {0}; Create Date = {1}", w.Id, w.RegisteredDateTime);
                Console.WriteLine("Sorry--No work orders found.");
            //Now, instantiate a new WorkOrder and call GetWorkOrder to populate it with the
            // values of the work order you want to change.

            //"1333" is the ID of the work order you want to change.
            WorkOrder workOrder = workforceService.GetWorkOrder(1333);
            //Pass in the values you want to change.
            //workOrder.ServiceProviderId = 32086;
            //workOrder.AddressId = 1215;
            workOrder.ProblemDescription = "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb";

            //"0" is the default reason. ICC throws an error if a default reason is not configured.
            //int reasonKey = 0;
            int reasonKey = 12; // for update problem description field
            //Call UpdateWorkOrder to update the work order and display the results.
            WorkOrder updatedWorkOrder = workforceService.UpdateWorkOrder(workOrder, reasonKey);
            Console.WriteLine("Updated WorkOrder ID {0}; Service Provider ID = {1}", updatedWorkOrder.Id, updatedWorkOrder.ServiceProviderId);
Exemple #9
        public void retrieveDevice(string serial_number)
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();


            var devicesService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IDevicesService>(ah);

            string device_serial_number          = serial_number; //device serial number
            int    reason156_RetriveDevice       = 99146;
            int    reason183_Returned            = 99149;
            int    reason156_InStock             = 99152;
            int    reason156_ReturnToManufactory = 99151;
            int    reason156_RepairedStock       = 99153;
            int    reason156_RefurbishedStock    = 99154;
            int    reason156_Damaged             = 99155;

            int to_stockhandler_id = 1015;   // the destination stocck handler of the device

            //var deviceh = new deviceHandler(authHeader);

            // First step - change to to be return
            updateDeviceStatus(device_serial_number, reason156_RetriveDevice);

            // Second step - change stock handler
            transferDevice(reason183_Returned, to_stockhandler_id, device_serial_number);

            // Third Step - option 1 : change to in stock
            updateDeviceStatus(device_serial_number, reason156_InStock);

            // Third Step - option 2 : change to repaired stock
            //var the_device = updateDeviceStatus(username_ad, password_ad, device_serial_number, reason156_RepairedStock);

            // Third Step - option 3 : change to refurbished stock
            //var the_device = updateDeviceStatus(username_ad, password_ad, device_serial_number, reason156_RefurbishedStock);

            // Third Step - option 4 : change to return to manufactory
            //var the_device = updateDeviceStatus(username_ad, password_ad, device_serial_number, reason156_ReturnToManufactory);

            // Third Step - option 5 : change to damaged
            //var the_device = updateDeviceStatus(username_ad, password_ad, device_serial_number, reason156_Damaged);

            //-----------       ---------------
            Device devices = devicesService.GetDeviceBySerialNumber(serial_number);
Exemple #10
        public void createValidAddress()
            //Create the authentication header, initialize with credentials, and
            //create the service proxy. For details, see the API Developer's
            //Guide and the Reference Library CHM.
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();

            var customersConfiguration = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <ICustomersConfigurationService>(ah);
            //Instanstiate and initialize a ValidAddress object.
            //For a description of each property, see the API Reference Library CHM.
            ValidAddress validAddressParams = new ValidAddress();

            validAddressParams.Active    = true;
            validAddressParams.BigCity   = "zzzzzzzz";
            validAddressParams.CountryId = 1;

            validAddressParams.CreateDateTime = System.DateTime.Now;
            //To populate a CustomField, instantiate a collection, and...
            validAddressParams.CustomFields = new CustomFieldValueCollection();
            //...note that you must use the string value of the custom field's name
            //to add an instance to the collection.
            //validAddressParams.CustomFields.Add(new CustomFieldValue ("Number of Active Outlets", "12"));
            validAddressParams.ExternalAddressId = 2929134;
            validAddressParams.SmallCity         = "qqqqqqqq";
            validAddressParams.ProvinceId        = 2;
            //validAddressParams.ExternalReference = "MOR";
            //validAddressParams.HouseNumberNumeric = 2982;
            validAddressParams.ManuallyAdded = false;
            validAddressParams.PostalCode    = "666666";
            validAddressParams.Street        = "wwwwwww";
            validAddressParams.UniqueAddress = false;
            //Call the method and display the results.
            ValidAddress validAddress = customersConfiguration.CreateValidAddress(validAddressParams);

            Console.WriteLine("Valid address created. ID = {0}", validAddress.Id);
Exemple #11
        public void getValidAddress()
            Authentication_class var_auth   = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();


            var customersService      = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <ICustomersService>(authHeader);
            var valid_address_Service = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <ICustomersConfigurationService>(authHeader);

            #region Find customer by phone number
            //Instantiate a BaseQueryRequest for your filter criteria.
            BaseQueryRequest request = new BaseQueryRequest();

            request.FilterCriteria = Op.Like("CountryId", "1");
            //request.FilterCriteria = Op.Like("ProvinceId", "1");
            request.FilterCriteria = Op.Like("PostalCode", "24410000");

            ValidAddressCollection val_address = valid_address_Service.GetValidAddresses(request);

            if (val_address != null)
                foreach (ValidAddress c in val_address)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found valid address ID {0}, countryId = {1} - provinceId = {2} -  bigcity = {3} -  smallcity = {4} - postalcode = {5} - street = {6}", c.Id, c.CountryId, c.ProvinceId, c.BigCity, c.SmallCity, c.PostalCode, c.Street);
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot find a customer with that phone number.");
            Console.WriteLine("total customer = {0} ----", val_address.Count());
            //You will need to enter some error handling in case there is more than
            //one matching customer.
Exemple #12
        public WorkOrder UpdateWorkOrderWithOutTimeSlotComplete(WorkOrder wo, int reason_id)
            Authentication_class var_auth   = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();

            var woService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetWorkforceService(authHeader);

                wo.ProblemDescription = wo.ProblemDescription + " updated by reason";
                wo.ReasonKey          = 99470;
                WorkOrder ww = woService.UpdateWorkOrder(wo, 99470);
            catch (Exception ex)
                msg = "Exceptions : " + ex.Message + " Stack : " + ex.StackTrace;
Exemple #13
        public void GetCustomerDeviceView(int cust_id)
            //Create the authentication header, initialize with credentials, and
            //create the service proxy. For details, see the API Developer's
            //Guide and the Reference Library CHM.
            Authentication_class var_auth   = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();

            var agreementManagementService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IAgreementManagementService>(authHeader);
            int agreementId = 99;
            //In ICC, a Page contains up to 20 records. For ALL
            //records, set Page to 0;
            int page = 0;
            //Call the method and display the results.
            DevicePerAgreementDetailCollection dpads = agreementManagementService.GetDevicesPerAgreementDetail(agreementId, page);

            if (dpads != null && dpads.Items.Count > 0)
                foreach (var d in dpads)
                    Console.WriteLine("Device ID = {0}; Technical Product ID = {1} ", d.DeviceId, d.TechnicalProductId);
                    if (d.SoftwarePerAgreementDetails != null)
                        foreach (var s in d.SoftwarePerAgreementDetails)
                            Console.WriteLine("Linked to Software Technical Product ID {0}",
                Console.WriteLine("This device has no DpADs.");
Exemple #14
        public int getserviceproviderservice_byserviceprovideridandgeoid(int param_serv_prov_id, int param_serv_type_id, int param_geodef_id)
            int var_servprovservid        = 0;
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();


            var customersConfigurationService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <ICustomersConfigurationService>(ah);
            var customersService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <ICustomersService>(ah);
            var aa = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetWorkforceService(ah);

            int[] arr1 = new int[] { param_geodef_id };

            var bb = aa.GetServiceProviderServicesByServiceProviderIdServiceTypeIdAndGeoDefIds(param_serv_prov_id, param_serv_type_id, arr1, 1);

            foreach (var item in bb.Items)
                var_servprovservid = item.Id.Value;
                //Console.WriteLine("serviceproviderserviceid {0} <==> ServiceProviderId {1} <==> servicetytpeid = {2}", item.Id, item.ServiceProviderId, item.ServiceTypeId);

Exemple #15
        public void getTimeslotbyPostalcode(int address_id, int service_type_id)
            #region Authenticate and create proxies
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();
            var custService  = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetCustomersService(ah);
            var custcService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetCustomersConfigurationService(ah);
            var woService    = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetWorkforceService(ah);


            DateTime myDate = DateTime.ParseExact("2017-08-08 09:00:00", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            var sp = woService.FindSPServiceWithGeoInfo(new FindSPServiceCriteria()
                AddressId     = address_id,
                ServiceTypeId = service_type_id,
                Active        = true,
                PageSize      = 100

            foreach (var serviceprovider in sp.Items)
                Console.WriteLine("Service Provider Id : " + serviceprovider.ServiceProviderId + "  Name : " + serviceprovider.ServiceProviderName + "  Service Type Id : " + serviceprovider.ServiceTypeId + " Service ID : " + serviceprovider.ServiceId + " Geo Group Id :" + serviceprovider.GeoDefinitionGroupId);

                var sps      = woService.GetServiceProviderServiceByServiceTypeGeoDefGroupIdandProviderId(serviceprovider.ServiceTypeId.Value, serviceprovider.GeoDefinitionGroupId.Value, serviceprovider.ServiceProviderId.Value);
                var timeslot = woService.GetTimeSlotsByServiceProviderServiceId(sps.Id.Value, myDate);
                // print the timeslot for this service
                for (int i = 0; i < timeslot.Length; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("Date :" + timeslot[i].Date + "  Time Slot ID : " + timeslot[i].TimeSlotId + " Service Provider Service Id : " + timeslot[i].ServiceProviderServiceId + "Remain Slot : " + timeslot[i].RemainingCapacity + " Is Avaiable : " + timeslot[i].IsAvailable);
Exemple #16
        public void GetAddressEntityViewCollection(int cust_id)
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();

            var TSService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IViewFacadeService>(ah);

            BaseQueryRequest request = new BaseQueryRequest();

            request.FilterCriteria = new CriteriaCollection();
            request.FilterCriteria.Add(new Criteria("CustomerId", cust_id));

            var servicetype = TSService.GetAddressEntityViewCollection(request);

            if (servicetype != null)
Exemple #17
        public void createworkorder()
            Authentication_class var_auth = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader ah       = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();


            var workforceService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IWorkforceService>(ah);
            var sandboxService   = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetSandBoxManagerService(ah);

            int sandboxId = sandboxService.CreateSandbox();

            int var_starting_timeslot_id = 0;

            int reasonKey = 14659;

            WorkOrder workOrder = new WorkOrder();

            workOrder.AgreementId        = 6420654;
            workOrder.CustomerId         = 500038560; // 500045570
            workOrder.FinancialAccountId = 4281525;
            workOrder.ServiceProviderId  = 32958;
            workOrder.ServiceTypeId      = 1;

            DateTime myDate = DateTime.ParseExact("2017-09-04 01:00:00 PM", "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            workOrder.ServiceDateTime = myDate;

            int dy = myDate.Day;
            int mn = myDate.Month;
            int yy = myDate.Year;

            int hh = myDate.Hour;
            int mm = myDate.Minute;
            int ss = myDate.Second;

            //DateTime date1 = DateTime.ParseExact(yy + "-" + mn + "-" + dy + " " + "09:00:00 AM", "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            //DateTime date2 = DateTime.ParseExact(yy + "-" + mn + "-" + dy + " " + "12:00:00 PM", "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            //DateTime date3 = DateTime.ParseExact(yy + "-" + mn + "-" + dy + " " + "01:00:00 PM", "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            //DateTime date4 = DateTime.ParseExact(yy + "-" + mn + "-" + dy + " " + "04:00:00 PM", "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (hh.ToString() == "09" || hh.ToString() == "9")
                var_starting_timeslot_id = 1;
            else if (hh.ToString() == "12")
                var_starting_timeslot_id = 2;
            else if (hh.ToString() == "13" || hh.ToString() == "1")
                var_starting_timeslot_id = 3;
            else if (hh.ToString() == "16" || hh.ToString() == "4")
                var_starting_timeslot_id = 4;

            //workOrder.ServiceProviderServiceId = 1;
            workOrder.AddressId = 10310193;

            int var_geodef_id       = find_geodefinition("11520001");
            int var_servprovserv_id = getserviceproviderservice_byserviceprovideridandgeoid(workOrder.ServiceProviderId.Value, workOrder.ServiceTypeId.Value, var_geodef_id);

            workOrder.ServiceProviderServiceId = var_servprovserv_id;

            workOrder.ProblemDescription    = "Customer spilled coffee on decoder.";
            workOrder.SandboxSkipValidation = false;

            workOrder.WorkOrderServices = new WorkOrderServiceCollection
                new WorkOrderService
                    //Required. Replace this value with a valid ID for the work order
                    ServiceId = 84,
                    //Replace this value with the serial number of the device that needs to
                    //be repaired.
                    DeviceSerialNumber = "2010001019",
                    //Replace this value with a valid Reason ID for event 62.
                    //ReasonId = 14659,
                    //Replace this value with how many of the services the customer needs.
                    Quantity = 1,

            var wo = workforceService.CreateWorkOrderWithStartingTimeslot(workOrder, new TimeSlotAllocationParameters {
                StartingTimeSlotId = 1
            }, reasonKey);

            //WorkOrder wo = workforceService.CreateWorkOrder(workOrder, reasonKey);
            if (wo.WorkOrderServices.Items.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Something bad happened. Sandbox rolled back.");
                //The "false" value in this line of code rolls back the sandbox.
                sandboxService.FinalizeSandbox(sandboxId, false);

            sandboxService.FinalizeSandbox(sandboxId, true);
            Console.WriteLine("Congratulations! Created Work Order ID = {0}.", wo.Id);
            //UpdateWorkOrderWithTimeSlot(wo, 62);

Exemple #18
        public void duplicationCheck()
            ICustomersService custService = null;
            ICustomersConfigurationService custcService = null;

            Authentication_class var_auth   = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();


            custService  = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetCustomersService(authHeader);
            custcService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetCustomersConfigurationService(authHeader);

            var ads = custcService.GetValidAddresses(new BaseQueryRequest()
                FilterCriteria = new CriteriaCollection()
                    new Criteria()
                        Key      = "PostalCode",
                        Operator = Operator.Equal,
                        Value    = "11140000"

            //var ads = custcService.GetCountries(new BaseQueryRequest()
            //    FilterCriteria = new CriteriaCollection()
            //    {
            //        new Criteria()
            //        {
            //            Key = "Id",
            //            Operator = Operator.Equal,
            //            Value = "1"
            //        }
            //    }


            var findCustomers = custService.GetDuplicateCustomers(new DuplicateCustomerCriteria()
                ValidAddressId          = ads.Items[0].Id.Value,
                CustomerCaptureCategory = CustomerCaptureCategory.ResidentialCustomers,
                FirstName = "TEST NANA",
                Surname   = "UAT LIVE",
                //HouseNumberAlpha = "123",

                //Extra = "chongqing",      // Address Line 1
                //ExtraExtra = "yuzhongqu", // Address Line 2
                HomePhone = "02192554175",
                WorkPhone = "6281808843210",
                Fax1      = "045465888452", // emergency Number
                Fax2      = "02192554175",  // Mobile Phone
                //CustomField1 = "aaaaa",
                //CustomField2 = "bbbbb",
                ReferenceTypeKey = 1, //
                ReferenceNumber  = "RN123",

            foreach (var cust in findCustomers)
                //Console.WriteLine("ID : ");
                Console.WriteLine("ID : " + cust.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("ID : " + cust.Id.Value + " Name% : " + cust.SimilarityOfCustomerName + " Address% : " + cust.SimilarityOfAddress + "  Phone% : " + cust.SimilarityOfPhone + " RefNum% : " + cust.SimilarityOfReference);
            //Console.WriteLine("ID : " );
        public void getFinancialTransactionView(int FA_id)
            Authentication_class var_auth   = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();

            var viewFacade = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IViewFacadeService>(authHeader);

            #region BaseQueryRequest FilterCriteria
            //As of MR24, these are the properties you can use in the
            //BaseQueryRequest filter. Use Visual Studio's Intellisense to get the
            //list of properties that are valid in your version of ICC.
            //FinancialTransactionView f = new FinancialTransactionView

            //Instantiate a request object.
            BaseQueryRequest request = new BaseQueryRequest();
            //Page 0 returns ALL matching records. Page 0 can have a major
            //performance impact. Use it only when you know that
            //the number of matching records is small.
            request.PageCriteria = new PageCriteria {
                Page = 0
            //Instantiate the CollectionCriteria.
            request.FilterCriteria = new CriteriaCollection();
            //In this example, we have only one criteria:
            //FinancialAccountId is 401.
            //To learn how to set selection criteria in a BaseQueryRequest,
            //see the code sample called Code_BaseQuery_Request.pdf.
            request.FilterCriteria.Add(new Criteria("FinancialAccountId", FA_id));
            //Call the method.
            var ftViewCollection = viewFacade.GetFinancialTransactionView(request);
            //Display the results, one screenful at a time.
            if (ftViewCollection != null && ftViewCollection.Items.Count > 0)
                foreach (FinancialTransactionView f in ftViewCollection.Items)
                    #region Pause after a screenful of records
                    //This snippet pauses when the screen is full. When the user presses
                    //Enter, the screen clears and another screenful of records is loaded.
                    //if (Console.WindowHeight == Console.CursorTop)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("Press Enter for another screen of records.");
                    //    Console.ReadLine();
                    //    Console.Clear();
                    Console.WriteLine("Found FT {0}, total amount = {1}", f.Id, f.AmtInclTax);
                Console.WriteLine("I found nothing.");
Exemple #20
        public WorkOrder UpdateWorkOrderWithTimeSlot(WorkOrder wo, int reasonid)
            WorkOrder            wou        = null;
            Authentication_class var_auth   = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();

            var custService  = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetCustomersService(authHeader);
            var custcService = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetCustomersConfigurationService(authHeader);
            var woService    = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetWorkforceService(authHeader);
            var wocService   = AsmRepository.AllServices.GetWorkforceConfigurationService(authHeader);

                TimeSlotDescription[] timeslots = null;

                var va = custService.GetAddress(wo.AddressId.Value);

                var geo = custcService.FindGeoDefinitions(new GeoDefinitionCriteria()
                    PostalCode = va.PostalCode

                int   spid          = wo.ServiceProviderId.Value;
                int   serviceTypeId = wo.ServiceTypeId.Value;
                int[] geos          = new int[1];
                geos[0] = geo.Items[0].Id.Value;

                // Get Service Provider Service Info
                var sps = woService.GetServiceProviderServicesByServiceProviderIdServiceTypeIdAndGeoDefIds(
                    spid, serviceTypeId, geos, 0

                // Get all avaiable timeslot
                foreach (var sps1 in sps.Items)
                    timeslots = woService.GetTimeSlotsByServiceProviderServiceId(sps1.Id.Value, DateTime.Now);

                if (timeslots == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("No avaiable time slot , please check the setting! work order id : " + wo.Id.Value);
                    // Here, i used the first avaiable time slot. For MNC,  please use the timeslot  that the CSR choose. It is better pass TimeSlotDescription as input parameter
                    wou = woService.UpdateWorkOrderWithStartingTimeslot(wo, new TimeSlotAllocationParameters
                        StartingTimeSlotId       = timeslots[0].TimeSlotId.Value,
                        AllocationOverrideType   = TimeSlotAllocationOverrideType.Capacity,
                        ServiceDate              = wo.ServiceDateTime, //
                        ServiceProviderServiceId = timeslots[0].ServiceProviderServiceId.Value
                    }, reasonid);
            catch (Exception ex)
                msg = "Exceptions : " + ex.Message + " Stack : " + ex.StackTrace;
            msg = "Work Order " + wo.Id + " Updated by using reason id : " + reasonid;
        public void getAgreementDetail()
            Authentication_class var_auth   = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();


            var m_IAgreementManagementService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IAgreementManagementService>(authHeader);
            var viewService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxy <IViewFacadeService>(authHeader);

            AgreementDetailCollection adc = m_IAgreementManagementService.GetAgreementDetailsForCustomer(500016733, 1);

            if (adc != null && adc.Items.Count > 0)
                foreach (AgreementDetail a in adc.Items)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found product ID {0}: Status ID = {1}", a.CommercialProductId, a.Status);
                Console.WriteLine("I found nothing.");

            var viewD = viewService.GetCustomerDeviceView(new BaseQueryRequest()
                FilterCriteria = Op.Eq("CustomerId", 500016733),
                PageCriteria   = new PageCriteria()
                    Page     = 0,
                    PageSize = 100
                DeepLoad = true

            foreach (var device in viewD.Items)
                // here you can call GetDeviceView to get more info, parameters are the same like above GetCustomerDeviceView , just change Op.Eq("CustomerId", customer_id) to Op,Eq("Id",device.Id.Value)
                Console.WriteLine("Device ID : " + device.DeviceId.Value + " Serial Number : " + device.SerialNumber
                                  + " Status : " + device.DeviceStatusName + " Model:" + device.ModelDescription);

            var viewAg = viewService.GetAgreementDetailView(new BaseQueryRequest()
                FilterCriteria = Op.Eq("CustomerId", 500016733),
                PageCriteria   = new PageCriteria()
                    Page     = 0,
                    PageSize = 100

            foreach (var product in viewAg.Items)
                Console.WriteLine("Agreement Detail ID : " + product.Id.Value + " Product Name :" + product.CommercialProductName + " Charge Until Date : " + product.ChargeUntilDate + " Charge Period : "
                                  + product.ChargePeriodName + " Finance Option : " + product.FinanceOptionName + " Recurring Price : " + product.RecurringListPrice
                                  + " Status :" + product.StatusName);

Exemple #22
        public void GetShippingOrderByCustomerId(int cust_id)
            //Create the authentication header, initialize with credentials, and
            //create the service proxy. For details, see the API Developer's
            //Guide and the Reference Library CHM.
            Authentication_class var_auth   = new Authentication_class();
            AuthenticationHeader authHeader = var_auth.getAuthentication_header();

            IOrderManagementService orderManagementService = AsmRepository.GetServiceProxyCachedOrDefault <IOrderManagementService>(authHeader);

            BaseQueryRequest request = new BaseQueryRequest();

            //Page = 0 returns a maximum of 20 records. If you want all reecords, you must
            //iterate through the pages.
            request.PageCriteria = new PageCriteria {
                Page = 0
            CriteriaCollection criteria = new CriteriaCollection();

            //Here is a list of properties you can search on. This list is valid as of MR22.
            //For property descriptions, see the API Reference Library (CHM file).
            //Use Intellisense for the current list of properties.
            //ShippingOrder so = new ShippingOrder();
            //By default, the search uses a logical AND between search criteria.
            //Use || to perform a logical OR.
            criteria.Add("CustomerId", cust_id);
            request.FilterCriteria = criteria;

            ShippingOrderCollection soc = orderManagementService.GetShippingOrders(request);

            if (soc != null && soc.Items.Count > 0)
                foreach (ShippingOrder shippingOrder in soc.Items)
                    Console.WriteLine("Found Shipping Order ID: {0}", shippingOrder.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("No records found.");