private static TclObject ScanNumber(byte[] src, int pos, int type)
        // Format character from "binary scan"
            switch (type)
            case 'c':

            case 's':
                short value = (short)((src[pos] & 0xff) + ((src[pos + 1] & 0xff) << 8));

            case 'S':
                short value = (short)((src[pos + 1] & 0xff) + ((src[pos] & 0xff) << 8));

            case 'i':
                int value = (src[pos] & 0xff) + ((src[pos + 1] & 0xff) << 8) + ((src[pos + 2] & 0xff) << 16) + ((src[pos + 3] & 0xff) << 24);

            case 'I':
                int value = (src[pos + 3] & 0xff) + ((src[pos + 2] & 0xff) << 8) + ((src[pos + 1] & 0xff) << 16) + ((src[pos] & 0xff) << 24);

            case 'f':
                System.IO.MemoryStream ms     = new System.IO.MemoryStream(src, pos, 4, false);
                System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(ms);
                double fvalue = reader.ReadSingle();

            case 'd':
                System.IO.MemoryStream ms     = new System.IO.MemoryStream(src, pos, 8, false);
                System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(ms);
                double dvalue = reader.ReadDouble();
        /// <summary> This procedure is invoked to process the "scan" Tcl command.
        /// See the user documentation for details on what it does.
        /// Each iteration of the cmdProc compares the scanArr's current index to
        /// the frmtArr's index.  If the chars are equal then the indicies are
        /// incremented.  If a '%' is found in the frmtArr, the formatSpecifier
        /// is parced from the frmtArr, the corresponding value is extracted from
        /// the scanArr, and that value is set in the Tcl Interp.
        /// If the chars are not equal, or the conversion fails, the boolean
        /// scanArrDone is set to true, indicating the scanArr is not to be
        /// parced and no new values are to be set.  However the frmtArr is still
        /// parced because of the priority of error messages.  In the C version
        /// of Tcl, bad format specifiers throw errors before incorrect argument
        /// input or other scan errors.  Thus we need to parce the entire frmtArr
        /// to verify correct formating.  This is dumb and inefficient but it is
        /// consistent w/ the current C-version of Tcl.
        /// </summary>

        public TCL.CompletionCode cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
            if (argv.Length < 3)
                throw new TclNumArgsException(interp, 1, argv, "string format ?varName varName ...?");

            StrtoulResult strul;             // Return value for parcing the scanArr when
            // extracting integers/longs
            StrtodResult strd;;              // Return value for parcing the scanArr when

            // extracting doubles
            char[] scanArr;    // Array containing parce info
            char[] frmtArr;    // Array containing info on how to
            // parse the scanArr
            int  scanIndex;    // Index into the scan array
            int  frmtIndex;    // Index into the frmt array
            int  tempIndex;    // Temporary index holder
            int  argIndex;     // Index into the current arg
            int  width;        // Stores the user specified result width
            int  base_;        // Base of the integer being converted
            int  numUnMatched; // Number of fields actually set.
            int  numMatched;   // Number of fields actually matched.
            int  negateScan;   // Mult by result, set to -1 if true
            int  i;            // Generic variable
            char ch;           // Generic variable
            bool cont;         // Used in loops to indicate when to stop
            bool scanOK;       // Set to false if strtoul/strtod fails
            bool scanArrDone;  // Set to false if strtoul/strtod fails
            bool widthFlag;    // True is width is specified
            bool discardFlag;  // If a "%*" is in the formatString dont

            // write output to arg

            scanArr = argv[1].ToString().ToCharArray();

            frmtArr     = argv[2].ToString().ToCharArray();
            width       = base_ = numMatched = numUnMatched = 0;
            scanIndex   = frmtIndex = 0;
            scanOK      = true;
            scanArrDone = false;
            argIndex    = 3;

            // Skip all (if any) of the white space before getting to a char

            frmtIndex = skipWhiteSpace(frmtArr, frmtIndex);

            // Search through the frmtArr.  If the next char is a '%' parse the
            // next chars and determine the type (if any) of the format specifier.
            // If the scanArr has been fully searched, do nothing but incerment
            // "numUnMatched".  The reason to continue the frmtArr search is for
            // consistency in output.  Previously scan format errors were reported
            // before arg input mismatch, so this maintains the same level of error
            // checking.

            while (frmtIndex < frmtArr.Length)
                discardFlag = widthFlag = false;
                negateScan  = 1;
                cont        = true;

                // Parce the format array and read in the correct value from the
                // scan array.  When the correct value is retrieved, set the
                // variable (from argv) in the interp.

                if (frmtArr[frmtIndex] == '%')
                    checkOverFlow(interp, frmtArr, frmtIndex);

                    // Two '%'s in a row, do nothing...

                    if (frmtArr[frmtIndex] == '%')

                    // Check for a discard field flag

                    if (frmtArr[frmtIndex] == '*')
                        discardFlag = true;
                        checkOverFlow(interp, frmtArr, frmtIndex);

                    // Check for a width field and accept the 'h', 'l', 'L'
                    // characters, but do nothing with them.
                    // Note: The order of the width specifier and the other
                    // chars is unordered, so we need to iterate until all
                    // of the specifiers are identified.

                    while (cont)
                        cont = false;

                        switch (frmtArr[frmtIndex])
                        case 'h':
                        case 'l':
                        case 'L':  {
                            // Just ignore these values

                            cont = true;

                        default:  {
                            if (System.Char.IsDigit(frmtArr[frmtIndex]))
                                strul     = Util.strtoul(new string(frmtArr), frmtIndex, base_);
                                frmtIndex = strul.index;
                                width     = (int)strul.value;
                                widthFlag = true;
                                cont      = true;
                        checkOverFlow(interp, frmtArr, frmtIndex);

                    // On all conversion specifiers except 'c', move the
                    // scanIndex to the next non-whitespace.

                    ch = frmtArr[frmtIndex];
                    if ((ch != 'c') && (ch != '[') && !scanArrDone)
                        scanIndex = skipWhiteSpace(scanArr, scanIndex);
                    if (scanIndex >= scanArr.Length)
                        scanArrDone = true;

                    if ((scanIndex < scanArr.Length) && (ch != 'c') && (ch != '['))
                        // Since strtoul dosent take signed numbers, make the
                        // value positive and store the sign.

                        if (scanArr[scanIndex] == '-')
                            negateScan = -1;
                        else if (scanArr[scanIndex] == '+')

                        // The width+scanIndex might be greater than
                        // the scanArr so we need to re-adjust when this
                        // happens.

                        if (widthFlag && (width + scanIndex > scanArr.Length))
                            width = scanArr.Length - scanIndex;

                    if (scanIndex >= scanArr.Length)
                        scanArrDone = true;

                    // Foreach iteration we want strul and strd to be
                    // null since we error check on this case.

                    strul = null;
                    strd  = null;

                    switch (ch)
                    case 'd':
                    case 'o':
                    case 'x':  {
                        if (!scanArrDone)
                            if (ch == 'd')
                                base_ = 10;
                            else if (ch == 'o')
                                base_ = 8;
                                base_ = 16;

                            // If the widthFlag is set then convert only
                            // "width" characters to an ascii representation,
                            // else read in until the end of the integer.  The
                            // scanIndex is moved to the point where we stop
                            // reading in.

                            if (widthFlag)
                                strul = Util.strtoul(new string(scanArr, 0, width + scanIndex), scanIndex, base_);
                                strul = Util.strtoul(new string(scanArr), scanIndex, base_);
                            if (strul.errno != 0)
                                scanOK = false;
                            scanIndex = strul.index;

                            if (!discardFlag)
                                i = (int)strul.value * negateScan;
                                if (argIndex == argv.Length)
                                    testAndSetVar(interp, argv, argIndex++, TclInteger.newInstance(i));

                    case 'c':  {
                        if (widthFlag)
                        if (!discardFlag && !scanArrDone)
                            testAndSetVar(interp, argv, argIndex++, TclInteger.newInstance(scanArr[scanIndex++]));

                    case 's':  {
                        if (!scanArrDone)
                            // If the widthFlag is set then read only "width"
                            // characters into the string, else read in until
                            // the first whitespace or endArr is found.  The
                            // scanIndex is moved to the point where we stop
                            // reading in.

                            tempIndex = scanIndex;
                            if (!widthFlag)
                                width = scanArr.Length;
                            for (i = 0; (scanIndex < scanArr.Length) && (i < width); i++)
                                ch = scanArr[scanIndex];
                                if ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\n') || (ch == '\r') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\f'))

                            if (!discardFlag)
                                string str = new string(scanArr, tempIndex, scanIndex - tempIndex);
                                testAndSetVar(interp, argv, argIndex++, TclString.newInstance(str));

                    case 'e':
                    case 'f':
                    case 'g':  {
                        if (!scanArrDone)
                            // If the wisthFlag is set then read only "width"
                            // characters into the string, else read in until
                            // the first whitespace or endArr is found.  The
                            // scanIndex is moved to the point where we stop
                            // reading in.

                            if (widthFlag)
                                strd = Util.strtod(new string(scanArr, 0, width + scanIndex), scanIndex);
                                strd = Util.strtod(new string(scanArr), scanIndex);
                            if (strd.errno != 0)
                                scanOK = false;
                            scanIndex = strd.index;

                            if (!discardFlag)
                                double d = strd.value * negateScan;
                                testAndSetVar(interp, argv, argIndex++, TclDouble.newInstance(d));

                    case '[':  {
                        bool   charMatchFound = false;
                        bool   charNotMatch   = false;
                        char[] tempArr;
                        int    startIndex;
                        int    endIndex;
                        string unmatched = "unmatched [ in format string";

                        if ((++frmtIndex) >= frmtArr.Length)
                            throw new TclException(interp, unmatched);

                        if (frmtArr[frmtIndex] == '^')
                            charNotMatch = true;
                            frmtIndex   += 2;
                        tempIndex = frmtIndex - 1;

                        if (frmtIndex >= frmtArr.Length)
                            throw new TclException(interp, unmatched);

                        // Extract the list of chars for matching.

                        while (frmtArr[frmtIndex] != ']')
                            if ((++frmtIndex) >= frmtArr.Length)
                                throw new TclException(interp, unmatched);
                        tempArr = new string(frmtArr, tempIndex, frmtIndex - tempIndex).ToCharArray();

                        startIndex = scanIndex;
                        if (charNotMatch)
                            // Format specifier contained a '^' so interate
                            // until one of the chars in tempArr is found.

                            while (scanOK && !charMatchFound)
                                if (scanIndex >= scanArr.Length)
                                    scanOK = false;
                                for (i = 0; i < tempArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (tempArr[i] == scanArr[scanIndex])
                                        charMatchFound = true;
                                if (widthFlag && ((scanIndex - startIndex) >= width))
                                if (!charMatchFound)
                            // Iterate until the char in the scanArr is not
                            // in the tempArr.

                            charMatchFound = true;
                            while (scanOK && charMatchFound)
                                if (scanIndex >= scanArr.Length)
                                    scanOK = false;
                                charMatchFound = false;
                                for (i = 0; i < tempArr.Length; i++)
                                    if (tempArr[i] == scanArr[scanIndex])
                                        charMatchFound = true;
                                if (widthFlag && (scanIndex - startIndex) >= width)
                                if (charMatchFound)

                        // Indicates nothing was found.

                        endIndex = scanIndex - startIndex;
                        if (endIndex <= 0)
                            scanOK = false;

                        if (!discardFlag)
                            string str = new string(scanArr, startIndex, endIndex);
                            testAndSetVar(interp, argv, argIndex++, TclString.newInstance(str));

                    default:  {
                        errorBadField(interp, ch);

                    // As long as the scan was successful (scanOK), the format
                    // specifier did not contain a '*' (discardFlag), and
                    // we are not at the end of the scanArr (scanArrDone);
                    // increment the num of vars set in the interp.  Otherwise
                    // increment the number of valid format specifiers.

                    if (scanOK && !discardFlag && !scanArrDone)
                    else if ((scanArrDone || !scanOK) && !discardFlag)
                else if (scanIndex < scanArr.Length && scanArr[scanIndex] == frmtArr[frmtIndex])
                    // No '%' was found, but the characters matched

                    // No '%' found and the characters int frmtArr & scanArr
                    // did not match.


            // The numMatched is the return value: a count of the num of vars set.
            // While the numUnMatched is the number of formatSpecifiers that
            // passed the parsing stage, but did not match anything in the scanArr.

            if ((numMatched + numUnMatched) != (argv.Length - 3))
 public static TclObject Tcl_NewDoubleObj(double value)