public void CheckLuggage(Human human) { Console.WriteLine("Do you have a luggage?"); if (String.Equals(Console.ReadLine().ToString().ToLower(), "no")) { Console.WriteLine("Have a successful flight."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Enter a weight of luggage from libra."); double mass = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); Luggage luggage = new Luggage(mass); if (mass <= 10.0) { luggage.IsHandLuggage = true; Console.WriteLine("You have the hand luggage."); } else { Console.WriteLine("You have the luggage."); } human.Luggage = luggage; } }
public Human(string _firstName, string _secondName, Passport _pasport, Luggage _luggage) { firstName = _firstName; secondName = _secondName; pasport = _pasport; luggage = _luggage; withTicket = false; }
public void Check(Human human) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to security checking, provide your luggage"); if (human.Luggage != null) { while (true) { Luggage luggage = human.Luggage; if (luggage.IsForbiddenSubject) { Console.WriteLine("Remove your forbidden subject"); luggage.IsForbiddenSubject = false; human.Luggage = luggage; } else { Console.WriteLine("Go to the pasport control"); break; } } } human.IsHumanClear = true; }