public override void OnInitialize() { panelTextures = new Texture2D[4] { CropTexture(ModContent.GetTexture($"tMusicPlayer/UI/backdrop"), new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1)), ModContent.GetTexture("tMusicPlayer/UI/backdrop"), ModContent.GetTexture("tMusicPlayer/UI/backdrop2"), ModContent.GetTexture("tMusicPlayer/UI/backdrop3") }; buttonTextures = ModContent.GetTexture("tMusicPlayer/UI/buttons"); closeTextures = ModContent.GetTexture("tMusicPlayer/UI/close"); MusicPlayerPanel = new BackDrop(panelTextures[0]) { Id = "MusicPlayerPanel" }; MusicPlayerPanel.Width.Pixels = panelTextures[1].Width; MusicPlayerPanel.Height.Pixels = panelTextures[1].Height; MusicPlayerPanel.Left.Pixels = 500f; MusicPlayerPanel.Top.Pixels = 6f; prevButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(0, 0, 22, 22)) { Id = "prev" }; prevButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; prevButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; prevButton.Left.Pixels = 100f; prevButton.Top.Pixels = MusicPlayerPanel.Height.Pixels - prevButton.Height.Pixels - 4f; prevButton.OnClick += (a, b) => ChangeDisplay(false); prevButton.OnRightClick += (a, b) => ChangeDisplay(false, true); playButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(24, 0, 22, 22)) { Id = "play" }; playButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; playButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; playButton.Left.Pixels = MusicPlayerPanel.Width.Pixels - playButton.Width.Pixels - 6f; playButton.Top.Pixels = MusicPlayerPanel.Height.Pixels - playButton.Height.Pixels * 2f - 4f; playButton.OnClick += (a, b) => ToggleButton(MusicMode.Play); MusicPlayerPanel.Append(playButton); nextButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(72, 0, 22, 22)) { Id = "next" }; nextButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; nextButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; nextButton.Left.Pixels = playButton.Left.Pixels + nextButton.Width.Pixels - 2f; nextButton.Top.Pixels = MusicPlayerPanel.Height.Pixels - nextButton.Height.Pixels - 4f; nextButton.OnClick += (a, b) => ChangeDisplay(true); nextButton.OnRightClick += (a, b) => ChangeDisplay(true, true); viewButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(144, 0, 22, 22)) { Id = "view" }; viewButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; viewButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; viewButton.Left.Pixels = MusicPlayerPanel.Width.Pixels - viewButton.Width.Pixels - 6f; viewButton.Top.Pixels = MusicPlayerPanel.Height.Pixels - viewButton.Height.Pixels - 4f; viewButton.OnClick += (a, b) => selectionVisible = true; MusicPlayerPanel.Append(viewButton); detectButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(96, 0, 22, 22)) { Id = "listen" }; detectButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; detectButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; detectButton.Left.Pixels = viewButton.Left.Pixels - detectButton.Width.Pixels - 2f; detectButton.Top.Pixels = viewButton.Top.Pixels; detectButton.OnClick += (a, b) => ToggleButton(MusicMode.Listen); recordButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(168, 0, 22, 22)) { Id = "record" }; recordButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; recordButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; recordButton.Left.Pixels = detectButton.Left.Pixels - recordButton.Width.Pixels - 4f; recordButton.Top.Pixels = viewButton.Top.Pixels; recordButton.OnClick += (a, b) => ToggleButton(MusicMode.Record); expandButton = new HoverButton(closeTextures, new Rectangle(20, 0, 18, 18)) { Id = "expand" }; expandButton.Width.Pixels = 18f; expandButton.Height.Pixels = 18f; expandButton.Left.Pixels = MusicPlayerPanel.Width.Pixels - expandButton.Width.Pixels - 8f; expandButton.Top.Pixels = 4f; expandButton.OnClick += (a, b) => SwapPanelSize(); MusicPlayerPanel.Append(expandButton); DisplayMusicSlot = new MusicBoxSlot(0, 1f) { Id = "DisplaySlot" }; DisplayMusicSlot.Left.Pixels = 8f; DisplayMusicSlot.Top.Pixels = MusicPlayerPanel.Height.Pixels / 2f - (Main.inventoryBackTexture.Height / 2); MusicPlayerPanel.Append(DisplayMusicSlot); selectionPanel = new BackDrop(panelTextures[0]) { Id = "SelectionPanel" }; selectionPanel.Width.Pixels = panelTextures[3].Width; selectionPanel.Height.Pixels = panelTextures[3].Height; selectionPanel.Left.Pixels = (Main.screenWidth / 2) - selectionPanel.Width.Pixels / 2f; selectionPanel.Top.Pixels = (Main.screenHeight / 2) - selectionPanel.Height.Pixels / 2f; // Positioning base for filter buttons float center = (selectionPanel.Width.Pixels / 2) - 11; sortIDButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(0 * 24, 48, 22, 22)) { Id = "sortid" }; sortIDButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; sortIDButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; sortIDButton.Left.Pixels = center - (20 * 3) - 8; sortIDButton.Top.Pixels = 42; sortIDButton.OnClick += (a, b) => OrganizeSelection(SortBy.ID, availabililty, FilterMod); selectionPanel.Append(sortIDButton); sortNameButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(1 * 24, 48, 22, 22)) { Id = "sortname" }; sortNameButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; sortNameButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; sortNameButton.Left.Pixels = center - (20 * 2) - 8; sortNameButton.Top.Pixels = 42; sortNameButton.OnClick += (a, b) => OrganizeSelection(SortBy.Name, availabililty, FilterMod); selectionPanel.Append(sortNameButton); filterModButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(2 * 24, 48, 22, 22)) { Id = "filtermod" }; filterModButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; filterModButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; filterModButton.Left.Pixels = center - (20 * 1); filterModButton.Top.Pixels = 42; filterModButton.OnClick += (a, b) => OrganizeSelection(sortType, availabililty, UpdateModFilter(true)); filterModButton.OnRightClick += (a, b) => OrganizeSelection(sortType, availabililty, UpdateModFilter(false)); selectionPanel.Append(filterModButton); clearFilterModButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(3 * 24, 48, 22, 22)) { Id = "clearfiltermod" }; clearFilterModButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; clearFilterModButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; clearFilterModButton.Left.Pixels = center; clearFilterModButton.Top.Pixels = 42; clearFilterModButton.OnClick += (a, b) => OrganizeSelection(sortType, availabililty, ResetModFilter()); selectionPanel.Append(clearFilterModButton); clearAvailabilityButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(4 * 24, 48, 22, 22)) { Id = "clearavailability" }; clearAvailabilityButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; clearAvailabilityButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; clearAvailabilityButton.Left.Pixels = center + (20 * 1) + 8; clearAvailabilityButton.Top.Pixels = 42; clearAvailabilityButton.OnClick += (a, b) => OrganizeSelection(sortType, ProgressBy.None, FilterMod); selectionPanel.Append(clearAvailabilityButton); obtainedButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(5 * 24, 48, 22, 22)) { Id = "obtainedavailability" }; obtainedButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; obtainedButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; obtainedButton.Left.Pixels = center + (20 * 2) + 8; obtainedButton.Top.Pixels = 42; obtainedButton.OnClick += (a, b) => OrganizeSelection(sortType, ProgressBy.Obtained, FilterMod); selectionPanel.Append(obtainedButton); unobtainedButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(6 * 24, 48, 22, 22)) { Id = "unobtainedavailability" }; unobtainedButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; unobtainedButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; unobtainedButton.Left.Pixels = center + (20 * 3) + 8; unobtainedButton.Top.Pixels = 42; unobtainedButton.OnClick += (a, b) => OrganizeSelection(sortType, ProgressBy.Unobtained, FilterMod); selectionPanel.Append(unobtainedButton); closeButton = new HoverButton(closeTextures, new Rectangle(0, 0, 18, 18)) { Id = "select_close" }; closeButton.Width.Pixels = 18f; closeButton.Height.Pixels = 18f; closeButton.Left.Pixels = selectionPanel.Width.Pixels - closeButton.Width.Pixels - 11f; closeButton.Top.Pixels = 12f; closeButton.OnClick += (a, b) => selectionVisible = !selectionVisible; selectionPanel.Append(closeButton); viewModeButton = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(7 * 24, 48, 22, 22)) { Id = "viewmode" }; viewModeButton.Width.Pixels = 22f; viewModeButton.Height.Pixels = 22f; viewModeButton.Left.Pixels = selectionPanel.Width.Pixels - closeButton.Width.Pixels - 13f; viewModeButton.Top.Pixels = closeButton.Top.Pixels + closeButton.Height.Pixels + 4f; viewModeButton.OnClick += (a, b) => UpdateViewMode(); selectionPanel.Append(viewModeButton); musicEntryPanel = new BackDrop(panelTextures[0]) { Id = "MusicEntry" }; musicEntryPanel.Width.Pixels = panelTextures[1].Height; musicEntryPanel.Height.Pixels = panelTextures[1].Width; musicEntryPanel.Left.Pixels = selectionPanel.Left.Pixels - musicEntryPanel.Width.Pixels + 10f; musicEntryPanel.Top.Pixels = selectionPanel.Top.Pixels + 10f; searchBar = new NewUITextBox("Search...", ""); searchBar.Width.Pixels = 216f; searchBar.Height.Pixels = 28f; searchBar.Top.Pixels = 9f; searchBar.Left.Pixels = 12f; selectionPanel.Append(searchBar); AddMusicBoxSlot = new MusicBoxSlot(ItemID.MusicBox, 0.85f) { Id = "EntrySlot" }; AddMusicBoxSlot.Left.Pixels = (musicEntryPanel.Width.Pixels / 2) - (AddMusicBoxSlot.Width.Pixels / 2); AddMusicBoxSlot.Top.Pixels = 8f; musicEntryPanel.Append(AddMusicBoxSlot); MusicStorageSlot = new ListenStorageSlot(Main.itemTexture[ItemID.MusicBox], ItemID.MusicBox); MusicStorageSlot.Left.Pixels = (musicEntryPanel.Width.Pixels / 2) - (MusicStorageSlot.Width.Pixels / 2); MusicStorageSlot.Top.Pixels = AddMusicBoxSlot.Height.Pixels + 16f; musicEntryPanel.Append(MusicStorageSlot); selectionScrollBar = new FixedUIScrollbar(); selectionScrollBar.SetView(100f, 1000f); selectionScrollBar.Top.Pixels = 76f; selectionScrollBar.Left.Pixels = -10f; selectionScrollBar.Height.Set(0f, 0.75f); selectionScrollBar.HAlign = 1f; selectionPanel.Append(selectionScrollBar); SelectionList = new UIList(); SelectionList.Width.Pixels = selectionPanel.Width.Pixels; SelectionList.Height.Pixels = selectionPanel.Height.Pixels - 85f; SelectionList.Left.Pixels = 0f; SelectionList.Top.Pixels = 72f; selectionPanel.Append(SelectionList); canPlay = new List <int>(); }
internal void OrganizeSelection(SortBy sortBy, ProgressBy progressBy, string filterMod, bool initializing = false) { int displayMusicID = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic[DisplayBox].music; if (sortBy == SortBy.ID) { musicData = musicData.OrderBy(x =>; } if (sortBy == SortBy.Name) { musicData = musicData.OrderBy(x =>; } DisplayBox = tMusicPlayer.AllMusic.FindIndex(x => == displayMusicID); SelectionList.Clear(); if (!viewMode) { // Current view mode is GRID ItemSlotRow newRow = new ItemSlotRow(0, 400, 50); int col = 0; int row = 0; for (int i = 0; i < musicData.Count; i++) { // Filter checks do not happen when initializing // Include all music boxes if FilterMod is left empty // Otherwise find music boxes with the same mod name as the selected filter mod // If Availability isn't 'None' check if the box is obtained or not if (!initializing) { MusicPlayerPlayer modplayer = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <MusicPlayerPlayer>(); bool CheckFilterMod = filterMod != "" && (musicData[i].mod != filterMod); bool CheckObtained = progressBy == ProgressBy.Obtained && modplayer.MusicBoxList.All(x => x.Type != musicData[i].musicbox); bool CheckUnobtained = progressBy == ProgressBy.Unobtained && modplayer.MusicBoxList.Any(x => x.Type == musicData[i].musicbox); if (CheckFilterMod || CheckObtained || CheckUnobtained) { continue; } } SelectionSlots[i] = new MusicBoxSlot(musicData[i].musicbox, 0.85f); SelectionSlots[i].Left.Pixels = 20f + (SelectionSlots[i].Width.Pixels + 10f) * col; SelectionSlots[i].Top.Pixels = (newRow.Height.Pixels / 2f) - (SelectionSlots[i].Height.Pixels / 2f); SelectionSlots[i].Id = $"SelectionSlotGrid_{i}"; newRow.Append(SelectionSlots[i]); col++; if (col == 5) { row++; col = 0; SelectionList.Add(newRow); newRow = new ItemSlotRow(row, 400, 50); } } if (col != 0) { // Add the last row if we did not complete it SelectionList.Add(newRow); } } else { // Current view mode is LIST ItemSlotRow newRow; for (int i = 0; i < musicData.Count; i++) { // Include all music boxes if FilterMod is left empty // Otherwise find music boxes with the same mod name as the selected filter mod // If Availability isn't 'None' check if the box is obtained or not if (!initializing) { MusicPlayerPlayer modplayer = Main.LocalPlayer.GetModPlayer <MusicPlayerPlayer>(); bool CheckFilterMod = filterMod != "" && (musicData[i].mod != filterMod); bool CheckObtained = progressBy == ProgressBy.Obtained && modplayer.MusicBoxList.All(x => x.Type != musicData[i].musicbox); bool CheckUnobtained = progressBy == ProgressBy.Unobtained && modplayer.MusicBoxList.Any(x => x.Type == musicData[i].musicbox); if (CheckFilterMod || CheckObtained || CheckUnobtained) { continue; } } newRow = new ItemSlotRow(i, panelTextures[2].Bounds.Width, panelTextures[2].Bounds.Height); // Item Slot SelectionSlots[i] = new MusicBoxSlot(musicData[i].musicbox, 0.85f); SelectionSlots[i].Left.Pixels = 20f; SelectionSlots[i].Top.Pixels = (newRow.Height.Pixels / 2f) - (SelectionSlots[i].Height.Pixels / 2f); SelectionSlots[i].Id = $"SelectionSlotList_{i}"; newRow.Append(SelectionSlots[i]); // Play button HoverButton playSong = new HoverButton(buttonTextures, new Rectangle(24, 0, 22, 22)) { Id = $"altplay_{musicData[i].music}", }; playSong.Width.Pixels = 22f; playSong.Height.Pixels = 22f; playSong.Left.Pixels = SelectionSlots[i].Left.Pixels + SelectionSlots[i].Width.Pixels + 8f; playSong.Top.Pixels = (newRow.Height.Pixels / 2f) - (playSong.Height.Pixels / 2f); playSong.OnClick += (a, b) => ListViewPlaySong(playSong.Id); newRow.Append(playSong); // Song name and mod UIText songName = new UIText(musicData[i].name, 0.85f); songName.Left.Pixels = playSong.Left.Pixels + playSong.Width.Pixels + 8f; songName.Top.Pixels = (newRow.Height.Pixels / 2f) - 15f; newRow.Append(songName); UIText songMod = new UIText(musicData[i].mod, 0.85f); songMod.Left.Pixels = playSong.Left.Pixels + playSong.Width.Pixels + 8f; songMod.Top.Pixels = (newRow.Height.Pixels / 2f) + 4f; newRow.Append(songMod); SelectionList.Add(newRow); } } SelectionList.SetScrollbar(selectionScrollBar); }