static void Main(string[] args) { Cohort cohort1 = new Cohort() { id = 1, name = "Cohort 1", }; Cohort cohort2 = new Cohort() { id = 2, name = "Cohort 2" }; Cohort cohort3 = new Cohort() { id = 3, name = "Cohort 3" }; Student sarah = new Student() { id = 1, firstName = "Sarah", lastName = "Brooks", slackHandle = "@sarahBrooks", cohort = cohort3 }; Student swathi = new Student() { id = 2, firstName = "Swathi", lastName = "Mukkamala", slackHandle = "@swathiMukkamala", cohort = cohort3 }; Student barry = new Student() { id = 3, firstName = "Barry", lastName = "Griffith", slackHandle = "@barryGriffith", cohort = cohort2 }; Student pat = new Student() { id = 4, firstName = "Pat", lastName = "Shaver", slackHandle = "@patShaver", cohort = cohort3 }; Student mandy = new Student() { id = 5, firstName = "Mandy", lastName = "Campbell", slackHandle = "@mandyCampbell", cohort = cohort2 }; Exercise studentExercises = new Exercise() { id = 1, name = "Student Exercise", language = "C#" }; Exercise urbanPlanner = new Exercise() { id = 2, name = "Urban Planner", language = "C#" }; Exercise kennel = new Exercise() { id = 3, name = "Kennel", language = "React" }; Exercise dailyJournal = new Exercise() { id = 4, name = "Daily Journal", language = "JavaScript" }; Instructor jordan = new Instructor() { id = 1, firstName = "Jordan", lastName = "Castelloe", slackHandle = "@jordanCastelloe", specialty = "Pop Culture References", cohort = cohort1 }; Instructor tommy = new Instructor() { id = 2, firstName = "Tommy", lastName = "Spurlock", slackHandle = "@tommySpurlock", specialty = "Pep Talks", cohort = cohort3 }; Instructor jacob = new Instructor() { id = 3, firstName = "Jacob", lastName = "Perry", slackHandle = "@jacobPerry", specialty = "Video Game Capstones", cohort = cohort2 }; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //CREATE STUDENT OBJECTS Student Jordan = new Student("Jordan", "Rosas", "@JJROS", "C28"); Student Nick = new Student("Nick", "Hansen", "@NTHANSEN", "C29"); Student Bubba = new Student("Bubba", "Franks", "@BIGbubba", "C29"); Student Hunter = new Student("Hunter", "Metts", "@HunterDaddy", "C30"); Student Asia = new Student("Asia", "Carter", "@AsianPersuasian", "C31"); //CREATE INSTRUCTOR OBJECTS Instructor Jisie = new Instructor("Jisie", "David", "@boss", "C29"); Instructor Steve = new Instructor("Steve", "McCodeycode", "@coach", "C30"); Instructor Han = new Instructor("Han", "Solo", "@nonationarmy", "C28"); Instructor Rick = new Instructor("Rick", "Roll", "@nevergiveyouup", "C31"); //CREATE COHORT OBJECTS Cohort c28 = new Cohort("C28"); Cohort c29 = new Cohort("C29"); Cohort c30 = new Cohort("C30"); Cohort c31 = new Cohort("C31"); //CREATE INSTANCES FOR EACH STUDENT EXERCISE LISTS List <Exercise> nickExercises = new List <Exercise>(); List <Exercise> hunterExercises = new List <Exercise>(); List <Exercise> asiaExercises = new List <Exercise>(); List <Exercise> jordanExercises = new List <Exercise>(); //ADD EXERCISE OBJECTS Exercise loops = new Exercise("loops", "JavaScript"); Exercise headers = new Exercise("headers", "HTML"); Exercise arrays = new Exercise("arrays", "JavaScript"); Exercise grids = new Exercise("grids", "CSS"); //USING THE .studentListIN THE COHORT OBJECT, CREATE STUDENT LISTS FOR EACH COHORT. c28.studentList = new List <Student>(); c29.studentList = new List <Student>(); c30.studentList = new List <Student>(); c31.studentList = new List <Student>(); //ADD STUDENTS TO THEIR RESPECTIVE COHORT LIST c28.studentList.Add(Jordan); c29.studentList.Add(Nick); c29.studentList.Add(Bubba); c30.studentList.Add(Hunter); c31.studentList.Add(Asia); //CREATE INSTANCES OF INSTRUCTOR LISTS List <Instructor> cohort28Instructors = new List <Instructor>(); List <Instructor> cohort29Instructors = new List <Instructor>(); List <Instructor> cohort30Instructors = new List <Instructor>(); List <Instructor> cohort31Instructors = new List <Instructor>(); //ADD INSTRUCTORS TO RESPECTIVE COHORT LIST cohort28Instructors.Add(Han); cohort29Instructors.Add(Jisie); cohort30Instructors.Add(Steve); cohort31Instructors.Add(Rick); //ADD STUDENT LIST AND TEACHER LIST TO COHORTS (is this necessary?) // c28.Add(cohort28Students); // c28.Add(cohort28Instructors); //METHOD CALL FOR AN INSTRUCTOR TO ASSIGN AN EXCERCISE TO AN ENTIRE COHORT OF STUDENTS // Jisie.asignExercise(loops, cohort29Students); //Han.asignExercise(arrays, c28); //Han.asignExercise(loops, c28); Jisie.asignExercise(arrays, c29); Jisie.asignExercise(grids, c29); Steve.asignExercise(grids, c30); Steve.asignExercise(headers, c30); Rick.asignExercise(arrays, c31); Rick.asignExercise(headers, c31); Rick.asignExercise(loops, c31); List <Student> students = new List <Student>() { Jordan, Nick, Bubba, Hunter, Asia }; List <Exercise> exercises = new List <Exercise>() { loops, headers, arrays, grids }; List <Instructor> instructors = new List <Instructor>() { Han, Jisie, Steve, Rick, }; List <Cohort> cohorts = new List <Cohort>() { c28, c29, c30, c31 }; /* * List exercises for the JavaScript language by using the Where() LINQ method. */ IEnumerable <Exercise> JSexercises = (from e in exercises where e.exerciseLanguage == "JavaScript" select e).ToList(); foreach (Exercise e in JSexercises) { Console.WriteLine($"{e.exerciseName} is written in JS"); } /* * List students in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method. */ IEnumerable <Student> c29Students = (from s in students where s.cohort == "C29" select s).ToList(); foreach (Student s in c29Students) { Console.WriteLine($"{ s.firstName} { s.lastName} is in cohort 29 "); } /* * List instructors in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method. */ IEnumerable <Instructor> c29Instructor = (from i in instructors where i.cohort == "C29" select i).ToList(); foreach (Instructor i in c29Instructor) { Console.WriteLine($"{i.firstName} is an instrutor for C29"); } /* * Sort the students by their last name. */ IEnumerable <Student> allStudents = (from a in students orderby a.lastName descending select a).ToList(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Students ordered by last name"); foreach (Student a in allStudents) { Console.WriteLine($"{a.lastName}, {a.firstName}"); } /* * Display any students that aren't working on any exercises (Make sure one of your student instances don't have any exercises. Create a new student if you need to.) */ IEnumerable <Student> studentExercises = (from n in students where n.exerciseList.Count() == 0 select n).ToList(); foreach (Student n in studentExercises) { Console.WriteLine($"{n.firstName} has no exercises."); } /* * Which student is working on the most exercises? Make sure one of your students has more exercises than the others. */ IEnumerable <Student> mostExercises = (from m in students orderby m.exerciseList.Count descending select m).ToList(); var topStudent = mostExercises.First(); { Console.WriteLine($"{topStudent.firstName} has the most exercises"); } /* * How many students in each cohort? */ IEnumerable <Student> studentByCohort = new List <Student> { }; Console.ReadKey(); }
static void AssignInstructorsToCohort(Instructor instr, Cohort co) => co.instructorCount.Add(instr);
static void AssignStudentsToCohort(Student stu, Cohort co) => co.studentCount.Add(stu);
static void Main(string[] args) { Exercise FirstExercise = new Exercise("Kennel", "ReactJS"); Exercise SecondExercise = new Exercise("Bangazon", "C#"); Exercise ThirdExercise = new Exercise("Welcome to Nashville", "JavaScript"); Exercise FourthExercise = new Exercise("Superhero", "CSS"); Student FirstStudent = new Student("Asia", "Carter", "CaptainAsia123"); Student SecondStudent = new Student("Jordan", "Rosas", "GifMasterFlex"); Student ThirdStudent = new Student("Joey", "Baumann", "CoderMan5"); Student FourthStudent = new Student("Maggie", "Leavell", "EveningCoder8"); Instructor FirstInstructor = new Instructor("Joe", "Sheperd", "TheJoe"); Instructor SecondInstructor = new Instructor("Andy", "Collins", "GlassesJacketShirtMan"); Instructor ThirdInstructor = new Instructor("Leah", "Hoefling", "MemeCommander"); Cohort FirstCohort = new Cohort("Cohort 28"); FirstInstructor.Cohort = FirstCohort; FirstCohort.Instructors.Add(FirstInstructor); Cohort SecondCohort = new Cohort("Cohort 29"); SecondCohort.Students.Add(FirstStudent); SecondCohort.Students.Add(SecondStudent); SecondCohort.Students.Add(ThirdStudent); SecondInstructor.Cohort = SecondCohort; ThirdInstructor.Cohort = SecondCohort; SecondCohort.Instructors.Add(SecondInstructor); SecondCohort.Instructors.Add(ThirdInstructor); Cohort ThirdCohort = new Cohort("Cohort E8"); ThirdCohort.Students.Add(FourthStudent); ThirdCohort.Instructors.Add(ThirdInstructor); FirstStudent.Cohort = SecondCohort; SecondStudent.Cohort = SecondCohort; ThirdStudent.Cohort = SecondCohort; FourthStudent.Cohort = ThirdCohort; SecondInstructor.AssignExercise(FirstExercise, FirstStudent); SecondInstructor.AssignExercise(SecondExercise, FirstStudent); SecondInstructor.AssignExercise(FirstExercise, SecondStudent); SecondInstructor.AssignExercise(ThirdExercise, SecondStudent); SecondInstructor.AssignExercise(FirstExercise, ThirdStudent); SecondInstructor.AssignExercise(SecondExercise, ThirdStudent); SecondInstructor.AssignExercise(ThirdExercise, ThirdStudent); ThirdInstructor.AssignExercise(FirstExercise, FourthStudent); ThirdInstructor.AssignExercise(SecondExercise, FourthStudent); List <Student> students = new List <Student>() { FirstStudent, SecondStudent, ThirdStudent, FourthStudent }; List <Exercise> exercises = new List <Exercise>() { FirstExercise, SecondExercise, ThirdExercise, FourthExercise }; foreach (Student student in students) { List <string> studentExercises = new List <string>(); foreach (Exercise studentExercise in student.Exercises) { studentExercises.Add(studentExercise.Name); } Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName} {student.LastName} is working on: {String.Join(", ", studentExercises)}"); } List <Instructor> instructors = new List <Instructor>() { FirstInstructor, SecondInstructor, ThirdInstructor }; List <Cohort> cohorts = new List <Cohort>() { FirstCohort, SecondCohort, ThirdCohort, }; Console.WriteLine("-----"); List <Exercise> javascriptExercises = exercises.Where(e => e.Language == "JavaScript").ToList(); foreach (Exercise e in javascriptExercises) { Console.WriteLine($"{e.Name} is a JavaScript exercise"); } Console.WriteLine("-----"); List <Student> students29 = students.Where(s => s.Cohort.Name == "Cohort 29").ToList(); foreach (Student s in students29) { Console.WriteLine($"{s.FirstName} {s.LastName} is in Cohort 29"); } Console.WriteLine("-----"); List <Instructor> instructors29 = instructors.Where(i => i.Cohort.Name == "Cohort 29").ToList(); foreach (Instructor i in instructors29) { Console.WriteLine($"{i.FirstName} {i.LastName} is an instructor in Cohort 29"); } Console.WriteLine("-----"); List <Student> sortedStudents = students.OrderBy(s => s.LastName).ToList(); foreach (Student s in sortedStudents) { Console.WriteLine($"{s.FirstName} {s.LastName}"); } Student FifthStudent = new Student("Cole", "Bryant", "colebryant"); FifthStudent.Cohort = SecondCohort; students.Add(FifthStudent); List <Student> unassignedStudents = students.Where(s => s.Exercises.Count() == 0).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("-----"); foreach (Student s in unassignedStudents) { Console.WriteLine($"{s.FirstName} {s.LastName} was not assigned any assignments"); } Console.WriteLine("-----"); Student mostAssigned = students.OrderByDescending(s => s.Exercises.Count()).First(); Console.WriteLine($"{mostAssigned.FirstName} {mostAssigned.LastName} was assigned the most exercises"); Console.WriteLine("-----"); List <string> cohortNumbers = cohorts.Select(c => $"There are currently {c.Students.Count()} student(s) in {c.Name}").ToList(); foreach (string x in cohortNumbers) { Console.WriteLine(x); } }
static void Main() { // 1. Create 4 exercises // Need to add exercises so they can be assigned to students. Exercise exercise_1 = new Exercise(1, "chess", "HTML"); Exercise exercise_2 = new Exercise(2, "go", "JS"); Exercise exercise_3 = new Exercise(3, "risk", "SQL"); Exercise exercise_4 = new Exercise(4, "monopoly", "JS"); Exercise exercise_5 = new Exercise(5, "gin rummy", "SQL"); Exercise exercise_6 = new Exercise(6, "global thermonuclear war", "C Sharp"); Console.WriteLine(); // Blank line // 2. Create 3 cohorts // Built the cohorts with the constructor in Cohort.cs. Cohort C29 = new Cohort(29, "Cohort 29"); Cohort C30 = new Cohort(30, "Cohort 30"); Cohort C31 = new Cohort(31, "Cohort 31"); Console.WriteLine(; Console.WriteLine(; Console.WriteLine(); // Blank line Console.WriteLine(; Console.WriteLine(; Console.WriteLine(); // Blank line Console.WriteLine(; Console.WriteLine(; // Create 4 students and assign them to one of the cohorts // Now use the new constructor for the other students Student Gabs = new Student(2, 29, "Gabs", "Crawford", "cheer_1"); Student Tay = new Student(2, 29, "Taylor", "Rausch", "cheer_love"); Student Caroline = new Student(2, 30, "Caroline", "Reynolds", "flyer1"); Student Olivia = new Student(2, 31, "Olivia", "Meyers", "sup_dog"); // Create 3 instructors and assign them to one of the cohorts. Instructor instructor_1 = new Instructor(1, 29, "Jisie", "David", "jdavid"); Instructor instructor_2 = new Instructor(2, 30, "Andy", "Collins", "acollins"); Instructor instructor_3 = new Instructor(3, 31, "Leah", "Gwin", "lgwin"); // Assign instructors to cohorts AssignInstructorsToCohort(instructor_1, C29); AssignInstructorsToCohort(instructor_2, C30); AssignInstructorsToCohort(instructor_3, C31); // Assign students to cohort AssignStudentsToCohort(Gabs, C29); AssignStudentsToCohort(Tay, C29); AssignStudentsToCohort(Caroline, C30); AssignStudentsToCohort(Olivia, C31); // Instructors assign students to exercises // Jisie assigns exercises 1 and 2 for all students instructor_1.assignExercises(Gabs, exercise_1); instructor_1.assignExercises(Gabs, exercise_2); instructor_1.assignExercises(Tay, exercise_1); instructor_1.assignExercises(Tay, exercise_2); instructor_1.assignExercises(Caroline, exercise_1); instructor_1.assignExercises(Caroline, exercise_2); instructor_1.assignExercises(Olivia, exercise_1); instructor_1.assignExercises(Olivia, exercise_2); // Andy assigns exercises 3 and 4 for all students instructor_2.assignExercises(Gabs, exercise_3); instructor_2.assignExercises(Gabs, exercise_4); instructor_2.assignExercises(Tay, exercise_3); instructor_2.assignExercises(Tay, exercise_4); instructor_2.assignExercises(Caroline, exercise_3); instructor_2.assignExercises(Caroline, exercise_4); instructor_2.assignExercises(Olivia, exercise_3); instructor_2.assignExercises(Olivia, exercise_4); // Andy assigns exercises 5 and 6 for all students instructor_2.assignExercises(Gabs, exercise_5); instructor_2.assignExercises(Gabs, exercise_6); instructor_2.assignExercises(Tay, exercise_5); instructor_2.assignExercises(Tay, exercise_6); instructor_2.assignExercises(Caroline, exercise_5); instructor_2.assignExercises(Caroline, exercise_6); instructor_2.assignExercises(Olivia, exercise_5); instructor_2.assignExercises(Olivia, exercise_6); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Create 4, or more, exercises. Exercise lesson1_P = new Exercise("Intro to Python", "Python"); Exercise lesson2_P = new Exercise("Intermediate Python", "Python"); Exercise lesson3_P = new Exercise("Advanced Python", "Python"); Exercise lesson1_C = new Exercise("Intro to C#", "C#"); Exercise lesson2_C = new Exercise("Intermediate C#", "C#"); Exercise lesson3_C = new Exercise("Advanced C#", "C#"); Exercise lesson1_R = new Exercise("Intro to Ruby", "Ruby"); Exercise lesson2_R = new Exercise("Intermediate Ruby", "Ruby"); Exercise lesson3_R = new Exercise("Advanced Ruby", "Ruby"); // Create 3, or more, cohorts. Cohort cohort_1 = new Cohort("Cohort_1"); Cohort cohort_2 = new Cohort("Cohort_2"); Cohort cohort_3 = new Cohort("Cohort_3"); // Create 4, or more, students and assign them to one of the cohorts. Student student_1 = new Student("Jackie", "Robinson", "JRob", 1); Student student_2 = new Student("Bo", "Jackson", "BJack", 2); Student student_3 = new Student("Sammy", "Sosa", "SammySosa", 3); // Create 3, or more, instructors and... Instructor instructor_1 = new Instructor("Brenda", "Long", "BrendaLong", 1, "Javascript"); Instructor instructor_2 = new Instructor("Adam", "Schaeffer", "AdamRulez", 2, "C#"); Instructor instructor_3 = new Instructor("Bryan", "Nilsen", "ByanFknNilsen", 3, "Python"); // ...assign them to one of the cohorts. cohort_1.AddToInstructors(instructor_1); cohort_2.AddToInstructors(instructor_2); cohort_3.AddToInstructors(instructor_3); // Have each instructor assign 2 exercises to each of the students. instructor_1.addAssignment(student_1, lesson1_C); instructor_1.addAssignment(student_1, lesson2_C); instructor_1.addAssignment(student_2, lesson1_C); instructor_1.addAssignment(student_2, lesson2_C); instructor_1.addAssignment(student_3, lesson1_C); instructor_1.addAssignment(student_3, lesson2_C); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_1, lesson1_P); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_1, lesson2_P); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_2, lesson1_P); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_2, lesson2_P); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_3, lesson1_P); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_3, lesson2_P); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_1, lesson1_R); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_1, lesson2_R); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_2, lesson1_R); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_2, lesson2_R); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_3, lesson1_R); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_3, lesson2_R); // Create a list of students.Add all of the student instances to it. List <Student> student_list = new List <Student>(); student_list.Add(student_1); student_list.Add(student_2); student_list.Add(student_3); // Create a list of exercises.Add all of the exercise instances to it. List <Exercise> exercise_list = new List <Exercise>(); exercise_list.Add(lesson1_C); exercise_list.Add(lesson2_C); exercise_list.Add(lesson3_C); exercise_list.Add(lesson1_P); exercise_list.Add(lesson2_P); exercise_list.Add(lesson3_P); exercise_list.Add(lesson1_R); exercise_list.Add(lesson2_R); exercise_list.Add(lesson3_R); }
//Assign a student to a cort static void AssignStudentCohort(Student student, Cohort cohort) => cohort.StudentList.Add(student);
static void Main(string[] args) { /////////////////////////////////Exercies Exercise dogs = new Exercise(); dogs.Name = "dogs"; dogs.Language = "bark"; Exercise cats = new Exercise(); cats.Name = "cats"; cats.Language = "meow"; Exercise fish = new Exercise(); fish.Name = "fish"; fish.Language = "bloop"; Exercise hamster = new Exercise(); hamster.Name = "hamster"; hamster.Language = "meep"; ///////////////////////Cohorts, list student and instructor Cohort C29 = new Cohort(); C29.Name = "C29"; Cohort C30 = new Cohort(); C30.Name = "C30"; Cohort C31 = new Cohort(); C31.Name = "C31 aka the cool kids, also known as the cool kids club"; //////////////////////////////Students, add exercise list Student Bill = new Student(); Bill.FirstName = "Bill"; Bill.LastName = "Bob"; Bill.SlackHandle = "BillBob"; Bill.Cohort = C31; Student Steve = new Student(); Steve.FirstName = "Steve"; Steve.LastName = "Stevie"; Steve.SlackHandle = "SteveStevie"; Steve.Cohort = C29; Student Bo = new Student(); Bo.FirstName = "Bo"; Bo.LastName = "Body"; Bo.SlackHandle = "BoBody"; Bo.Cohort = C30; Student Blue = new Student(); Blue.FirstName = "Blue"; Blue.LastName = "Yellow"; Blue.SlackHandle = "BlueYellow"; Blue.Cohort = C31; ///////////Instructors Instructor JDog = new Instructor(); JDog.FirstName = "Jisie"; JDog.LastName = "IDK"; JDog.SlackHandle = "JDog"; JDog.Cohort = C31; JDog.Specialty = "making bird noises"; JDog.Assign(Bill, dogs, cats); JDog.Assign(Steve, dogs, cats); JDog.Assign(Bo, dogs, cats); JDog.Assign(Blue, dogs, cats); Instructor KMoney = new Instructor(); KMoney.FirstName = "Kristen"; KMoney.LastName = "IDK"; KMoney.SlackHandle = "KMoney"; KMoney.Cohort = C31; KMoney.Specialty = "making cupcakes"; KMoney.Assign(Bill, dogs, cats); KMoney.Assign(Steve, dogs, cats); KMoney.Assign(Bo, dogs, cats); KMoney.Assign(Blue, dogs, cats); Instructor SteveNation = new Instructor(); SteveNation.FirstName = "Steve"; SteveNation.LastName = "Brownlee"; SteveNation.SlackHandle = "SteveNation"; SteveNation.Cohort = C30; SteveNation.Specialty = "making cupcakes"; SteveNation.Assign(Bill, dogs, cats); SteveNation.Assign(Steve, dogs, cats); SteveNation.Assign(Bo, dogs, cats); SteveNation.Assign(Blue, dogs, cats); Instructor ATown = new Instructor(); ATown.FirstName = "Andy"; ATown.LastName = "Collins"; ATown.SlackHandle = "ATown"; ATown.Cohort = C31; ATown.Specialty = "making jokes"; ATown.Assign(Bill, dogs, cats); ATown.Assign(Steve, dogs, cats); ATown.Assign(Bo, dogs, cats); ATown.Assign(Blue, fish, cats); ///////////////Lists List <Student> students = new List <Student> () { Bill, Steve, Bo, Blue }; List <Exercise> exerciseList = new List <Exercise> () { dogs, cats, fish, hamster }; foreach (Student stu in students) { Console.WriteLine($"{stu.FirstName} has to do these exercises: "); foreach (Exercise con in stu.Exercises) { Console.WriteLine(con.Name); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Create exercises and add to list----------------------------------- var exercise1 = new Exercise("C# Starter Project", "C#"); var exercise2 = new Exercise("React Nutshell", "Javascript"); var exercise3 = new Exercise("English Idioms", "C#"); var exercise4 = new Exercise("Urban Planner", "C#"); var exercise5 = new Exercise("Itinerary Builder", "Javascript"); var exercise6 = new Exercise("JS Nutshell", "Javascript"); List <Exercise> exercises = new List <Exercise>() { exercise1, exercise2, exercise3, exercise4, exercise5, exercise6 }; // Creates all cohorts------------------------------------------------ var cohort1 = new Cohort("Day Classes - Cohort 32"); var cohort2 = new Cohort("Day Classes - Cohort 33"); var cohort3 = new Cohort("Day Classes - Cohort 34"); var cohort4 = new Cohort("Night Classes - Cohort 16"); List <Cohort> cohorts = new List <Cohort>() { cohort1, cohort2, cohort3, cohort4 }; // Creates students and adds them to the list-------------------------- var student1 = new Student("Addam", "Joor", "addam.joor", cohort1); var student2 = new Student("Emily", "Loggins", "emily.loggins", cohort1); var student3 = new Student("Ellie", "Ash", "ellie.ash", cohort3); var student4 = new Student("Ben", "Parker", "ben.parker", cohort2); var student5 = new Student("Shelley", "Arnold", "shelley.arnold", cohort1); List <Student> students = new List <Student>() { student1, student2, student3, student4, student5 }; cohort1.CohortStudents.Add(student1); cohort1.CohortStudents.Add(student2); cohort1.CohortStudents.Add(student5); cohort3.CohortStudents.Add(student3); cohort2.CohortStudents.Add(student4); // Creates all instructors-------------------------------------------- var instructor1 = new Instructor("Dance", "Storm", "dan.storm", cohort1, "Dancesplosion"); var instructor2 = new Instructor("Bryan", "Nielson", "bryanfuckingnielson", cohort1, "High Five Hurricane"); var instructor3 = new Instructor("Brenda", "Long", "brenda.long", cohort3, "Positivity Overload"); var instructor4 = new Instructor("Adam", "Sheaffer", "adam.sheaffer", cohort2, "Hat Heard Round the World"); foreach (Student student in students) { Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName} {student.LastName}"); } ; System.Console.WriteLine(); foreach (Exercise exercise in exercises) { Console.WriteLine($"Assignment: {exercise.ExerciseName} in {exercise.ExerciseLanguage}"); } ; // Instructor assigns student with a specified exercise System.Console.WriteLine(); instructor4.Assign(student1, exercise2); instructor2.Assign(student1, exercise3); instructor3.Assign(student2, exercise1); instructor1.Assign(student3, exercise4); instructor4.Assign(student4, exercise2); System.Console.WriteLine(); // Consoles the student name followed by their respective list of assignments foreach (var student in students) { System.Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName}'s Assignment List:"); foreach (var exercise in student.StudentExercises) { System.Console.WriteLine($"{exercise.ExerciseName}"); } System.Console.WriteLine(); } // Select all exercises that utilize Javascript language var javaExercises = from exercise in exercises where exercise.ExerciseLanguage == "Javascript" select exercise; System.Console.WriteLine("All Javascript exercises:"); foreach (Exercise exercise in javaExercises) { System.Console.WriteLine(exercise.ExerciseName); } // Select all students that are in cohort 32 System.Console.WriteLine(); var studentsOfCohort32 = from student in students where student.Cohort == cohort1 select student; System.Console.WriteLine("All Students in Cohort 32:"); foreach (Student student in studentsOfCohort32) { System.Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName} {student.LastName}"); } // Order all students by last name System.Console.WriteLine(); var sortedStudents = from student in students orderby student.LastName select student; System.Console.WriteLine("All students ordered by last name:"); foreach (Student student in sortedStudents) { System.Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName} {student.LastName}"); } // Sort students with no exercises assigned System.Console.WriteLine(); var noExercises = from student in students where student.StudentExercises.Count == 0 select student; System.Console.WriteLine("Students with no exercises assigned:"); foreach (Student student in noExercises) { System.Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName} {student.LastName}"); } // Find student with the most exercises assigned System.Console.WriteLine(); var mostExercises = from student in students orderby student.StudentExercises.Count descending select student; System.Console.WriteLine("Student with most exercises:"); foreach (Student student in mostExercises) { System.Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName} {student.LastName} - {student.StudentExercises.Count}"); } ; // How many students per cohort? System.Console.WriteLine(); var studentCount = from cohort in cohorts orderby cohort.CohortStudents.Count descending select cohort; System.Console.WriteLine("Number of students per cohort:"); foreach (Cohort cohort in studentCount) { System.Console.WriteLine($"{cohort.CohortName} - {cohort.CohortStudents.Count}"); } ; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Exercise dailyJournal = new Exercise("Daily Journal") { Langauge = "JavaScript" }; Exercise nutshell = new Exercise("Nutshell") { Langauge = "JavaScript" }; Exercise personalWebsite = new Exercise("Personal Website") { Langauge = "JavaScript" }; Exercise calculator = new Exercise("Calculator") { Langauge = "JavaScript" }; Cohort cohortOne = new Cohort("Cohort One"); Cohort cohortTwo = new Cohort("Cohort Two"); Cohort cohortThree = new Cohort("Cohort Three"); Student austin = new Student("Austin", "Preece", "@RestInPreece") { Cohort = cohortThree }; cohortThree.StudentList.Add(austin); Student sarah = new Student("Sarah", "Brooks", "@BookBurner") { Cohort = cohortThree }; cohortThree.StudentList.Add(sarah); Student derekM = new Student("Derek", "Mayse", "@GordGuy666") { Cohort = cohortThree }; cohortThree.StudentList.Add(derekM); Student devin = new Student("Devin", "Conroy", "@Tall&Handsome") { Cohort = cohortThree }; cohortThree.StudentList.Add(devin); Student sydney = new Student("Sydney", "Wait", "@TrailRunner") { Cohort = cohortOne }; cohortOne.StudentList.Add(sydney); Student jen = new Student("Jen", "Johnson", "@TeachersAide") { Cohort = cohortTwo }; cohortTwo.StudentList.Add(jen); Instructor jordan = new Instructor("Jordan", "Castelloe") { Specialty = "Explaining things", Cohort = cohortOne }; Instructor tommy = new Instructor("Tommy", "Spurlock") { Specialty = "Motivating the class", Cohort = cohortTwo }; Instructor jacob = new Instructor("Jacob", "Perry") { Specialty = "Giving presentations", Cohort = cohortThree }; jordan.AssignExerciseToStudent(austin, dailyJournal); jordan.AssignExerciseToStudent(sarah, dailyJournal); jordan.AssignExerciseToStudent(sarah, nutshell); tommy.AssignExerciseToStudent(derekM, nutshell); tommy.AssignExerciseToStudent(devin, nutshell); jacob.AssignExerciseToStudent(sarah, calculator); jacob.AssignExerciseToStudent(devin, personalWebsite); List <Student> students = new List <Student>() { austin, sarah, derekM, devin, sydney, jen }; List <Exercise> exercises = new List <Exercise>() { dailyJournal, nutshell, calculator, personalWebsite }; List <Instructor> instructors = new List <Instructor>() { jordan, tommy, jacob }; List <Cohort> cohorts = new List <Cohort>() { cohortOne, cohortTwo, cohortThree }; exercises.Where(exercise => exercise.Langauge == "JavaScript").ToList().ForEach(exercise => Console.WriteLine(exercise.Name)); Console.WriteLine(); students.Where(student => student.Cohort == cohortOne).ToList().ForEach(student => Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName} {student.LastName}")); Console.WriteLine(); instructors.Where(instructor => instructor.Cohort == cohortOne).ToList().ForEach(instructor => Console.WriteLine(instructor.FirstName)); Console.WriteLine(); students.OrderBy(student => student.LastName).ToList().ForEach(student => Console.WriteLine(student.LastName)); Console.WriteLine(); students.Where(student => student.AssignedExercises.Count() == 0).ToList().ForEach(student => Console.WriteLine(student.FirstName)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(students.Where(student => student.AssignedExercises.Count() == students.Max(student => student.AssignedExercises.Count())).ToList()[0].FirstName); cohorts.ForEach(cohort => Console.WriteLine(cohort.StudentList.Count())); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var chickenMonkey = new Exercise("ChickenMonkey", "JS"); var employees = new Exercise("Company Employees", "C#"); var stocks = new Exercise("Stock Exchange", "C#"); var dailyJournal = new Exercise("Daily Journal", "React"); var cohort32 = new Cohort("Cohort 32"); var cohort28 = new Cohort("Cohort 28"); var cohort34 = new Cohort("Cohort 34"); var deep = new Student("Deep", "Patel", "DP", cohort32); var joey = new Student("Joey", "Driscoll", "JD", cohort32); var jason = new Student("Jason", "Collum", "JC", cohort28); var collin = new Student("Collin", "Sandlin", "CS", cohort28); var dan = new Student("Dan", "Storm", "DS", cohort34); var sean = new Student("Sean", "Glavin", "SG", cohort34); var adam = new Instructor() { FirstName = "Adam", LastName = "Sheaffer", SlackHandle = "ADM", CohortName = cohort32, Specialty = "Type Script" }; var bryan = new Instructor() { FirstName = "Bryan", LastName = "Neilson", SlackHandle = "BRYN", CohortName = cohort34, Specialty = "High Fives" }; var steve = new Instructor() { FirstName = "Steve", LastName = "Brownlee", SlackHandle = "STV", CohortName = cohort28, Specialty = "Coach" }; adam.AddExercise(deep, employees); adam.AddExercise(deep, stocks); bryan.AddExercise(deep, chickenMonkey); bryan.AddExercise(deep, dailyJournal); steve.AddExercise(deep, employees); steve.AddExercise(deep, stocks); adam.AddExercise(joey, employees); adam.AddExercise(joey, stocks); bryan.AddExercise(joey, chickenMonkey); bryan.AddExercise(joey, dailyJournal); steve.AddExercise(joey, employees); steve.AddExercise(joey, stocks); adam.AddExercise(jason, employees); adam.AddExercise(jason, stocks); bryan.AddExercise(jason, chickenMonkey); bryan.AddExercise(jason, dailyJournal); steve.AddExercise(jason, employees); steve.AddExercise(jason, stocks); adam.AddExercise(collin, employees); adam.AddExercise(collin, stocks); bryan.AddExercise(collin, chickenMonkey); bryan.AddExercise(collin, dailyJournal); steve.AddExercise(collin, employees); steve.AddExercise(collin, stocks); adam.AddExercise(dan, employees); adam.AddExercise(dan, stocks); bryan.AddExercise(dan, chickenMonkey); bryan.AddExercise(dan, dailyJournal); steve.AddExercise(dan, employees); steve.AddExercise(dan, stocks); adam.AddExercise(sean, employees); adam.AddExercise(sean, stocks); bryan.AddExercise(sean, chickenMonkey); bryan.AddExercise(sean, dailyJournal); steve.AddExercise(sean, employees); steve.AddExercise(sean, stocks); var students = new List <Student>(); var exercises = new List <Exercise>(); students.Add(deep); students.Add(joey); students.Add(jason); students.Add(collin); students.Add(dan); students.Add(sean); exercises.Add(chickenMonkey); exercises.Add(employees); exercises.Add(stocks); exercises.Add(dailyJournal); // foreach (Student student in students) // { // Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName} {student.LastName} is working on:"); // student.ShowExercises(); // Console.WriteLine(""); // } foreach (Exercise exercise in exercises) { Console.WriteLine($"These students are working on {exercise.Name}:"); foreach (Student student in students) { if (student.Exercises.Contains(exercise)) { Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName}"); } } Console.WriteLine(""); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Exercise classes = new Exercise(); = 1; classes.nameOfExercise = "Classes in C#"; classes.language = "C#"; Exercise lists = new Exercise(); = 2; lists.nameOfExercise = "Lists in C#"; lists.language = "C#"; Exercise dailyJournal = new Exercise(); = 3; dailyJournal.nameOfExercise = "Daily Journal"; dailyJournal.language = "Javascript"; Exercise watched = new Exercise(); = 4; watched.nameOfExercise = "Watched"; watched.language = "React"; Cohort cohortOne = new Cohort(); = 1; cohortOne.cohortName = "Cohort One"; Cohort cohortTwo = new Cohort(); = 2; cohortTwo.cohortName = "Cohort Two"; Cohort cohortThree = new Cohort(); = 3; cohortThree.cohortName = "Cohort Three"; Student alex = new Student() { id = 1, firstName = "Alex", lastName = "Franklin", slackHandle = "Alex Franklin", Cohort = cohortTwo, // cohortTwo.studentsInCohortList.Add(alex); }; Student sable = new Student(); = 2; sable.firstName = "Sable"; sable.lastName = "SAAAAAAAABLE"; sable.slackHandle = "Sabs"; sable.Cohort = cohortOne; // cohortOne.studentsInCohortList.Add(sable); Student tommy = new Student(); = 3; tommy.firstName = "Tommy"; tommy.lastName = "Ymmot"; tommy.slackHandle = "TomTom"; tommy.Cohort = cohortOne; // cohortOne.studentsInCohortList.Add(tommy); Student frank = new Student(); = 4; frank.firstName = "Frank"; frank.lastName = "Knarf"; frank.slackHandle = "FrankenFrank"; frank.Cohort = cohortThree; // cohortThree.studentsInCohortList.Add(frank); Student steve = new Student() { firstName = "Steve", lastName = "evetS", slackHandle = "Stevers", Cohort = cohortThree, }; cohortTwo.studentsInCohortList.Add(alex); cohortOne.studentsInCohortList.Add(sable); cohortOne.studentsInCohortList.Add(tommy); cohortThree.studentsInCohortList.Add(frank); Instructor jordan = new Instructor(); = 1; jordan.firstName = "Jordan"; jordan.lastName = "Nadroj"; jordan.Cohort = cohortOne; jordan.slackHandle = "Jordan"; jordan.specialty = "Wizardry"; // cohortOne.instructorsInCohortList.Add(jordan); jordan.AddExercise(watched, sable); jordan.AddExercise(lists, tommy); Instructor instructorTommy = new Instructor(); = 2; instructorTommy.firstName = "Tommy"; instructorTommy.lastName = "Ymmot"; instructorTommy.Cohort = cohortTwo; instructorTommy.slackHandle = "Tommmmmmmy"; instructorTommy.specialty = "Specialized in Charisma"; // cohortTwo.instructorsInCohortList.Add(instructorTommy); instructorTommy.AddExercise(watched, alex); instructorTommy.AddExercise(lists, alex); Instructor josh = new Instructor(); = 1; josh.firstName = "Josh"; josh.lastName = "Hsoj"; josh.Cohort = cohortThree; josh.slackHandle = "Joshington"; josh.specialty = "Beard"; // cohortThree.instructorsInCohortList.Add(josh); josh.AddExercise(classes, frank); josh.AddExercise(dailyJournal, frank); josh.AddExercise(lists, frank); josh.AddExercise(watched, frank); cohortOne.instructorsInCohortList.Add(jordan); cohortTwo.instructorsInCohortList.Add(instructorTommy); cohortThree.instructorsInCohortList.Add(josh); List <Student> students = new List <Student>(); students.Add(alex); students.Add(sable); students.Add(frank); students.Add(tommy); students.Add(steve); List <Exercise> exercises = new List <Exercise>(); exercises.Add(classes); exercises.Add(lists); exercises.Add(watched); exercises.Add(dailyJournal); List <Instructor> instructors = new List <Instructor>() { instructorTommy, jordan, josh }; List <Cohort> cohorts = new List <Cohort>() { cohortOne, cohortTwo, cohortThree }; // List exercises for the JavaScript language by using the Where() LINQ method. IEnumerable <Exercise> JavascriptExercises = exercises.Where(exercises => exercises.language == "Javascript"); // List students in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method. IEnumerable <Student> studentsInCohortOne = students.Where(student => student.Cohort == cohortOne); // foreach (Student student in studentsInCohortOne) // { // Console.WriteLine(student.firstName); // } // List instructors in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method. IEnumerable <Instructor> instructorsInCohortOne = instructors.Where(instructor => instructor.Cohort == cohortOne); // foreach (Instructor instructor in instructorsInCohortOne) // { // Console.WriteLine(instructor.firstName); // } // Sort the students by their last name. IEnumerable <Student> studentsSorted = students.OrderBy(student => student.lastName).ToList(); // foreach (Student student in studentsSorted) // { // Console.WriteLine(student.lastName); // } // Display any students that aren't working on any exercises (Make sure one of your student instances don't have any exercises. Create a new student if you need to.) IEnumerable <Student> lazyBois = students.Where(student => student.currentExercises.Count == 0); // foreach (Student s in lazyBois) // { // Console.WriteLine(s.firstName); // } IEnumerable <Student> studentsOrderedByCurrentExerciseCount = students.OrderByDescending(student => student.currentExercises.Count()); Student hardestWorkinBoi = studentsOrderedByCurrentExerciseCount.Last(); // Console.WriteLine(hardestWorkinBoi.firstName); // How many students in each cohort? IEnumerable <Cohort> cohortsOrderedByDescending = cohorts.OrderByDescending(cohorts => cohorts.studentsInCohortList.Count()); foreach (Cohort cohort in cohortsOrderedByDescending) { Console.WriteLine($"{cohort.cohortName} has {cohort.studentsInCohortList.Count()} students in it!"); } // foreach (Exercise currentExercise in exercises) // { // Console.WriteLine(currentExercise.nameOfExercise); // Console.WriteLine("---------"); // List<Student> assignedStudents = students.Where(singleStudent => singleStudent.currentExercises.Any(singleExercise => singleExercise.nameOfExercise == currentExercise.nameOfExercise)).ToList(); // assignedStudents.ForEach(singleStudent => Console.WriteLine(singleStudent.firstName)); // Console.WriteLine(); // } }
//assign instructor to a cohort static void AssignInstructorCohort(Instructors instructors, Cohort cohort) => cohort.InstructorList.Add(instructors);
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); // OBJECTIVES: // Create 4, or more, exercises. // Create 3, or more, cohorts. // Create 4, or more, students and assign them to one of the cohorts. // Create 3, or more, instructors and assign them to one of the cohorts. // Have each instructor assign 2 exercises to each of the students. var FindRing = new Exercise("Find a mysterious ring", "CSS"); var EscapeSpiders = new Exercise("Escape the spider tunnels", "JavaScript"); var DragonsLair = new Exercise("Enter the dragon's lair for treasure", "C#"); var LonelyMountain = new Exercise("Reclaim the Lonely Mountain for the Dwarves", "C#"); var Day50 = new Cohort("Day Cohort 50"); var Eve51 = new Cohort("Evening Cohort 51"); var Day52 = new Cohort("Day Cohort 52"); var Bilbo = new Student("Bilbo", "Baggins", "treasureHunter", "Day Cohort 50"); var Thorin = new Student("Thorin", "Oakenshield", "kingUnderTheMtn", "Evening Cohort 51"); var Fili = new Student("Fili", "Durin", "blueCloak", "Day Cohort 52"); var Kili = new Student("Kili", "Durin", "yellowBeard", "Day Cohort 52"); var Gandalf = new Instructor("Gandalf", "The Grey", "greyWizard", "firework mischief", "Day Cohort 50"); var Elrond = new Instructor("Elrond", "Of Rivendale", "waterMagic", "helping hobbits", "Evening Cohort 51"); var Beorn = new Instructor("Beorn", "Skinchanger", "bearsRcool", "transforming into a bear", "Day Cohort 52"); // var JsExer = excercises.Where(exer => exer.ExerLang == "JavaScript"); // foreach (string exer in excercises) // { // Console.WriteLine($"{exer.ExerName} is a JS exercise"); // } /* PART II: List exercises for the JavaScript language by using the Where() LINQ method.*/ List <string> excercises = new List <string>() { "Find a mysterious ring", "Escape the spider tunnels", "Enter the dragon's lair for treasure", "Reclaim the Lonely Mountain for the Dwarves" }; // List instructors in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method. List <Instructor> instructors = new List <Instructor>(); instructors.AddRange(new[] { Gandalf, Elrond, Beorn }); IEnumerable <Instructor> Cohort32Instructors = Instructor.Where(inst => inst.Cohort == 32); /* List students in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method. * List instructors in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method. * // * * * k * * Sort the students by their last name. * Display any students that aren't working on any exercises (Make sure one of your student instances don't have any exercises. Create a new student if you need to.) * Which student is working on the most exercises? Make sure one of your students has more exercises than the others. * How many students in each cohort?*/ }
static void Main() { //===============================Create 4 or more exercises========================== Exercises exerciseOne = new Exercises("Iterating Planets", "C#"); Exercises exerciseTwo = new Exercises("Kennel", "Reacj.js"); Exercises exerciseThree = new Exercises("CSS Selectors", "CSS"); Exercises exerciseFour = new Exercises("Semantic Tags", "HTML"); // exerciseOne.ListExercises(); // exerciseTwo.ListExercises(); // exerciseThree.ListExercises(); // exerciseFour.ListExercises(); Console.WriteLine("========================================================="); //=========================Create 3, or more, cohorts.========================= Cohort Cohort29 = new Cohort("Cohort29"); Cohort Cohort30 = new Cohort("Cohort30"); Cohort Cohort31 = new Cohort("Cohort31"); //============================Create 4, or more, students===================== Student firstStudent = new Student("Hunter", "Metts", "H-metty"); Student SecondStudent = new Student("Nick", "Hansen", "nickHanses"); Student ThirdStudent = new Student("Asia", "Carter", "AC/DC"); Student FourthStudent = new Student("Tammy", "toolews", "LoosetGoosey"); //=====================assign them to one of the cohorts.========================= AssignStudentCohort(firstStudent, Cohort29); AssignStudentCohort(SecondStudent, Cohort30); AssignStudentCohort(ThirdStudent, Cohort31); AssignStudentCohort(FourthStudent, Cohort29); //=============================Create Three Instructors============================= Instructors Jisie = new Instructors("Jisie", "David", "JuiceBox", "Cohort30"); Instructors Andy = new Instructors("Andy", "Collins", "Caprisun", "Cohort29"); Instructors Steve = new Instructors("Steve", "Brownlee", "Gatorade", "Cohort31"); //ConsoleWrite the list of instructors. // Jisie.ListInstructors(); // Andy.ListInstructors(); // Steve.ListInstructors(); //========================assing them to a cohort=================================== AssignInstructorCohort(Jisie, Cohort30); AssignInstructorCohort(Andy, Cohort29); AssignInstructorCohort(Steve, Cohort31); //Have each instructor assign 2 exercises to each student // Cohort 30 Jisie.AssignExercises(SecondStudent, exerciseTwo); Jisie.AssignExercises(SecondStudent, exerciseFour); //Cohort 29 Andy.AssignExercises(firstStudent, exerciseOne); Andy.AssignExercises(firstStudent, exerciseFour); Andy.AssignExercises(FourthStudent, exerciseFour); Andy.AssignExercises(FourthStudent, exerciseTwo); //Cohort 31 Steve.AssignExercises(ThirdStudent, exerciseOne); Steve.AssignExercises(ThirdStudent, exerciseThree); //student exercise Challenge List <Student> students = new List <Student>() { firstStudent, SecondStudent, ThirdStudent, FourthStudent }; List <Exercises> exercises = new List <Exercises>() { exerciseOne, exerciseTwo, exerciseThree, exerciseFour }; //Generate a report saying which students are workig on what exercises foreach (Student student in students) { List <string> assignedExercises = new List <string>(); foreach (Exercises exercise in student.StudentExercises) { assignedExercises.Add(exercise.ExerciseName); } string exerciseList = String.Join(", ", assignedExercises); Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName} {student.LastName} is working on the following exercises: {exerciseList}"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //PART 2: After your code where you created all of your instances, add each one to the lists. //Create 4, or more, exercises. Exercise MyFirstWebpage = new Exercise() { Name = "My First Webpage", Language = "HTML" }; Exercise FlexboxPractice = new Exercise() { Name = "Flexbox Practice", Language = "CSS" }; Exercise ArrayMethods = new Exercise() { Name = "Array Methods", Language = "JavaScript" }; Exercise CSharpOrientation = new Exercise() { Name = "Dictionaries and Lists", Language = "CSharp" }; List <Exercise> exercises = new List <Exercise>() { MyFirstWebpage, FlexboxPractice, ArrayMethods, CSharpOrientation }; //Create 3, or more, cohorts. Cohort E1 = new Cohort("Evening Cohort 1"); Cohort C29 = new Cohort("Day Cohort 29"); Cohort C30 = new Cohort("Day Cohort 30"); List <Cohort> cohorts = new List <Cohort>() { E1, C29, C30 }; //Create 4, or more, students and assign them to one of the cohorts. Student mary = new Student("Mary", "Remo", "@MaryRemo", C29); C29.StudentList.Add(mary); Student brittany = new Student("Brittany", "Ramos-Janeway", "@BrittanyRJ", C29); C29.StudentList.Add(brittany); Student enrique = new Student("Enrique", "Iglesias", "@Enrique", E1); E1.StudentList.Add(enrique); Student samuel = new Student("Samuel L.", "Jackson", "@SammyJ", C30); C30.StudentList.Add(samuel); Student gary = new Student("Gary", "Busey", "@gbusey", E1); List <Student> students = new List <Student>() { mary, brittany, enrique, samuel, gary }; //Create 3, or more, instructors and assign them to one of the cohorts. Instructor andy = new Instructor("Andy", "Collins", "@AndyCollins", C29); C29.InstructorList.Add(andy); Instructor celine = new Instructor("Celine", "Dion", "@ItsCeline", E1); E1.InstructorList.Add(celine); Instructor jisie = new Instructor("Jisie", "David", "@Jisie", C30); C30.InstructorList.Add(jisie); List <Instructor> instructors = new List <Instructor>() { andy, celine, jisie }; //List exercises for the JavaScript language by using the Where() LINQ method. List <Exercise> JSExercises = (from exercise in exercises where exercise.Language == "JavaScript" select exercise).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("JavaScript Exercises:"); foreach (Exercise exercise in JSExercises) { Console.WriteLine(exercise.Name); } //List students in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method. List <Student> C29Students = (from student in students where student.Cohort == C29 select student).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Cohort 29 students:"); foreach (Student s in C29Students) { Console.WriteLine(s.FirstName); } //List instructors in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method. List <Instructor> E1Instructors = (from instructor in instructors where instructor.Cohort == E1 select instructor).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Evening Cohort 1 instructors:"); foreach (Instructor i in E1Instructors) { Console.WriteLine(i.FirstName); } //Sort the students by their last name. List <Student> StudentsByLastName = (from student in students orderby student.LastName select student).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Students by last name:"); foreach (Student s in StudentsByLastName) { Console.WriteLine(s.LastName); } //Display any students that aren't working on any exercises. //(Make sure one of your student instances don't have any exercises. Create a new student if you need to.) mary.ExerciseList.Add(MyFirstWebpage); brittany.ExerciseList.Add(CSharpOrientation); enrique.ExerciseList.Add(FlexboxPractice); samuel.ExerciseList.Add(ArrayMethods); List <Student> StudentsWithFreeTime = (from student in students where student.ExerciseList.Count() == 0 select student).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("Students not working on any exercises:"); foreach (Student s in StudentsWithFreeTime) { Console.WriteLine(s.FirstName); } //Which student is working on the most exercises? //Make sure one of your students has more exercises than the others. mary.ExerciseList.Add(CSharpOrientation); List <Student> studentExerciseList = (from student in students orderby student.ExerciseList.Count descending select student).ToList(); Student busiestStudent = studentExerciseList.First(); Console.WriteLine("Student working on the most exercises:"); Console.WriteLine(busiestStudent.FirstName); //How many students in each cohort? //CohortCensus defined at top of file List <CohortCensus> CohortCount = (from student in students group student.FirstName by student.Cohort into cohortCensus select new CohortCensus { Cohort = cohortCensus.Key, Count = cohortCensus.Count() }).ToList(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var chickenMonkey = new Exercise("ChickenMonkey", "JS"); var employees = new Exercise("Company Employees", "C#"); var stocks = new Exercise("Stock Exchange", "C#"); var dailyJournal = new Exercise("Daily Journal", "React"); var planner = new Exercise("Planner", "C#"); var cohort32 = new Cohort("Cohort 32"); var cohort28 = new Cohort("Cohort 28"); var cohort34 = new Cohort("Cohort 34"); var deep = new Student("Deep", "Patel", "DP", cohort32); var joey = new Student("Joey", "Driscoll", "JD", cohort32); var jason = new Student("Jason", "Collum", "JC", cohort28); var collin = new Student("Collin", "Sandlin", "CS", cohort28); var dan = new Student("Dan", "Storm", "DS", cohort34); var sean = new Student("Sean", "Glavin", "SG", cohort34); var adam = new Instructor() { FirstName = "Adam", LastName = "Sheaffer", SlackHandle = "ADM", CohortName = cohort32, Specialty = "Type Script" }; var bryan = new Instructor() { FirstName = "Bryan", LastName = "Neilson", SlackHandle = "BRYN", CohortName = cohort34, Specialty = "High Fives" }; var steve = new Instructor() { FirstName = "Steve", LastName = "Brownlee", SlackHandle = "STV", CohortName = cohort28, Specialty = "Coach" }; adam.AddExercise(deep, employees); adam.AddExercise(deep, stocks); bryan.AddExercise(deep, chickenMonkey); bryan.AddExercise(deep, dailyJournal); steve.AddExercise(deep, employees); steve.AddExercise(deep, stocks); adam.AddExercise(joey, employees); adam.AddExercise(joey, stocks); bryan.AddExercise(joey, chickenMonkey); bryan.AddExercise(joey, dailyJournal); steve.AddExercise(joey, employees); steve.AddExercise(joey, stocks); adam.AddExercise(jason, employees); adam.AddExercise(jason, stocks); bryan.AddExercise(jason, chickenMonkey); bryan.AddExercise(jason, dailyJournal); steve.AddExercise(jason, employees); steve.AddExercise(jason, stocks); steve.AddExercise(jason, planner); adam.AddExercise(collin, employees); adam.AddExercise(collin, stocks); bryan.AddExercise(collin, chickenMonkey); bryan.AddExercise(collin, dailyJournal); steve.AddExercise(collin, employees); steve.AddExercise(collin, stocks); // adam.AddExercise(dan, employees); // adam.AddExercise(dan, stocks); // bryan.AddExercise(dan, chickenMonkey); // bryan.AddExercise(dan, dailyJournal); // steve.AddExercise(dan, employees); // steve.AddExercise(dan, stocks); adam.AddExercise(sean, employees); adam.AddExercise(sean, stocks); bryan.AddExercise(sean, chickenMonkey); bryan.AddExercise(sean, dailyJournal); steve.AddExercise(sean, employees); steve.AddExercise(sean, stocks); // var students = new List<Student>(); // var exercises = new List<Exercise>(); // students.Add(deep); // students.Add(joey); // students.Add(jason); // students.Add(collin); // students.Add(dan); // students.Add(sean); // exercises.Add(chickenMonkey); // exercises.Add(employees); // exercises.Add(stocks); // exercises.Add(dailyJournal); var students = new List <Student>() { deep, joey, jason, collin, dan, sean }; var exercises = new List <Exercise>() { chickenMonkey, dailyJournal, employees, stocks }; var instructors = new List <Instructor>() { steve, adam, bryan }; var cohorts = new List <Cohort>() { cohort28, cohort32, cohort34 }; List <Exercise> javaScript = (from exercise in exercises where exercise.Language == "JS" select exercise ).ToList(); List <Student> cohort32Students = (from student in students where student.CohortName == cohort32 select student ).ToList(); List <Instructor> cohort32Instructors = (from instructor in instructors where instructor.CohortName == cohort32 select instructor ).ToList(); List <Student> alphabetical = students.OrderBy(student => student.LastName).ToList(); foreach (Student student in alphabetical) { Console.WriteLine($"{student.LastName}"); } List <Student> noExercises = (from student in students where student.Exercises.Count() == 0 select student ).ToList(); foreach (Student student in noExercises) { Console.WriteLine($"{student.FirstName}"); } List <Student> mostExercises = (from student in students // where student.Exercises.Count() orderby student.Exercises.Count() descending select student ).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"{mostExercises[0].FirstName} is doing the most exercises"); List <CohortReport> reports = (from student in students group student by student.CohortName into studentGroup select new CohortReport { CohortName = studentGroup.Key.Name, NumberOfStudents = studentGroup.Count() } ).ToList(); foreach (CohortReport report in reports) { Console.WriteLine($"{report.CohortName} has {report.NumberOfStudents} students in it"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Create 4, or more, exercises. Exercise lesson1_P = new Exercise("Intro to Python", "Python"); Exercise lesson2_P = new Exercise("Intermediate Python", "Python"); Exercise lesson3_P = new Exercise("Advanced Python", "Python"); Exercise lesson1_C = new Exercise("Intro to C#", "C#"); Exercise lesson2_C = new Exercise("Intermediate C#", "C#"); Exercise lesson3_C = new Exercise("Advanced C#", "C#"); Exercise lesson1_R = new Exercise("Intro to Ruby", "Ruby"); Exercise lesson2_R = new Exercise("Intermediate Ruby", "Ruby"); Exercise lesson3_R = new Exercise("Advanced Ruby", "Ruby"); // Create 3, or more, cohorts. Cohort cohort_1 = new Cohort("Cohort_1"); Cohort cohort_2 = new Cohort("Cohort_2"); Cohort cohort_3 = new Cohort("Cohort_3"); // Create 4, or more, students and assign them to one of the cohorts. Student student_1 = new Student("Jackie", "Robinson", "JRob", 1); Student student_2 = new Student("Bo", "Jackson", "BJack", 2); Student student_3 = new Student("Sammy", "Sosa", "SammySosa", 3); Student student_4 = new Student("Mark", "McGuire", "BashBro1", 3); // Create 3, or more, instructors and... Instructor instructor_1 = new Instructor("Brenda", "Long", "BrendaLong", 1, "Javascript"); Instructor instructor_2 = new Instructor("Adam", "Schaeffer", "AdamRulez", 2, "C#"); Instructor instructor_3 = new Instructor("Bryan", "Nilsen", "ByanFknNilsen", 3, "Python"); // ...assign them to one of the cohorts. cohort_1.AddToInstructors(instructor_1); cohort_2.AddToInstructors(instructor_2); cohort_3.AddToInstructors(instructor_3); // Have each instructor assign 2 exercises to each of the students. instructor_1.addAssignment(student_1, lesson1_C); instructor_1.addAssignment(student_1, lesson2_C); instructor_1.addAssignment(student_2, lesson1_C); instructor_1.addAssignment(student_2, lesson2_C); instructor_1.addAssignment(student_3, lesson1_C); instructor_1.addAssignment(student_3, lesson2_C); instructor_1.addAssignment(student_3, lesson3_C); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_1, lesson1_P); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_1, lesson2_P); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_2, lesson1_P); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_2, lesson2_P); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_3, lesson1_P); instructor_2.addAssignment(student_3, lesson2_P); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_1, lesson1_R); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_1, lesson2_R); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_2, lesson1_R); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_2, lesson2_R); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_3, lesson1_R); instructor_3.addAssignment(student_3, lesson2_R); //List of instructors List <Instructor> instructor_list = new List <Instructor>(); instructor_list.Add(instructor_1); instructor_list.Add(instructor_2); instructor_list.Add(instructor_3); // Create a list of students.Add all of the student instances to it. List <Student> student_list = new List <Student>(); student_list.Add(student_1); student_list.Add(student_2); student_list.Add(student_3); student_list.Add(student_4); // Create a list of exercises.Add all of the exercise instances to it. List <Exercise> exercise_list = new List <Exercise>(); exercise_list.Add(lesson1_C); exercise_list.Add(lesson2_C); exercise_list.Add(lesson3_C); exercise_list.Add(lesson1_P); exercise_list.Add(lesson2_P); exercise_list.Add(lesson3_P); exercise_list.Add(lesson1_R); exercise_list.Add(lesson2_R); exercise_list.Add(lesson3_R); //List of Cohorts List <Cohort> cohorts_list = new List <Cohort>(); cohorts_list.Add(cohort_1); cohorts_list.Add(cohort_2); cohorts_list.Add(cohort_3); // List exercises for the C# language by using the Where() LINQ method. IEnumerable <Exercise> C_lessons = from exercise in exercise_list where exercise.language == "C#" select exercise; Console.WriteLine("---- Exercises for the C# Language ----"); foreach (var lesson in C_lessons) { Console.WriteLine(; } // List students in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method. IEnumerable <Student> students_in_C1 = from student in student_list where student.studentsCohort == 1 select student; Console.WriteLine("---- Students in Cohort 1 ----"); foreach (var student in students_in_C1) { Console.WriteLine(student.firstName + " " + student.lastName); } // List instructors in a particular cohort by using the Where() LINQ method. IEnumerable <Instructor> instructors_in_C1 = from instructor in instructor_list where instructor.instructorsCohort == 1 select instructor; Console.WriteLine("---- Instructors in Cohort 1 ----"); foreach (var instructor in instructors_in_C1) { Console.WriteLine(instructor.firstName + " " + instructor.lastName); } // Sort the students by their last name. Console.WriteLine("---- Students Sorted by Last Name ----"); IEnumerable <Student> students_by_lastname = from student in student_list orderby student.lastName select student; foreach (var student in students_by_lastname) { Console.WriteLine(student.lastName + ", " + student.firstName); } // Display any students that aren't working on any exercises (Make sure one of your student instances don't have any exercises. Create a new student if you need to.) IEnumerable <Student> slacker_students = from student in student_list where student.Exercises.Count == 0 select student; Console.WriteLine("---- Students with No Exercises ----"); foreach (var student in slacker_students) { Console.WriteLine(student.firstName + " " + student.lastName); } // Which student is working on the most exercises? Make sure one of your students has more exercises than the others. IEnumerable <Student> busiest_student = from student in student_list orderby student.Exercises.Count descending select student; Console.WriteLine("---- Students with Most Exercises ----"); Student busiest = busiest_student.First(); Console.WriteLine(busiest.firstName + " " + busiest.lastName); // How many students in each cohort? Console.WriteLine("---- Cohort Headcount ----"); foreach (var cohort in cohorts_list) { Console.WriteLine(cohort.numberOfStudents() + " students are in " +; } }