public List <StatArticles> GetStatArticles(string dateDebut, string dateFin, string numeroEmplacement) { Connexion connexion = new Connexion(); string query = ""; if (dateFin == "" && dateDebut == "") { query = "select reference_article, count(*) as total from detail_commande join commande on commande.id_commande=detail_commande.id_commande where emplacement ='" + numeroEmplacement + "' group by reference_article"; } else { query = "select reference_article, count(*) as total from detail_commande join commande on commande.id_commande=detail_commande.id_commande where emplacement ='" + numeroEmplacement + "' and date_commande<='" + dateFin + "' and date_commande>='" + dateDebut + "' group by reference_article"; } MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, connexion.GetConnection()); MySqlDataReader dataReader; //Creation d'une liste List <StatArticles> reponse = new List <StatArticles>(); AccesSageDAO accesSageDAO = new AccesSageDAO(); try { //Ouverture connexion if (connexion.OpenConnection() == true) { //Excecution de la commande dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); //Lecture des donnees et stockage dans la liste while (dataReader.Read()) { StatArticles stat = new StatArticles(); Article article = accesSageDAO.GetArticleByReferences(dataReader["reference_article"].ToString()); stat.Article = article; stat.Quantite = Int32.Parse(dataReader["total"].ToString()); reponse.Add(stat); } dataReader.Close(); } //return return(reponse); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } finally { if (command != null) { command.Dispose(); } if (connexion.GetConnection() != null) { connexion.GetConnection().Close(); } } }
public List <Commande> GetListeCommandeAnnule(string dateDebut, string dateFin) { Connexion connexion = new Connexion(); string query = ""; if (dateDebut == "" && dateFin == "") { query = "select * from commande where ETAT = '000' and CLIENT='1'"; } else { query = "select * from commande where ETAT = '000' and CLIENT='1' and date_commande<='" + dateFin + "' and date_commande>='" + dateDebut + "'"; } MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, connexion.GetConnection()); AccesSageDAO accesSageDAO = new AccesSageDAO(); MySqlDataReader dataReader; //Creation d'une liste List <Commande> reponse = new List <Commande>(); try { //Ouverture connexion if (connexion.OpenConnection() == true) { //Excecution de la commande dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); //Lecture des donnees et stockage dans la liste while (dataReader.Read()) { Comptoir comptoir = accesSageDAO.GetComptoirById(dataReader["ID_COMPTOIR"].ToString()); Commande commande = new Commande(Int32.Parse(dataReader["id_commande"].ToString()), dataReader["DATE_COMMANDE"].ToString(), dataReader["NUMERO"].ToString(), comptoir, Int32.Parse(dataReader["CLIENT"].ToString()), dataReader["ETAT"].ToString()); List <DetailCommande> detailCommandes = GetArticlesCommandes(commande.Numero); for (int i = 0; i < detailCommandes.Count; i++) { int quantite = detailCommandes[i].Quantite; detailCommandes[i].Article = accesSageDAO.GetArticleByReferences(detailCommandes[i].Article.References); detailCommandes[i].Quantite = quantite; } commande.ListeDetailCommande = detailCommandes; reponse.Add(commande); } dataReader.Close(); } //return return(reponse); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } finally { connexion.CloseAll(command, null, connexion.GetConnection()); } }
public StatCommande GetStatCommandesAnnule(string dateDebut, string dateFin) { Connexion connexion = new Connexion(); string query = ""; if (dateDebut == "" && dateFin == "") { query = "SELECT count(*) as total FROM commande where ETAT='000' and client='1'"; } else { query = "SELECT count(*) as total FROM commande where ETAT='000' and date_commande<='" + dateFin + "' and date_commande>='" + dateDebut + "' and client='1'"; } MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, connexion.GetConnection()); AccesSageDAO accesSageDAO = new AccesSageDAO(); MySqlDataReader dataReader; //Creation d'une liste StatCommande reponse = new StatCommande(); try { //Ouverture connexion if (connexion.OpenConnection() == true) { //Excecution de la commande dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); //Lecture des donnees et stockage dans la liste while (dataReader.Read()) { StatCommande stat = new StatCommande(); stat.Nombre = Int32.Parse(dataReader["total"].ToString()); reponse = stat; } dataReader.Close(); } //return return(reponse); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } finally { connexion.CloseAll(command, null, connexion.GetConnection()); } }
public List <Commande> GetListeToutCommandeEnCours(string etat) { Connexion connexion = new Connexion(); string query = "SELECT * FROM commande where ETAT='" + etat + "'"; MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, connexion.GetConnection()); AccesSageDAO accesSageDAO = new AccesSageDAO(); MySqlDataReader dataReader; //Creation d'une liste List <Commande> reponse = new List <Commande>(); try { //Ouverture connexion if (connexion.OpenConnection() == true) { //Excecution de la commande dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); //Lecture des donnees et stockage dans la liste while (dataReader.Read()) { Comptoir comptoir = accesSageDAO.GetComptoirByNumTicket(dataReader["NUMERO"].ToString()); Commande commande = new Commande(Int32.Parse(dataReader["id_commande"].ToString()), dataReader["DATE_COMMANDE"].ToString(), dataReader["NUMERO"].ToString(), comptoir, Int32.Parse(dataReader["CLIENT"].ToString()), dataReader["ETAT"].ToString()); reponse.Add(commande); } dataReader.Close(); } //return return(reponse); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } finally { connexion.CloseAll(command, null, connexion.GetConnection()); } }
public List <Commande> GetListeCommande(string dateDebut, string dateFin) { Connexion connexion = new Connexion(); string query = ""; if (dateDebut == "" && dateFin == "") { query = "select * from commande join duree on duree.id_commande =commande.id_commande join sortie on sortie.id_commande=commande.id_commande where commande.ETAT = '111' and commande.CLIENT='1' group by sortie.id_commande"; } else { query = "select * from commande join duree on duree.id_commande =commande.id_commande join sortie on sortie.id_commande=commande.id_commande where commande.ETAT = '111' and commande.CLIENT='1' and commande.date_commande<='" + dateFin + "' and commande.date_commande>='" + dateDebut + "' group by sortie.id_commande"; } MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query, connexion.GetConnection()); AccesSageDAO accesSageDAO = new AccesSageDAO(); UtilisateurDAO utilisateurDAO = new UtilisateurDAO(); MySqlDataReader dataReader; //Creation d'une liste List <Commande> reponse = new List <Commande>(); try { //Ouverture connexion if (connexion.OpenConnection() == true) { //Excecution de la commande dataReader = command.ExecuteReader(); //Lecture des donnees et stockage dans la liste while (dataReader.Read()) { Comptoir comptoir = accesSageDAO.GetComptoirById(dataReader["ID_COMPTOIR"].ToString()); Commande commande = new Commande(Int32.Parse(dataReader["id_commande"].ToString()), dataReader["DATE_COMMANDE"].ToString(), dataReader["NUMERO"].ToString(), comptoir, Int32.Parse(dataReader["CLIENT"].ToString()), dataReader["ETAT"].ToString()); List <DetailCommande> detailCommandes = GetArticlesCommandes(commande.Numero); for (int i = 0; i < detailCommandes.Count; i++) { int quantite = detailCommandes[i].Quantite; detailCommandes[i].Article = accesSageDAO.GetArticleByReferences(detailCommandes[i].Article.References); detailCommandes[i].Quantite = quantite; } commande.ListeDetailCommande = detailCommandes; Duree duree = new Duree(); duree.HeureCommandeString = dataReader["HEURE_COMMANDE"].ToString(); duree.HeureSortieString = dataReader["HEURE_LIVRAISON"].ToString(); commande.Duree = duree; Utilisateur binome = utilisateurDAO.GetUtilisateurById(dataReader["ID_BINOME"].ToString()); Utilisateur magasinier = utilisateurDAO.GetUtilisateurById(dataReader["ID_MAGASINIER"].ToString()); Commande test = new Commande(); test.IdCommande = Int32.Parse(dataReader["id_commande"].ToString()); SortieCommande sortie = new SortieCommande(dataReader["ID_SORTIE"].ToString(), test, binome, magasinier); commande.SortieCommande = sortie; reponse.Add(commande); } dataReader.Close(); } return(reponse); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } finally { connexion.CloseAll(command, null, connexion.GetConnection()); } }