/** * A display object rig to access pan, rotation and zoom actions. * @param viewport the starting viewable rectangle including position * @param startPosition Point reprsenting the position that the camera will return to on reset * @param easingPan The value used to determine how much the camera should move each step towards its target in X and Y. * @param easingZoom The value used to determine how much the camera should move each step towards its target for scale. * @param easingRotate The value used to determine how much the camera should move each step towards its target for rotation. * @param boundingRect A Rectangle that constrains the movement of the camera */ public CameraSprite(Rectangle viewport, Point startPosition=null, float easingPan=1f, float easingZoom=1f, float easingRotate=1, Rectangle boundingRect=null, Juggler juggler=null) { _juggler = juggler; _harness=new Harness(); // The harness is a container to manage rotation, scale and shaking without modifying the pivot and other properties of the main camera. _world=new World(this); _viewport=viewport; this.startPosition=startPosition; _easingPan=easingPan; _easingZoom=easingZoom; _easingRotate=easingRotate; if (boundingRect != null) { this.boundingRect=boundingRect; } else { this.boundingRect=NO_BOUNDS.toRectangle(); } _harness.center=new Point(_viewport.x + _viewport.width / 2, _viewport.y + _viewport.height / 2); base.addChildAt(_harness, 0); _harness.addChild(_world); }
public FrameSprite(Juggler juggler) : base() { mJuggler = juggler; }
void Awake() { mJuggler = new Juggler(); }