public bool isCodeMatching(string code) { Matches matchCode = new Matches(); string cd = matchCode.getPvtMatchCode(match_id); if (cd == code) { return(true); } return(false); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string match_id = Request.QueryString[0]; // === M A T C H === Matches match = new Matches(); string[] matchInfo = match.getMatchInfo(match_id); // == MATCHINFO ARRAY : == //0 = NAME //1 = CITY //2 = DATE //3 = TYPE //4 = FIELD // === /M A T C H // === C O U R T === Courts court = new Courts(); string[] courtInfo = court.getCourtInfo(Int32.Parse(matchInfo[3])); List <String> courtImgs = court.getCourtImages(Int32.Parse(matchInfo[3])); string url = "" + courtInfo[3] + "," + courtInfo[4] + "&zoom=12"; string iframeUrl = "<iframe width=\"210\" height=\"160\" src=\"" + url + "\" frameborder=\"0\" style=\"border: 0\" > </iframe>"; // == COURTINFO ARRAY : == //0 = NAME //1 = CITY //2 = LIMIT //3 = LAT //4 = LNG // === /C O U R T === // === FILLING DATA ==== // Match related info Mname.InnerText = matchInfo[0]; Mcity.InnerText = courtInfo[1]; Mdatetime.InnerText = matchInfo[1]; // Court related info fillSrc(courtImgs); Cname.InnerText = courtInfo[0]; Clocation.InnerHtml = iframeUrl; //viewMatch.Attributes["href"] = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/" + "MatchRoom?match_id=" + match_id; }
public void InitiateUpcomingMatches() { Matches match = new Matches(); List <Matches> matchesList = match.getUpcoming(); if (matchesList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < matchesList.Count; i++) { createBlockStructure(matchesList[i].id, i); } } }
public string sendMatchInvite(string receiveid, string senderid, string mid) { //[invite_id] [invite_resever] [invite_sender] [invite_read] [invite_match] Matches match = new Matches(); string code = match.getPvtMatchCode(mid); string queryString = "USE ssm_mvc_demo1 INSERT INTO invites (invite_resever, invite_sender, invite_read, invite_match, invite_code)" + " VALUES (@resever, @sender, @read, @match, @code)"; string status = ""; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(cs)) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection); try { command.Connection.Open(); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@resever", receiveid); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sender", senderid); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@read", 0); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@match", mid); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@code", code); if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0) { status = "good"; } } catch (SqlException ex) { for (int i = 0; i < ex.Errors.Count; i++) { errorMessages.Append("Index #" + i + "\n" + "Message: " + ex.Errors[i].Message + "\n" + "LineNumber: " + ex.Errors[i].LineNumber + "\n" + "Source: " + ex.Errors[i].Source + "\n" + "Procedure: " + ex.Errors[i].Procedure + "\n"); } Console.WriteLine(errorMessages.ToString()); status = errorMessages.ToString(); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } } return(status); }
protected void GoPrivate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Matches match = new Matches(); string code = match.getPvtMatchCode(match_id); if (match.toggleMatchType(match_id, "Private")) { Response.Redirect("~/MatchRoom.aspx?match_id=" + match_id + "&type=Private" + "&code=" + code); } else { Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx"); } }
}// AS A CAPTAIN public List <Matches> getMyEndedMatches(string uid) { //USE ssm_mvc_demo1 SELECT match_id, match_name, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), match_date, 111) AS match_date FROM matches WHERE match_date < GETDATE() AND match_captain='18' List <Matches> endedMatches = new List <Matches>(); //USE ssm_mvc_demo1 SELECT match_id, match_name, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), match_date, 111) AS match_date FROM matches WHERE match_date > GETDATE() AND match_captain='18' string queryString = "USE ssm_mvc_demo1 " + "SELECT match_id, match_name, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), match_date, 111) AS match_date " + "FROM matches " + "WHERE match_date < GETDATE() AND match_captain=@uid"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(cs)) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection); try { command.Connection.Open(); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uid", uid); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Matches match = new Matches(); = reader[0].ToString(); = reader[1].ToString(); = reader[2].ToString(); endedMatches.Add(match); } } catch (SqlException ex) { for (int i = 0; i < ex.Errors.Count; i++) { errorMessages.Append("Index #" + i + "\n" + "Message: " + ex.Errors[i].Message + "\n" + "LineNumber: " + ex.Errors[i].LineNumber + "\n" + "Source: " + ex.Errors[i].Source + "\n" + "Procedure: " + ex.Errors[i].Procedure + "\n"); } Matches error = new Matches(); Console.WriteLine(errorMessages.ToString()); } } return(endedMatches); }// AS A CAPTAIN
public void createBlockStructure(string id, int i) { Matches match = new Matches(); string[] matchInfo = match.getMatchInfo(id); if (matchInfo[2] == "Public") { string domain = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/"; string src = domain + "UpcomingBlock?match_id=" + id; string iframeTag = " <iframe id='iframe" + i + "' src='" + src + "' frameborder='0' style='width:100%;' class='minus-margin'></iframe>"; upmatchBlock.InnerHtml += iframeTag; } }
protected void JoinA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Matches match = new Matches(); if (!match.alreadyJoined(user_id, match_id)) // Not joined { match.joinMatch(user_id, match_id, 1); } else // Joined already = Leave then => Join { match.leaveMatch(user_id, match_id); match.joinMatch(user_id, match_id, 1); } Response.Redirect("~/MatchRoom.aspx?match_id=" + match_id); }
protected void invite_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Matches match = new Matches(); string st = match.sendMatchInvite("21", userid, matchid); //test.InnerText = match.sendMatchInvite(); if (st == "good") { Response.Redirect("/FriendList.aspx?status=3&userid=" + userid + "&matchid=" + matchid + "&invited=yes"); } else { Response.Redirect("/ErrorPage.aspx"); } }
public void highlightUsername(int uid) { Matches match = new Matches(); Users user = new Users(); string username = user.getUsername(uid.ToString()); currentUser.Value = username; if (match.IsTeamFull(match_id, 1))// team A full { JoinA.Visible = false; } if (match.IsTeamFull(match_id, 2))// team B full { JoinB.Visible = false; } }
public List <Matches> getUpcoming() { List <Matches> matchesList = new List <Matches>(); string queryString = "USE ssm_mvc_demo1 SELECT match_id, match_name, match_date FROM matches WHERE match_date between GETDATE() and GETDATE()+6"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(cs)) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection); try { command.Connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Matches match = new Matches(); = reader[0].ToString(); = reader[1].ToString(); = reader[2].ToString(); matchesList.Add(match); } } catch (SqlException ex) { for (int i = 0; i < ex.Errors.Count; i++) { errorMessages.Append("Index #" + i + "\n" + "Message: " + ex.Errors[i].Message + "\n" + "LineNumber: " + ex.Errors[i].LineNumber + "\n" + "Source: " + ex.Errors[i].Source + "\n" + "Procedure: " + ex.Errors[i].Procedure + "\n"); } Matches error = new Matches(); Console.WriteLine(errorMessages.ToString()); = errorMessages.ToString(); matchesList.Add(error); } } return(matchesList); }
protected void GoPublic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Matches match = new Matches(); match.toggleMatchType(match_id, "Public"); string[] matchInfo = match.getMatchInfo(match_id); //"MatchRoom.aspx?match_id=" + $(element).attr("id") + "&type=Public"; if (matchInfo[2] == "Public") { Response.Redirect("~/MatchRoom.aspx?match_id=" + match_id + "&type=Public"); } else { Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx"); } }
public bool IsTeamFull(string mid, int team) { Matches match = new Matches(); string[] matchInfo = match.getMatchInfo(mid); List <string> teamList = this.getTeam(mid, team); Courts court = new Courts(); string[] courtInfo = court.getCourtInfo(Int32.Parse(matchInfo[3])); string courtLimit = courtInfo[2]; int teamLimit = Int32.Parse(courtInfo[2]) / 2; if (teamList.Count() == teamLimit) {// team is full return(true); } return(false); }
public void createMatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Matches match = new Matches(); bool isCreated = match.createMatch(matchName.Text, matchType.Text, selectedId.Value, matchDate.Text, matchTime.Text, Session["userid"].ToString()); if (isCreated) { if (match.type == "Private") { Response.Redirect("~/MatchRoom.aspx?match_id=" + + "&type=" + match.type + "&code=" + match.getPvtMatchCode(; } if (match.type == "Public") { Response.Redirect("~/MatchRoom.aspx?match_id=" + + "&type=" + match.type); } Response.Redirect("~/MatchRoom.aspx?match_id=" + + "&type=" + "WRONG"); } // should be relocated to my matches page }
public void checkIfFull() { Matches match = new Matches(); string[] matchInfo = match.getMatchInfo(match_id); Courts court = new Courts(); string[] courtInfo = court.getCourtInfo(Int32.Parse(matchInfo[3])); string courtLimit = courtInfo[2]; int teamLimit = Int32.Parse(courtInfo[2]) / 2; // Check if team A is full: List <string> teamA = match.getTeam(match_id, 1); if (teamA.Count() == teamLimit) // team A is full { if (!teamA.Contains(user_id)) // if not current user: { JoinA.Visible = false; teamAfull.Visible = true; } } // Check if team B is full: List <string> teamB = match.getTeam(match_id, 2); if (teamB.Count() == teamLimit) // team B is full { if (!teamB.Contains(user_id)) // if not current user: { JoinB.Visible = false; teamBfull.Visible = true; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["username"] == null || Session["userid"] == null) { mymatches.InnerHtml = "<h6 id='notifEmpty' class='notif-Empty' runat='server'>Login to see your matches. </h6>"; } else { userid = Session["userid"].ToString(); Matches match = new Matches(); List <Matches> openMatches = match.getMyOpenMatches(userid); // AS A CAPTAIN List <Matches> PlayerJoinedMatches = match.getPlayerJoinedMatches(userid); // AS A PLAYER if (openMatches.Count == 0 && PlayerJoinedMatches.Count == 0) // If there is no matches { mymatches.InnerHtml = "<h6 id='notifEmpty' class='notif-Empty' runat='server'>No matches. </h6>"; } else { for (int i = 0; i < openMatches.Count(); i++) // Loop thru captained matches. { if (openMatches[i].getMatchInfo(openMatches[i].id)[2] == "Private") // Check if match is private. { string code = openMatches[i].getPvtMatchCode(openMatches[i].id); string pvtblock = "<div class='My-matches w-100 p-1 m-2'> " + "<div class='mym-name'>" + openMatches[i].name + "</div> " + "<div>" + openMatches[i].date + "</div> " + "<div id='" + openMatches[i].id + "/" + code + "' class='btn btn-sm btn-dark' onclick='ViewPvtMatch(this);return true;'>View</div> " + "</div>"; mymatches.InnerHtml += pvtblock; mymatches.InnerHtml += "<hr class='my-1 w-75' />"; } else { string block = "<div class='My-matches w-100 p-1 m-2'> " + "<div class='mym-name'>" + openMatches[i].name + "</div> " + "<div>" + openMatches[i].date + "</div> " + "<div id='" + openMatches[i].id + "' class='btn btn-sm btn-warning' onclick='ViewMatch(this);return true;'>View</div> " + "</div>"; mymatches.InnerHtml += block; mymatches.InnerHtml += "<hr class='my-1 w-75' />"; } } for (int i = 0; i < PlayerJoinedMatches.Count(); i++) { string block = "<div class='My-matches w-100 p-1 m-2'> " + "<div class='mym-name'>" + PlayerJoinedMatches[i].name + "</div> " + "<div>" + PlayerJoinedMatches[i].date + "</div> " + "<div id='" + PlayerJoinedMatches[i].id + "' class='btn btn-sm btn-success' onclick='ViewMatch(this);return true;'>View</div> " + "</div>"; mymatches.InnerHtml += block; } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["username"] == null || Session["userid"] == null) { Response.Redirect("~/Login.aspx"); } else//Session is available { // Get user ID from session, match ID from URL query string user_id = Session["userid"].ToString(); match_id = Request.QueryString.Get(0); } Matches match = new Matches(); string[] MatchInfo = match.getMatchInfo(match_id); Courts court = new Courts(); string[] courtInfo = court.getCourtInfo(Int32.Parse(MatchInfo[3])); type = MatchInfo[2]; if (type == "Private" && isCaptain(user_id, match_id))// if private and captain { pvt.Visible = true; } if (type == "Public" && isCaptain(user_id, match_id))// if private and captain { pvt1.Visible = true; } if (type == "Public") { status.Visible = true; status.InnerText = "public."; status.Attributes["class"] = "subtitle-pub"; } if (type == "Private") { status.Visible = true; status.InnerText = "private."; status.Attributes["class"] = "subtitle-pvt"; } List <String> courtImgs = court.getCourtImages(Int32.Parse(MatchInfo[3])); string courtLocationUrl = ""; string lat = courtInfo[3]; string lng = courtInfo[4]; courtLocationUrl += lat + "," + lng + "&ll=" + lat + "," + lng + "&z=15"; // == Filling data: == if (!IsPostBack) { checkIfFull(); checkIfJoined(user_id, match_id); fillDefaultSlots(Int32.Parse(MatchInfo[3])); fillSlotsTeam1(match_id); fillSlotsTeam2(match_id); fillCourtImages(courtImgs); } matchName.InnerText = MatchInfo[0]; matchDate.InnerText = MatchInfo[1]; courtName.InnerText = courtInfo[0]; matchCity.InnerText = courtInfo[1]; courtLocation.HRef = courtLocationUrl; }
public void fillSlotsTeam2(string mid) { Matches match = new Matches(); List <string> teamA = match.getTeam(mid, 2); for (int i = 0; i < teamA.Count(); i++) { Users user = new Users(); string username = user.getUsername(teamA[i]); switch (i) { case 0: Div11.InnerText = username; Div11.Attributes["class"] = "row d-flex justify-content-end my-2"; break; case 1: Div12.InnerText = username; Div12.Attributes["class"] = "row d-flex justify-content-end my-2"; break; case 2: Div13.InnerText = username; Div13.Attributes["class"] = "row d-flex justify-content-end my-2"; break; case 3: Div14.InnerText = username; Div14.Attributes["class"] = "row d-flex justify-content-end my-2"; break; case 4: Div15.InnerText = username; Div15.Attributes["class"] = "row d-flex justify-content-end my-2"; break; case 5: Div16.InnerText = username; Div16.Attributes["class"] = "row d-flex justify-content-end my-2"; break; case 6: Div17.InnerText = username; Div17.Attributes["class"] = "row d-flex justify-content-end my-2"; break; case 7: Div18.InnerText = username; Div18.Attributes["class"] = "row d-flex justify-content-end my-2"; break; case 8: Div19.InnerText = username; Div19.Attributes["class"] = "row d-flex justify-content-end my-2"; break; case 9: Div20.InnerText = username; Div20.Attributes["class"] = "row d-flex justify-content-end my-2"; break; case 10: Div21.InnerText = username; Div21.Attributes["class"] = "row d-flex justify-content-end my-2"; break; } } }
protected void inviteMatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Matches match = new Matches(); Response.Redirect("/FriendList.aspx?status=3&userid=" + user_id + "&matchid=" + match_id); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userid = Request.QueryString["userid"].ToString(); Users user = new Users(); List <string[]> requested = user.getRequestedList(userid, 0); if (requested != null) { for (int i = 0; i < requested.Count(); i++) { string reqid = requested[i][0]; string username = requested[i][1]; string friendReqBlock = "<div runat='server' style='font-size: 12.5px;' class='py-1 my-1'>Friend request</div> " + "<div class='row notif-row my-2'> " + "<div runat='server'>" + username + "#" + reqid + "</div> " + "<div id='" + reqid + "' class='btn btn-sm btn-info p-1 m-1' onclick='accepted(this); return true;'>Accept</div> " + "<div id='" + reqid + "' class='btn btn-sm btn-warning p-1 m-1' onclick='decline(this); return true;'>Decline</div> " + "</div>"; notif.InnerHtml += friendReqBlock; } } //MATCH INVITES List <string[]> invited = user.getMatchInvites(userid); //test.InnerText = invited[0][0]; if (invited != null) { for (int i = 0; i < invited.Count(); i++) { string matchid = invited[i][0]; string senderid = invited[i][1]; string read = invited[i][2]; Matches match = new Matches(); string code = match.getPvtMatchCode(matchid); string[] matchinfo = match.getMatchInfo(matchid); string type = matchinfo[2]; // == MATCHINFO ARRAY: == //0 = NAME //1 = DATE //2 = TYPE //3 = FIELD Users user1 = new Users(); string username1 = user.getUsername(senderid); string friendReqBlock = "<div runat='server' style='font-size: 12.5px;' class='py-1 my-1'>Match invite ⚽</div> " + "<div class='row notif-row my-2'> " + "<div runat='server'>" + username1 + "#" + senderid + "</div> " + "<div id='" + matchid + "' class='p-1 m-1'>Match invite</div> " + "<div id='" + matchid + "#" + code + "@" + type + "' class='btn btn-sm btn-success p-1 m-1' onclick='Goto(this); return true;'>View</div> " + "</div>"; notif.InnerHtml += friendReqBlock; } } if (invited == null && requested == null) { notif.InnerHtml = "<h6 id='notifEmpty' class='notif-Empty' runat='server'>No notifications. </h6>"; } }
public List <string[]> getMatchInvites(string uid) { List <string[]> matchInvites = new List <string[]>(); Matches match = new Matches(); string queryString = "SELECT invite_match, invite_sender FROM invites WHERE invite_resever=@uid"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(cs)) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection); try { command.Connection.Open(); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uid", uid); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read() && match.checkMatchAvailability(reader.GetValue(0).ToString())) { string[] info = new string[3]; //MATCH ID info[0] = reader.GetValue(0).ToString(); //SENDER ID info[1] = reader.GetValue(1).ToString(); matchInvites.Add(info); } } else { matchInvites = null; } reader.Close(); } catch (SqlException ex) { for (int i = 0; i < ex.Errors.Count; i++) { errorMessages.Append("Index #" + i + "\n" + "Message: " + ex.Errors[i].Message + "\n" + "LineNumber: " + ex.Errors[i].LineNumber + "\n" + "Source: " + ex.Errors[i].Source + "\n" + "Procedure: " + ex.Errors[i].Procedure + "\n"); } Console.WriteLine(errorMessages.ToString()); string[] err = new string[1]; err[0] = errorMessages.ToString(); matchInvites.Add(err); } finally { command.Connection.Close(); } } return(matchInvites); }