public async Task <int?> saveLocationToDB(MetadataInput newMetadata, NpgsqlConnection connection)
            string newLocationQuery = MetadataQueryBuilder.InsertLocationString(newMetadata);
            int?   locationID       = null;

            using var cmdLocation  = new NpgsqlCommand(newLocationQuery);
            cmdLocation.Connection = connection;
            var dataReaderLocation = await cmdLocation.ExecuteReaderAsync();

            var fieldsCountLocation = dataReaderLocation.GetColumnSchema().Count();

            while (dataReaderLocation.Read())
                locationID = dataReaderLocation["id"] == DBNull.Value ? (int?)null : dataReaderLocation.GetFieldValue <int>(dataReaderLocation.GetOrdinal("id"));
            await dataReaderLocation.CloseAsync();

        public async Task <MetadataType> saveMetadataToDB(int?locationID, int sensorID, MetadataInput newMetadata, NpgsqlConnection connection)
            String newMetadataQuery = MetadataQueryBuilder.CreateInsertMetadataString(newMetadata, locationID, sensorID);

            using var cmd  = new NpgsqlCommand(newMetadataQuery);
            cmd.Connection = connection;
            var dataReader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();

            MetadataType addedMetadata = null;

            while (dataReader.Read())
                addedMetadata = BuildMetadataObject(dataReader);
            await dataReader.CloseAsync();

        public async Task <MetadataType> addMetadataToDatabase(MetadataInput newMetadata)
            NpgsqlConnection _npgsqlConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(_databaseSettings.DatabaseConnectionString);

            await _npgsqlConnection.OpenAsync();

            //Retrieve the last metadata from database if exists
            String       lastMetadataQuery = MetadataQueryBuilder.CreateMetadataString(null, newMetadata.Number, true);
            int?         locationID        = null;
            MetadataType lastMetadata      = null;
            var          queryResult       = GetMetadata(lastMetadataQuery).Result;
            bool         addNewLocation    = true;

            // If the sensor has previous metadata
            if (queryResult.Count > 0)
                lastMetadata   = queryResult.ElementAt(0);
                locationID     = lastMetadata.LocationID;
                addNewLocation = isLocationNew(newMetadata, lastMetadata);

                //If location is new for that metadata, registrer it.
                if (isLocationNew(newMetadata, lastMetadata))
                    if (isLocationNotEmpty(newMetadata))
                        //Add the new location to the database and update the locationID with the returned ID from the Database
                        locationID = await saveLocationToDB(newMetadata, _npgsqlConnection);
                        // if all of location fields are empty then set locationID to null
                        locationID = null;

                //save the new metadata to DB
                MetadataType addedMetadata = await saveMetadataToDB(locationID, lastMetadata.SensorID, newMetadata, _npgsqlConnection);

                //Update outdated timestamp on last metadata
                String updateQuery = MetadataQueryBuilder.UpdateOldMetadataString(addedMetadata.CreatedAt, lastMetadata.MetadataID);
                using var cmdUpdate  = new NpgsqlCommand(updateQuery);
                cmdUpdate.Connection = _npgsqlConnection;
                await cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                await _npgsqlConnection.CloseAsync();

                //save location to DB if not empty
                if (isLocationNotEmpty(newMetadata))
                    //Add the new location to the database and update the locationID with the returned ID from the Database
                    locationID = await saveLocationToDB(newMetadata, _npgsqlConnection);
                //add new sensor in "sensor" table
                using var cmdNewSensor  = new NpgsqlCommand(MetadataQueryBuilder.InsertNewEmptySensor());
                cmdNewSensor.Connection = _npgsqlConnection;
                int sensorID = Convert.ToInt32(await cmdNewSensor.ExecuteScalarAsync());
                //save the new metadata to DB, connected to the new sensor
                var addedMetadata = await saveMetadataToDB(locationID, sensorID, newMetadata, _npgsqlConnection);
