public List<PubMedItem> Parse(string xml) { List<PubMedItem> pmItemList = new List<PubMedItem>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml)) return pmItemList; if (xml.IndexOf("XML not found for id") > -1) return pmItemList; xml = xml.Replace("", ""); XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.LoadXml(xml); XmlNodeList articleNodeList = xdoc.SelectNodes("/PubmedArticleSet/PubmedArticle"); if (articleNodeList.Count < 1) return pmItemList; foreach (XmlNode articleNode in articleNodeList) { PubMedItem it = new PubMedItem(); it.Pmid = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/PMID").InnerText; it.Title = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/ArticleTitle").InnerText; XmlNode node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Abstract/AbstractText"); if (node != null) { it.Abstract = node.InnerText; } else it.Abstract = ""; node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/ISOAbbreviation"); if (node != null) { it.Journal = node.InnerText; } else { it.Journal = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/Title").InnerText; } node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/ISSN"); if (node != null) { it.JIssn = node.InnerText; } else { it.JIssn = ""; } node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/JournalIssue/Volume"); if (node != null) { it.Volume = node.InnerText; } else it.Volume = ""; node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/JournalIssue/Issue"); if (node != null) { it.Issue = node.InnerText; } else { it.Issue = ""; } //if (it.Volssue.Length > 98) // it.Volssue = it.Volssue.Substring(0, 90); node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/JournalIssue/PubDate/Year"); if (node != null) it.Pubdate = node.InnerText; node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/JournalIssue/PubDate/Month"); if (node != null) it.Pubdate = it.Pubdate + "," + node.InnerText; node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/JournalIssue/PubDate/Day"); if (node != null) it.Pubdate += " " + node.InnerText; XmlNodeList authorNodelist = articleNode.SelectNodes("MedlineCitation/Article/AuthorList/Author"); if (authorNodelist == null) { it.Authors = ""; } else if (authorNodelist.Count == 0) { it.Authors = ""; } else { string authors = ""; foreach (XmlNode authorNode in authorNodelist) { node=authorNode.SelectSingleNode("./LastName"); string lastname = "",forename=""; if (node != null) lastname = node.InnerText; node = authorNode.SelectSingleNode("./ForeName"); if (node != null) forename= node.InnerText; authors += forename+" "+lastname+","; } authors = authors.Substring(0,authors.Length-1); it.Authors = authors; /*string author = ""; node = nodelist[0].SelectSingleNode("./LastName"); if (node != null) author = node.InnerText; node = nodelist[0].SelectSingleNode("./Initials"); if (node != null) author = author + ", " + node.InnerText; it.Authors = author; if (nodelist.Count > 1) { author = " and "; node = nodelist[1].SelectSingleNode("./LastName"); if (node != null) author += node.InnerText; node = nodelist[1].SelectSingleNode("./Initials"); if (node != null) author = author + ", " + node.InnerText; it.Authors += author; }*/ } node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Pagination/MedlinePgn"); if (node != null) { it.Pagination = node.InnerText; } else it.Pagination = ""; node=articleNode.SelectSingleNode("PubmedData/ArticleIdList/ArticleId[@IdType='doi']"); if (node != null) { it.Doi = node.InnerText; } XmlNodeList pubTypeNodeList = articleNode.SelectNodes("MedlineCitation/Article/PublicationTypeList/PublicationType"); if(pubTypeNodeList==null) { it.PublicationType = ""; } else if (pubTypeNodeList.Count < 1) { it.PublicationType = ""; } else { string pubtype = ""; foreach (XmlNode pubTypeNode in pubTypeNodeList) { pubtype+=pubTypeNode.InnerText+"|"; } pubtype = pubtype.Substring(0, pubtype.Length - 1); it.PublicationType = pubtype; } pmItemList.Add(it); } return pmItemList; }
public List <PubMedItem> Parse(string xml) { List <PubMedItem> pmItemList = new List <PubMedItem>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml)) { return(pmItemList); } if (xml.IndexOf("XML not found for id") > -1) { return(pmItemList); } xml = xml.Replace("", ""); XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.LoadXml(xml); XmlNodeList articleNodeList = xdoc.SelectNodes("/PubmedArticleSet/PubmedArticle"); if (articleNodeList.Count < 1) { return(pmItemList); } foreach (XmlNode articleNode in articleNodeList) { PubMedItem it = new PubMedItem(); it.Pmid = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/PMID").InnerText; it.Title = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/ArticleTitle").InnerText; XmlNode node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Abstract/AbstractText"); if (node != null) { it.Abstract = node.InnerText; } else { it.Abstract = ""; } node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/ISOAbbreviation"); if (node != null) { it.Journal = node.InnerText; } else { it.Journal = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/Title").InnerText; } node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/ISSN"); if (node != null) { it.JIssn = node.InnerText; } else { it.JIssn = ""; } node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/JournalIssue/Volume"); if (node != null) { it.Volume = node.InnerText; } else { it.Volume = ""; } node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/JournalIssue/Issue"); if (node != null) { it.Issue = node.InnerText; } else { it.Issue = ""; } //if (it.Volssue.Length > 98) // it.Volssue = it.Volssue.Substring(0, 90); node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/JournalIssue/PubDate/Year"); if (node != null) { it.Pubdate = node.InnerText; } node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/JournalIssue/PubDate/Month"); if (node != null) { it.Pubdate = it.Pubdate + "," + node.InnerText; } node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Journal/JournalIssue/PubDate/Day"); if (node != null) { it.Pubdate += " " + node.InnerText; } XmlNodeList authorNodelist = articleNode.SelectNodes("MedlineCitation/Article/AuthorList/Author"); if (authorNodelist == null) { it.Authors = ""; } else if (authorNodelist.Count == 0) { it.Authors = ""; } else { string authors = ""; foreach (XmlNode authorNode in authorNodelist) { node = authorNode.SelectSingleNode("./LastName"); string lastname = "", forename = ""; if (node != null) { lastname = node.InnerText; } node = authorNode.SelectSingleNode("./ForeName"); if (node != null) { forename = node.InnerText; } authors += forename + " " + lastname + ","; } authors = authors.Substring(0, authors.Length - 1); it.Authors = authors; /*string author = ""; * node = nodelist[0].SelectSingleNode("./LastName"); * if (node != null) * author = node.InnerText; * node = nodelist[0].SelectSingleNode("./Initials"); * if (node != null) * author = author + ", " + node.InnerText; * * it.Authors = author; * * if (nodelist.Count > 1) * { * author = " and "; * node = nodelist[1].SelectSingleNode("./LastName"); * if (node != null) * author += node.InnerText; * node = nodelist[1].SelectSingleNode("./Initials"); * * if (node != null) * author = author + ", " + node.InnerText; * * it.Authors += author; * }*/ } node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("MedlineCitation/Article/Pagination/MedlinePgn"); if (node != null) { it.Pagination = node.InnerText; } else { it.Pagination = ""; } node = articleNode.SelectSingleNode("PubmedData/ArticleIdList/ArticleId[@IdType='doi']"); if (node != null) { it.Doi = node.InnerText; } XmlNodeList pubTypeNodeList = articleNode.SelectNodes("MedlineCitation/Article/PublicationTypeList/PublicationType"); if (pubTypeNodeList == null) { it.PublicationType = ""; } else if (pubTypeNodeList.Count < 1) { it.PublicationType = ""; } else { string pubtype = ""; foreach (XmlNode pubTypeNode in pubTypeNodeList) { pubtype += pubTypeNode.InnerText + "|"; } pubtype = pubtype.Substring(0, pubtype.Length - 1); it.PublicationType = pubtype; } pmItemList.Add(it); } return(pmItemList); }