public void CobolTable_WrapsExistingTable_WithSameColumnNamesAsPropertyNames()
            var dataTable = new DataTable();

            dataTable.Columns.Add("A", typeof(int));
            dataTable.Columns.Add("B", typeof(int));

            System.Data.DataRow newRow = dataTable.NewRow();
            newRow["A"] = 1;
            newRow["B"] = 2;

            var typedTable = new CobolTable <MyRow>(dataTable);

            typedTable.Rows.Count.ShouldBe(1, "Incorrect number of rows");

            // Check first row
            MyRow row = typedTable.Rows[0];

            row.A.ShouldBe(1, "Incorrect rows[0].A");
            row.B.ShouldBe(2, "Incorrect rows[0].B");

            // Assign new value vie DataRow
            dataTable.Rows[0]["A"] = 10;
            typedTable.Rows[0].A.ShouldBe(10, "Incorrect rows[0].A after assignment");
        public void CobolTable_WorksWithNullableTypes()
            var persons = new RowWithNullables[]
                new RowWithNullables {
                    N = 1, F = null
                new RowWithNullables {
                    N = null, F = 1.0

            var typedTable = CobolTable.Create(persons, "ID");

            typedTable.Rows.Count.ShouldBe(2, "Incorrect number of rows");

            // Check column names
            DataTable table = typedTable.DataTable;

            table.Columns.Count.ShouldBe(2, "Incorrect column count");
            table.Columns[0].ColumnName.ShouldBe("N", "Incorrect name for column 0");
            table.Columns[1].ColumnName.ShouldBe("F", "Incorrect name for column 1");

            // Check first row
            RowWithNullables row0 = typedTable.Rows[0];

            row0.N.ShouldBe(1, "Incorrect rows[0].N");
            row0.F.ShouldBeNull("Incorrect rows[0].F");

            // Check second row
            RowWithNullables row1 = typedTable.Rows[1];

            row1.N.ShouldBeNull("Incorrect rows[1].N");
            row1.F.ShouldBe(1.0, "Incorrect rows[1].F");
        public void CobolTable_SumAllTableFields()
            var table = new CobolTable <MyRow>();

            var row1 = new MyRow()
                A = 10, B = 2


            var row2 = new MyRow()
                A = 1000, B = 1000


            int tableTotal = 0;

            foreach (MyRow row in table.Rows)
                tableTotal += row.A + row.B;

            tableTotal.ShouldBe(2012, "Incorrect tableTotal");
        public void CobolTable_ConvertRow_Works()
            var typedTable = new CobolTable <Person>();

            DataRow row = typedTable.DataTable.NewRow();

            row["ID"]      = 123;
            row["Name"]    = "Bob";
            row["Surname"] = null;

            Person person = typedTable.ConvertRow(row);

            person.ID.ShouldBe(123, "Incorrect person.ID");
            person.Name.ShouldBe("Bob", "Incorrect person.Name");
            person.Surname.ShouldBeNull("Incorrect person.Surname");
        public void CobolTable_Ctor_WithIEnumerableParamWorks()
            var table = new CobolTable <MyRow>(
                new MyRow[]
                new MyRow()
                    A = 10, B = 2
                new MyRow()
                    A = 1000, B = 1000

            table.Rows.Count.ShouldBe(2, "Incorrect table.Rows.Count");
        public void CobolTable_CreatesTableWithPrimaryKey()
            var persons = new Person[]
                new Person {
                    ID = 1, Name = "Mike", Surname = "Bloomberg"
                new Person {
                    ID = 2, Name = "Chose", Surname = "Pedro"

            var typedTable = CobolTable.Create(persons, "ID");

            typedTable.Rows.Count.ShouldBe(2, "Incorrect number of rows");

            // Check column names
            DataTable table = typedTable.DataTable;

            table.Columns.Count.ShouldBe(3, "Incorrect column count");
            table.Columns[0].ColumnName.ShouldBe("ID", "Incorrect name for column 0");
            table.Columns[1].ColumnName.ShouldBe("Name", "Incorrect name for column 1");
            table.Columns[2].ColumnName.ShouldBe("Surname", "Incorrect name for column 2");

            // Check primary key
            table.PrimaryKey.Count().ShouldBe(1, "Incorrect PK columns count");
            table.PrimaryKey[0].ColumnName.ShouldBe("ID", "Incorrect PK column name");

            // Check first row
            Person row0 = typedTable.Rows[0];

            row0.ID.ShouldBe(1, "Incorrect rows[0].ID");
            row0.Name.ShouldBe("Mike", "Incorrect rows[0].Name");
            row0.Surname.ShouldBe("Bloomberg", "Incorrect rows[0].Surname");

            // Check second row
            Person row1 = typedTable.Rows[1];

            row1.ID.ShouldBe(2, "Incorrect rows[1].ID");
            row1.Name.ShouldBe("Chose", "Incorrect rows[1].Name");
            row1.Surname.ShouldBe("Pedro", "Incorrect rows[1].Surname");
        public void CobolTable_AddRow_AddsCorrectNumberOfRows()
            var table = new CobolTable <MyRow>();

            var row1 = new MyRow()
                A = 10, B = 2


            var row2 = new MyRow()
                A = 1000, B = 1000


            table.Rows.Count.ShouldBe(2, "Incorrect table.Rows.Count");
 public void CobolTable_GetFieldNames()
     string[] fieldNames = CobolTable.GetFieldNames <MyRow>();
     fieldNames.ShouldBeSubsetOf(new string[] { "A", "B" });
     (new string[] { "A", "B" }).ShouldBeSubsetOf(fieldNames);