public void Equip(Equipment e) { Placement p = e.WhereWorn; Equipment temp; if (!Equipped.ContainsKey(p)) { Equipped.Add(e.WhereWorn, e); } else { if (Equipped.TryGetValue(p, out temp)) { temp.Equipped = false; } Equipped.Remove(p); e.Equipped = true; Equipped.Add(e.WhereWorn, e); } }
public Treasure(Texture2D textureImage, Vector2 position, int collisionOffset, Mapper mapper, Game1 game) : base(textureImage, position, new Point(32, 32), 0, new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 0), Vector2.Zero, game) { this.zIndex = .05f; this.isInteractable = true; this.interactOnTouch = false; this.passable = false; this.mapper = mapper; treasureList = new List<Item>(); Equipment staff1 = new Equipment("Pointy Stick", 2, 0, Placement.Weapon, game.Character, "+2 ATK\nA stick, sharpened to a point."); Equipment armor1 = new Equipment("Torn Robes", 0, 2, Placement.Armor, game.Character, "+2 DEF\nSome torn, tattered old robes."); Consumable pot1 = new HealthPot("Health Potion", game.Character, "+35% HP\nA small, red potion.\nAs generic as they come.", .35, 10); Equipment staff2 = new Equipment("Apprentice's Staff", 5, 0, Placement.Weapon, game.Character, "+5 ATK\nA staff that slightly glows\nwith traces of magic."); Consumable pot2 = new HealthPot("Health Potion", game.Character, "+35% HP\nA small, red potion.\nAs generic as they come.", .35, 10); Equipment armor2 = new Equipment("Magician's Robe", 0, 5, Placement.Armor, game.Character, "+5 DEF\nMore for show than anything."); Consumable pot3 = new ManaPot("Small Mana Potion", game.Character, 10, "+10 Mana\nA bubbling blue potion.\nIt seems fizzy.",10); Consumable pot4 = new ManaPot("Mana Potion", game.Character, 15, "+15 Mana\nA bigger, bluer potion. This\none seems less volatile.",10); Equipment staff3 = new Equipment("Pimp Cane", 9, 0, Placement.Weapon, game.Character, "+9 ATK\nA cane, with \"Zimos\" engraved\non the handle."); Equipment armor3 = new Equipment("Robe of Pretty Colors", 0, 10, Placement.Armor, game.Character, "+10 DEF\nSparkles with all the colors\nin the world, and a few\nfrom out of it."); Consumable pot5 = new HealthPot("Freakin' Big(TM) Potion", game.Character, .5, "+50% HP\nBrewed by Effin' Pots, the\nlocal kingdom's number-one potion brewery."); Equipment staff4 = new Equipment("Rod of Fortification", 10, 4, Placement.Weapon, game.Character, "+10 ATK +4 DEF\nThis rod feels very solid\nin your hands."); Consumable pot6 = new ManaPot("Mana Potion", game.Character, 15, "+15 Mana\nA bigger, bluer potion. This\none seems less volatile.",10); Equipment armor4 = new Equipment("An Oddly Sharp Robe", 5, 10, Placement.Armor, game.Character, "+5 ATK +10 DEF\nThis robe has more sharp\ncorners than you'd expect."); Equipment staff5 = new Equipment("Staff of Nightmares", 18, 0, Placement.Weapon, game.Character, "+18 ATK\nWaves of unsettling darkness\ndrift from this staff."); Consumable pot7 = new HealthPot("Freakin' Big(TM) Potion", game.Character, .50, "+50% HP\nBrewed by Effin' Pots, the\nlocal kingdom's number-one potion brewery."); Consumable pot8 = new HealthPot("Freakin' Big(TM) Potion", game.Character, .50, "+50% HP\nBrewed by Effin' Pots, the\nlocal kingdom's number-one potion brewery."); Equipment armor5 = new Equipment("Cloak of Resistances", 0, 20, Placement.Armor, game.Character, "+20 DEF\nThis cloak seems to ripple\ngently with each of the elements."); Equipment staff6 = new Equipment("Staff of Fury", 25, -5, Placement.Weapon, game.Character, "+25 ATK, -5 DEF\nHolding this staff causes\nwaves of hatred to crash\nthrough your mind and body."); Consumable pot9 = new ManaPot("Archmage's Draught", game.Character, 50, "+50 Mana\nThis potion glows with a strange radiance.",10); Equipment armor6 = new Equipment("Bone Lord's Robe", 0, 25, Placement.Armor, game.Character, "+25 DEF\nOld black robes, still steeped\nin dark magicks."); Equipment staff7 = new Equipment("Ancient Staff of Power", 35, 10, Placement.Weapon, game.Character, "+35 ATK\nGreat eldritch powers flow\nthrough this staff, making\nit hum in your hands."); Equipment armor7 = new Equipment("Cataclysmic Shell", -10, 40, Placement.Armor, game.Character, "-10 ATK, +40 DEF\nA fragment of shell from Yrkin,\none of the old gods,\nnow long forgotten."); Consumable pot10 = new ManaPot("Archmage's Draught", game.Character, 50, "+50 Mana\nThis potion glows with a strange radiance.",10); Consumable pot11 = new HealthPot("Vial of Immortality", game.Character, 1.0, "+100% HP\nThe potion is silvery, like\nliquid soul.\nYou decide not to question its origins."); Equipment staff8 = new Equipment("Debugger", 50, 5, Placement.Weapon, game.Character, "+50 ATK, +5 DEF\n65 64 6f 63 27 73 69 6c"); Equipment armor8 = new Equipment("Neumontium Coat", 0, 50, Placement.Armor, game.Character, "+50 DEF\nLegend says that only\nthe most l337 of players\ncould even bear the weight\nof this coat."); treasureList.Add(staff1); treasureList.Add(armor1); treasureList.Add(pot1); treasureList.Add(staff2); treasureList.Add(pot2); treasureList.Add(armor2); treasureList.Add(pot3); treasureList.Add(pot4); treasureList.Add(staff3); treasureList.Add(armor3); treasureList.Add(pot5); treasureList.Add(staff4); treasureList.Add(pot6); treasureList.Add(armor4); treasureList.Add(staff5); treasureList.Add(pot7); treasureList.Add(pot8); treasureList.Add(armor5); treasureList.Add(staff6); treasureList.Add(pot9); treasureList.Add(armor6); treasureList.Add(staff7); treasureList.Add(armor7); treasureList.Add(pot10); treasureList.Add(pot11); treasureList.Add(staff8); treasureList.Add(armor8); //28 total //11 }
public void AcquireItem(Equipment e) { EquipList.Insert(EquipList.IndexOf(null), e); }