Exemple #1
 static void Main(string[] args)
     BST b = new BST();
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Exemple #2
 //recursively remove one random string from words list and tree, then test alphabetic order
 static void RecursiveTest(BST tree, List<string> words)
     if (words.Count > 0) {
         //test alphabetic order first, throws error if not alphabetized
         //remove a random element from the tree and word list
         int random = new Random().Next(0, words.Count);
         string remove = words[random];
         RecursiveTest(tree, words);
Exemple #3
 static void Main(string[] args)
     //create a tree
     //source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa289150(v=vs.71).aspx
     BST tree = new BST();
     //split a phrase by space characters
     List<string> words = new List<string>("buy a motorcycle and go fishing".Split(' '));
     //phrase is not alphabetized. insert into tree
     foreach (string word in words) {
     try {
         RecursiveTest(tree, words);
         Console.WriteLine("Test succeeded");
     } catch (Exception) {
         Console.WriteLine("Test failed");
Exemple #4
 //compare ascending alpha order for every string, inorder traversal
 static void TestAlphabeticOrder(BST tree)
     //traverse the tree in order
     List<string> sorted = new List<string>(InorderTraversal(tree.Root).Split('\n'));
     //test the alphabetic order
     //get the first sting to compare
     string previous = sorted[0];
     //from the second to the end, compare against the previous
     for (int i = 1; i < sorted.Count; i++) {
         //get another string to compare
         string compare = sorted[i];
         //if previous and current are out of order, throw an exception
         if (compare.CompareTo(previous) < 0) {
             throw new Exception("Failed test");
         //else, keep comparing and move the previous forward by one
         previous = compare;
Exemple #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            HuffmanTree<string> tree = new HuffmanTree<string>();
            BST index = new BST();

            //string rhyme = "Jack, be nimble, Jack, be quick, Jack, jump over the candlestick. Jack jumped high. Jack jumped low. Jack jumped over and burned his toe.";

            Dictionary<string,long> codes = new Dictionary<string,long>();
            codes.Add("Jack", 0);
            codes.Add("jumped", 10);
            codes.Add("over", 110);
            codes.Add("be", 1110);
            codes.Add("nimble", 11110);
            codes.Add("quick", 111110);
            codes.Add("jumped", 1111110);
            codes.Add("the", 11111110);
            codes.Add("candlestick", 111111110);
            codes.Add("high", 1111111110);
            codes.Add("low", 11111111110);
            codes.Add("and", 111111111110);
            codes.Add("burned", 1111111111110);
            codes.Add("toe", 11111111111110);
            codes.Add("his", 111111111111110);
Exemple #6
 public virtual object Clone()
     BST clone = new BST();
     clone.root = (Node) root.Clone();
     clone.count = this.count;
     return clone;