Exemple #1
         * Creates PDFDocuments to create shares, encrypt the original PDF and draws texts on the PDF shares
        public void createShares()
            List <PDFDocument>       pdfShares  = new List <PDFDocument>();
            Dictionary <int, string> coefShares = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < _numOfShares; i++)
                pdfShares.Add(new PDFDocument());
                pdfShares[i].DisplayMode          = _plainPDF.DisplayMode;
                pdfShares[i].DocumentInformation  = _plainPDF.DocumentInformation;
                pdfShares[i].PageLayout           = _plainPDF.PageLayout;
                pdfShares[i].PageOrientation      = _plainPDF.PageOrientation;
                pdfShares[i].PortfolioInformation = _plainPDF.PortfolioInformation;
                pdfShares[i].PageLayout           = _plainPDF.PageLayout;
                pdfShares[i].PageSize             = _plainPDF.PageSize;
                pdfShares[i].PageWidth            = _plainPDF.PageWidth;
                pdfShares[i].PageHeight           = _plainPDF.PageHeight;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Object, Object> entry in _words)
                if (entry.Key.GetType() != typeof(string))
                    List <Words> Words     = (List <Words>)entry.Value;
                    int          pageIndex = (int)entry.Key;

                    //add next page for future processing
                    for (int l = 0; l < pdfShares.Count; l++)
                        pdfShares[l].Pages[pageIndex].Document.DocumentInformation.Keywords = "";

                    for (int i = 0; i < Words.Count; i++)
                        Words  word   = Words[i];
                        string secret = word.Word;

                        int[] coefficients = new int[_shareforRec - 1];
                        // string str = "";

                        if (_shareforRec == 2)
                            coefficients[0] = _coefficients[0];
                            //Generate the random values and make sure our coefficients are less than the modulus value
                            for (int index = 0; index < coefficients.Length; index++)
                                int coefIndex = _rand.Next(1, _coefficients.Count) - 1;
                                coefficients[index] = _coefficients[coefIndex];

                        Share[] textShares = ShareGenerator.GenerateShares(secret, _numOfShares, _shareforRec, coefficients, _avgFrequencyMap);

                        for (int l = 0; l < textShares.Length; l++)
                            pdfShares[l].Pages[pageIndex].Canvas.DrawText(textShares[l].GetCipherText(), word.FontBase, word.FontBrush, word.Left, word.Top);

                            if (secret == "because")
                                //pdfShares[l].Pages[pageIndex].Canvas.DrawText(textShares[i].ToString().Length, word.FontBase, word.FontBrush, word.Left, word.Top);

            for (int i = 0; i < _coefficients.Count; i++)
                int[] coefficientShares = new CoefficientCodec(_coefficients[i], _numOfShares, _shareforRec, "Encrypt").shares;

                for (int shareIndex = 0; shareIndex < coefficientShares.Length; shareIndex++)
                    if (!coefShares.ContainsKey(shareIndex))
                        coefShares.Add(shareIndex, coefficientShares[shareIndex].ToString() + ",");
                        coefShares[shareIndex] += coefficientShares[shareIndex].ToString() + ",";

            for (int i = 0; i < pdfShares.Count; i++)
                pdfShares[i].DocumentInformation.Keywords = coefShares[i];
                pdfShares[i].Save(_encryptedFilePath + (i + 1) + ".pdf");
Exemple #2
         * Iterates through encrypted documents and encrypted keywords to check if provided keyword exists or not
        public void SearchKeyWord()
            List <PDFDocument> documentsList;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <PDFDocument> > document in _encryptedDocuments)
                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();


                documentsList = document.Value;

                List <string[]> coefficientList = RetrieveCoefficients(documentsList);

                List <int> decryptedCoef = new CoefficientCodec(0, _numOfShares, _shareforRec, "Decrypt", coefficientList).coefficients;

                List <int> CoefNeededToSearch = PerformCombinationOfCoef(decryptedCoef, _shareforRec - 1);

                PDFDocument docShare = documentsList[0];

                bool keywordFound = false;

                Console.WriteLine("CoefNeededToSearch : " + CoefNeededToSearch.Count);

                for (int coefIndex = 0; coefIndex < CoefNeededToSearch.Count; coefIndex++)
                    Share[] share = ShareGenerator.GenerateShares(_keyword, _numOfShares, _shareforRec, new int[] { CoefNeededToSearch[coefIndex] }, new SortedDictionary <int, int>());

                    for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < docShare.Pages.Count; pageIndex++)
                        PDFPage page = docShare.Pages[pageIndex];
                        string  text = ((PDFImportedPage)page).ExtractText();

                        PDFImportedPage ip = (PDFImportedPage)docShare.Pages[pageIndex];

                        PDFPageObjectCollection Objects = ip.ExtractPageObjects();

                        for (int j = 0; j < Objects.Count; j++)
                            if (Objects[j] is PDFTextPageObject)
                                PDFTextPageObject TextObject = (PDFTextPageObject)Objects[j];

                                if (TextObject.Text == share[0].GetCipherText())
                                    keywordFound = true;

                if (keywordFound)

                    Console.WriteLine("Search Time : " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);



                    ShareAssemblerController shareAssembler = new ShareAssemblerController(_numOfShares, _shareforRec, _keyword);
                    keywordFound = true;


                    Console.WriteLine("Decrypt and Highlight Time : " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                    Console.WriteLine("NO FILES CONTAIN THE KEYWORD YOU'RE LOOKING FOR.");