static void ReadHeader(BinaryReader sr, SpatialCameraAsset cameraAsset) { cameraAsset.version = sr.ReadInt32(); cameraAsset.frameCount = sr.ReadInt32(); cameraAsset.deviceOrientation = sr.ReadInt32(); cameraAsset.horizontalFOV = sr.ReadSingle(); cameraAsset.verticalFOV = sr.ReadSingle(); cameraAsset.focalLengthX = sr.ReadSingle(); cameraAsset.focalLengthY = sr.ReadSingle(); cameraAsset.captureType = (SpatialCameraAsset.CaptureType)sr.ReadInt32(); }
static void ImportSpatialSkeleton() { string[] filters = { "Replay Files", "dat" }; string fileName = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanelWithFilters( "Load Replay", ".", filters); if (fileName.Length == 0) { return; } SpatialSkeletonAsset skeletonAsset = SpatialCameraAsset.CreateInstance <SpatialSkeletonAsset>(); skeletonAsset.captureType = SpatialCameraAsset.CaptureType.Skeleton; try { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (BinaryReader sr = new BinaryReader(fs)) { ReadHeader(sr, skeletonAsset); ImportUserAnchors(sr, skeletonAsset); ReadSkeletonDefinition(sr, skeletonAsset); skeletonAsset.frameData = sr.ReadBytes((int)(fs.Length - fs.Position)); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Error parsing {0} with exception: {1}", fileName, e); } // Save Asset string savePath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject("Save Asset", "Camera.asset", "asset", "Please enter a file name to save the asset to"); if (savePath.Length == 0) { return; } AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(skeletonAsset, savePath); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); EditorUtility.FocusProjectWindow(); Selection.activeObject = skeletonAsset; }
static void ImportUserAnchors(BinaryReader sr, SpatialCameraAsset cameraAsset) { // User anchors introduced in 202005 if (cameraAsset.version < 202005) { return; } int anchorCount = sr.ReadInt32(); cameraAsset.userAnchors = new Vector3[anchorCount]; for (int i = 0; i < anchorCount; ++i) { Vector3 position = SpatialUtils.readVector3(sr); cameraAsset.userAnchors[i] = position; Debug.LogFormat("Extent: {0}/{1}/{2}", position.x, position.y, position.z); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { base.DrawDefaultInspector(); GUILayout.Space(20f); if (GUILayout.Button("Create Anchors")) { SpatialCameraAsset asset = (SpatialCameraAsset)target; if (asset.userAnchors.Length == 0) { return; } Transform root = new GameObject(; root.position =; for (int i = 0; i < asset.userAnchors.Length; ++i) { Transform anchor = new GameObject(string.Format("UserAnchor_{0}", i)).transform; anchor.SetParent(root); anchor.position = asset.userAnchors[i]; } } }