private void buttonShowContent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] key = ReadKey(Path.Combine(textBoxLisPath.Text, c_AssemblyPath)); DecodeEncode.SetKey(key); string initiDataPath = Path.Combine(textBoxLisPath.Text, c_DataPath); m_GameData.Read(initiDataPath); m_GameSave = new GameSave(m_GameData); m_GameSave.Read(textBoxSavePath.Text); #if DEBUG if (Form.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) { File.WriteAllText(textBoxSavePath.Text + @".txt", m_GameSave.Raw); if (m_GameSave.m_Header != null) { File.WriteAllText(textBoxSavePath.Text + @"-header.txt", m_GameSave.h_Raw); } } #endif if (!m_GameSave.SaveEmpty) //handles the "Just Started" state. { UpdateEpsiodeBoxes(); UpdateFlagGrid(); UpdateDataGrid(); label4.Visible = false; //hide save file warning buttonExport.Enabled = true; //allow exporting buttonExtras.Enabled = true; checkBoxEditMode.Enabled = true; SaveFileViewer.Properties.Settings.Default.BTSpath = textBoxLisPath.Text; SaveFileViewer.Properties.Settings.Default.SavePath = textBoxSavePath.Text; if (!resizeHelpShown) { ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(); tt.IsBalloon = true; tt.Show("Drag here to resize", this, 140, 115, 2000); resizeHelpShown = true; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Save file is empty or corrupt! Please specify a different one.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void DetectSavePath() { try { SteamIDFolders = Directory.GetDirectories(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile) + @"\AppData\LocalLow\Square Enix\Life Is Strange_ Before The Storm\Saves").ToList <string>(); } catch { } if (SteamIDFolders.Count != 0) { SteamIDFolders.RemoveAt(SteamIDFolders.Count - 1); //remove the preferences from the list } if (SaveFileViewer.Properties.Settings.Default.SavePath == "Undefined") { if (SteamIDFolders.Count == 1) { bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (File.Exists(SteamIDFolders[0].ToString() + @"\SLOT_0" + i.ToString() + @"\Data.Save")) { textBoxSavePath.Text = SteamIDFolders[0].ToString() + @"\SLOT_0" + i.ToString() + @"\Data.Save"; SaveFileViewer.Properties.Settings.Default.SavePath = textBoxSavePath.Text; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { textBoxSavePath.Text = "Auto-detection failed! Please select the path manually."; } } else if (SteamIDFolders.Count > 1) { browseForm.SteamIDFolders = this.SteamIDFolders; browseForm.updateComboBox1(); browseForm.savenumber = 0; browseForm.steamid = SteamIDFolders[0]; byte[] key = ReadKey(Path.Combine(textBoxLisPath.Text, c_AssemblyPath)); DecodeEncode.SetKey(key); string initiDataPath = Path.Combine(textBoxLisPath.Text, c_DataPath); m_GameData.Read(initiDataPath); if (m_GameSave == null) { m_GameSave = new GameSave(m_GameData); } browseForm.m_GameSave = m_GameSave; browseForm.ShowDialog(); updateSavePath(); } else { textBoxSavePath.Text = "Auto-detection failed! Please select the path manually."; } } else { textBoxSavePath.Text = SaveFileViewer.Properties.Settings.Default.SavePath; } }